/origin/ - origin

fringe community — core services

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This is the meta thread. Post your suggestions and complaints here.

IPs are now pruned from posts on /origin/ after 7 days.
Several IP ranges have been blocked due to persistent bad actors posting harmful content. Let me know if this has affected you. I'll be implementing an Onion service soon™.
>I'll be implementing an Onion service soon™.
fucking based
its not hard smh
just install tor on your server and point the onion address to your webserver
ideally you should make it listen to an unix domain socket and make tor send requests there
did you get filtered by torrc?
More like filtered by vanity onion addresses, I don't have access to a lot of computing power.
>vanity onion addresses
why even bother with this faggot shit omg
just use roll for a random address and then make up a meaning for it afterwards like a proper schizo
Replies: >>2490
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I've added a link to the associated JSON file at the top and bottom of every thread.
Replies: >>2518
I am mentally stable and not a proper schizo.
Neat. I don't recall seeing any other IB do this for us, thanks.
>There's something wrong with you if you're mentally stable
well the BO is certainly autistic 
that fag that wrote brave new world? 
i heard that he was quite based and overdosed on LSD in his deathbed  
in any case he was also fucking insane by his own definition
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it's not like i can compare it to the rest since i have never really tried anything psychodelic besides it 
but yeah it's generally an enjoyable experience 
lasts a bit too long for my liking 
psycho fags will try to convince you that they aren't like the other girls and that psychodelics aren't euphoric and they get pleasure from altering their consciousness but that's fucking bullshit 
phenylamines are phenylamines 
i am yet to hear about a way to tickle your dopamine and serotonin receptors without causing an intense and overwhelming euphoria
okay i admit there's amphetamine
in any case don't expect hallucinations 
they are more like visual enhancements 
you see some funky fractals that's about it 
music sound fucking amazing 
same goes for meth tbh 
no vasoconstrictions no withdrawals 
if you'll get addicted you are going to be the first one 
serotonin modulators are rather repulsive 
it's the dopamine stuff that gets you hooked 
oh yeah almost forgot 
i wasn't able to jerk off for like a month after i took it 
so yeah your libido gets affected 
although it's temporary 
generally you can't jerk off while on like on meth 
a huge downside 
all the "spiritual shit" is understandable 
your way of thinking bends 
just like with high doses of meth  
but instead of going paranoidalschizo you are going simple schizo 
generally the novelty of "being enlightened" wears off after maximum a few months and you stop your monk tryhard bullshit and get back to your normal life 
but there are people that don't 
we call them homeless 

mescaline is also easy to extract or synthesize 
it can be made from common substituted benzaldehydes 
like vanillin 
although you'll need some extensive equipment set 
mostly safety equipment 
the other reagents aren't as edible 
or breathable   
as for extracting it grows in some cactuses 
iirc those cactuses don't grow in india 
or europe 
but they can be easily bought and planted 
cactuses are kinda famous for not being too picky about their housing conditions 
but sometimes without proper fertilization they don't yield much mescaline when grown at home  
mescaline is COMPLETELY LEGAL in uraine since like 2013 
doesn't really matter since no one uses it
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Junkuchan's Onion service is now live:

The Onion-Location header has also been added, fix your browser settings if you don't like being redirected from the clearnet URL. Report any issues or rough edges here.
Replies: >>3342
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>onion service

Why though?
Replies: >>3343 >>3344
fuck you
Replies: >>3347
This groundbreaking addition to Junkuchan was fast-tracked after OVERWHELMING DEMAND from our choosy clientele.

Your fortune: The lens has shifted, outside forces may warp your inner ego
Replies: >>3347
Good morning to you too.
>literally one person
>overwhelming demand
>outside forces may warp your inner ego
... yeah, good fortune.
Replies: >>3348 >>3351
Replies: >>3351
<literally one person
<overwhelming demand
>conveniently forgetting to mention that the one person is the single most important poster here
kill yourself nigger
only i can tell denpa to go fuck himself
this is my turf
Replies: >>3352

Replies: >>3353
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F u c k y o u Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
f U c k y o u Your fortune: Bring guidance, you may find yourself lost soon
f u C k y o u Your fortune: Better not tell you now
f u c K y o u Your fortune: Godly Luck
f u c k Y o u Your fortune: Godly Luck
f u c k y O u Your fortune: Bad Luck
f u c k y o U Your fortune: Average Luck
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pls let me post images from tor thx
Replies: >>3400
oh neat it worked
its about time this place got some sort of post limiter
like, i have seen other ibs that when you click a thread, they only show the last 50 posts by default
but you can still read the whole thing if you want
bc the jeffthread is so fucking massive, the html alone is over 2MB
Replies: >>3424
imagine getting bussy raped by jeffie
how would i delete the jeffthread?
just incase ((( someone ))) get bullied into disclosing it to someone i dont like, how do i immediately nuke it?
Replies: >>3463
If most of the posters in a thread want it gone I suppose it could be archived or deleted. Nothing will be immediate though.
Replies: >>3466
isnt there a password or something that deletes posts?
ik denpa does it
i wanna do it for the whole thread
i didnt set one, but maybe you can and give it to me
my pgp key is on my site
Replies: >>3490
>i didnt set one
Save your passwords in the future. The thread's too old to be deleted by the OP at this point and I like it anyway. Want me to scrub the OP text instead?
Replies: >>3493
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>Save your passwords in the future.
oh wow ok
ig only using ibs ran by technically competent admins that wrote their own engines spoiled me a bit too much
theyd have just done a little database surgery to get a password even if one wasnt set
>The thread's too old to be deleted by the OP
>I like it anyway
the fuck?
do you even post there?
i was actually about to bully you some more and say some like
lmao whats even the point of owning a board you dont even post on
literally only 1 thread alive with only 4 posters and i was already sure 3 of those werent (You)
and now i got confirmation that coofer isnt you either
so yea wtf are you even doing?
just lurking on my thread like a creep?
piss off
stop raping my posts with your creepy eyes
btw are you just the BO of origin or the admin too?
bc junku has been p slow lately
torrenting too much sissy porn?
Replies: >>3503
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forgot this bit
>Want me to scrub the OP text instead?
no wtf
why would i want that
what i want is a big red button that i can press to ruin everybody's fun when i get angry
to take the ball with me when i go home
and i want it NOW
I post here sometimes, and this box only seeds *nix distros and ancient doujin, I will see if I can make it faster
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>I post here sometimes
on the pic dump threads?
what about posts that actually take a little bit of effort?
>ancient doujin
>I will see if I can make it faster
looks like its a tor problem, actually
sometimes the onion stops responding, but the clearnet is fine
Replies: >>3730
I hate tor only creepy weirdos use it
fuck the maid

fuck jannies
wtf does junku do the the files that are uploaded?
i downloaded all media files from posts and when i performed a hash check to see if any of the downloads were corrupted, i noticed that 99% of the files failed
but they are fine
what gives?
i thought the hash on /file/<hash>.<ext> was the sha256 digest of the file
its not?
wtf is going on
Replies: >>3735
i checked the json of this thread and i saw that the pic on >>3505 is supposed to have 20744 bytes
but when i downloaded, it only had 20726
where did those 18 bytes go?
thats whats fucking up the hash
bc i checked the original file i uploaded and the hash matches the one on the json
and also has the correct size
so its something fucky happening when the server is sending the file back
Replies: >>3735
i see the problem
i just opened both images on vim
the discrepancy is on the magic number at the begining of the file
the original one is 'somethingsomethingJFIFsomethingsomething'
the fucked up server response is 'somethingelseCsomethingelse'
just fucking why

i did a hexdump
the original begins with:
00000000 | ff d8 ff e0 00 10 4a 46  49 46 00 01 01 01 00 48  |......JFIF.....H|
00000010 | 00 48 00 00 ff db 00 43  00 0a 07 07 08 07 06 0a  |.H.....C........|
the broken:
00000000 | ff d8 ff db 00 43 00 0a  07 07 08 07 06 0a 08 08  |.....C..........|
00000010 | 08 0b 0a 0a 0b 0e 18 10  0e 0d 0d 0e 1d 15 16 11  |................|
notice how bytes 3-20 are missing?
what gives? why did it just delete the JFIF thing
Replies: >>3735
Metadata gets stripped from uploaded files, that's probably what you're seeing.
Replies: >>3736
fucking why?
is metadata trying to murder your family or something?
and also why does the backend does that AFTER saving shit like filesize and hash?
p retarded if you ask me
Replies: >>3737
Same reason why poster IPs and web server logs aren't preserved forever.
tf is that supposed to mean?
what does that have to do with saving incorrect data on the db?
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petition to increase the post size to at least 100k character
20k is barely enough to say anything
this isnt x formerly twitter
Replies: >>4011
I couldn't sign your petition but okay, go nuts.
Fixed a security header issue for Tor friends that prevented live post updates from working properly.
no idea what this is but good job
wow it works!!
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
Replies: >>4406
where did all those shitposts come from I wonder
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Unused boards have been pruned or merged into /origin/, welcome back.
Replies: >>5062
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still moar useless boards in desperate need of purging sire
Replies: >>5063
AlogsSpace, zzzchan, and anon.cafe are all staying bucko
Replies: >>5067
utterly irrelevant, utterly irrelevant, utterly irrelevant
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im formally requesting that the jeffthread be deleted
nobody cares and i dont feel like doing this shit anymore
just send it to oblivion
Replies: >>5070 >>5071 >>5072
but i dont want you on the gay sex cult site
Fucking gay, imagine wiping your ass after shitting.
Certainly, I'll archive it in a little bit. Happy trails.
Replies: >>5073
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thank you
my stay here was nice while it lasted
A partial rollback had to be performed, pardon the interruption. No posts or files were lost.
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Expect a server migration soon, probably sometime over the weekend. The host in Mumbai is no longer suitable.
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Services restored, pardon the downtime.
What happened with /robo/?
Replies: >>5270
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/robo/ was merged into /origin/ due to lack of activity, unfortunately. You may have better luck finding kindred spirits on smuglo.li's /monster/ board:
Replies: >>5271 >>5400
Whoops, linked the old thread. Here:
lol no.
Replies: >>5401
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>>5400 (checked)
aww you guys have an angry anti too, thats cute!
btw whats pedo in that site?
if anything they seen to have perfectly diligent jannies
i lost the count of how many times i got rulecucked in there bc of how i write
for a bunch of weeaboos, they sure are stuckup and snob
ppl complain about muh nazis this muh nazis that, but what about the grammar nazis??
well, ig thats what maintaind the quality of the board or something
but whats the point of quality if i cant bait ppl?
Replies: >>5475
any other communities planned to migrate here?
Replies: >>5470
The shelter board might end up here according to what I read on anon.cafe. other than that I don't think so.
Replies: >>5474
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/shelter/ itself is coming over? thats a p big honor innit?
so next time a board dies theyre gonna plan their migration in here? and i get to derail their plans with jeffposts?
foggen ebic xdddddd
i hope our next neighbors are a bit warmer to casual chitchat
>wah I posted CP and got my peepee slapped for it
>boo hoo hoo I'm so misunderstood
Maybe you should commit sudoku.
Replies: >>5476
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>schizoposting but green
maybe you should take your pills
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Hello Webmin. Not knowing where else to post this request, I'd like to formally request a secondary bunker for /robowaifu/ here on Junkuchan. Presumably my account already here should serve?
Replies: >>5505
broh you dont have 2 be that scared of schizoshitposting
jeffie needs 2 reeducate you goddamn
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Greetings! You've got the right thread. I have no issue with hosting a bunker for /robowaifu/. I've created the board and designated you as the BO. Feel free to let me know if you need anything else.
Replies: >>5510
cool, so robo is back?
also shelter is already here and you didnt say anything? smh
Replies: >>5512
new board is broken
cannot create thread
Replies: >>5512
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Thanks kindly, Webmin! Once Anoncafe goes down, I'll officially designate Junkuchan as our new secondary. Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>5512
>I'll officially designate Junkuchan as our new secondary
so we are gonna be the 2nd wife huh
ig it sounds about right
Replies: >>5512
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Naww, check out /clang/ or /monster/. I'll post about /shelter/ when anon.cafe closes along with the original board.
Why are you trying to post on a bunker for a board that's currently up? The A-log is running wonderfully right now.
My pleasure. The board is locked and ready for whatever tweaks you'd like to make once anon.cafe is brought down.
These jokes write themselves.
Replies: >>5517
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>check out /clang/ or /monster/
<404 not found
must be ultra secret board
>Why are you trying to post on a bunker for a board that's currently up?
why is there a board in here if i cant post?
whats the point of inviting ppl over if we cant even speak?
why is everybody so antisocial? smh
at least link the original board on the description or something
>The A-log is running wonderfully right now.
the what is doing what now?
Replies: >>5518
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jeff... Would it be better if I paid you attention in your thread?

Your fortune: The lens has shifted, outside forces may warp your inner ego
Replies: >>5535
>Would it be better if I paid you attention in your thread?
yes of course
idek whats the point of running a whole ass imageboard for free if youre just gonna sulk instead of post
Replies: >>5537
Mind if I make this post its own thread? It seems like a worthy topic.
Replies: >>5680
Go ahead.
Replies: >>5684
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I’ve introduced a few more post styling options: 3D text, glow, rainbow, and shake. These styling options have been ethically plucked from ECHOBUBBLE, back when they were running their own ratwires.space inspired textboard. The updated post styling inputs and outputs have also been documented in the FAQ.

Furthermore, post styling hotkeys have been introduced for posters with keyboards who are bold enough to enable JavaScript. Enjoy, and let me know if anything breaks.
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>I’ve introduced a few more post styling options: 3D text, glow, rainbow, and shake.
thank you admommy, very cool
no idea in what contexts im supposed to use those tho
Replies: >>5763
glow seems self-evident, but we can make it up as we go along. together.
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Some Tor users may have been affected by an IP range being improperly blocked. Our maids have rectified the issue. Please pardon the interruption. Tor users are still encouraged to use the onion address when they can.
Replies: >>5909
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thank you for tor-inclusive
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HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode and HiddenServiceSingleHopMode have been enabled. Tor posters should experience a substantially faster browsing and posting experience without their anonymity being affected. These settings are documented here:
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thank you for the diligent work admommy
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another ib engine falls victim to my dithered images
<original image sizes: 16KB and 22KB
<thumbnail sizes: 48KB and 64KB
File size limits have been increased to 32MB per post. Enjoy.
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Just a suggestion but the navigation buttons for scrolling up or down a thread are a bit hard to use on mobile.  It would help if they had some more padding from the bottom and on a vertical alignment rather than horizontal. Picrel is how it shows up on my phone.
Replies: >>6304 >>6305
i never noticed this on the normal version
what is even the point when we can just press Home and End on the keyboard?
Makes sense to me, I'll see if I can implement it.
Replies: >>6306
Much better! Thanks adminchan
Replies: >>6308
Lolcow bunker thread is lagging out, help
Whoa, you're quick, you may need to force refresh since I tweaked the CSS as well. If you don't want to see the navigation buttons at all, you can paste the following custom CSS into the settings:

.stickynav {
	display: none;
Bye bye, thanks for being so nice to us. You're alright!
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Add a test board! All imageboards need a test board!
Replies: >>6351 >>6354
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Replies: >>6354
But there's already a test thread >>5118
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welp, someone leaked the jeffthread 2 into the big schizoden
so please delete that one too, admom
its best for everyone that they come here and dont find anything
you seriously don't want the kind of people that stalk me getting interested in this place
Replies: >>6396 >>6401
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disregard this message, reply to jeffposts
Replies: >>6397
jeffthread already got bumped off the 1st page
it has been over for a long time
i think it was already over when it was created tbh
just let it die before the schizos defile it
Certainly, stay safe jeff.
Replies: >>6403
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thx mom
ill try
but sometimes the urge to jeff is too strong
my site isnt dead for good btw
im just taking my sweet sweet time reconfigging my system now that im switching computers
it will be back sometime next year maybe
ill let yk
(now pretend i attached that pic of nekoarc sitting on her computer saying 'i hate my puter all my enemies are there', i still havent brought over my reaction images)
Happy New Year, /origin/!
Your fortune: Good Luck
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I spotted jeff in zzz/b/
Please bring him back here before he makes the board even shittier than it was
Replies: >>6496
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>implying you can stop the jeff
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hi site's online again pls add it back on the list ty
also even my spare computer seems to be fucked beyond help now
im having to resort to my spare spare computer
i so fucking tired of this bullshit
idk if the cia is targetting me or what, but im almost ready to move innawoods and never touch another electronic ever again
Replies: >>6501
Nice, congratulations. I've re-added the link. Good luck with your hardware.
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le shill lion users are no longer sent to the gulag and should now be able to access boards aside from /whitelist/
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Some clarification for posters concerned about their privacy. Staff members are unable to see IP addresses, instead they can only see a unique identifier representing the poster's IP address and suffix that indicates the type of address they're using (IPv4, IPv6, etc.), this also goes for reports. I'm the only one who can see your IP address.
Copypasta from news:

Junkuchan has been upgraded to jschan 1.7.0 and the downtime was, unfortunately, noticeable. My apologies. The undici node.js module had an undefined reference that made the site to go pear-shaped. The reference has since been defined and things are running swimmingly now.

Thank you for your diligent work, Tom!
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at this point you should at least include a passing remark about unique file enforcement in the FAQ
also explicitly mention this to next BO and ask whether to have it enabled or disabled at board creation
this is the 2nd time a new board has trouble with it
and given the way they even thought that it would make sense for the filename to have anything to do with it, my guess is that this is an uncommon feature among IB engines
Replies: >>6557
A few emoji have been implemented as a test, expect changes and a few rough edges for the time being. Here are the first few:
:chiyocry: - Chiyo-chichi, crying. :chiyochichi: - Chiyo-chichi :chiyolay: - Chiyo-chichi, laying down :chiyogetout: - Chiyo-chichi, tossing Chiyo-chichi

Here's what you type to use them:
It probably wouldn't hurt to have something in the FAQ, good idea.
I've implemented a few more emoji and buffed fortunes. Feedback is welcome, as always.
:chiyozen: - Chiyo-chichi, at peace :chiyoalarm: - Chiyo-chichi, ready to face the day :chiyocooked: - Chiyo-chichi, well-done

Two more emoji have been added, enjoy.
:chiyokiss: - Chiyo-chichi, with a kissy face. :chiyoclasp: - Chiyo-chichi, with hands clasped.

Two more emoji have been added, I couldn't resist.
:chiyosleep: :chiyolook:

Two more emoji have been added... why not?
:chiyodrool: :chiyofish:

Last edited by webmaster
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A new privacy page has been created. Feedback is welcome.
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>Feedback is welcome.
well since youre asking
>There are no private posts. Assume all posts made are instantly archived by a third-party.
>Don't post things online that you wouldn't want to have saved forever on a web archiving service.
jesus, what kind of retarded zoomers do you take ppl here for
are the pirate girls really that fucking dense?
yea ok, i read the thread and lmao they have no fucking clue how http works or what javascript is
but if you think they need basic common sense spelled out for them, then its already over
a little privacy page isnt gonna save them
>Be aware of what information in your posts may reveal about you. Using or reusing pseudonyms, posting media you've posted elsewhere, or including details about where you live and work could be used to identify you. Minor details, such as habitual post times and dialects (e.g., American English spelling, local slang, or grammatical quirks) could also be exploited to deanonymize and target you.
extremely schizophrenic paragraph and i can empirically prove it
i have been posting as jeff for the past 3 years
i have had one raving schizo consistently send me death threats for several months (just bc i stole his e-gf) and at least 3 dudes fall into obsessive love with me
zero of them managed to even figure out which country im from
granted, they were all very stupid, and motivation alone isnt enough to do detective work, you also need iq points above the average room temperature of alaska
and you have seen the caliber of my jeffposts, i really dont hold back on the juicy deets when im oversharing my deranged thoughts with strangers online
i do maintain a certain level of caution, like im not posting my ssn online or anything, but not to any pathological level, holy shit
you need to be extremely, and i mean **exceptionally* braindead to accidentally doxx yourself
like, if you manage to pull it off, you kinda deserve it ngl
>metadata (Exif data) is stripped from uploaded images
oh yea, i remember that the sha256 digest of some images wont match the one in the json
was it bc the digest is calculated before the exif is stripped?
i cant believe you would break your database like that just to protect glue eaters
database? more like datacringe amirite
Replies: >>6658 >>6664
Two more emoji... you know...
:chiyotable: :chiyopuke:


Thank you for the feedback, jeff. I'm glad you have maintained your privacy online.
I'm reading from the meta threads on both PLW and Sleepy that someone is intentionally uploading pics that have CP in the thumbnails, leaving them up and then report them to the registrars or the hosts to have them take down the site.
No idea if this is true or if it will end going after us but just a heads up.
Replies: >>6660
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and from 8ch moe
>just bc i stole his e-gf
kekk jeff is a player? who would have thought he has game. good for you jeff
Replies: >>6665
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maybe he stole some schizo's waifu, she doesn't have to be real
Replies: >>6667
nah she was an underage girl he was grooming
i only ever talked to her to bully her, but apparently discord kittens love being treated like shit (who'd have guessed)
anyway we never actually e-dated tbh, i was just having fun ruining things for him bc he is the type of schizo with very little emotional stability
she is living a normie life now so she is out of the scene, but we are still friends and she hits me up on my mailbox every few months to catch up on life and stuff
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- news + rules + faq + privacy + markup -
- jschan 1.7.0 + Junkuchan + Kiramoji 3.3.2 -