/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Hello anon! Did you miss us? Regroup here if this is your first time on /cuckquean/cafe!

This is also the board's general meta thread, for all discussion concerning the board itself.
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
Replies: >>4 >>513
Thank you, really. This is such a relief. I'd write more about how great it is to see this just pop up but I'm currently exhausted after work and don't want things to sound sarcastic or insincere. Just, thank you.
Replies: >>5
>>2 (OP) 
Also yes, Did miss, missed very much.
Replies: >>5
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I'm glad you could find us again, Anon. The word's going out now. I hope more of us will find out way here soon.
Cock or GTFO
Replies: >>100
Ah great, another one of these.
Replies: >>100
Sorry, but I believe the amount of faggotry contained in this post violates rule #2
True, I really should have seen that coming.
Can't blame me for hoping they wouldn't go full retard though.
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Hey everyone, HumanPrimacy-chan here. Someone emailed me through my literotica account. With the original and the endchan bunker gone, and it already being September, I was beginning to worry that I'd have to go through a Halloween without an image board to talk about the very real threat of monstergirls stealing boyfriends.
Replies: >>84
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Will you be re-posting Victoria's story and then continuing it? I miss it so.
Replies: >>85
Yes. I'm not completely sure where it left off in what I posted, though.
What was the deleted post?
Replies: >>102
Just the usual muh dicking.
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/cuckquean/ never dies.

>I still miss Fullchan
Glad to see we're back. 8chan is supposedly going back up in a week or so. Any chance we'll move back there? I have a bunch of content saved that I can repost but I want to be sure we're staying here first.
Replies: >>125 >>126 >>128
I wanna stay here. Let’s get our things from 8chan when it comes back up and move them here.
Replies: >>126 >>128
I think the webring is a lot better for small boards, but it doesn't really matter much either way since Qoomers will keep 8chan alive regardless.
Replies: >>128
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I plan for us to stay here. When 8chan comes back up I'll delist /cuckquean/ from the board index, scrape a complete copy of all our content if it stays up long enough to grab, and then post a sticky that instructs anons to come here. Only those who know to check /cuckquean/ will see the evacuation announcement. In this way I hope we'll miss the wave brought in by all the media attention. I'll still maintain 8/cuckquean/ just as I check in on end/cuckquean/ from time to time.

If you have content you want to repost from there, please do! I'm still deciding whether to spool some or all of our old threads into this board. The worst thing you can do is wait to post. I often advised anons to save copies of things but there's also a lot to be said for starting afresh.

What do you all think?
Replies: >>129
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>If you have content you want to repost from there, please do!
Dug around and found these two (OC?) from 8chan.
Out of all boards this one is still alive? Very cool!
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Really glad I found this board again. I'm curious, why anon.cafe? What advantages does this site have?
Replies: >>336
>What advantages does this site have?
As opposed to where?
Replies: >>338
Never mind, I just read the BO's updates on endchan. I didn't realize a shooter posted a manifesto there.
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>tfw the last post on 8ch was on cuckquean
>tfw this place is still alive and well
>tfw knowing that a small ass board can still live even after basically a murder of imageboard
I'm so glad you're back anon
Replies: >>394
>the last post on 8ch was on cuckquean 
It was? How do you know?
Replies: >>411
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My last post was on cuckquean. Though it doesnt matter now as 8kun is coming back
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I missed you all
Replies: >>413
We missed you too Anon.
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How can we send the signal to other lost anons? I don't think 8kun will stay up long enough to recover the posters we've lost. Do you think there are still some floating around out there?
Replies: >>423
Maybe hunt down discord servers that might harbor people that are interested? The problem becomes, as has always been with /cuckquean/ that you end up pulling 'muh dick' autists and people who want to bring male homosexual stuff into this.
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I'll let people know that anon.cafe exists nya~
Replies: >>425
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How to get a cuckquean gf?
Replies: >>436
Post on /cuckquean/ and ask for one.
Replies: >>437
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Where do I find a hot cuckquean maid-gf that will cook and clean for me nya~?
Replies: >>438
I don't know but i thought that futa and other gayshit was looked down upon on /cuckquean/?
Replies: >>439 >>1183
It is, yes.
Replies: >>1183
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Looks like 8kun has come back up and is already off to a rocky start as expected. The moderation login doesn't accept my credentials, all content on 8kun/cuckquean/ doesn't load, and any attempt to post on 8kun/cuckquean/ throws an "Invalid Board" error. I assume the board migration hasn't been properly completed for us yet. I'll continue trying to get back in when I'm able.

In the meantime:
- Please direct anons here. There's already a post pointing to end/cuckquean/ (and end/cuckquean/ has a post leading here) but it won't hurt to get in anyway.
- If you spot that the board content has been restored, please try to grab some of it. I already have the thread text, but what's important to grab is any OC or other unique content on the board. 8kun may go down thanks to DDoS or deplatforming at any time, so the copies you grab may be the only ones!
Replies: >>446 >>489
I can't even make it onto 8kun unfortunately the site keeps timing out for me.
Replies: >>447
Yeah, it's basically down again, as expected.
8kun is back up as 8kun.top. Some of the images on /cuckquean/ now load but I still can’t post, it just says β€œInvalid Board”.
Replies: >>503
The "mainframe test #1" is gone and a few more images load, but apart from that it's identically unpostable-on.
Looks like it's back and can be posted on.
>>2 (OP) 
Good to be back.
A lot of threads up right now are themed porn dumps and other slow moving content threads. Does anyone remember any of the old threads for more generalized discussion topics? It'd be nice to have some threads with participation, and we could use a few faster moving threads these days.
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Hello there, /cuckquean/. I have some unfortunate news to deliver to you from our friends over at /robowaifu/. /robowaifu/'s board owner, Chobitsu, has not been active for over a month and the position of board ownership went to one of the JulayWorld admins going by the name "euphoria". I don't know what happened to Chobitsu but I personally doubt he an hero'd. If I recall correctly, back in the /robowaifu/ meta tread, someone who I personally believe to be Chobitsu stated he was a born again Christian.my reasoning for thinking this person was Chobitsu was because the bunker at that time was only 4 days old and I believe it was just a few of us posting

Regardless, let us hope that Chobitsu is able to return to his post as board owner of /robowaifu/ and advance robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

I posted this here because I didn't see a meta thread .
Replies: >>757
>advance robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality
Ffffuck. Can they be smug? They have to be smug. They’re not allowed to bend over for him if they’re not smug about it. They’ve got to be smug enough that having said smug dicked out of them is satisfying to watch.

Sorry to hear about your BO. I hope the Julay globals do a good job in the meantime.
Replies: >>758 >>766
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>anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts
>smug dicked out of them
You shouldn't torture us with things we can't have.
They would have to be smug. But it also needs to be regenerative smug, so that after it's been dicked out of them, it comes back.
Replies: >>768
Absolutely agree. I think a smug recharge interval of a week or so would work. Dickings during the recharge interval would not reduce the smug. Or should they? There’s something to be said for keeping the catgril maid humble with regular doses of cock. Very much a man’s job. Maybe only particularly rough sex would dick the smug out. If it’s, say, an ordinary blowjob or having him use her pussy then she should definitely be smug about draining him.

Catgirl robomaid smugchanics is definitely an emerging field that requires further study.
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Place was hard to find. Glad to be back though.  Any other bunkers i should know about? i don't want to lose you all again.
Replies: >>973 >>978
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Welcome back Anon! I'm so happy you found your way back. Seeing anons find us again warms my heart. I think our fallback is still Endchan or (in a pinch) the old 8kun board.

Have you seen the new webring structure? I like it, it's very nostalgic.
Replies: >>976
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For me at least, This place is slower, and sometimes files don't load right. But the webring is actually pretty nice
Replies: >>978
Welcome back friend! Why are you namefagging by the way?
Replies: >>981
meant to only do it once. i was the writefag that made the requests thread back in the day. would probably take more if i get the time.
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Just gonna leave this here
If we have a lesbian quean thread and we have hetero quean why wouldn't we have futa which is in between those two?
Seems the Animu bunker is gonna die, figured I would mention it

Replies: >>1207
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Yeah, I saw all that too. All this drama keeps happening! I'm glad that our little cafΓ© doesn't seem to have any of this seething clique nonsense going on. I like my imageboard hosts like I like my cuckqueaning: Cozy and drama-free.
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This is now the meta thread. Here are two posts from the old meta thread that I thought were worth saving. It's scary when ordinary warnings come true.
Hello, meta thread. I want to say something. I'm very glad this board exists. It used to be so hard to find anything about this fetish. Even where it existed, it wasn't tagged in any consistent way, but now we have a word for it.

However I notice that while this place collects cuckquean content from all kinds of random places, it isn't ideal as a repository. The nature of imageboards like this is that once a board gets... about twice as many threads as we have now, they'll start being deleted. And I don't want that to happen. Some of what's here I don't think is anywhere else now.

Is there any sort of thread archive site that works with anon.cafe, that we can make use of? I don't mean starting a booru or whatever; sometimes your text posts are lovely and worth preserving too, if you take my meaning. I mean I touch myself reading them.
Replies: >>2037
If you mean like the 4chan archives, I don’t know. If there’s a LynxChan-compatible archiving site out there then maybe. The admin of /robowaifu/ made an application called BUMP that allows a user to archive a board, but the installation process requires you to compile it from C++ source using whatever libraries it wants. Archive.is and other archive sites allow you to capture a page but they don’t pull down the images associated with it. Wayback machine might capture us but also purges porn. In the end, I suspect thread content will only live as it always has: If anons feel it’s worth keeping and reposting, they’ll screenshot and keep it to be reposted later.

>The nature of imageboards like this is that once a board gets... about twice as many threads as we have now, they'll start being deleted.
I think 70 threads are the max right now, so they’ll start dying when they’re pushed off the end of page 7.
Replies: >>2041
whats the source of the banner with the animu chick masturbating in a wedding dress?
Replies: >>2040
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It's from Swing Out Sisters.
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>I think 70 threads are the max right now, so they’ll start dying when they’re pushed off the end of page 7.
That's less time than I thought... ono
I fucking hate this board
Replies: >>2062 >>2068 >>2084
Don't... don't let your man have a vixen that looks like that, girls.
Replies: >>2068
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I'm not going to watch it based on the ugly thumbnail, but the title is
>My Wife is Engaged to Another Woman

Does the relationship here involve the man sharing his wife with the other woman? If so, that ain't cuckqueaning but cuckolding.
Replies: >>2073 >>2079
Didn't watch the whole thing. They described it as polyamorous, so it's entirely unclear.
Replies: >>2074
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Ah, then it isn't cuckqueaning so much as just plain old lame. I wonder why poly pod-people are always such uggos?
Replies: >>2079
I look at it as the pink-hair bitch getting cucked by the man, which makes it cuckqueaning again. =) It's pretty obvious she'd rather the man fuck off.

>Ah, then it isn't cuckqueaning so much as just plain old lame. I wonder why poly pod-people are always such uggos?
A lot of polyamory is just incomplete people trying to form a complete relationship from multiple incomplete relationships at once.
literally this but gender swapped
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It would appear that old /cuckquean/'s exhumed  inanimate husk has been scrubbed from 8kun, together with other old boards like /monster/. According to anons on /monster/, there was a demand to scrub all 2D loli which the dead boards didn't receive, so they were deleted.
Replies: >>2247 >>2248
Damn. Well, was it archived?
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/cuckquean/ on 8kun stills there.  It was just the whole site fucking up.
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I've added our bunker addresses to the sticky. The first fallback is https://8chan.moe/cuckquean/ (onion http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/cuckquean/ with fallback domains https://8chan.se/cuckquean/ and https://8chan.cc/cuckquean/ ) and the second fallback is https://endchan.net/cuckquean/ - please record them somewhere on your computer so that you have them when needed. Also remember to save Anon.cafe's fallback file at http://tew7tfz7dvv4tsom45z2wseql7kwfxnc77btftzssaskdw22oa5ckbqd.onion/special_static/anoncafe_fallback.txt to your computer as well.

If Anon.cafe goes down for an extended period of time and the fallbacks in its file don't work, we'll spin up one of the bunkers.

Remember to save things you want to keep! All this may disappear tomorrow without warning.
Replies: >>2331
damn that's hot, just a shame so much cum spills out though, how is she meant to get pregnant like that?
Replies: >>2332
That's a good point. Better do it again.
No sure where to post, but figured the meta would do. I need advice in regards to cuckqueaning and more or less how I should proceed on some stuff or ways to approach things as I have no idea what Im doing, but didnt see anywhere other than here. So, should I just launch into it here or make my own thread?
Replies: >>2367
How polite. Are you a woman or a man? If a man and you’re not in an active cuckqueaning relationship, maybe make a male advice containment thread. If a woman, probably the Actual Cuckqueaning General would work, a general advice thread for women, or you can post your own thread if it’s a big enough question.
Replies: >>2368
Got it, thank you. Itll likely need its own thread but I wasnt sure how things work here.
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Literal years ago I came across this board when it was known as 8chan, and found this hot clip. It was so good that I had no choice but to save it so I could enjoy it offline.

All this time I had it on my phone, and I occasionally tried to find the film that was used as the source but so far I've had no luck, so I was wondering if some kind person would do me the favor of identifying the actresses featured in it? Just one of the actresses' name would be good.
Replies: >>2380
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Oh! I put that together years ago as a little experiment, but you've got the first version without the introductory arps. Here's the finished version. The source is "Hindsight (Part 4)" by Pretty Dirty, featuring Adriana Chechik, Mia Malkova, and Remy LaCroix. Don't bother with the earlier parts of Hindsight; I looked it up just now and apparently they're just run-of-the-mill girl-cheats-on-boyfriend shit.
Multiple times recently I've tried to post MP4 files and the posts ended up having no attachments so I ended up having to delete them. Any idea what might be going on? They were below the file size limit.
Replies: >>2634 >>2639
Do they have filenames with non-Latin characters?
Replies: >>2636
No. In fairness I was posting with my tablet, which I assume had something to do with it. I'll try again later on my laptop.
Replies: >>2639
According to /meta/, this was caused by a server problem they've now fixed.
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Hello /cuckquean/! I’m glad you’re still here.
Replies: >>3415
Even though we're ded?
Replies: >>3416 >>3421
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Especially so!
Replies: >>3421
I for one am completely at peace with our demise.
Merry Christmas, /cuckquean/ !
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Merry Christmas, /cuckquean/! From /co/.
Replies: >>4666
Thank you, /co/! Merry Christmas.
I'm trying to find the story of some cucky watching her husband fuck an autist but I can't find it. Help???
Replies: >>4669
Is it erotic fiction, a recollection, or something else? What makes you think it will be here?
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Happy New Year, /cuckquean/!
Replies: >>4709
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A bunnyful new year to you as well!
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>Hooker/vixen pretends she is married to the husband.
>Wife pretends she is just a friend who likes to watch.
Would swinger parties allow this? Also, if the couple had a long term relationship with the vixen, would that be <redacted>?
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That one girl definitely wants to watch him. He should start dating the other girl he rejected so all 3 of them can win.
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Where'd this nigger influx come from? Some mouthbreather linking us from cuckchan again?
Replies: >>5783
Definitely not sending their best.
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Replies: >>5796 >>5806
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What fucking board even is this? That thread is like reading through an imageboard version of reddit.

Pic unrelated.
Replies: >>5797
I'm a boy lol XD
came in from the occassional look at the overboard, but what is the actual problem with discussions like those?

The thought put in seems a little lower maybe, there's some infighting in there, but the topic is no less legitimate (you must have had similar ones before?) and the sentences mostly have punctuation in them. They don't appear to be fishing for Reddit gold star upvote points... I don't see issue with it, matter of fact I'd like to get into why those pursuing different sexual dynamics are deciding to do so over in a relevant thread somewhere.
Replies: >>5800 >>5806
>I'm a boy lol XD
Why the fuck are you telling us this?
Replies: >>5803
If you're being literal minded on purpose there, then it's because I expect special treatment. lol XD emoji smileyface

Otherwise, it's because I'm not from your group nor the other one that if there's something obviously wrong to you there, then it's something maybe only you would get from being somebody on the inside of here/there. I would not recognise it being as clear cut garbage as was told to me, I haven't seen threads come before it full of infighting or anything else like that. The history and context for it are not things I've seen or would know about.
Replies: >>5806
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That's CC, a.k.a. fem/r9k/. That's about all I know about them.

How could that anon have history with a site she's seeing for the first time, you absolute gorilla nigger? What's happening here is known as taste.

Anyway, cock or GTFO usually applies but since you're underageb@ and/or retarded, your only option is the latter. Off you fuck now.
Replies: >>5808 >>5809
Yeah, did some looking around. It's quite the hive of femcels.
Replies: >>5809
1. Saying "Yeah that place looks really retarded" does not preclude you having been there or, to similar places before.

2. You could have seen other threads or discussions like those before, despite having never before been to that particular domain.

3. If it's taste and not anything else, then you could still say *why* something is preferable to you over something else.

>cock or GTFO
Fine, fine. But if you're easily trigger-baited, then it becomes not even fun to play games domming you because you just get earache for it. So you'll be forced to settle for a lower value male like me, you know, if you don't fix it or work on yourself. Also, learn to cook and I'll do aaanything for you my love please punish my balls later ok

Even if that is a hive of crowing celibate involuntarys, are you sure you're not just looking for validation for the fetish you have? Which would be silly, seeing as it says in the bible (the book on which your society and culture is no doubt based on) that it is fine, though not preferred, for multiple women to marry the same man. Abrahamic law does not condemn it as something prone to undermining society. You'd need modern feminism to make that argument. You'd then need to decide which one gives you satisfaction, which would be no doubt verboten to talk about on the cuckquean board.

I'll stop playing games now because it's not my clubhouse. I've enjoyed it though. Thanks for being such a good girl it's been fun to join in.
Replies: >>5810
Even if that is a hive of crowing celibate involuntarys, are you sure you're not just looking for validation for the fetish you have? Which would be silly, seeing as it says in the bible (the book on which your society and culture is no doubt based on) that it is fine, though not preferred, for multiple women to marry the same man. Abrahamic law does not condemn it as something prone to undermining society. You'd need modern feminism to make that argument. You'd then need to decide which one gives you satisfaction, which would be no doubt verboten to talk about on the cuckquean board.
Yeah, this is what I mean by it sounding like reddit.
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I'm thinking about making a foot fetish cuckquean thread. I saw this image on /monster/ of the kejourou and it reminded me of my own relationships. What do you all think? I know feet tends to more popular among men but I also know from personal experience that lesbians like it.
Replies: >>5843 >>5847
>foot fetish cuckquean thread
Which one of them has the foot fetish? Man, cuck or the vixen?
Are there any unique ways this fetish would work in a cuckquean setting?
Do women like men's feet?
Any art with this sub-fetish?
Looks like it's worth a thread.
Replies: >>5847 >>5850
One of the threads has posts from a vixen who related how she was reconnecting with an old flame - with his present girlfriendβ€˜s permission - and was working on getting her feet conditioned and ready for foot play because she knew he liked it.

I don’t know if there’s enough in the topic for a whole thread of its own, but I also don’t know where else it could go.
Replies: >>5850
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That's me lel. I don't post on /cuckquean/ as often as I should. Our relationship is still growing strong and I love them both. I think we might have some kind of unicorn relationship because you'd think it would have failed a lot time ago, but here we are! One of the best parts of being with someone you love and having sex with them is that you don't mind them cumming inside you for fear of pregnancy. Now, maybe I'm a bit unique on this but my husband has been the only man I've had sex with. I have had sex with lesbian cucks before but not other men. In otherwords, we need to go back to a patriarchy. trying to draw out the crystal cafe cucks for free foot rubs.
>Which one of them has the foot fetish? Man, cuck or the vixen?
In the case of my relationship, all of us. I love having my feet pampered. I also found out in high school that I loved giving my future husband footjobs. My cuckquean loves massaging my feet. 
>Are there any unique ways this fetish would work in a cuckquean setting?
The cuckquean could lick the cum off of the vixen's feet after she was done giving her husband a footjob. I also think one of the lesbian couples i was with did this and they really enjoyed. 
>Do women like men's feet?
I think some do. I prefer female feet.
>Any art with this sub-fetish?
Yes, I'm certain it does and if it doesn't I'm gonna commission it. 

I'll get around to making the thread later. A little bit busy with IRL stuff. Before I go, I wanted to ask, how to incorporate feet into your /cuckquean/ relationship if you do?
Replies: >>5853
>Our relationship is still growing strong and I love them both. I think we might have some kind of unicorn relationship because you'd think it would have failed a lot time ago, but here we are!
Oh, I'm very happy to hear that it's working out that way Anon; warms my heart!

>maybe I'm a bit unique on this but my husband has been the only man I've had sex with
Hell yeah, one-man queans unite! In my entire life I have had sex with one (1) person who is now my philanderous husband/owner and I am very satisfied with that, five stars thumbs up would be claimed by again.

As for footqueaning, the closest we ever had was a vixen who liked having my husband press the soles of his feet into her face, preferably while she was lying prone on the floor. She was fun; hope she's doing well now. (I can find zero art of things being done that way around, so please imagine that I did and it's attached to this post.) My feet are in pretty gross condition so I don't know how I'd feel about a vixen who wanted to massage or manicure mine. Helping look after each others' feet might be a fun foot-related way to bond with a sister-wife, albeit one I'd find more comfy than sexual.
Replies: >>5860 >>5885
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Pedicure, I mean, though feet are the hands of the legs.
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>Oh, I'm very happy to hear that it's working out that way Anon; warms my heart!
Thank you anon, I appreciate the well wishes. 
>Hell yeah, one-man queans unite! In my entire life I have had sex with one (1) person who is now my philanderous husband/owner and I am very satisfied with that, five stars thumbs up would be claimed by again.
I am surprised to hear that. I thought the idea of women only being with 1 man was extremely rare now a days. My husband was a nerdy guy growing up and wasn't that tall but I still found him attractive. I personally think it's because too many women now a days put a strong emphasis on men's wealth and height. I remember how grateful he was back in high school when we started dating and when we first had sex. I was grateful for him too. Is this just a real life romantic love story? I actually have a funny story of another guy I met in college. 
I never had sex with him and this was back when I was being a bull/vixen to the lesbians. He was kind of a shy nerdy white guy, the kind of guy to would meet at best buy. He sweet and based on the way he acted had a foot fetish. I manage to convince the lesbians I was with that he would be a great male bull to try out. Apparently they did and he really enjoy himself. I don't know if they stayed together but he was from out of state and similar to me he was close to graduating. He did thank me for setting up that relationship but I don't know what happened to them. Not sure if that's really relevant but I thought it was cute story. I hope himself a girl with nice feet.  
>As for footqueaning, the closest we ever had was a vixen who liked having my husband press the soles of his feet into her face, preferably while she was lying prone on the floor. She was fun; hope she's doing well now. (I can find zero art of things being done that way around, so please imagine that I did and it's attached to this post.) My feet are in pretty gross condition so I don't know how I'd feel about a vixen who wanted to massage or manicure mine. Helping look after each others' feet might be a fun foot-related way to bond with a sister-wife, albeit one I'd find more comfy than sexual.
Totally understandable, have you ever given a footjob? It's not particularly hard, just make sure you have good muscle strength.
Replies: >>5895
Having a single lifetime sexual partner isn't so common any more, yeah, but it's just how things turned out for me. Not everyone gets such an opportunity, so I put it down to luck, destiny, fate, divine intervention, whatever, that my particular man showed up right when he needed to instead of the hundreds or thousands of other possibilities. I never set out to "get experience" (of what? Even after all these years I still can't quite figure out what sleeping with lots of different guys as opposed to getting really good at sleeping with one is supposed to do for me) so I don't really feel I missed out on anything; like you, I'm very grateful that I ended up with the man I did.

There're definite ideas about what women in aggregate find attractive but I think that way of thinking completely misses that we haven't all been cast from exactly the same mold (even if various forces seem to be constantly trying to bend parts of us into some shape or the other that they'd find more convenient). For example, I quite enjoy tall men but I tend to find that wealthy men are also repulsively tacky or boring or soulless or all three. We each like what and whom we like, assuming we aren't basic.

>have you ever given a footjob? It's not particularly hard, just make sure you have good muscle strength.
It does seem like quite a workout. I've never given one, nor am I likely to - they're a nonsexual body part to me and mine, with absolutely no disrespect to you footfriends implied.
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Who else thinks all maleposting outside the containment thread should be deleted on sight? It never lead to anything good, and it’s getting worse.
Replies: >>5996 >>5997 >>6000
Still waiting for you to post your dick, faggot
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Honestly, we could probably all do a bit better about cock or gtfo. I know I could, I might be a little bitch who hates conflict but that doesn't mean I don't have a role to fill in maintaining the board culture. I'll try to be better.
I'm attempting to adhere somewhat in a religious capacity. Dick-posting is not something I'd do to get good counsel through to the girls I see talking about things occassionally on the overboard.

But you have to remember the trannycels are to wont to lecture you for one reason and the Christcels for another reason (sorry Jesus it's my own self-deprecation I meant there).

It'd be fairer to say that when it comes across as condemnatory derision "goncern trolling" I'd expect your mods to delete it. I'd rather you ban that instead (exactly what I worded it as) than adopt a blanket ban on man-posting. I'd like to help sometimes and have a duty to try. In somebody else's club house I don't necessarily get a say either which way but, the more usual culprits than me are to simply make their attempts a larp under those conditions... whether or not they're clever or adept at it being something else.

That raises the point of the false-positive/hyper-vigilance modding also. If you ban all of us culprits and all of our man-postings, then be prepared to take the odd dominant or more direct girl-posters down as accident and collateral.

Overbearingness in the mod direction is why I'll not go to boards on lainchan since I can't get anything interesting said through there.
Replies: >>6003
anon these ladies don't want to ban you they just want to see your cock
All the RP posting from dudes pretending to be cuckqueans is just creepy.
Starting to suspect there isn't anything left to maintain.
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!
Cuckqueans are too subby to kick men out of the board even if we don't post our cocks. You do sort of get off on it when I refuse to do either, don't you?
I'd be much obliged if the anon who made this post would email me at cuckquean@airmail.cc - feel free to use a throwaway, naturally. (I'll ask you to post something from your usual computer/IP range to make sure it's you.)
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
Well, shit. Once again back out in the cold, do we have a bunker in mind?
Replies: >>6164 >>6167
Please come help us solve this together, /cuckquean/ :
Replies: >>6167
8chan would be the optimal place to be, they already pretty much got all the kink boards from old 8kun and can even back up the whole thing.
other than that I guess there is Erischan
So... exactly as before, they're a globohomo kike fed honeypot is what you're basically saying?
Replies: >>6167
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I don't have another migration in me, so if the board continues it'll have to be under a new owner. If anyone's got the know-how and money to go independent and wants to be mistaken for CC even more than we currently are, the cuckquean.cafe domain is available.

I wouldn't recommend this, though. I made a bunker there, but...

Very nice doubles.
Replies: >>6168 >>6251
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We had a good run, thanks for the memories everyone. You made my life better, I will always be grateful.
Replies: >>6169
Likewise, it's been a pleasure.
Isn't it glowing brighter than a type O's supernova? I like to share my fetishes but not with homeland security.
Replies: >>6173 >>6182 >>6188
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>using 8shitted
Sorry, I'm not interested in sharing a place with niggerlovers, spics, and zoophiles.
Replies: >>6173 >>6182 >>6188
The present recruitment campaign from 8chan.moe reminds me a lot of what they used to do during the webring's early days, wherein they'd constantly scrape copies of webring boards just in case a member site showed any instability and then leap in offering to "rescue" them in between talking about how suspicious the webring was. "Compromised" was the word of choice, as I recall.

I only made a bunker there back in 2021 because it had open board creation, and I always considered the original Endchan bunker the bunker of choice.

It seems to be a moot point now, in any case.
Replies: >>6174 >>6177 >>6182
I see you remember things bretty well. Back then it was often Cakefat & a couple of cohorts ((( hired ))) by Acid for acid's handlers. They also managed to worm their way into Julay/v/ etc., corrputed the place, then screamed "OY VEY! Look how awful these goyim are!111". I'm sure the feds were sending constant DDOS attacks against them as well.

They killed 8ch, and then immediately swooped on Julay when it was growing fast. Now they are up to their same vulture tricks with the Cafe closing down. Fucking kikes, fucking feds (but I repeat myself). 

I hope the Cafe Admins are OK. This sucks, and it's also very unusual for them not to be extraordinarily forthcoming about their reasoning. They've always been highly open about everything they've done & why. Very odd situation IMO.
Replies: >>6175
I would honestly rather have no board than one on 8chan.moe. I'd lurk one there, but I wouldn't post. The shelter thread is a dumpster fire, everyone's just shouting about how shit all the options are. Maybe things will shake out in the next couple months, but I'm not too hopeful. We can't have a board without an owner, and I know I'm not cut out for it so unless one of the, what, three other anons regularly here wants to step up this is where we part ways. I intend to enjoy the time we have left and keep the fond memories in my heart.

>I hope the Cafe Admins are OK
I do too, I'm sure this wasn't an easy decision, whatever the reason.
Replies: >>6181 >>6188 >>6189
Can't you move to smug though, since /monster/ is there too.
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Seems like a question for Smug’s admins rather than /monster/. I get the feeling that /cuckquean/β€˜s existence makes a lot of anons very uncomfortable, and the board’s content is perhaps a little more 3D than is usual for the site.

>The shelter thread is a dumpster fire
No kidding, damn.
Replies: >>6184 >>6188
Can you point out to me any instance of glowie activity there? I keep seeing this accusation tossed around and the "best" excuse is Mark being a jewcy boy who keeps getting interviews where he says fuckall and embarrasses the rest of the site.
Look, it's fine if you go there and it's fine if you don't. In fact, I'd rather you found a way to remake this board on smug or zzzchan or anywhere else on the webring. I only pointed out that 8chan is much more in line with the theme of the board, whereas some of the webring sites may not like its content as much. Plus they can back up the entirety of the board on their site, which is always a plus (then again, couldn't Channel Changer just be used to port it to smug or do they require a specific infrastructure)?

Regardless of that, would the Wayback Machine be the optimal way to scrape the entire site before it's too late?
Replies: >>6183
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You may consider us to already be well aware of 8moe's existence, what it has to offer, and which other boards host themselves there. /cuckquean/ will determine whether /cuckquean/ continues past Anon.cafe and the terms under which we will do or not do so without outsider shilling.

>Can you point out to me
Take arguments over 8moe's fluorescence or lack thereof back to >>>/shelter/, please.
Replies: >>6184 >>6188
>No kidding, damn.
You think this is bad? You should've seen what these same usual-suspects did on Julay! Now that was a shit-flinging dumpster fire specatacle.

Lol. Seems I remember that from the news vaguely.
Is it true smug's board creation is broken at the moment?
Replies: >>6186
One of the first posts in the /shelter/ thread (before it turned into the dumpster fire that is now) mentioned something about it >>>/shelter/4998
Replies: >>6187 >>6202
Also this follow-up >>>/shelter/5345
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Now, now, I think we're all being very harsh on poor cakechan for trying too hard to make new friends. How about a compromise? In return for peace and quiet, we let them have the Sierra Lee thread. Her stuff'll fit right in alongside /interracial/ and /2dblacked/.

Smug's always seemed like good people, though I understand from others' grudges that I'm not supposed to forgive the one time their robomaid gave me a timeout for using "lol" as parody. No idea if they're in a position to accept refugee boards, though.

>I get the feeling that /cuckquean/β€˜s existence makes a lot of anons very uncomfortable
Seeing the word "cuck" probably creates immediate, visceral, and very understandable suspicion, since it's not obvious that cuckqueaning isn't just sex-swapped (hurr) cuckolding.

(Inb4 "but isn't it?")
Replies: >>6191 >>6192
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You should still at least ask if they'd consider it. Just in case you need a reminder, smug, trashchan and zzzchan are open for board requests.
Replies: >>6192 >>6211
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>In return for peace and quiet, we let them have the Sierra Lee thread. 
Brilliant idea Anon, you're truly a master of diplomacy!

>since it's not obvious that cuckqueaning isn't just sex-swapped cuckolding.
I don't know Anon, I may need additional convincing. Could you perhaps fuck my boyfriend to show me how its different? You may need a few rounds so be sure to bring enough condoms or don't

I still think our number one blocker is the need for a new BO. Even if we had an obvious place to go, without someone to actually take the board there the conversation is moot. /cuckquean/ isn't some prize to be won in the great diaspora wars, it's the comfiest place to discuss the worlds comfiest fetish. If people don't get that and just want to treat us as spoils, then they can post pics of their cocks or get the fuck out.
Replies: >>6201
Are you okay with that? With letting it die without trying?
Replies: >>6197
Surely you must be familiar with at least one thing that has gone on beyond its time, a media series, a beloved pet, an elder. Have you never watched as their movements become slow and pained, as they struggle to do even the simplest things, as they become a shadow of themselves? No matter how much you love them, that doesn't make their existence any less painful. Sometimes, you have to learn when to let go. When you see enough death, you learn that it is part of life. We can mourn it, we can remember it, and as long as we do so it stays alive within us. 

I cannot take up the board owner torch. I am terribly inadequate, and the thing this board would become under my stewardship would not be worthy of its name. If someone else does and makes a board somewhere, great, I'll probably stop by and depending on where it is I may post from time to time. I personally would rather see this beautiful place end on a high note than be fettered and dragged through the muck, but I'm only one of us, and I speak only for myself. If some anon is reading this and wants to have a go at it, you have my wholehearted support.
Replies: >>6201
>/cuckquean/ isn't some prize to be won in the great diaspora wars

>I personally would rather see this beautiful place end on a high note than be fettered and dragged through the muck
>accidentally deleted the board creation software
how da fuq
Maybe the elements of /cuckquean/ that are more compatible with /monster/ could make a bicorn thread there to tide things over for a while.
Replies: >>6204
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That's a kind offer, but /monster/ has enough trouble with harems alone that I suspect those of us here who love the fluffier things in life would be marked as infiltrators and cause more trouble than we'd be worth if we openly discussed our fetish there. Besides, aren't they still very touchy after some major cuckoldry incident or the other?
Replies: >>6205 >>6206 >>6208
It's complicated. It wouldn't be a bad idea to try as long as you explain your intentions clearly. Historically, /monster/ and /cuckquean/ have been friendly enemies at the absolute worst. So there's a good chance it could work as a temporary camping spot.
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>aren't they still very touchy after some major cuckoldry incident or the other?
...yeah. The other anon is right, it's complicated. If we're being totally honest I don't know how the BO would react.
Replies: >>6207
Try approaching their meta thread with your intentions and see what response you get.
Replies: >>6222
Monster Girl Encyclopedia is pro cuckqueaning in canon. There's multiple girls who's whole gimmick is sharing their man. The creator despises male cuckoldry and there have been some incidents revolving that.
Replies: >>6209 >>6210 >>6270
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>Monster Girl Encyclopedia is pro cuckqueaning in canon. There's multiple girls who's whole gimmick is sharing their man.
I'm familiar with several.

>The creator despises male cuckoldry
This also I know about and applaud him for.

>there have been some incidents revolving that.
No doubt, given cuckolds and their adjacents' skin-crawling need to infiltrate and subtly evangelize wherever they're wanted least.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that some of us here can't or don't get along with MGE enjoyers, monstergirl enjoyers, or whatever other category you want to put them in. I'm just saying that /monster/ seems a little... fragile at the moment. Tense, you know? I love those spergs but I've seen how much of a froth they can work themselves into and don't want to be the cause, whether of individual pain or collective rupture. Besides, tromping in and setting up shop just feels plain rude, even if some of you are very graciously inviting us.

That said, I deeply appreciate the spirit in which the invitation was offered and speak only for myself. Perhaps some of us might go over, or use the harem/bicorn/etc. thread as a kind of beacon when and if /cuckquean/'s gone.
Replies: >>6210 >>6242 >>6270
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I mean there was a whole book about a Bicorn and her husband's harem. Their entire gimmick is that they enjoy the taste of their husband's "mixed mana" ie; they like the taste of other girls on him. 

It's almost funny how little the harem side of her profile is brought up. 
But I do understand your hesitation. /monster/ is a little fragile at the moment. The BO has been getting a little over cautious about "western" media influences, saboteurs and raiders. But he's been right to be so in my opinion, even if I think he could stand to be a little more calm when explaining his reasoning. But despite that, /monster/ still has much of the same welcoming feeling I got from it all those years ago. Many anons still generate OC, the Drawthread's artpiles are filled regularly and with some great stuff, and there's a bevy of awesome written OC that needs and deserves more (you)s to complement and encourage their authors.

I'll never forget the stories written by CQI. They've always been some of my favorites, and I was really sad to find out that she? had left. They left a great impression on my own aspirations to be a writer, and made me want to try and do my best to help fill the gap in the board culture that their departure had left. 

In my opinion, the fact that /monster/ is fragile right now is all the more reason for /cuckquean/ to extend the hand of friendship and peace once again. The more anons and femanons in agreement on a culture that a board has, the stronger it is going to be. I think that you crazy mistress-lovers have the best chance to be the glue that can help carry both boards on through these tough times.

That's my two bits anyways.
Replies: >>6222
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I'll throw in an offer as well, as the admin of Junkuchan, if you all are interested and manage to find a willing BO and (optionally) board staff who can stick with it. I hope the anti-3DPD rule isn't a dealbreaker for /cuckquean/. You have great taste in 2D!
Replies: >>6212 >>6220 >>6234
Thank you junkuchan Admin! Is this a general opening for board requests from refugee anon.cafe refugee boards?
Replies: >>6213
Peek at the rules and drop a line on /origin/ or /whitelist/ if you're still interested. Boards do get pruned eventually if no one posts for an extended period.

I've been hesitant to wade into the /shelter/ thread after it turned into a trash disaster and caught fire.
Replies: >>6214
Thanks. Apart from /cuckquean/, I'm think that maybe /agdg/ and some of the other smol ones like /toy/, /lego/ and some others could be a good fit on junkuchan?

>shelter thread
Ehh, that's just because of one sh*testirring site known in these parts as blacked.gov. They have literal fed-paid shills trying to destroy altchans. Anything that seems antagonistic can be attributed them 90%+ percent of the time and safely ignored.

Unless the potential fits mentioned are using the overboard, they probably won't see your potential offer if you don't use the /shelter/ thread? Regardless, thanks again.
Replies: >>6217
I've made my post on the /shelter/ thread, so if those communities determine that they'd like to migrate to Junkuchan they absolutely may. I'm being a choosey with my offers right now because it looks like we have a couple motivated site owners who are willing to take on multiple boards. If 90% of anon.cafe ends up moving to one robust site, rather than dispersing further, I think that can be counted as a win.

Anyhoo, I'll hold my nose and post in the /shelter/ when necessary, those blatant false-flaggers reek.
Replies: >>6219 >>6220
>If 90% of anon.cafe ends up moving to one robust site, rather than dispersing further, I think that can be counted as a win.
Agreed. Thanks for your community spirit and generosity webmin!
Thank you for the invitation.

>I'll hold my nose and post in the /shelter/ when necessary
Thank you. Discussing other boards' migrations here instead of in /shelter/ risks the dumpster fire's spread. Perhaps other boards you'd like to invite would appreciate the opportunity to consider things in their own meta threads.
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
/monster/β€˜s meta thread shows their BO is both deeply against the idea in particular and this board in general.
Replies: >>6227 >>6231 >>6236
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>cuckqueaning is bad because women enjoy it
>but harems are good because men are in charge of them
>being reminded of our existence enmaddened the BO to the point of adding a new wordfilter
Aux is just a shitty mod, period, and has been for years. There's a metric fuckload of problems he won't fix, which is why /monster/ is also dying. That community really deserves better.
Replies: >>6242
I personally have nothing against you all, for what it's worth.
t. haremfag
You're more likely to get blood from a stone than logic and good moderation from the BO.
Replies: >>6242
This is indeed a nice offer, though the anti-3d rule does mean anyone attempting to set up a board there wouldn't be able to migrate what is here to there, since there are 3d images scattered throughout the threads. I was going to say the 3d threads don't see as many posts, but then the cuckquean porn thread also had its first post in months, so perhaps that's the board's way of saying it wants a home with 3d porn.
Replies: >>6235
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I'm glad you can humour my offer at least. 2D, SFW 3D, and text could all move over without issue; but it'd be difficult for me to host NSFW 3DPD media itself. I could even tolerate hosting glamour shot type stuff, but it looks like a decent amount of /cuckquean/ enjoys balls-out PIV porno. The collective tastes on /cuckquean/ are sublime, and it would be depressing for the community to go poof. I guess we could hope for someone (trustworthy) to step up and make an independent, single-board site as an alternative.
>shows their BO is both deeply against the idea in particular and this board in general.
Can you point at the BO post that says that?
Replies: >>6237
Their BO almost never uses his tag but has a distinct poster’s fist. Note that their new β€œhomosexual larp” (sic) wordfilter was added right after the series of similar posts that terminate in calling /cuckquean/ a β€œhomosexual larp board”.
Replies: >>6239 >>6240
Aux is a spic. Please understand.
Replies: >>6242 >>6260
He's usually easy to spot, he doesn't capitalize too often, and as an ESL spic, his grasp of english is very, very loose. Cause of that, it's not that hard for him to get confused and lash out at the wrong posts, which a couple of problem anons utilize to get their way. In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea to have him run a board that's 99% english.
Replies: >>6242
Well, I was asking because there is a lot of bad actors popping up when cafe announced the shut down.
/monster/β€˜s grumbling about /monster/β€˜s moderation aside, all this proves the point made in >>6209 that no matter how queany some of the MGE is and no matter how well some of /monster/β€˜s anons appreciate that, if part of the board (that happens to include the BO) goes full red mist at the merest hint of our fetish then it’s not okay for us to post about it there at all. It’d be terribly bad manners and make us bad guests.

The rest is /monster/β€˜s business and therefore not our place to criticise from afar, I think.
Replies: >>6247
Well, if any of you ever feel inclined to write a kinky monstergirl story where "Dicked=Married", maybe you could quietly drop a copy off for your old friends.
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>I don't have another migration in me, so if the board continues it'll have to be under a new owner.

That... oh. So even if a new board is founded, its owner will be an unknown quantity, maybe someone shit like Aux imposing arbitrary restrictions on content that should by rights fall within the board's purview, maybe just a fed. And we'll lose all the threads, again.

This is worse news than I expected coming into this thread. I've been off the board since the holidays, and coming back to this is uh. It seems to be hitting me harder than I expected. Excuse me.
Replies: >>6253
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It is sad, it is true. But we will persevere, even if we don't do so as a board, we as individuals will carry our time here with us, and maybe someday we can convene again, in a new place, at a new time, to talk about the same things we always have. And we still have a lot of time together to make more good memories, so I'm focusing on that.
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Honestly, I'd like to see the /cuckquean/ board continue in some shape or form somewhere, even if it just becomes a shadow of its former self.
Discovering /cuckquean/ on Fullchan was massive for my social and emotional development. Simply seeing that there were other nerds somewhere out there that that wanted to watch their BFs fuck vixens and cuddle afterwards went a long way in making me not feel like a low self-esteem POS. And that's not even getting into all the high quality posts (seriously, I feel like a complete idiot when I look back and read the incredibly in-depth descriptions some of you have made on the psych behind our fetish--the anons here are incredible). Every other 'cuckquean' community I've found feels like it's either just mindless coomerbait or swinger/degen without any of the comfy feels, and I still can't stomach normie social media no matter how old I get.

The idea that all of this is just going to get wiped away, nothing's going to replace it, and that some future quean with the same kind of confused horny I had is just going to have...nowhere...it's sad. It makes me feel really selfish for being able to take advantage of the amazing insight that was posted here while I could.

I'm sorry for bitching. It's perfectly understandable if anyone and everyone decides to let /cuckquean/ end here before it gets bastardized and risks losing what's made it special. I just wish it were easier.
Replies: >>6257
It would be great to see it continue, but I worry that if care isn't taken the next incarnation could wind up just as mindless and degenerate as any other place and that would truly be a shame. In the case of a BO, I think a transfer of power could occur if someone steps up before things shut down here, but that does require someone to step up. Then there's the question of a home, its hard for me to evaluate anything in the shelter thread given whats gone on there, but I can say that on the independent front otterchan has had a pretty good time after striking out on their own, though they're still as small and sleepy as always.

While I feel like I am part of something here and I want to do my part to help preserve it, I know myself, and I believe if I tried it would just make things worse. If I tried to take over BO duties I would just stop coming to the board and it would be like having no BO. My deep fear of responsibility is a personal failing and is no one's responsibility but my own. I can't in good faith subject the good Anons of cuckquean to my ineptitude.

Have you thought about taking up the torch, Anon? Your head seems to be in the right place, at least.

>I'm sorry for bitching
We're here with you Anon, its a sad time, and we can be sad together for a little while and support eachother. I know I cried about it. Could you imagine trying to talk to a coworker about this? "Oh yea I'm just really sad lately because the autistic fetish board I love is losing its home."
Replies: >>6262
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What exactly are we mourning here? Is the cafe closing up?
Replies: >>6259
Yes, on March 15.
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Thank you. I don't want to sound ungrateful. I feel really blessed that I was able to find the fullchan board through an offhand tumblr link during a night of horny browsing in 2015, and that we were able to keep everything going through the migration to anon.cafe. I'm really just a child that doesn't want to give up their favorite toy even when I've been allowed to hold onto it for almost a decade now.

>Have you thought about taking up the torch, Anon? Your head seems to be in the right place, at least.
I have. I know myself well enough to know that I'm a pretty naive person, have exactly zero experience in doing any janny work, and am not the best choice for all of this--but I'm willing to give it a shot if no one else will. And if it's as simple as finding what looks like the most trustworthy altchan, submitting a board request, creating fallback bunkers where possible, being ready to see&delete CP/Guro/Dicks before anyone else does, following the current BO's example and learning the rest as I go--then I think I probably will try and create something, somewhere. I'm still selfishly holding out and hoping someone better than me will do it, though.

Going independent is trickier. I'm not a very tech-savy anon, and while renting a VPS and installing imageboard software seems simple enough, there's a number of basic questions to Imageboard hosting that I simply don't have answers for. What host do I use that won't abruptly kick us out because their normie owner thinks 'Loli=CP'? What do I do when we get DDOSed? How do I stop myself from getting hacked/doxxed from all the potential web vulnerabilities that pop up from my own technical incompetence? Do I just lie when I fill out the domain registration form so I don't get doxxed by a simple Whois query? Do you think someone would really do that, Anon? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

I do think that, whatever we do--if someone here decides to step up and do it--we do have the benefit of time this time around. Compared to when 8chan and then Endchan both went down in short order, we have the advantage of letting some of the smoke settle before any big decisions are made. I'd just really, really like to avoid getting a bad actor or infiltrator as our next BO. Lest I have to experience the excruciating pain of watching another woman fuck the thing I love.
You might be able to ask Anon.cafe's admins about some of the hosting stuff. >>>/meta/14030 was from 2021 so it might be out of date, but at least it shows they were willing to share some of their know-how.

/retro/ were able to take all of their threads with them when they moved to Trashchan, so that might also be worth exploring if Trashchan willing to accept /cuckquean/.
Would you be willing to start using a trip in this thread? Might be useful.
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>tumblr link
I’d heard that there was a fair amount of cuckqueaning stuff there before the big porn ban, though I’m still surprised to hear anyone was linking to Fullchan considering the sites’ cultural differences.
doesn't exist in mge. kenkou cross views cheating as cheating. doesn't matter who is that's getting cheated on. he hates all of it equally. There were a couple of mistranslated profiles that were crossed checked with Kenkou cross himself and have been fixed on the mge wiki.

The view in a harem is nobody gets left out everyone is treated equally. no clue where the concept of bicorn being a cuckold is from - probably some retarded zoomers self -insert that forced a meme.
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Replies: >>6274
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>a whole week later, he's still seething
Replies: >>6293
Just ignore him, that anon and his usage of reddit tier buzzwords has been a problem on /monster/ as well. Bicorn's always been about polygamy. That anon is confusing it with polyamory.
Replies: >>6275
I think you mean polygyny.
Personally I would rather have even a subpar imageboard where we could congregate than have the only dedicated place to talk about this stuff be, like, Reddit.
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Is your problem just the idea that the girls would go away after sex? I don't like that kind of thing either, but here, in the actual profile for the Bicorn, it says: "-Also, letting many women know the taste of their beloved husband in a harem arrangement brings them more joy than anything else. Additionally, their husband’s essence, which gets mixed and corrupted with the mamono mana of various monsters, becomes like a cocktail, and it is said to be their favorite treat." 
This almost litterally says that they love their man having sex with other women before them. That and their extra art's caption says that when they kiss their husband, they specifically make it a show to arouse the other girls in the harem. Thus we can assume, taking the fact that they prefer their husband's "Mana" to taste mixed, and that they deliberately seek to inflame the desires of the girls that THEY collected to be sister-wives, we can take this to imply that the average Bicorn is sexually aroused at the thought of other women having sex with her husband. Making her a cuckquean.
Replies: >>6278
Wouldn't /monster/ be a better place for this argument than our meta thread?
What about capybarachan.org ? /kemono/ has moved there now, and they seem monstergirl friendly. Maybe the Admin there isn't a retard?
Replies: >>6283
They seem to be entirely monstergirl focused. There's a place for monstergirls in cuckqueaning, but I'm unsure if they would want us there. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be worth asking, of course. Global rules don't seem to preclude us or anything.
Replies: >>6287
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>Doesn't mean it wouldn't be worth asking
I have no issue with cuckquean content and there's even an exemption from the no-cuck rule on the main board precisely to allow this. The problem might be that my IB is about monster girls or at least non-human girls and I don't know if majority would be willing to follow that focus, even if some extra leeway was provided.

Aside form that, I could provide a temporary shelter if you are somehow unable to find a more fitting home (many boards are choosing trashchan from what I'm seeing) in time, I even have a script to copy everything.

Horns have been a symbol of cuckoldry in Europe since forever, you brown newfag.
Replies: >>6291
I think you made him mad
Replies: >>6292 >>6293 >>6303
Blood curse, many such cases!
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Still don't understand what we're supposed to have done; I shall vibe as usual.
Replies: >>6303
Sorry about our Mexican’t janny, it’s best to just ignore him. The rest of us don’t mind you, good luck with your future.
Is this something viable to move over to?
Replies: >>6323
So are you gals moving anywhere? Is there any actual plan?
Replies: >>6324 >>6326
I don't think so given that the site owner seems to be Muslim and probably frowns upon that sort of thing.
As far as I know no one has identified a board suitable to move to or stepped forward as a BO to move us there.
Replies: >>6326
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For what it's worth, I'm still willing to migrate and host /cuckquean/, minus the 3DPD. Just need a BO from the community.
Replies: >>6327
Maybe it's best for you to try hosting /cuckquean/ for now, and the users can decide with time whether or not they'd rather have a board elsewhere that allows for that.
Replies: >>6328 >>6370
Heh, you're asking a man to BO this board? One of you step up and claim the BO here, then ask for him to host it for all of you there -- hel's clearly willing to do so. Simple as.
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/cuckquean/ is invited to the 8moe soulcalibur 6 tournament.
a tournament where boards submit references to their characters they want to fight in soulcalibur 6 -- each character is customized and created individually in soulcalibur 6's character creator.
8moe /icup/
Soon. Submit a character as soon as you may.
give me a reference to whatever contestant you want to fight.
choose a fighting style / weapon below with your contestant.
Seong Mi-na 
>nobody willing to take charge
Someone track down that one anon that made a "dominant cuckquean" thread
Replies: >>6370
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I see no harm in that. I've went ahead and migrated /cuckquean/ over:
The board is read-only and will stay that way until it's time to move.

I wanted to cajole >>6262 into doing it, personally.
Replies: >>6371 >>6375
I forgot to mention that you can let me know here if there are missing posts or formatting issues, those are easy enough to fix.
Replies: >>6392

>I wanted to cajole >>6262 into doing it, personally.
I'm still here. Just been very stupidly skittish about making the "I'd like to be the BO now" post.

Thank you so very much for being patient with us and scraping/hosting a copy of /cuckquean/. I can't authoritatively speak for 'we', but I personally have no issues with moving to Junkuchan. I've always been more of a Writing>2D>3D one myself, anyway.

I'll say again that I'm not the best anon for this, but seeing as how there are so far still no other takers, I've gone ahead and set up an email at cqantlers@protonmail.com . Shoot me an email if you'd like to touch base. Everyone else here is also welcome to contact me (and in the interest of privacy, please consider using a throwaway and omitting any personal/identifying details).
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Also, I might have messed up the trip--have never posted with one before. Isn't it just a name, two hashes, and some alphanumeric characters that come after?
Replies: >>6378 >>6380
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Good luck, BO-chan. It'll all be daijobu as long as you take it easy.
Let us know when you're finished setting up the board. I'll see you on the other side.
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Glad I could be here and help out, and thank you for speaking up. Once we get people moved over and posting we can take another look at the staff situation so it's not all on your shoulders. I'll sling you an email shortly with more details.

That's usually how it works, and that's what it says on anon.cafe's help page. I've got nothin'.
Replies: >>6380 >>6386
The info page isn't terribly clear because Stephen Lynx is a nigger, but tripcodes work the same as they do on other imageboards. One # like Name#mysecret will show up as an insecure tripcode that should be the same across different sites, while two ## like Name##mysecret will show up as a secure tripcode that's unique to this site.

Best of luck with your move.
Last edited by root_admin
Replies: >>6386 >>6395
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Once you're ready to declare Junkuchan/cuckquean/ open, I'll put up a redirection notice and lock things up here.

Banner related is a little housewarming gift that you can feel free to use or leave behind. Likewise our existing banners, which I'll post in a moment.

Thank you for offering the board a home. I hope we'll make good guests.

While you're here, please accept my deepest thanks to you and everyone else who kept Anon.cafe running over these years. Being here allowed /cuckquean/, tiny though it is, to keep existing on an Internet where such places increasingly... well, don't.

It can't have been an easy job to keep the servers and web stuff up, defend everyone against the incessant CP spam, turn the various attacks aside, and hold a firm line against those things that would have lead to the site's corruption. For that, and for all the other behind-the-scenes work of which we jannies know little to nothing, thank you.
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
Replies: >>6387 >>6395
Replies: >>6388
Replies: >>6389
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Replies: >>6390
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The last is from our original 8chan days, and though I don't remember if it was ever actually put into rotation, I've included it all the same.
Replies: >>6395
Newer replies seem to be missing. Is it a manual process?
Replies: >>6395 >>6396
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Huh. Thought I was doing it wrong because I didn't see the exclamation point like I've seen on other sites. Thanks for clearing that up.

Let me second what our Board Owner conveyed and thank you for hosting all of us fullchan refugees. It felt a little weird at first to move from the big bad 8chan to the cafe, but I'm glad we did!  The cozy vibes and board lineup here were very much to my liking, and I'm glad that a lot of it is getting preserved on Trashchan and elsewhere in the Webring.


And now that I have (you) here--time for me to be a broken record.

Thank you for creating /cuckquean/ and sticking with it for the past ten years. We might be a small board and it might or might not seem like a big thing to you, but this has been my favorite board ever since I found it.

Mod worship and building a cult of personality around the custodian are antithetical to what I think an imageboard should be, but allow me to say I appreciate the work you've done, and I intend to keep the current rules in place. I'll do my best to stay the course that you've set, and hope you don't mind me emailing cuckquean@airmail.cc seeking future advice.

Also I absolutely loved the little story you wrote in 1st picrel. It sums up my own journey and feelings better than my own words could do.

>I spent time repeatedly refreshing our anon.cafe board so I could try to save as many banners as possible.
>I could have just asked.

2nd picrel. Thanks for omitting the Hillary Clinton swaying one we had on 8chan, was not a fan.

I believe Junku webmin has to manually run a scrape script and then upload the new board copy. I've asked them if they could kindly do this again for us within 24 hours of the new board unlocking, but in the case they can't, I think I'll be able to put in the Ctrl+C&Ctrl+V legwork myself (of course, the surest way to make something's kept is to save it yourself, dearest anon).

Speaking of which, I've gone ahead and put in a request for a tentative board unlocking date and time this weekend. Provided that it works with Webmin, I'll go ahead and let everyone else know in this thread.
Replies: >>6396 >>6409
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>>6395 Got it in one, it's something I have to kick off and monitor.
I'm looking forward to the board on Junkuchan being unlocked soonβ„’.
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Hi /cuckquean/, we have a moving date!

Our new board at https://junkuchan.org/cuckquean/ will be unlocking on 3/3/24 at approximately 11:00 PM GMT time. The board scrape will stop within 24 hours before then, therefore posts made here on anon.cafe in that window will not be automatically migrated over and will have to be manually reposted.

Please note that 3DPD Pornography, including the likely entirety of our IRL Porn Thread at >>41 will be banned and retroactively deleted at our board at Junkuchan. However, Junku Webmin's assured me that 3DCG content (e.g. >>6365 >>6397) is still perfectly fine and will be retained, with the exception of something like Realistic 3DCG Pedo. If you would like to keep any of the real life NSFW content that we have here, please save it before the anon.cafe shutdown on March 15th. I'll be wiping and deleting any 3D NSFW on the Junkuchan side once the new board opens as per their global rules, so now's your last chance.

And if there is any other content here you enjoy, I'd also encourage you to go ahead and save it right now. If there's anything that two board migrations should teach us, it's that all of this is liable to be gone tomorrow, and that there's no guarantee that anything online will last.

The cafe's lights are dimming, all of the other tables have cleared, and it's looking like we might just be the last board to leave before closing time. I hope you'll join us there!
Replies: >>6408
This is stupid, and its sappy, but you all brightened my day whenever you posted. I will miss the cafe, but I can't express how happy I am that we have a new home to go to. Thanks for making the internet a little brighter throughout these years, and thanks to our new BO for taking up to torch to light the way in the time to come. I love you all, and I'll see you on the other side.
Replies: >>6409
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don't mind me, I'm on my way to fuck your man
Replies: >>6410
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It's been my pleasure.

The coming iteration of /cuckquean/ is yours, and what you take, leave, or change from this first decade is entirely up to you. I'm afraid that any emails will probably go unreplied-to, not out of malice but because I never check the address unless prompted elsewhere. You've been on /cuckquean/ since 8chan, anyway, so I doubt I'd be able to tell you anything of past hows or whys that you haven't already grasped for yourself.

If you would make accounts for yourself on 8chan.moe and endchan.net then post their usernames here under your secure tripcode (or post to let me know you've sent them to me by email) then I'll transfer ownership over those sites' /cuckquean/ bunkers to you as well.

You brightened ours also.
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
Replies: >>6410
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You better not be one of those wretched women that remember to save their tripcodes into a .txt He's been wanting one of those forever!

>The coming iteration of /cuckquean/ is yours, and what you take, leave, or change from this first decade is entirely up to you. I'm afraid that any emails will probably go unreplied-to, not out of malice but because I never check the address unless prompted elsewhere. You've been on /cuckquean/ since 8chan, anyway, so I doubt I'd be able to tell you anything of past hows or whys that you haven't already grasped for yourself.
Absolutely understandable, there's no pressure on your part to reply or handhold. I do feel it was important to state it now though before anyone starts worrying about the possibility of male homosexual content and guro and the like (because I know I was worried).

>If you would make accounts for yourself on 8chan.moe and endchan.net then post their usernames here under your secure tripcode (or post to let me know you've sent them to me by email) then I'll transfer ownership over those sites' /cuckquean/ bunkers to you as well.
I've gone ahead and emailed you both of them. Thanks again.
Migration's complete, new meta thread at >>6413
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