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Hello, how do one  knowingly produce succesful art that ll gain 6 digits traffic

How does things add ups.
Whats the algorythm/math

Get lucky while pandering to perverts and furries, I'd imagine.
Replies: >>1431
>>1429 whats the calculation? Like how good, what must i do to gain the number i desire?
Replies: >>1445
the numbers aren't real, they don't exist. if you want attention you need to whore yourself out on social media, though.
Replies: >>1457
The fuck. I m talking about sales so it s about number. You cant buy shit with attention

Stop wasting my thread
Replies: >>1464
>6 digits traffic
>talking about sales 
are you high?
Replies: >>1487
>are you high?
yea im 6'1
Replies: >>1487
>>1464 ...big wigs corp talk about this in expectation of getting so i m not sure what u mean
You mean tall. No. I m short. Also i dont need this much attention. I guess the crowd dont always means it is correct.
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For 6 digits annually what do you need to do as an illustrator? What are the list? Where can i find these "things" as to reward me

Or if to focus on content, quality and quantity, whator how should they be? Based on the trend
Learn a trade and do art on the side, probably. Six figures as an illustrator is industry elite tier.
Replies: >>1688
What does industry elite tier suppose to be?
Sitting on a hammock all day?
Replies: >>1689
Wouldn't that be a nice life.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(οΎŸβˆ€οΎŸ)━━━━━━ !!!!
Replies: >>1690
>>1689 true. Elaborate this" industry elite work" then. Pretty sure it s not making coffee all day?  I mean you could but then you d be a barista, than illustrator.
Replies: >>1691
It is truly a mystery what an
>industry elite
is πŸ‘»
Replies: >>1697
merged redundant threads
Since it is not sleeping on hammocks then there d be soem logic to it
Why is OP fixating on hammocks now? What does it mean.
Replies: >>1701
>>1698 i m not. No need to stray the conversation. 

If being hardworking only will do then doing wrongs will also past and then my repeating circles patterns will have made it.
mechachan, how did you end up here of all places?
Replies: >>1744
well, i ascended. is this not the place for the 

oh shit, i m sorry, mecha-kun
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how is comic illustration maximize/created/posted in especially social media so to maximize/maintain/improving social media engagements, such as traffic, likes, comments and by extension sales, aside from trend and the niches? Basically the quality itself, and the so called appealing content, qualities, productions, presentation.

maybe also if you are just starting out, fresh, not in the industry

the medium will involve either, digital or traditional, but i guess the focus is/will be about the quality and its so called appeal/engagement rate/elements/effects

or if things are not incremented but rather climbed, how much work probably is needed, hypothethically, to regularly bring some 6 digits annually?
Replies: >>1757
schizopost makes no sense
Replies: >>1758
I'm starting to think that some of the posters on here are nuts.
Replies: >>1759
id be surprised if at least one guy here wasnt insane
Replies: >>1760
I am perfectly sane.
Replies: >>1761
but thats exactly what an unhinged schizo would say
Replies: >>1762
im imperfectly insane
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What is the way to present portofolio in social media for some 6 digit$ annually,
Regularly in traffic
Aesthehic and rules and such

Niches and marketting aside
The amounts, looks.
Academics criteria of commerciality
Replies: >>1940
i dont understand what youre asking
your random text generator is broken
>blank page
no its not
why do I keep seeing different iterations of this thread
Replies: >>1939
>>1930 just tutorial it. Smartly. If you are smart that is.
Replies: >>1940
Speaking of.
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If i am to appeal to some million traffic with illustration on social media like pixv,tumblr,daily deviation and such, what should i consider, analyses , plan
so that the entire canvas or panel will attract enough people, and bring sales

like perhaps any guaranteed method,technique, solutions to produce based on prediction/projected traffic
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that makes sense tbh
to make money you gotta explore niche markets
if you just do the generic shit, you have too many competitors
and with niche stuff, you can charge a lot bc only you do the shit you do
i mean, what are the degens gonna do? not coom?
We will never achieve our guaranteed 6 digits. (Β΄ο½₯Ο‰ο½₯`)
Merged, please just bump next time.
>150 dollars 
>that's the average monthly wage of a citizen of my country.
damn uraine really is a first world country 
here it's 600 
still one fifth of your entire pay for such a shitty art style 
>to make money you gotta explore niche markets
it's bizarre but weird furry shit isn't really niche anymore 
the number of ppl that are into this shit is insanely huge 
and it grows every year 
furfag shit artists still have a p huge client base 
and those clients are willing to pay enormous prices because the artfags know the price of their own sanity 
the fetish art is so profitable because there's a huge demand and morally dubious work often has a huge price tag  
not because they are catering to a niche 
>if you just do the generic shit, you have too many competitors
while true in many industries the most profitable companies do generic shit 
and small business often succeed at doing generic shit too 
trying to accommodate niche groups is a death sentence when dealing with drugs
Replies: >>2570
>women look like angels compared to the gorillas I see around me
they only look good if they are young 
as soon as a ukrainian women goes 25 it's literally over 
the attractiveness is directly proportionate to age (i think it's like that in most countries tbh) 
lolis also dress like fucking whores 
they are generally the only ones wearing skirts because old hoes are too lazy to shave their legs 
but yeah they do look good 
the highest illegal prostitution rate in europe shows off  
js? fucking cringe 
>corpse party 
the good ol corpse party fanbase 
are you sure she's a biological female? 
i have some doubts 
>even a 6 year old girl would do better art
even a fucking AI can 
i hope those fuckers will get replaced
Replies: >>2570
>The things that are relevant to this thread starts from 3:33 to 6:55.
funny how when the vid is good, you give only a small timestamp
but when its teracringe, you expect us to watch the whole thing

>here it's 600
yall mf also use the dollar over there?
>it's bizarre but weird furry shit isn't really niche anymore 
>the number of ppl that are into this shit is insanely huge 
its only bc there are too many ppl online
but proportionally, furries are tiny
>furfag shit artists still have a p huge client base 
but there are literally infinite fetishes
there is always at least one very specific thing that there is only 1 guy drawing
>while true in many industries the most profitable companies do generic shit 
we are talking about art here
real art
not hollywood mass produced pozzshows

>even their women look like angels compared to the gorillas I see around me.
maybe if youre only seeing pictures online
ofc nobody is gonna be showing off the uggos
bc from what i have seen, indian girls are super breedable
which those pretty blankets they wear
and the charming dot on the forehead
>They could at least do something about the artstyle but some look so low grade even a 6 year old girl would do better art.
bitch dont you talk trash about other ppls drawing when you cant even draw a stick figure yourself
>(i think it's like that in most countries tbh) 
it is
ukraine is prolly too good tbh
normally its over when they are past 20
>the highest illegal prostitution rate in europe shows off  
>corpse party
>are you sure she's a biological female? 
>i have some doubts 
same tbh
until i see some vegana, i just assume every 'girl' online is a femboy
>i hope those fuckers will get replaced
>yall mf also use the dollar over there?
unironically we start to since the the war UAH course is looking like a fucking equalizer line on those DJ setups 
the food and generally everything starting costing way more since the war too 
but honestly i don't look at price tags in grocery shops much so i am not really sure 
i mostly buy all my shit from babushka's at bazaars and their prices are out of touch with reality 
<furry porn   
>real art
a man of culture 
<corpse party
you don't know jack shit about corpse party? 
controversy the gaem 
the duality of men and transwomen  
it gets good after the first four hours of reading dialogue 
it's kind of a VN for the most part
i'd recommend you to go in blind with the PSP version 
there's also some 2021 remake THAT RUNS ON LINUX NATIVELY  
there's gore pedophilia rape all the fun things
Replies: >>2597
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>there's gore pedophilia rape all the fun things
sounds based
ill check it out

>I mean, it says dissectiongirl so I thought it's a girl
hahaha its always funny how denpa never seems to dedicate a single neuron to analyze anything
>Uh he's just shilling his videogame with sympathybait though.
no he is talking aboout his sigma grindset
>I can draw although it can be quite ugly.
then maybe stop casting stones
or ill pee on your glass walls
Draw a space marine.
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