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Would you keep your robot maid wife updated? I usually like to keep my things updated but I'm not too sure if I would want to keep my maid updated or even connected to the internet. Knowing I'm one bad patch away from potentially losing her personality is a disturbing thought.
>Knowing I'm one bad patch away from potentially losing her personality is a disturbing thought.
Exactly so. No, you should never let you robot waifu ever connect directly to the outside world, period. We'll deliver signed patches in the form of ISOs that will serve as security patches, bug patches, and function enhancements. She can retrieve information via her dedicated, off-lined proxy (and send it thus).

But yeah, no. You never want your waifu connected to the Internet for any reason whatsoever. You'll also keep her data reduntantly backed up as well.
So I still get patches and enhancements at least? That's better than just leaving her air-gapped and unpatched forever. Receiving maid bot updates via mail on an optical disc instead of an ISO file would be pretty charming in its own way.

Backups are great but I would hope that I'd never have to use one, things would get weird if I did.
>So I still get patches and enhancements at least?
Sure ofc. Everything is open-sauced from the signed, trusted source, and you patch her from your air-gapped local hardware. She herself never sees the Internet at all.
>not .hex
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