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give me one reason why I should pay for anything online
Replies: >>6138
>over 2 minutes
is that even allowed?
who even has the attention span to watch an old man with anime eyes rants about capitalism for 2 whore minutes?
i cant believe denpanigger actually deleted all of his cringeposts before i could archive them
>>2104 (OP) 
Ease and Commodity
Simple as
Also are you poor or not
Replies: >>6139
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>Ease and Commodity
not really tbh
to pirate stuff i can just search for it and quickly find several free download options, most of which only require me to click one or two buttons and the download begins
meanwhile if i wanna download something legitimately i have to create an account, share personal and financial info, pray that they wont datamine it or suffer a leak in this day and age where major dataleaks are a yearly occurrence and datamining customers is the industry standard
i also have to deal with forced updates and i cant just copy and paste the file on another device bc legit shit is cucked with drm these days
at least with games and other programs you can have a legit concern about getting malware which is why youd only wanna get genuine copies, thats understandable
it doesnt really matter to me bc i have a dedicated gaming rig
but when it comes to other filetypes, shits just ridiculous
whats my motivation for paying for something legit when the bootleggers are the ones offering a superior service?
ppl make the mistake of thinking that what theyre paying for is the product, but thats a lie
the product is a digital file, once it has been made, it can be infinitely replicated at zero cost, so it doesnt make sense that thats what being sold
no, what youre paying for is the service of file distribution, getting the file into your computer
it is basically a delivery service
but the 'honest' delivery requires a huge rigmarole of paperwork and then puts severe restrictions on how you can use the file you got and what you can do with it
the pirate's delivery gives you absolute freedom over the file you got and doesnt ask anything of you
by all measures its a better service for a better price, id need to be insane to pick the alternative
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