/origin/ - origin

fringe community — core services

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A post spotted on /g/. Not looking forward to interacting with GPT-3 for now and forever on random imageboards and textboards. I'd understand the desire to have an instant community as a site admin but conversing with a chatbot living on localhost is way too bleak. Don't do it lonely admin!
>>457 (OP) 
The thread in question:

Of course, I'm sure there are a few folks already testing their bots on 4chan for fun and profit, Cornelia pls go.
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I see you Heyuri...
I appreciate their site and their culture, especially their cute Yotsuba emotes, but I'm still nervous about their owner(s).
Replies: >>466 >>476
It would help if I link the archived thread I'm referring to:

Also Junkuchan needs emotes too.
Replies: >>476
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Heyuri discusses, good luck Heyuri!
Replies: >>954
I do not like noko, please just let me stay in the thread Heyuri...
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/vmg/ is a good board, >>>/vmg/1048174 is a good post.
I wonder if Mohey Pori is still out there somewhere.
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The Grimchan admin slaps away opportunistic vultures even as he pulls the plug on his own site, admirable:

Replies: >>546
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Pffft, /kind/ is charming.
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Grimchan is back and the fuck is this thread? 
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Where did /late/ go?
Replies: >>562
/shelter/ thread

/comfy/ thread

Good luck with /late/ nights!
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I don't remember sites going up and down this fast during Junkuchan's "prime". Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
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I really enjoy going to random, small imageboards and just shitposting. Lately I've been pretty anxious about moderators being able to see my posts though, mods can't see your posts right? My shitposts need to stay anonymous.
Replies: >>578
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this isn't a shitpost
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Strange apparitions have begun to appear in a few specific threads on 4chan, is /jp/ haunted?

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an imageboard for watamote fans has just dropped!


I'm unsure why I have to connect to googleads.g.doubleclick.net, fonts.gstatic.com, jnn-pa.googleapis.com, play.google.com, static.doubleclick.net, www.youtube.com, and i.ytimg.com to browse the site though.
Replies: >>584
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Oh fugg either I've been bamboozled (highly probable) or it's dead already. I figured it'd last a day after it got posted on /r9k/ at least.
Replies: >>585
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Gonna pour one out for the sad smelly girl fans.
Being a BO seems tough...
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/late/ made it, put down your roots!


wirechan seems like a good fit too.
Replies: >>604
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That didn't last long.
Replies: >>605
/late/ moved once again:

I hope the /late/ posters don't get fatigue.
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Imageboards come and go too fast, I suppose I should just enjoy the chaos but losing a site forever doesn't feel right.
There's been a disturbing uptick in wife-posting on 4chan lately.
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What are his intentions when he posts these images?
Replies: >>786 >>796
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Intentions are dubious.
Replies: >>786
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How to get in?
What's behind the login?

I am too curious.
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Happy 10k, /digi/!
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Meta threads are like crack to me.
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/doll/ is comfortable and nice, I should use /doll/ more often though.
Is Junkuchan broken??
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Oh no, this man is well-known:
Replies: >>791
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It continues.
Replies: >>812
Mmmm, buttons
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This image has been banned from the webring look 👀 quickly!
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The cabal is gonna hate this.
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The lore grows deeper.
Replies: >>945
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textboard users are fucked in the head.
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An IPFS imageboard in the wild! I hope it grows to be a bit more stable.
Replies: >>941 >>942 >>943
I posted one thread and it went through three times, whoops.
I would like to seed plebchan, interesting project.
Plebchan won't accept my shitposts. 😔
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It continues
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What goes on at picochan?
I will link back to this thread on picochan
Replies: >>952
Okay I did it hope the thread lasts forevermore.
Replies: >>953
We're best friends now!
Replies: >>956
>The thread you want to reply does not exist!
Replies: >>955
Jannies that delete discussion threads are evil.
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hopefully we can cuddle soon
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woohoo another board full of whining depressed fags
Replies: >>958
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kind.moe seems more cheerful but it also seems a bit forced. Maybe imageboard users that aren't on 4chan are just inherently depressing?

I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
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wow got a reply so fast 
yeah i know about kind it's gay and boring 
on nanosphere we at least have avatarfags that orchestrate whole theaters of metadrama for entertainment 
not sure the fuck is this place about 
nano also enforces privacy so i can post guides on nitrifying funny esters this one is hosted on a clearnet lmao 
using DNS in 2023 admin is such a cuck
Replies: >>964 >>973
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avatar posters seem annoying, I am glad you are enjoying yours though, sometimes stirring shit up for fun is worth it. I think junkuchan is about blogposting and posting moody anime girls, I'm not quite sure yet. I don't think the guy hosting this site even knows what tor or onions are.

Link your cool guides!
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>Link your cool guides!
simply ferment soy milk for an improvised HRT (and diarrhea) 
me and one of mine "friends" are working on a wiki on explosives triggers and everything related to bombs and similar contraptions 
it's going to be a giant clusterfuck and it's p barebones now only like a few weeks in 
but i am quite experienced when it comes to exploding shit did azides NI3 picric acid and stuff and i am still alive you can ask question if you want (fucking reddit i swear)
Replies: >>967 >>973
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I'm not terribly interested in estrogen but your wiki sounds like a good project, be sure to shill it when it's done. I'll leave exploding things to others for now, I just want to shoot things like paper targets.

I don't care about reddit.
Share Picochan threeads

sluts where we at
Replies: >>989
One more, I'll keep looking.
Replies: >>989
Replies: >>989
he has been grooming me into becoming the new unabomber
he even killed ted the other day to pressure me to take his place
Replies: >>974
You are a grown man posting Japanese cartoons of little girls on a handful of imageboards, you are not being "groomed."
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UwU take the MKUpill and begin pushing teens to mass murders and suicide for political clout with me >///<
Replies: >>976
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Replace the MKUpill with estrogen and this sort of scenario is an online reality. I pray for the confused young men and women of today.
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[s4s]! anime pillow fight!

This one flew my radar entirely, they have a pleasant amount of shitposting going on.
Replies: >>984 >>988
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>Replace the MKUpill with estrogen
those are synonymous baka 
>pray for the confused young men and women of today
but don't you think that those filthy industrialists/communists/conservatives/liberals/niggers/faggots/federal agents deserve to piss their pants and evacuate in fear while some exploding chlor-alkali plant fucking nullifies and resets ecological sphere around murdering thousands with toxic fumes that they have produced on their own?  
kinda defies the ecological stuff tho
Replies: >>983
Do I have to use the term glowniggers or is glowies fine? Someone called me a glownig once for using glowies on an irrelevant imageboard but it's objectively the better term.
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glownigger sounds rude while glowie sounds so sweat and cuddly ^w^ 
but yeah no difference tbh both are the same the guy that called you a glownig was just out of arguments 
or you were really behaving like a glownig and he just pointed out a random thing in your post whatevs man idgaf
Replies: >>983 >>987
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I don't care too much about what people deserve, I'll leave retribution to God.

thanky ou for your opinion, I'll be sticking to glowie.
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[s4s] posters are indeed pleasant! I will visit them more often.
cute tummy
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I've been enjoying light shitposting there and on picochan lately, shilling works.
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Is their admin in it for the long haul? Who could even say?
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>Is their admin in it for the long haul? 
nah i doubt that 
well maybe he is he even bought a CLEARNET DOMAIN 
first time in the nanosphere history 
but we have two more sites and an IRC so pico is kinda redundant and useless
>he even bought a CLEARNET DOMAIN 
yea p cringe ngl
the last thing we need in out dead community is clearnet normies
>we have two more sites
one of them is a scam tho
so yea its good to have something for the times lambda goes down for no reason
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srsly if you use DNS unironically GTFO from the nanosphere only autistic elitists and terrorists are allowed in
Replies: >>994 >>999
lmoa wtf did DNS fuck your sister or something?
Replies: >>999
I'm glad Junkuchan posters are normal and well-adjusted so we don't have to deal with glowies like the fringe schizos have to.
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Dare you enter /cowe/?
im an autistic elite and terrorist myself
im guessing you never tried to have your own site
you have no idea the HELL that is trying to have anything with DNS
might as well have fucked my sister tbh
Replies: >>1003
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It doesn't seem that hard, point the domain to the nameserver(s) and point the nameserver(s) to the IP. Doesn't seem like much of a hell to me. I hope your sister is doing well though.
Replies: >>1021
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Moderation logs are one thing but Nanochan apparently had most of its database available for download, neat. Good luck to the refugees, I hope they find a good home.
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I'm the creator/developer of https://brainworm.rodeo

It's slightly [s4s] themed. Right now mostly just a general purpose chan. Has lots of cool features no other chan has. People can make their own boards and enable/disable which features they want to let people use.

GPT-3.5 interaction is one feature, though we don't seed the site with fake posts or anything of course. Supports playing live-synced videos in threads like cytube. #yoink lets you steal images from people's posts and #gift lets you add them to posts. #say is Moonbase Alpha TTS, #spin spins. Also a lower-level language for power users called Wormlang that compiles to CSS. And way more.
Replies: >>1013
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Neat and wholesome, liveposting freaks me out though.
Replies: >>1016
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The internet is not dead! There's no way it is! Look at all these tiny, vibrant imageboards.
FYI we also support non-live boards. Board creators can configure their board to be non-live ("classic mode"). One example is here: https://brainworm.rodeo/classic/
Replies: >>1024
The guy running it doesn't seem to know how to handle the automated CSAM spam, that's a shame.
almost forgot about this thread
>It doesn't seem that hard
>t. actually never even tried having his own site
my trips were right
>point the domain to the nameserver(s) and point the nameserver(s) to the IP
just dont forget to negotiate a public ip address with your isp
and pray that they actually allow that
and that its not too expensive
only then you can actually pay for the privilege of having your domain name resolve to that address
dont forget to pray their servers wont be compromised and your record replaced
AND dont be a naughty boy or the dns mafia will revoke your domain
AND get a tls certificate for your site
AND pay the tls mafia to sign your certificate to make it 'legit' for normies
AND pray they won't fuck up their ((( verification process ))) and sign another certificate claiming to be you
AND periodically cough up more sheckels to renew your cert
AND dont be a naughty boy or the tls mafia wont renew it
now contrast all that cock and ball torture with having a site on the darknet
>have an httpd running locally
>config tor to be a hidden service
>tor automatically gives you a domain name and e2ee
>it also punches through nat, so no need for a public ip
>and your own key is used to validate your identity, so no need to worry about dumb retarded humans in the middle of the chain fucking it up somehow
isnt that 1000x comfier?
>I hope your sister is doing well though.
she came out as trans
supposedly i have a brother now
Replies: >>1022 >>1023
>((( echos ))) are a default feature even on an abandoned imageboard for sad weebs
Holy shit lmoa. I have nothing to add otherwise, praying for your sister to come to her senses.
Replies: >>1041
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Why would you deal with your ISP at all? Hosting from a residential IP introduces unnecessary complications whether you're on clearnet or on Tor's darknet. If you have trouble setting up a simple clearnet site you'll almost certainly fuck up your Tor configuration and expose your server's public IP, or your residential IP if you're hosting it from your house lel. Hosting some imageboard somewhere will cost 5-10 USD regardless of your network choice and TLS certs are free, just use Let's Encrypt. The rest of what you've listed is irrelevant to the difficulty of setting up and maintaining a small site to scream at marginalized people of color/gender.

>she came out as trans
This does not sound like good news, Friend. Hopefully she snaps out of it before she starts taking bathtub hormones or has surgery done.
Replies: >>1041
That's the only "non-live" board? Looks like it never got out of the testing phase three months ago.
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/fit/ has fallen to the bots.
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Is it wrong to go on picochan and pretend to be a tranny?
Replies: >>1041
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>Hosting from a residential IP introduces unnecessary complications
<hosting your own site 
<on someone else's computer 
big brain move 
>If you have trouble setting up a simple clearnet site you'll almost certainly fuck up your Tor configuration
having trouble? 
niggar number 1021 clearly figured out and solved all his problems by not getting involved with this retarded half-assed "protocol"
Replies: >>1037 >>1041
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Why is hosting from your home better? Also most guides to running a Tor site read like this:
Doesn't read like an easy afternoon project for our would-be new site owner. DNS is not "HELL" at all in comparison.
Replies: >>1041
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Why are picochan posters obsessed with lambdaplusjs and trannies? Are they the victims of a very slow raid right now or something?
Replies: >>1041
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>(((  echos  ))) are a default feature even on an abandoned imageboard for sad weebs
as it should be
would it even count as an imageboard if antisemite memes werent hardcoded into it?

>Hosting from a residential IP introduces unnecessary complications whether you're on clearnet or on Tor's darknet.
like what?
>If you have trouble setting up a simple clearnet site you'll almost certainly fuck up your Tor configuration and expose your server's public IP, or your residential IP if you're hosting it from your house lel.
literally how
what the fuck are you talking about?
>TLS certs are free, just use Let's Encrypt
thats not the point, retard
relying on the TLS mafia at all is fucking braindead
browsers will trust a bunch of CAs that nobody has ever heard of just bc they are paid to shill them
wtf is even the point of a web of trust if "trust" is decided entirely by someone else
tls should work just like ssh tbh
remember the cert of the first connection, and warn if it ever changes
btw it doesnt matter if one single organization is giving away certs for free rn
they can just turn kike at any moment and start asking for your sheckles
then wtf are you gonna do? use selfsigned and filter out all your normie readers that you have now become dependent on?
yea ok self-signed certs are the chad's choice of cert
too bad cucked browsers will throw a temper tantrum if you try to access a site like that
so if youre gonna filter out normies, might as well preserve your anonymity while at it
>The rest of what you've listed is irrelevant to the difficulty of setting up and maintaining a small site to scream at marginalized people of color/gender.
thats were you are wrong
if you scream at the minorities too loudly, the big boys will decide to deassociate with you and you will get what you fucking deserve for having your infrastructure rely on 3rd parties

>>1033 (dubs of newfag)
that is literally its intended purpose

based post, based pic
holy shit now i want a lifesized fumo

>Why is hosting from your home better?
because you actually control your hardware
wtf is even the point of going through all the autism of setting up a server if the computer isnt even yours?
just go full plebian and use a host at this point
neocities is free
but you will prolly tumblr better
>Also most guides to running a Tor site read like this
holy shit im not even gonna read past the introduction
what the fuck kind of schizolord is teaching you to host a tor site, fucking hell
i literally explained how to run a tor site in just 5 lines
actually, that was only 2 lines
the rest are just clarifications
<doing something that will get glowies hot on your ass
yea how about you just dont?
if having the government trying to assassinate you is part of your threat model, you should probably look for a safer hobby
being an e-tranny isnt for you
>Doesn't read like an easy afternoon project for our would-be new site owner.
fighting gov oppression is never an easy afternoon project
>DNS is not "HELL" at all in comparison.
most of that hell is self inflicted anyway
and you cant even begin to engage all that schizophrenia if youre using DNS
well, ig with enough dedication you actually can do that on the clearnet too
see kiwi farms

i can explain
you see, every site that associates itself with nanochan gets visited by nanotrannies
they dont intentionally try to ruin the site, but they are extremely loud and only know how to talk about 3 topics:
1. anime
2. trannification
3. pedophilia
and since they are the most interested in nano-related ibs, they will make up the majority of new users when one is born
so no, its not a raid
thats literally what the userbase is like
the fagmin brought this upon himself by using picochan as the backend
the same happened on lambdachan
i call this process Embrace, Effeminate, Enjoy
Replies: >>1042
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Holy shit, winrar. Corpo slop suckers utterly BTFO
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Every time I think of nano I tear up ;_;
Your site is configured to block Tor, sucks.
Replies: >>1049
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Shame they deleted the cultural exchange thread over there. At least this one is up, apparently the webmaster for junkuchan doesn't care about anything.
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This new imageboard has way too much baggage

also lmbo @ nanotrannies and lambdatrannies, excellent slang.
Replies: >>1049
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the admin is a faggot
idk why spam the clearnet domain
dns was a mistake
yea well, its nanochan after all
but yea it does have a shitton of drama for a rather small ib
>nanotrannies and lambdatrannies, excellent slang
i wanna say im the one who came up with it, but i could be misremembering
we just use -tranny instead of -faggot bc that more accurately describes the users
wtf is it dead already or am I getting filtered?
Replies: >>1056
>wtf is it dead already or am I getting filtered?
tf you mean nigga posts still posted
Replies: >>1056
threads die
thats just it is
Replies: >>1056
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Oh no no no clearnet sisters??
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This is our fault and I feel a bit bad.
clearnet was a mistake anyway
Replies: >>1061
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All my friends are on clearnet though.
Replies: >>1062
get them on tor faggot
Replies: >>1063
No friends can be found on Tor.
Replies: >>1065
i have several e-friends and they are all on tor
Replies: >>1066
How to get friends on tor?
Replies: >>1067 >>1068
Post pics of that tight gamer booty, ofc.
Replies: >>1068 >>1069
act like an underage girl and you will get lots of pedofrens looking to know you better :)
this but unironically
You're asking for the impossible. Every gamer is a fat ass.
Replies: >>1072
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I wish I had a gamer girl with a fat as...
Replies: >>1071
i have seen some femboys with seriously fuckable asses
Link seems broken...
Replies: >>1091
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Hello HikkiChan! Welcome! Hopefully they stick around and come out of their shells.

Replies: >>1077

/origin/ is here.
It's a mental illness, isn't it?
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Admiggers stop deleting shit
What the fuck, you're insane. This site is insane.
Replies: >>1088
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Stop deleting posts.
Stop living in my walls.
It died. Forget about the site and enjoy Junkuchan and its friend boards
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Are they affiliated in some way? Also no one on /origin/ is a hikikomori.
Replies: >>1099
nah, it was being shilled on pico too
I went to the 3ch one and my phone crashed from the hieroglyphics lmbo
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Anyone familiar with Floridachan? Did it ever get off the ground before it died or was it stillborn from the start?
Replies: >>5815
looks like hikkichan has fucked up its spam filters
its literally impossible to post anything anywhere
and i had a huge textwall to post there
Replies: >>1107
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The admin seems to be responding to posts in /meta/ and has his email listed in a sticky. Perhaps you could screenshot what you wanted to post and ask him to fix his shit?
Replies: >>1108
yea the admin seems p friendly
too bad its impossible to post even on /meta/
and email is gay he should have an irc instead
im not joining the botnet just to talk to him
Replies: >>1109
Posting has been fixed, Friend, rejoice.
Replies: >>1110
yea it kinda works
i only got filtered after 3 consecutive posts
and now i cant post again lol
at least i could get like half of the replies in
Replies: >>1111
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lmao, the hikki life is suffering.
Replies: >>1112
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>>1111 (checked)
straight facts
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I'll be merging this thread with >>457 (OP) , since Picochan is ded. If you disagree with this action reply to this post with "FUCK YOU."
Replies: >>1117 >>1118
>since Picochan is ded
its not ded
just filtering out the clearnet niggers

based ryona btw
post more
Replies: >>1119 >>1164
id fuck you hard if u werent such a creep
Replies: >>1120 >>1164
I click the link and it doesn't work though? Why did OP post a link that doesn't work?
BO is obviously a basement-dwelling man, gay.
Replies: >>1123
im gay and i dont want the bo
Replies: >>1124
GOOD homo taste
wtf hikkichan is already down?
i thought itd last at least a few more weeks
Replies: >>1126
What the fuck, you junkuchan assholes are behind this aren't you?

Glowflare won't let me navigate to 3ch.one
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I'm lurking picochan right now, no one can stop me.
Replies: >>1134
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I hope http://04.sbs gets better.
reply to my threads
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Why is 3ch.one so full of pedophiles?
Replies: >>1139
catchan infected it
never let catchan near your imageboard
fuckers ruined my otter channel
Replies: >>1140
Looks like a purgatory right now, lots of activity with zero direction.
Replies: >>1141 >>1142
Oh wait never mind I found the onion, gross.
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it isnt 2013 but ok
Replies: >>1144
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catchan is extremely active in 2023
Replies: >>1151
not what i meant but ok
bring hikkichan back already
i had some unfinished convos in there
Replies: >>1154
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Admin ran out of server money because he was a smelly shut-in NEET.
Replies: >>1155
Why is this thread the most active one? It's just about other websites. Post some new threads, post OC.
Replies: >>1157
Because this site is stable but incredibly boring, so I come here to gossip about other, unstable imageboards while they're perpetually inaccessible.
Replies: >>1158
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Thank you for your feedback, the thread has been merged with >>457 (OP) .
Replies: >>1166
Is hikkichan.net dead forever or what?
ugh typical trannyjanny doesnt give a shit about what ppl say
Replies: >>1167
The silent majority won this time.
well whatever
even the onion is gone now
Replies: >>1173
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Who did this? Did you do this?
Replies: >>1174
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Replies: >>1175
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Disappointing, there should be more tiny imageboards available for me to barely post to and you're not helping.
Replies: >>1180
make your own and ill spam it with my rambleposts
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Good luck choachan.cafe, come back soon.
Replies: >>1321
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/g/ wishes to branch out, again. I appreciate the idea guy posts.
Replies: >>1282 >>1283
/g/s been illegitimate for a while now
Damn, that thread is going to shit. I shouldn't have observed it.

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Great board for shitposts, it runs on PHP which is a soulful language. You can't post images though.
Replies: >>1304
Awful for browsing on mobile.
[Hide] (166.3KB, 900x735) Reverse
why are you browsing on mobile?
Replies: >>1317
It's what I have? I'm not going to the library just to observe hot shitposts in real time.
Replies: >>1318
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i pity you friend
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This is  choachan now, explain. Who was mean to the sysop?
Replies: >>1323
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fujochan down too, something dark is happening.
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WillBoard just got plugged on /g/. Not quite sure what to think about the look and feel of it yet but the discussions in the thread are interesting.
oh gross it uses .NET
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4chan is toast, this is your fault /origin/
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If you receive this error message turn off your VPN or get a new one, Tor users should not be affected.
kind.moe is gone, best of luck to /kind/ posters though.
Replies: >>1526 >>1527
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Kind has a bunker thread on /shelter/
Replies: >>1528 >>1545
Seems sad over there too
New board had been made, I know nothing about Wapchan though

Their fonts irritate my eyes.
Replies: >>1707
>Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue
how unkind reminds me of the original 8chan metadrama where /kind/ was for bulling and /bully/? was kind
Replies: >>1549
lmoa did you actually get that message? glad I didn't bother clicking
Replies: >>1552
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>glad I didn't bother clicking
ouch you got me
Replies: >>1553
it's okay I'll click the link so you can fingerprint my browser and harvest my vital data uwu
Replies: >>1559
yummy data ovo
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Red Channel - ريد تشانل
damn I wish I could read
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Why is he doing it? Will this be a catalyst for the sharty's metamorphosis?
Replies: >>1668 >>1684
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Not a clue where I could get more info about this, seems like a little bit of dirt is on /trash/:
Replies: >>1672
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Found this neat little dump in that thread too.
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Replies: >>1671
Was it CSAM that did it? Incredibly dark if so.
the salt flows in that thread
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i dont understand wtf any of you is talking about and i dont see why this is important
Replies: >>1676
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I am here to experience imageboard culture
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Goodbye I guess.
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just how the fuck do you make a site so expensive that you actually need to raise money for it?
my own site is so ridiculously fucking cheap that i sincerely struggle with this question
were they unironically using soyware that needs 16gb of ram to and a gpu to run?
bc i cannot imagine under what circumstances shitposting would need serious computational resources
was that site super popular or something and needed to be able to handle more than 4 faggots posting large files at the same time 24/7?
bc even if youre renting a computer, idk why youd pay for more than the basic plan which costs less than 1 visit to the mcdonalds per month unless youre gonna use it to mine bitcoin or something
Replies: >>1692
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The sharty was, according to my incredibly reliable sources on 4chan's /trash/, one of the larger English language imageboards and had a lot of legitimate traffic. They also had a lot of illegitimate traffic, mostly from the people they pissed off with their constant raids, in the form of both spam and DDoSes. In addition to the imageboard they were also running a booru with a decent amount of persistent content. Finally, I think they were running slightly-shit imageboard software, in my opinion.
>needed to be able to handle more than 4 faggots posting large files at the same time 24/7?
Yes, the spam from both regulars and outsiders with an agenda was constant.

In other news jakparty.soy is temporarily shuttered due to the sudden influx of refugees. Who knows what the future holds?
Maybe make a post asking them to change it?
Replies: >>1708
It's their culture, I can't just demand them to change it as an outsider.
Replies: >>1709
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stop being a little bitch and kick down their door and say NIGGERS YOUR CSS FUCKING SUCKS CHANGE THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW
or if you dont have a backbone, you can instead lurk enough to be able to pretend to be a regular so you can complain about it
or even better: just disable custom fonts on your browser wtf i cant believe you actually have it enable lmfao
Replies: >>1710 >>1712
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I'd rather just bounce tbh unless wapchan is some little golden nugget of culture I'm missing out on
Replies: >>1712
also the animated background makes the fan on my phone spin up to an annoying whir
Replies: >>1712
There's a "Font Overrides" button that changes any theme's font to Arial.
It's nothing special, but I like it! The art section is cool.
>unless wapchan is some little golden nugget of culture I'm missing out on
prolly not tbh
looks kinda cringe
wtf does it even stand for anyway?
Wet-Ass Pussy channel? lol

>the fan on my phone
Replies: >>1714
>wtf does it even stand for anyway?
Wapanese Channel
Replies: >>1715
wow thats gay
wtf is a wapa anyway
wet ass pussy chan is better
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ZZZchan discusses the demise of Soychan. "Good riddance!"

I'm glad the soychan refugees have to migrate to jakparty now. They're being forced to adapt to the far superior jschan experience. One step closer to the death of vichan
Replies: >>1752
why is vichan bad and what are the advantages of jschan?
where im from, autismos craft their own ib engines
Replies: >>1754
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vichan has a cobbled-together feel, most site owners seem to just slap shit together without taking a proper look at the end product before letting it rot. jschan just werks out of the box, seems like most site owners don't fuck with it excessively either.
link some custom ib engines in the wild, I want to see true autismo performance.
Where did the files go
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Someone decipher this please.
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3ch.one appears to be gone, what happened? I never really browsed it.
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/azu/ is back! I never knew /azu/ was gone though.
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Where is alogs.space
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Probably the best use of javascript I've seen on an imageboard. It's an excellent gatekeeping technique.
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Did anyone manage to post on https://neets.club/ before it poofed?
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hikari3.ch is a neat-looking imageboard, they've got a cute mascot, and their emotes are nice too.

seems like they have an unfortunate d*scord infestation though.
Replies: >>2110 >>2128
wasnt hikari already posted here
no its the other way around its a site for somewhat sane discord children
Replies: >>2113
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I didn't see it, don't arrest me. Anyway, they're all d*scord children? I'd rather not touch that platform if I can help it.
Replies: >>2114
would you be willing to touch discord from matrix the bridging is rather good
thats how i found out for sure hikari is discord children ran
hate matrix for many reasons and dont use it now
Replies: >>2118
D*scord kills internet communities, if I interact with it I would be encouraging that even more so I'd rather not. Good to know hikari is made for and by internet-addled children though, maybe there's hope in a way.
it was shilled before and they banned me too
trash site smh
Replies: >>2177
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Was it bait? I hope it was.

What did they get you for?
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Don't go to [s4s], it's dangerous. 4chan's [s4s] is pretty risky too.
>What did they get you for?
based i couldnt even be assed to post there
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So it may have not been bait, that's incredibly unfortunate.
That's what you deserve for joining IRC or whatever else whatever else was behind the curtain.
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here he goes again
i wonder if he knew what this post would do to this site...
also no wonder this is the 3rd most replied thread (very close to the dangospam thread)
this was the proto-jeffthread for a while
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8chan is back again (again), apparently.
>Welcome to the backpage of the internet!
>On infiniteboards you can create your own imageboard for free with no experience or programming knowledge needed.

Good luck IB.t!
why does this brandon character keep doing it
Replies: >>2762
brannie raped my bussy
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fuck those street shitters
They really cannot just hand it over to someone else, can they? Madmins always need to take their ball with them when they storm off.
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Can fascism find a home? The OP image is cute and I wanted an excuse to share.
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Now I truly understand 4chan's /tttt/, what a wonderful peek into their minds.
Replies: >>4301
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One of the sharty's domain registrars, Epik, has yoinked one of their domains. Good luck soyteens.
Replies: >>4298 >>4303
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Off-topic but looks like kiwi farms got slapped by them too.
Replies: >>4303
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thank you for the guide
ill be sure to use it to bully any trannies i come across
but just why the fuck write it on an image board then just a regular html doc?
>The cheap injectable estrogen that is sold by an Ukrainian woman known as Lena.
whats with ukranians and producing drugs?
is it a national sport or something?
>>Radial Spacing of Pores
>An esoteric means of clocking trans people by looking at the spacing of their pores. AFAB individuals supposedly have evenly spaced pores, whereas AMAB individuals supposedly have diamond-shaped spacing.
man wtf is this bullshit
god i hope this braindamage isnt permanent
i dont want my mind to automatically start trying to solve 4th degree differential equations when i look at another person
>When you realize that petplay fetishes are a core part of your sexual identity, especially in the context of performing the submissive role as a kitten or puppy for an owner/handler.
yea i have noticed the unusually high frequency of tranny shit on petplay pornography
>a term for a bisexual that is attracted to primarily feminine features, ie someone who prefers women and feminine-looking men. These are also the sorts of men who tend to look young (18 to mid-20s), so they get accused of going after "barely legal" types.
ah finally
i found my sexuality
turns out i was a pedo all along
fucking amateurs
just use tor smh
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>Now I truly understand 4chan's /tttt/
You guys seriously struggled with lgbtqwert bable? All this shit is on urban dictionary and it's kinda intuitive too. 
>but just why the fuck write it on an image board then just a regular html doc?
So that ib addicted soyjacks would have an easier time reading this, surprised that not everything is in the green text. 
<The cheap injectable estrogen that is sold by an Ukrainian woman known as Lena.
This is actually really fucking niche, first time i hear about this. 
<whats with ukranians and producing drugs?
<is it a national sport or something?
Nah, uranian under the table ""pharmacological"" industry is dying. Every new article from AIPSIN makes me cry like a baby. I am ashamed to even associate with those people.  
By the way, that Lena bitch doesn't "produce" estrogen. "He" just buys estradiol from Pfizer or whoever the fuck actually produces it and then just sorts it out in vials at home. Shit's actually a cheat code for money. He kinda disinfects it and stuff but i am pretty sure an average LRC user spares more bran cells when cooking mephedrone from a bk4 constructor. 
Fun fact that i love to tell when attending parties. You can actually reduce estradiol into testosterone. You'll need to first oxidize it, though. It's kinda complex and i'd expect steroids to be really flimsy and sensitive. But it's possible.
>i have noticed the unusually high frequency of tranny shit on petplay pornography
Unfortunately, that's my favorite fetish. I think this shit started getting massive like 3 years ago, before that petplay had way more straight BDSM stuff.
>more bran cells
brain cells 
I am kinda short on those
>a beloved character from the visual novel game “NEET Girl Date Night”, created by hitsuji. She is not canonically trans but is clearly at least heavily inspired by online trans culture.
oh its that guy you showed me that time
>You guys seriously struggled with lgbtqwert bable?
not much, i absorbed most of it through osmosis from trannies online
>All this shit is on urban dictionary
i kept seeing fujos saying aiden without knowing what it was and ud didnt have shit
its usually the more creative transphobic stuff that flies over my head
was i supposed to know wtf this is?
>before that petplay had way more straight BDSM stuff.
btw is that fanfics or actual comics?
>I am kinda short on those
and this is why champs dont do drugs
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>oh its that guy you showed me that time
Yes, it's indeed him. 
>i kept seeing fujos saying aiden
Fujos are an another story. 
>was i supposed to know wtf this is?
Yes, nigga. You are. Do you know the fuck estrogen is? It's synonymous. The primary female hormone. gives you an annoying voice, boobs, BPD, erectile dysfunction, muscle loss, all that stuff. Also prevents balding, but at a cost too great. 
Estrogen and Testosterone are very similar and can be converted one into the other. Although, it's economically retarded and financially nonviable.
>btw is that fanfics or actual comics?
I meant mostly hentai and jap porn. Or are you talking about the pic in my post? The pic was made from a pretty cringe popoka guy and it's a gender bender of one of his favorite characters. The character getting reversed is that blind tearjerker (the boy in a sweater.) The aryan bully girl stays female. His comics are all one stripe twitter shit, and they are pretty boring, don't even bother. 
>and this is why champs dont do drugs
Why? So that they can haul their scrambles of consciousnes for decades until they become old and eventually rot away with dementia and hypertonia anyway? 
Human body is a temple, and i throw rave parties at mine. God, i hate the clean up.
>Estrogen and Testosterone are very similar and can be converted one into the other.
it does make sense biologically
your body wouldnt come up with wildly different shit to cause dimorphism
it needs to be encoded on a single chromosome so it better be an easy process
easy for a cell, i mean
>I meant mostly hentai and jap porn.
but like, singular isolated pictures or complete stories?
personally i think full stories are far superior
pet play is all about the character dynamics and a single pic can hardly capture everything
>The pic was made from a pretty cringe popoka guy
yea it sure is cringe
this other one is better
i like ryona mixed in
its actually p fucking pointless to have pet play without abuse
whats even the purpose of stripping someone of her human rights if you arent gonna treat her like shit?
>eventually rot away with dementia and hypertonia
only a real issue if you spend your whole life damaging your brain
or youre born with shit genetics
my family has a p good track record of staying lucid deep into old age
>Human body is a temple, and i throw rave parties at mine.
i conduct extensive physical conditioning on mine
aristoteles was right
its a crime for a mf to live his whole life not knowing what his body is capable of
or at least i think hes the one who said that
>God, i hate the clean up.
just dont destroy your own place smh
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>it needs to be encoded on a single chromosome so it better be an easy process
First time i hear about a programming lanuage called chromosome. Some autistic 1337 shit? 
>your body wouldnt come up with wildly different shit to cause dimorphism
I don't think humans are designed. Pretty sure most of the steroids in our body are peripheral and are caused by fucky wucky mutations. 
>but like, singular isolated pictures or complete stories?
They have some shit going on, but they don't really have a story, more of a setting, a theme if you will. 
>personally i think full stories are far superior
They obviously are, especially when they are chopped up in chapters which are interconnected, yet do not require each other to tell a story. And each one should have unique fetishes that cater to my ever changing perverted tastes. 
>its actually p fucking pointless to have pet play without abuse
It's a fun to degrade a person and treat him with respect at the same time, especially when the sub doesn't really like it. 
>only a real issue if you spend your whole life damaging your brain
You inevitably do spend your whole damaging your brain, that's called aging. And hypertonia doesn't have much to do with your brain, it's caused mainly by shit luck. 
>my family has a p good track record of staying lucid deep into old age
And it has a good record of overdosing on common cold medication. 
>i conduct extensive physical conditioning on mine
By regularly practicing BDSM monk edging sessions?  
>its a crime for a mf to live his whole life not knowing what his body is capable of
Bitch, i know what's my body is capable of. I live in it every single day. 
Wanna find out what your mind is capable of? Catch an acute dopamine psychosis, this shit blows your head away. But you probably shouldn't, this isn't a crime. 
Well, good fucking luck with your conditioning.
>your whole damaging
your whole life damaging
>They have some shit going on, but they don't really have a story, more of a setting, a theme if you will. 
good enough to fill in the blanks at least
>especially when they are chopped up in chapters which are interconnected, yet do not require each other to tell a story
links or didnt happen
>You inevitably do spend your whole damaging your brain, that's called aging.
i meant beyond the bare minimum
>By regularly practicing BDSM monk edging sessions?  
>Bitch, i know what's my body is capable of. I live in it every single day. 
idk if he meant it like that but sure
>Well, good fucking luck with your conditioning.
why do junkies always get mad when you suggest that maybe being a junkie isnt the optimal life strat?
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>links or didnt happen
It never did. It's my unattainable fantasy. 
>idk if he meant it like that 
I think he said something about striving for perfection and sculpting yourself, but i dunno, it was too long, didn't read. 
>why do junkies always get mad when you suggest that maybe being a junkie isnt the optimal life strat?
Who? I wasn't mad, i even wished you good luck, nigger. Be fucking grateful for my kind words that were bestowed upon you. 
>maybe being a junkie isnt the optimal life strat?
It's not like there are tangible goals in life. I think that succumbing to a hedonistic life style is a pretty decent path you can walk. The best part about it is the wide availability. Not everyone can become an athlete, but absolutely everyone can drill their brain for pleasure.
>I think he said something about striving for perfection and sculpting yourself
p much yea
not knowing what your peak performance is like
>I wasn't mad, i even wished you good luck, nigger.
try sounding less mad next time then
>Be fucking grateful for my kind words that were bestowed upon you. 
omg he sounds just like me fr
>succumbing to a hedonistic life style is a pretty decent path you can walk
nah hedonism is overrated af
everything that gives you pleasure also enslaves you
in the long run you suffer more
so unless youre planning to kys while youre young, its a retarded path to take
but then again, at that point youre unironically minimaxxing your life and you prolly have severe autism so suffering is a given
also you clearly dont care about that since youre like 40 and still not (actively) suicidal
personally im lowkey hoping to die before the age of 25
if i dont ill just do hardcore drugs until they fix that
Replies: >>4332
nigga stop this has nothing to do with the thread
Replies: >>4337
Who cares about this thread?
Replies: >>4341
derailing this thread is a long living jefftradition
I care deeply about every thread my /origin/ sisters poast.
[Hide] (125.2KB, 542x248) Reverse
>nigga stop this has nothing to do with the thread
Number 4295 was barely on topic, who knew that it was going to backfire so much. 
>peak performance
Theoretical peak performance. In modernity it's only attainable through psychoactive drugs and steroids. But min-maxxing your body is pretty different from the kind of shit average bodybuilders and junkies exercise. I think that's autistic and pointless, but staying healthy is pretty okay if you have like passions in life you want to commit to. I don't really feel like it. 
>try sounding less mad next time then
No ur actually mad. It's the voices in your head that for some reason gave my arranged letters an angry voice. 
>nah hedonism is overrated af
Hedonism is pretty vague and personalized. 
>everything that gives you pleasure also enslaves you
Maybe, kinda. I dunno, meth doesn't force me to pay taxes or anything.  
>in the long run you suffer more
Counter balanced by the fact that in the long run you feel more pleasure.
>so unless youre planning to kys while youre young, its a retarded path to take
What's with dying young? It doesn't get so bad as you age. You can take on a few additional decades, no need to rush. 
>you clearly dont care about that 
About fucking what? Suffering? It's a given in any case, if you are normal or retarded or 169iq. It's an irremovable part of your life, just accept it. Treat it like a withdrawal, it's all temporary.
Wen day is sad alway remember happy day! 
>youre like 40
I am not "that" old. Still in thirties, like half a life is still ahead, maybe not half, like twenty years, fifteen. 
The only thing that can go wrong is me going full schizo or getting in prison. 
>not (actively) suicidal
I had to get rid of all the guns in my house because i was contemplating shooting myself every single day, still do. I just don't like to talk about this shit online. 
It's not like i really want to die. Those are just compulsive urges. 
>im lowkey hoping to die before the age of 25
Why y'all so suicidal? 
You are doing better than everyone else on this board, just enjoy your fucking life or something.
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>staying healthy is pretty okay if you have like passions in life you want to commit to
i do
imaginary reptile wives
im gonna start wani this weekend
>It's the voices in your head that for some reason gave my arranged letters an angry voice. 
nah its was the excessive use of swear words
>meth doesn't force me to pay taxes or anything.  
it does force you to make more of it to snort tho
>Counter balanced by the fact that in the long run you feel more pleasure.
yea but its a multiplier on both
and suffering always wins in the end
>It doesn't get so bad as you age.
doesnt the weight of all your accumulated sins wear you down tho?
also dont literally all your joints start to ache for no reason?
<you clearly dont care about that 
>About fucking what? Suffering?
dying young
how do you even go for so long without offing yourself
like why are you even still here?
i have hopes that maybe my life can probably get better within the next year
it kinda does, but not by as much as i was hoping
but that hope keeps renewing so ig thats that
eternally procrastinating suicide
>Wen day is sad alway remember happy day! 
but wen sad i only wanna think sad :(
>I just don't like to talk about this shit online.
thats like the only fun part of having suicidal thoughts
forcing others to read about it
>It's not like i really want to die.
me neither tbh
i just want pussy
i life without pussy in my face all the time is a life not worth living
i mean, imagine living without meth, nomesayin?
>Why y'all so suicidal? 
>You are doing better than everyone else on this board
this is prolly the reason tbh
my life is widely better than the average ib fuckup, but its still not good enough and prolly never will be
<its was the excessive use of swear words
homosexual faggot darkskinned negroid and dumb retard, i always say too many swear words because it makes me look cool and progressive. And i said literally two swear words that time! One of those wasn't even addressed to you, so i just basically added a single compulsory "fuck" because there are basically no other swear words in english. It's really hard to swear there after you get used to russian.  
>it does force you to make more of it to snort tho
It's free and it's fun! 
At this point is like making myself a breakfast. I honed my technique to automation. 
>suffering always wins in the end
Some people die at peace, like fentanyl niggers. 
>doesnt the weight of all your accumulated sins wear you down tho?
Not really. I already rambled about it. Buy by thinking long enough on my morally dubious and cringe endeavors i can justify them, no matter how degenerate they are. 
>dont literally all your joints start to ache for no reason?
Only if you are a sedentary fuck or in your sixties or something. My shoulders hurt from time to time but it's tolerable. 
>how do you even go for so long without offing yourself
Some people lived for over a hundred years, my numbers are noob tier. 
>like why are you even still here?
I don't have a better place where i can move out. 
>but wen sad i only wanna think sad :(
Do you really want to? Or are you just unable to think about happy things? 
I have that on withdrawals, i only focus on my future and past fuck ups, but like i said, this shit is temporary. I forget about it after a few days, sometimes even within a few hours. 
>thats like the only fun part of having suicidal thoughts
>forcing others to read about it
I think that people that whine about wanting to kill themselves online are all pretty cringe attention whores. Just shut up or die.
>i mean, imagine living without meth, nomesayin?
Our situation is pretty different. For me meth is a daily necessity, just like food. While for you pussy is a childhood dream that keeps haunting you with regret of not attaining it after all that time. 
But yeah, i get it.
Why aren't you considering prostitution? 
>better than the average ib fuckup, but its still not good enough 
It's pretty decent. Killing yourself because you can't breed is chud tier.
>there are basically no other swear words in english
no wonder the pinnacle of english swearing is dropping fbombs
what a pathetic language smh
hey, theres a good measure for knowing whether a language is objectively good or bad
how creative it allows you to get when swearing
>It's free
its free like a pbj sandwich is free
yea you dont have to buy it pre-made
buy you still need ingredients and the crafting recipe to diy
>by thinking long enough on my morally dubious and cringe endeavors i can justify them
you can also explain why your every action is ultimately evil if you try hard enough
morality is just a made up mental construct to make yourself feel better
>My shoulders hurt from time to time but it's tolerable. 
commonest complaining i hear from 30fags
its only downhill from there
no wonder the life expectancy used to be 35
no point in living in constant agony if you dont have animegirls to sooth your pain
>Some people lived for over a hundred years
ig by that point they already learned how to cope
>I don't have a better place where i can move out.
theres always heaven
but somehow i doubt you were a good boy
>this shit is temporary
maybe this is the true explanation
live for long enough and you eventually get really good at dissociating from your bad thoughts
>While for you pussy is a childhood dream that keeps haunting you with regret of not attaining it after all that time. 
yea maybe i should just suck it up and accept its literally never gonna happen, like for the ppl that wanna be rich
bc im already rich and ngl the lifestyle is p gucci
if i had the opportunity to exchange this life for one where im poor but can slay all the pussy in the world idk that id accept
neeting is peak comf
really, the only way i see life being better is with a neet gf to neet with me
maybe this is why i obsess so much
everything is perfect except for this one glaring problem
although from what i heard, pussy doesnt really live up to the hype
maybe what i need is a femboy gf
too bad my country still isnt pozzed enough that femboys are widespread
>Why aren't you considering prostitution? 
massive admission of defeat tbh
>Killing yourself because you can't breed is chud tier.
yea but if i actually need to start putting real effort into staying alive ill just check out immediately frfr
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>hey, theres a good measure for knowing whether a language is objectively good or bad
>how creative it allows you to get when swearing
Then languages like japanese are utter trash tier due to having near zero swear words. 
>its free like a pbj sandwich is free
I am not sure the fuck is pbj, but sandwiches require actually edible components that are also tough to store. Now meth can be made from a ten year old thrown away plastic pipe. 
And i am already settled for life. My most intense relatively stable intake schedule consists of 30 grams in three weeks. (not ten in a week, one of those three weeks is for recovery.) My personal record is 600 grams in one batch (700 with something before cleaning, wasn't really counting.) That's enough for a whole year of constant, never ending, aneurism inducing dopamine flow. 
The ingredients are cheap as fuck and even entirely free if you recycle them from trash instead of buying them like a normal person. 
Solvents are a bit troublesome but they are mostly reusable to compensate. 
And i was talking about cooking and consuming unsubstituted shit. If i were enjoying valerophenones you could divide those 30 grams by like ten or fifteen. I would only need a gram to get through three weeks completely psychotic in case with a-pvp. You could also divide my lifespan by ten 
>and the crafting recipe to diy
Making cathinones is already as simple as it gets, may be a bit complicated for a beginner but how can you a fuck up a sandwich? You just cut the ingredients and try to fit them between two pieces of bread. Or are you raising your own wheat field and fermenting wild goat milk to cook sandwiches like a true GNU chad? 
>commonest complaining i hear from 30fags
>its only downhill from there
Well shit, here it goes. 
>theres always heaven
God knows if it's actually there or if it's decent.  
>i doubt you were a good boy
And there's that. 
>massive admission of defeat tbh
C'mon, the ancient warriors banged whores all the time, they weren't going to actually bother with marriage and whatever. 
And having experience should help  with scoring more.
>Then languages like japanese are utter trash tier
i already intuitively knew that
>the fuck is pbj
Peanut Butter and Jelly
hardly counts as real food tho
mutts are just insane and their culture has no cuisine
>That's enough for a whole year of constant, never ending, aneurism inducing dopamine flow.
sounds dope
too bad i dont have pharmaceutical-grade equipment at home and i already forgot all your rambles about how to make meth from stolen sewage pipes
>And having experience should help  with scoring more.
idk where to find a whore tho
also getting intimate with a total stranger that is absolutely chock full of diseases is p unnerving
[Hide] (1.1MB, 264x480, 00:18)
>i already intuitively knew that
It's not that bad, i think context plays an important role. I think calling someone a foreigner or illiterate can take an offensive turn. 
>Peanut Butter and Jelly
Do people... mix those? Holy shit, that's fucking insane. Sounds more american than their own hymn.
Never ate peanut butter, though, how does it taste? 
>their culture has no cuisine
Doesn't putting a steak between two buns or frying really thin cut potatoes counts as a cuisine? 
>too bad i dont have pharmaceutical-grade equipment 
The compressor in my fridge runs on tribal dances and chicken sacrifices. I barely have any glassware and i almost never actually use it because it's hard to move around. 
The 115iq professional station looks like a fire extinguisher in the corner and an oxygen tank connected by a welded pipe to the acetylene tank, and two glass pots with an electrical heater sitting somewhere on the floor. A few syringes and throw away bottles. If you are feeling really fancy or you are cooking some nuclear shit you can output your fumes outside (unless you are already cooking outside) through a charcoal filter. But fumes are just a scary legend. I never deal with fogs that people often imagine and even secondary amines like pyrrolidine are generally tolerable and don't stick to one place for too long. A gas mask is still required, at least for the halogens and lacrimators that they produce. 
I generally do most of my shit in metal as long as pH allows that.  
And pharmaceutical grade purity is unattainable at home. 99% pure on the gas phase chromatography? Sure, but the pharma guys in germany and other relatively developed countries are actually fucking insane. Look at the FDA regulations, it's like i am reading a science fiction novel. Well, you can aim for indian grade pharmaceuticals.  
>already forgot all your rambles about how to make meth from stolen sewage pipes
I don't think that we use plastic in sewage pipes (yet,) and some of those rambles are in your thread on this board, you can revise them. Although, they are completely fucking unintelligible.
Shit's on the net, though. You can look it up. It's all really simple. for methcathinone you methylaminate the halogenated ketone. That's the last step The solvent should be dry, usually DCM or TCM, that's because the actual last step is oxidizing and thus crystallizing this shit. Then at least washing with acetone and "optionally" A/B extraction maybe with steam distillation to top it off. Now the amount of steps before that is virtually endless, down to abiogenesis. Depends on how late do you start. Never ever buy prefabricated ketones from chinks, and avoid flashing as much as possible in general. Buying precursors is how 76% of all the Heizenbergs get caught. The other 13% are getting sold by their coworkers or completely unrelated to their hobby people that they kept too close, and the rest just exploded their lab and caught attention of the fire department. 
Always test shit on small scales, and don't forget about practice reactions. 
Start with acetophenone or something like that, maybe gas a few local federal buildings with it. 
And yeah you don't need to make methcathinone, some fags even say that it's utter dogshit and that gay ass bullshit like mephedrone is ten times better. Whatever suits you. 
Look at the general structure of the cathinone, you can substitute shit at the core (Optical isomerism just wasn't complex enough, now you can have fun in stereo) make the carboxylic acid chain longer (It gets really fucky wucky after valeric acid and shit basically peaks at pelargonic, going further is pointless, and insane) or swap the amine. You can even use simple ammonia, bitch is hard to attach to amphetamines (the reason drug dealers rarely do amphetamine from phenylacetone, the yields are shit so making meth is just financially way more viable) but it's fine with cathinones. Although ammonia has an insanely short half-life inside of your body, unsubstituted cathinone works for like 20 minutes tops. Even less if you smoke it. So it's almost completely useless. That's why people usually use methylamine which is pretty easy to make from glycerine. You also get some dimethylamine and ethylamine as a gift. Dimethylamine works for even longer period of time but it's considerably less potent. Besides that it's almost indistinguishable from methamphetamine. Now there's also trimethylamine... Shit works for literal days. Like an entire fucking working weak. No way you'll stay sane until it ends, you won't be able to properly sleep or eat and you'll start seeing visions not even halfway through. Truly horrible. 
Ethylamine is cool, especially with valerophenone but in case with propiophenone it only affects adrenaline. I tried it, it's not really jittery or even paranoic. It just makes me feel very "on edge." I kinda enjoyed it, great for waking up in the morning. It's that feeling like when you are about to run but you aren't actually nervous, just tense. Zero recreational potential, i cooked up 6 grams of it and then poured it down the toilet. There are also butylamine, propylamine, pyrolidine, all kinds of stuff. Most of the cathinones weren't even tested on rats before, you'll be the first!
Okay i got carried away and chopped the rest of my rambles. 
>idk where to find a whore tho
Are they illegal wherever you live? Whores and drugs do not require any ad campaigns, people actively seek those out on their own. 
>absolutely chock full of diseases 
>p unnerving
Remember the times before HIV existed? Yeah, me neither. 
Those aren't lethal anyway, you wanted to die before 25 so you'll get a nice excuse.
>Do people... mix those? Holy shit, that's fucking insane.
yes and unironically
>Never ate peanut butter, though, how does it taste?
i tried it ONCE
its fucking vile
holy shit i kept seeing it being shown in american media so i figured itd be super tasty
its bland but not even bland, there is a hint of disgusting taste in it
i couldnt eat it on its own and putting it on bread didnt make it any better
i think that was the moment i started to unironically hate the west
>putting a steak between two buns
im p sure mutts didnt come up with the concept of the sandwich
>frying really thin cut potatoes
somehow i feel that french fries arent originally american
>The compressor in my fridge
wtf are you using it for?
even if its for compressing your fridge its still p pointless, isnt it already subzero where you are?
>Are they illegal wherever you live?
no fucking idea
>Whores and drugs do not require any ad campaigns
and thats why i dont know where to get them
>people actively seek those out on their own
yea but where
>Remember the times before HIV existed? Yeah, me neither.
i wasnt alive back then tbh
although living before the time of monkeyfuckers sounds p gucci
back then you had to stone the gays yourself bc god hadnt created a diseased specifically to punish them yet
>Those aren't lethal anyway, you wanted to die before 25 so you'll get a nice excuse.
this but unironically
thats actually the reason i didnt take the jab
corona chan seemed like the perfect opportunity to just fucking die
i was intentionally very sloppy with hygiene during that time (more so than usual) and i STILL didnt catch coronachan
thats literally when i started to go outside without being forced to
why does everything the ZOG comes up with needs to be a scam smh
but yea stdlib.h looks full of really nasty diseases
i wanted something that kills me in like 2 days, what covid was advertised to do
sure, slow asphyxia sounds like a horrible way to go, but 2 days isnt that bad if you spend most of it out of this world due to painkiller OD
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>im p sure mutts didnt come up with the concept of the sandwich
No no no, it's not just bread. You need buns! Then it's a burger which is a completely different thing. I heard that you also need a patty instead of a steak, but i've seen burgers with bacon so i don't what to trust anymore. And aren't patties were made 
>somehow i feel that french fries arent originally american
No chips, the one you fry on a pan. And you cut them like super thin, like paper, in discs not fucking rectangles. They are pretty bad but kids love them. 
<The compressor in my fridge
>wtf are you using it for?
Creating a vacuum from time to time, i think that's why it can't take it anymore. 
>isnt it already subzero where you are?
It wasn't just a few weeks ago! Like i said, two seasons. 
<Are they illegal wherever you live?
>no fucking idea
Nigga, open goolag and type in: 
"Prostitution laws in [YOUR COUNTRY]" 
Preferably on your native language. 
>yea but where
They have telegram channels and online markets, just like druggies. 
You can just call one in. They even have catalogs, it's all pretty comfy.
Here it's technically illegal but they tried to legalize it like 5 times. Never did but now the prosecution is either a slap on a wrist of 20 years in prison for rape accusations. 
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>This site records spam threads automatically scraped from a number of imageboards.
>Each entry is a detection, containing a list of matching threads. Not all threads in each detection necessarily matched the same criteria (If A and B have the same filename, and B and C have the same hash, it will group them all together), so check each thread for details. Attached images have been removed for obvious reasons. Links are disabled and most should not be visited by anyone ever.
>Due to the detection methods, some non-spam threads such as reposts will be falsely detected as spam, many of these are greyed out. Tagging is semi-automated and will improve as more examples are found.
>The next major goal is to have an API with confidence ratings, although until then there is an RSS feed to help give early warning for a wave of spam.
Damn that's a lot of spam. Hope most site owners can figure out how to block the CP spammers someday.
Replies: >>4449 >>5275
>Hope most site owners can figure out how to block the CP spammers someday.
why club penguin specifically? why not all types of spam?
anyway, its actually really easy
on my site i just disable uploads for a while then the spammer (its always the same guy) goes away
Replies: >>4432 >>4449
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GOOD times on /a/

Might as well shill R/a/dio as well:
Replies: >>4434
>why club penguin specifically? why not all types of spam?
They block other types of spam as well, like people spamming their board and such
wtf is this
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I REALLY want Desuchan to not be read-only 
Bring it back properly you bums.
Replies: >>4448
"no" also shoo
Replies: >>4458
Hi, I'm the site owner. I did a search out of curiosity to see if any anons had mentioned it (and surprisingly a couple have. +4?)
One thing to remember is that the CP bots have a financial incentive to spam, and I've noticed some don't just target imageboards, they target any open forum and comment sections they can find.
Generic CAPTCHAs and very basic filters which say 'you are blocked' are worthless, because these are humans. They'll spend a few seconds obfuscating keywords or links.
There are some strategies which will be effective, such as:
>misdirection - e.g a false rejection reason or subtly impossible captcha to make them think the site is broken, or even a shadow ban/false success. However, this is disastrous if your filter does this on a false positive
>outsider-filtering - e.g. asking a question related to the board topic or one that an interested lurker would easily learn. I remember some anime imageboard had 'Select all the pictures of Konata Izumi' or something, it's much easier if the site/board has a specific topic or obvious culture. However, a question which is too difficult can prevent new users arriving, which is usually a bad thing.
It's also much easier to stop spam and filter evasion with regex filters if the board is fine with some level of basic quality control (contrast with a /b/ board where links without explanation, posts without any dictionary words and keyboard mashing are all expected to be valid posts).

Back around 2014, an imageboard I used was getting CP spam every few hours. The admin blocked OPs with a JPG and it worked very effectively.
Replies: >>4450 >>4451 >>4454
>One thing to remember is that the CP bots have a financial incentive to spam
typo: they're not really bots, I just meant the way they copy-paste their spam like a bot.
Replies: >>4451
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Glad people are noticing and thank you for using a unique user agent! I wouldn't have found you otherwise. I've been able to stop their posts by blocking the IP ranges their posts originate from, I hope that works for a bit longer. I don't think those simple blocks would've worked if the site wasn't so niche, but I'll take what I can get. If a more popular community integrated your work into their site it would probably stop them dead in their tracks, hopefully that happens!
Honestly I'd be okay with imageboard ads and conspiracy theorists, they don't piss off registrars and web hosts like CSAM does.
Replies: >>5064
how do you know it's a person doing it and not a bot
seems like it'd be a lot of labor considering that fact they hit probably 1000s of times a day with their reach
Replies: >>4455 >>5064
imagine how much it would cost to pay third-worlders to bait pedophiles on dead imageboards. that sort of labour is cheap and easily justified.
Replies: >>5064
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good luck 420chan
I hope you come back stronger than before
I hope the furry doesn't get you down
fuck hotwheels
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Why not, slut?
Replies: >>5066
>how do you know it's a person doing it and not a bot
I'm confident because:
- evasion techniques when their post is blocked seem pretty human and impulsive, like chucking in symbols to break up a certain word or words, or adding random newlines before or after a link and sometimes a random single letter. It seems like what a human would do if a site said 'post rejected, try again', while a bot would be more consistent and strategic.
- non-standard captchas don't stop them. While it's been true for at least a decade that you can buy 1000 human Google Captcha solves from India/etc, for $1 integrated into your bot with an API, it would take effort to apply that to each different type of site. On the current most recent spam, I can see it hit sites using no verification, HCaptcha, Google Captcha and the jschan chess captcha, and is posting on imageboards using (at least) vichan, lynxchan and jschan software, probably more but I don't check any others yet.
- one of the spammers has often-changing keyboard-mash filenames (you can tell a keyboard mash from truly random letters pretty easily)
>seems like it'd be a lot of labor considering that fact they hit probably 1000s of times a day with their reach
I haven't done a deep dive so I can't say how many sites they hit, but I'm not sure it's that many. I've also noticed the same URLs being posted by two clearly distinct spammers (very different writing styles, and filename styles) so I suspect some sites have multiple people spamming them (whether 2 or 20, who knows?). And like >>4455 suggested, cheap exploitation isn't out of the question.

It's possible that a bot is used, but I currently doubt it.

Glad to hear the user-agent is being seen! I did want admins to be able to know why this bot is pinging them every few minutes.
I'm surprised to hear IP range bans are working so effectively, I can't see any matches on your site since the bot started checking. Nice work! I just assumed they would be on VPNs, purchased proxies (e.g. a botnet) or something since IPs are so easily blocked. That said, most of them don't seem very smart. I would consider adding a bit of defense in depth, some other low-risk countermeasures, just in case a new spammer group come into the scene next year.

>If a more popular community integrated your work into their site it would probably stop them dead in their tracks, hopefully that happens!
This was the original goal with the old prototype version back in 2020, it would automatically spit out vichan filters to block the MD5 hash or body text once it the same was detected on two different sites. It was a proof-of-concept which never made it to a real imageboard, but now that the bot is reasonably stable this year, I should actually try and reconsider making it useful as an integrated anti-spam tool rather than just a research tool.
edgy desu ne
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Why are they turning off anon.cafe? Who did this?
Replies: >>5087
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Forgot link.
Replies: >>5078 >>5083
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Discussion thread, good luck Anonymous. Too bad /origin/ is 2dead to host anyone.
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mess with le bully
get le horns in the pig hole
>Who did this?
not me this time
damn kinda crazy to think theyre going out
i was never active there, but i have been going to their christmas event since 2021
Replies: >>5095
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That thread is a complete shit show, nice.
Replies: >>5096
The christmas stuff was nice, hopefully they pick a decent site to migrate to.
just like god intended
Hopefully /shelter/ itself finds a home, it's been consistently useful for me.
Replies: >>5102
ironic if it didnt
Replies: >>5103
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They have until April, they'll probably be fine. Hopefully.
Seems like a fair amount of anons are interested in migrating to trashchan, good.
Replies: >>5105 >>5111
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poetic nep nep
all roads lead to 3ch
Replies: >>5110
I don't wanna go
Why is it good?
Replies: >>5112 >>5113
The dude who's running it seems to know what he's doing and is willing to put in the effort to manually migrate threads over. Also, I can post images on his site with Tor. Aside from that, I dunno, the other contenders have their issues.
cuz webring posters are trash lmao
Replies: >>5142
Trash admin might be using the production site as the development site as well, probably breaking/fixing things in real time.
>owner is more offputting than junkus
Replies: >>5119
502 thing seamed pretty intentional but its gone now so ill just retract all of that the other points dont hold so well for this case
Replies: >>5122
time and trashnepmin earning tons of users will tell
much like it did with lambdadelta
Replies: >>5122
Thank you for sharing anyway, Friend. What's wrong with RISC OS, anyway?
I'd be happy if any site associated with the webring earned tons of users. Lurking the place is nice but it's awfully sleepy.
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everything reminds me of him :(
Replies: >>5125 >>5127
his moderating poweress could of saved the webring
Replies: >>5127
We're in the Memering too, anon.
Replies: >>5143
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everyone (tourist terrorists) but admigger ((( local nigger ))) is eligible to vote for junkwhore being memering garbage
Replies: >>5146 >>5147
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Incredibly rude post. I'm disappointed in you.
Replies: >>5150
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someone had to make that post
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More spammer discussion on Trashchan's /meta/:
Be sure not to click any suspicious links when you browse tiny imageboards, friends.
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Erischan is having issues (apparently)! Vichan is awful!
I hope they went with some actually decent software this time.
Replies: >>5362
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New URLs just went live:

They used jschan, GOOD TASTE
Replies: >>5365
>Be sure not to click any suspicious links when you browse
thats basic fucking common sense in current year
its like telling us not to drink something offered by a stranger smh
>Vichan is awful!
>They used jschan, GOOD TASTE
<not using your own homebaked imageboard engine
fucking newadmins smh
best ibs i ever used were run by a single autismo after he eyeballed his own autistic server in his preferred autistic language
but ofc these days even the admins are normalfaggots and cant into programming anymore so they need to use off-the-shelf premade mass-produced engines smh
Replies: >>5399
nice thighs btw
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they have atom feeds, neat. rest of the webring should implement that.
ok so jschan has the floaty post box when you are browsing without js
now i see its tactical advantage
Doesn't help that most modern software tools are complete dogshit to use if you don't already have a doctorate and invented the programming language itself to begin with. 

They make every simple thing into a drawn out process and its insidious as fuck.
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sportschan doesn't miss. except with their wering implementation, I guess.
Replies: >>5558 >>5575
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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>just a general idea with no built in community or targeted community
so could it be that get by putting myself out there and trying to make friends on the places i go while encouraging them to actually talk instead of just being autistic lurkers im actually the jesus of imageboards and am gonna save this dying breed of websites?
thanks patch vary cool
you will save imageboards this time maga
Replies: >>5584
Replies: >>5597
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/g/ discusses "altchans", proof of work, glowies, and how much they dislike multiple image posts. Look forward to another new imageboard!
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Replies: >>5606
I don't think there are any brits here.
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indiachan.net unfucked their webring (for testing), good for them!
Replies: >>5681
Sure I guess.
Still a good idea that maybe they don't join it.
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/g/ discusses the best imageboard engines in 2024 (they do not like AGPL)
Replies: >>5894
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What happened to indiachan.net? They switched off of jschan for some reason.
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Is 4chan okay?
Replies: >>5875
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I don't know. I thought it was a great concept, but then I stopped browsing IBs for a while.
>Is 4chan okay?
Is the current year more than 2014?
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Replies: >>5882 >>5899
What's it about?
Replies: >>5891
Just another dead chan with no built-in community or direction.
Replies: >>5892 >>5893
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Any board that starts with pol/, /b/ or /int/ is generally not worth considering.
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Your glowing review of wilchan does not inspire confidence. Maybe I'll visit them in a year or so.
Replies: >>5895
Cool link, reading desu now. Goes without saying there's a lot of bad/dumb advice I'm seeing in there already, but I'm sure there's some decent discussion among it.
>no-one posted the gurochan admin's vichan rant
Pseudo-intellectuals as usual, I see!
Replies: >>5897
>>5893 (NTF)
If we were standing next to each other, I would bet you $5 it will shut down within two months. This happens a lot.
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>gurochan admin's vichan rant
post it, do it!
Replies: >>5901
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>Just a moment...
>Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue
utter and absolute trash
truly disgusting that this sort of irredeemable filth is what tries to pass as a chan these days
Replies: >>5901 >>6137
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Link: https://boards.guro.cx/dis/res/5538.html
There's also a TTS video readout but it's 13MB. Found it from copypaste (aka. hotwheels) of all people.

Full disclosure, a few of the points are outdated or invalid, but I say be very happy junkuadmin chose jschan.

You can click a checkbox button and select photos of bikes if you enable JS... ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
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>if you enable JS
Replies: >>5905
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You need to enable JS right now.
Replies: >>5985
>>457 (OP) 
dont worry dude threech.top just won and saved imageboards once and for all
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i really like this pic
i want her to boop my nose
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Based AI spambot giving out useful advice
I miss dreamch.net... ;_;
Replies: >>6029
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what was it about?
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/robowaifu/ is now recruiting from /pol/, things will probably be okay.

I wonder if the creative developers over at 4chan will ever figure out rolling threads or anything else better than constantly reposted generals.
Replies: >>6113 >>6255
>recruiting anons from 4/pol/
I hope Chobitsu knows what he's doing because I'm scared of what would happen with the board if he lets them roam free.
Replies: >>6255
>figure out rolling threads or anything else better than constantly reposted generals
the weird part is that im p sure sticky and cyclic threads are already implemented
maybe its just that pushing a button is too much work for mods
>contrarian mentality
Replies: >>6140
thank you for you contribution to this dead thread
Replies: >>6160
Did it un-die or is this a new one?
Replies: >>6163
new one
Replies: >>6166
Didn't last long, huh?
Replies: >>6167
wtf hacker
Replies: >>6168
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Sad to see, but it's not too surprising. Their pinned introduction has started with a reactionary anti-woman rallying cry since 2018.
I've enjoyed looking at the board from a technology standpoint and used it to find certain tools like text-to-speech, so it will be sad to see the board accelerate into political piss, but if it stops 4/pol/ users trying to breed then I can't complain.

I imagine Chobitsu will absolutely let them roam free. They are halfchan /pol/ incarnate, to the point of ranting in /comfy/ about how imageboard spam is 'genocide against young white males', or something.
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They all stopped spamming new imageboards, I wonder why.
Replies: >>6342
are new imageboards even being created anymore?
i dont remember the last time i saw one being shilled
Replies: >>6343
No one cares anymore.
The site administrations for the webring member sites do not care anymore either, they don't care that they are bleeding users/plateuing they are just sticking with what they have and are perfectly fine with it.
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For 4chan's birthday, it has begun to shadowban certain slur words such as 'nigger', 'faggot', 'kike' and 'tranny' being some examples. 
You may now only have three (3) instances of any of the above slur words in your post at any given time. Attempting to make a post while exceeding the 3 slur instance limit will result in your post not going through. (The post will say it was successful, but not show up anywhere even if refreshed. You can repeatedly post the same messages over and over and the posts will all say it was sent successfully and still not appear, they do not appear on the 4chan archives either.)
4chan has taken yet another step into becoming the normified and mainstream-approved site that j00tas iscariot always wanted it to be.
What say you, /origin/, what are your thoughts on this new low that 4chan has reached?
Replies: >>6356 >>6357 >>6363
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There's a reason why they're called Cuckchan.
Replies: >>6358
but isn't this place mostly cuckqueans? I'm pretty sure we can say the nigger word here.
Replies: >>6359
>but isn't this place mostly cuckqueans?
No idea, I think /cuckquean/ stay in their own lane.
>I'm pretty sure we can say the nigger word here.
That's the point with calling them Cuckchan, but yes 4chan has been nothing more than a glorified Reddit for some years. That's why they are a bunch of faggots.
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4chan cannot disappoint me further than it already has, there are so many ways that site could be improved upon if someone gave a shit. I only wish that the slower hobby boards survive in some form when Hiroyuki finally gets annoyed by his abandoned toy and shuts it down.
Replies: >>6373
But anon, there is even more! Now you need to do mail verification to post on /pol/.
Replies: >>6374 >>6375
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>mail verification
I have no idea why people still go to that honeypot at this point
/vg/ as well
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He won't. He is doing this since the late 1990s. He will milk it until it all he can retire.
Cuckchan now supports MP4 files (without sound still) because appleniggers kept having trouble loading webms and complained about how hard webms were to make
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1chan is down, and the legendary /rail/ with it. I hope they find a new home eventually. Shame on me for not noticing for months.
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Someone's trying to sap posters off of 4chan's /pol/, and it ooks like they set up jschan somewhat competently:

Interestingly enough, they've banned porn. Good luck /pol/ posters!
Replies: >>6506 >>6509
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Here's their surface-level thread on 4chan analysis:
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jesus that's a lot of boards
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