/origin/ - origin

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[Hide] (135.2KB, 600x848) Reverse
New thread.
Replies: >>6381
baste OP
Another grave on a graveyard
[Hide] (26.2KB, 350x350) Reverse
yk osfie, im now on the same boat as you
im back to playing vidya all day and i decided to give up on pussy too
now im content with just doing what im doing
its a cold limbo, but ik how to get comfy here
[Hide] (88.6KB, 628x636) Reverse
Should go eat.
I recently ate two packs of french fries at macdonalds, i didn't like it
i kinda wanna bake a cake but not really
Replies: >>5135
Do it faget, or bake some brownies.
[Hide] (19.3KB, 128x128) Reverse
cake update: the cake is being baked
i forgot where i wrote the recipe so i had to eyeball everything
i hope i didnt forget any ingredient
[Hide] (305.6KB, 1488x2105) Reverse
cake status: baked
i might have put too much cooking oil
its good tho
Replies: >>5140
[Hide] (130.4KB, 1920x1200) Reverse
Having tea.
Hell yeah.
[Hide] (34.2KB, 421x472) Reverse
Having toast and fries.
Replies: >>5145
I had a meal replacement bar, it was okay.
[Hide] (62.6KB, 500x337) Reverse
im only now realizing that 'taz mania' is a pun on tasmania
[Hide] (309.4KB, 1568x1488) Reverse
Drinking banana milk.
[Hide] (1.9MB, 1294x1338) Reverse
silly osfie, bananas arent mammals
[Hide] (28.1KB, 320x240) Reverse
Got tea.
Replies: >>5161
Rico a cute!
[Hide] (106.7KB, 900x778) Reverse
Gonna get tea and a bag of chips.
[Hide] (118.7KB, 628x628) Reverse
Rainy outside.
[Hide] (31.1KB, 396x382) Reverse
Don't you like rain?
Replies: >>5166
[Hide] (72.2KB, 863x747) Reverse
I like it.
Is it still raining?
Replies: >>5169
[Hide] (826.9KB, 1000x1412) Reverse
It is. 
I'll have a cup of tea and then go to bed.
[Hide] (142.9KB, 900x1200) Reverse
I ordered food.
What was your command?
[Hide] (1.2MB, 2428x1723) Reverse
Getting a cup of tea.
[Hide] (1.6MB, 2480x3508) Reverse
[Hide] (328.4KB, 1580x2048) Reverse
I'm getting tea.
[Hide] (661.4KB, 3222x2544) Reverse
Got chicken wings for dinner.
[Hide] (47.6KB, 900x720) Reverse
i finally understood the reference in helltaker
in the final sequence, modeus is reading a book called 'spider season', from the context you can infer its a heavily gushy romance novel
i never understood why that name specifically, it seemed kinda weird, but recently on youtube i found a fandub of an old comic by vanripper (author of helltaker) called 'mosquito season'
its about a guy dealing with annoying mosquito girls pestering him during summer
in the end, he captures one and decides to feed her to the spider living on his balcony
the spider is obviously flattered by it and on the comment section someone pointed out that offering prey as food is a courting behavior in some species, so the book modeus is reading is probably supposed to be a sequel to that comic focused on the relationship of the guy and his spider
[Hide] (369.1KB, 1438x2048) Reverse
Gonna have another cup of tea.
Replies: >>5185
[Hide] (4.1MB, 3143x4096) Reverse
Tea is great, people should drink more tea.
[Hide] (98.8KB, 600x675) Reverse
Eating chips.
[Hide] (850.8KB, 1012x1019) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (1.5MB, 270x480) Reverse
Getting another cup.
[Hide] (444KB, 1221x1440) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (85KB, 557x600) Reverse
Having vodka.
[Hide] (194.8KB, 800x800) Reverse
I; mgoannan get tea.
[Hide] (980.7KB, 1500x1200) Reverse
Getting more tea.
[Hide] (1.2MB, 994x1279) Reverse
I'll get another cup.
[Hide] (656.9KB, 828x824) Reverse
I very much want to eat grapes. Preferably purple ones. I'm going to bed.
[Hide] (71.1KB, 800x380) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (576.1KB, 1200x866) Reverse
The food I ordered sucked so I dumped it out. Having popcorn for dinner instead. Alongside tea.
[Hide] (422.4KB, 640x920) Reverse
Gonna pour tea.
[Hide] (132.5KB, 720x1024) Reverse
Drinking milk.
[Hide] (895.1KB, 1280x1008) Reverse
Getting more tea.
[Hide] (277.6KB, 750x1000) Reverse
Gonna get another cup.
[Hide] (570.3KB, 2400x3200) Reverse
Replies: >>5203
[Hide] (1.3MB, 4096x3554) Reverse
Have a good night.
Damn, you drink too much
[Hide] (3.6MB, 1920x2040) Reverse
Getting tea.
[Hide] (602.1KB, 1055x1047) Reverse
Light rain outside. Wish I could open the windows without freezing.
[Hide] (1007.1KB, 2480x3508) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (245.3KB, 991x1238) Reverse
Having Pockys with milk.
[Hide] (195.5KB, 640x880) Reverse
Having another cup of tea.
you repost this stuff all over the ib's, why do you want to reach out for such a huge audience?
[Hide] (176KB, 500x587) Reverse
I'm gonna get more tea.
[Hide] (417.4KB, 1000x1000) Reverse
I'll have tea then go to bed.
Tea thread.
[Hide] (45.6KB, 640x540) Reverse
Got tea.
Replies: >>5218
[Hide] (1.9MB, 1400x1500) Reverse
Gonna have potato chips for dinner. Again.
Replies: >>5220
[Hide] (200.7KB, 750x1050) Reverse
Don't catch the scurvy.
[Hide] (47.6KB, 357x450) Reverse
Drinking milk. I'll have tea in a little.
[Hide] (49.7KB, 402x497) Reverse
I got tea.
Replies: >>5224
[Hide] (543.3KB, 2480x3072) Reverse
Tea best
[Hide] (392KB, 539x762) Reverse
Gonna have a cup of tea and then head to bed.
[Hide] (1.9MB, 1894x2374) Reverse
I'll have tea after I'm out of bed.
[Hide] (4.2MB, 2756x1654) Reverse
Having toast and fries for dinner.
[Hide] (322.6KB, 1200x1767) Reverse
Gonna have a cup of tea.
[Hide] (134.9KB, 1919x1079) Reverse
I'll get tea in a little.
[Hide] (890.6KB, 720x720) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (426.3KB, 1520x2300) Reverse
Tea, then bed.
Tea, then bed. Bed, then tea.
This is the life.
I wish I could have tea with Anon!
[Hide] (115.1KB, 480x568) Reverse
Couldn't get any sleep. Can't be bothered to eat today. I'm gonna drink milk.
[Hide] (453.9KB, 726x863) Reverse
Gonna have tea.
[Hide] (105.2KB, 571x594) Reverse
Getting another cup.
[Hide] (93.8KB, 926x1288) Reverse
Drinking tea. Gonna have chicken wings for dinner.
[Hide] (87KB, 800x533) Reverse
Got strawberry milk.
[Hide] (543.4KB, 2071x741) Reverse
Having banana milk.
[Hide] (1.4MB, 1024x2048) Reverse
Having tea alongside ketchup-flavored potato chips.
[Hide] (90.7KB, 500x500) Reverse
Drinking water.
[Hide] (142.3KB, 1000x787) Reverse
Tea, then bed.
[Hide] (107.7KB, 1028x1412) Reverse
Having strawberry milk.
[Hide] (56.7KB, 1000x1000) Reverse
Getting banana milk.
[Hide] (792.3KB, 1000x1000) Reverse
Getting tea.
[Hide] (564.3KB, 1920x1080) Reverse
Your posts are getting pretty wide
[Hide] (104.5KB, 620x855) Reverse
Had banana milk.
[Hide] (157.7KB, 850x1129) Reverse
Having toast and fries for dinner.
[Hide] (299.9KB, 1170x827) Reverse
Gonna get tea.
[Hide] (113.3KB, 1919x1079) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (1.1MB, 990x2162) Reverse
Got banana milk.
[Hide] (1.5MB, 5000x3750) Reverse
Drinking strawberry milk.
[Hide] (13KB, 400x400) Reverse
drinking water
[Hide] (316KB, 747x837) Reverse
tea then bed?
[Hide] (275.9KB, 906x744) Reverse
Gonna get a cup of tea.
[Hide] (549.1KB, 697x900) Reverse
Drinking milk. Non-flavored.
[Hide] (271.8KB, 604x900) Reverse
Tea, then bed.
[Hide] (983.3KB, 800x709) Reverse
Drinking milk.
[Hide] (322.9KB, 1546x1698) Reverse
Getting another cup of tea.
[Hide] (3.2MB, 1989x1166) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
[Hide] (122.5KB, 753x632) Reverse
Tired, but I haven't ate for a couple days so I suppose I'll go out for a burger.
[Hide] (60KB, 516x394) Reverse
Was an okay meal. I fell asleep on the bus back home. I'm going to bed.
[Hide] (492.4KB, 606x800) Reverse
Drinking strawberry milk.
[Hide] (226.2KB, 2019x3324) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (852.9KB, 810x1024) Reverse
Getting a cup of tea.
[Hide] (355.1KB, 955x718) Reverse
I had rice and lentil soup for dinner.
[Hide] (94.4KB, 291x273) Reverse
just woke up feeling hella lethargic
i think i might be sick
[Hide] (1.6MB, 1014x1500) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (465.1KB, 2560x1690) Reverse
Having potato chips for dinner.
[Hide] (30.2KB, 300x390) Reverse
Having vodka.
>inb4 osfie starts slurposting again
[Hide] (68KB, 640x640) Reverse
I don't know if I should drink more or go to sleep. DTrying to get this STALKER mod to work but it keeps CTDing. Dead Air kept crashing on my old PC as well buit at least I could play for a bit before it didl. I;ll try a bit more.
[Hide] (681.4KB, 1080x1080) Reverse
Having tea. I wanna get drunk but I haven't had anything to eat yet.
wani was released recently
i should prolly start seriously working on that article
at the same time i just wanna play my furry postapoc sim where i am now become a schizo catboy vampire esper weeb, powerful enough to destroy every being from the shadow realm
[Hide] (432.4KB, 553x800) Reverse
Had chicken wings for dinner. Drinking milk.
[Hide] (13.5KB, 512x384) Reverse
I bought Quake Live so I won't eat for the next two days. Better be good and not make me want to play Xonotic instead.
just learned that i can get the magical dust that lets me unlock new powers by breaking a boulder
its actually p obvious and should have been the first thing i did when i got a pickaxe
[Hide] (7KB, 384x384) Reverse
Drinking milk.
[Hide] (7.6KB, 384x384) Reverse
Having tea. Practicing UFO Lunatic again. Maybe in a month I'll have it done.
[Hide] (5.5KB, 384x384) Reverse
Drinking banana milk.
[Hide] (39.6KB, 256x256) Reverse
19 hour sleep. More would be nice. Getting tea.
Replies: >>5313
[Hide] (164.9KB, 670x1280) Reverse
Had rice, chicken and lentil soup.
based nosleeper
[Hide] (270.4KB, 682x512) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (116.4KB, 586x424) Reverse
Having vodka.
Replies: >>5317
[Hide] (98.8KB, 796x692) Reverse
Chruiasmt asi over. c
[Hide] (159.6KB, 1012x1536) Reverse
[Hide] (59.8KB, 500x580) Reverse
My neigghbours are angry cause I woke uem up at 3 am or something with the noise I'm making. I just simply don't answer their knockso n the door. What are they gonna do about it. Retards.
Replies: >>5319
[Hide] (480.4KB, 3829x3403) Reverse
poor neighbour-chan can't get any rest to be a wagie again tomorrow
Replies: >>5320
[Hide] (2.1MB, 2560x1938) Reverse
Fuck them. Bed.
Replies: >>5321
no tea this time?
[Hide] (54.9KB, 1280x721) Reverse
Drinking strawberry milk.
[Hide] (397.3KB, 1599x1516) Reverse
Gonna have chicken wings for dinner.
[Hide] (148.3KB, 774x1200) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (7.5MB, 3840x2160) Reverse
Had ketchup-flavored potato chips alongside some tea.
[Hide] (1.2MB, 320x213) Reverse
Isn't that tomato flavored?
Replies: >>5327
[Hide] (112.6KB, 600x600) Reverse
kind of a fucked up snack tbh...
[Hide] (321.2KB, 553x677) Reverse
Having strawberry milk.
[Hide] (233.6KB, 1523x1893) Reverse
Something's off about these meals.
[Hide] (242.1KB, 1225x1667) Reverse
Had pasta and salad for lunch. Got a box of ice cream on the way home.
[Hide] (152KB, 600x847) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (1.8MB, 600x338) Reverse
Got Pockys and strawberry milk.
[Hide] (794.4KB, 800x600) Reverse
Got tea and a bag of chips for dinner.
Replies: >>5334
[Hide] (127.8KB, 607x1000) Reverse
Why would you do that?
Boy dinner thread
Boy dinner thread
finally a follow up to the amazing digital circus pilot
and its fucking comedy gold, had me in stitches
now im hyped for it, another item to my endless backlog of shit to consoom yaaaay
[Hide] (75.7KB, 1280x720) Reverse
Drinking chocolate milk.
[Hide] (201.4KB, 1000x1000) Reverse
Having a cup of tea. Gonna go out for a burger.
[Hide] (743.1KB, 900x900) Reverse
Got strawberry milk.
[Hide] (1.2MB, 2500x1789) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
shilling my latest fanfic
its an inside joke, but i wonder what outsiders think of it
its still a WIP, ill prolly finish in the next few days
got 2 more backstories to write plus the faculty staff section
[Hide] (794.4KB, 851x1239) Reverse
Got another cup.
[Hide] (322.4KB, 1434x2048) Reverse
started a spam war with the lambdadmin
gonna make a deluxe sandwich for breakfast now
normally i dont eat anything until lunchtime but today im feeling good
Replies: >>5348
[Hide] (2.2MB, 1295x1530) Reverse
wow, what a dick
Replies: >>5349
sandwich was alright
thats what she said
[Hide] (909.8KB, 2880x1620) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (78.6KB, 495x518) Reverse
Got chicken wings for dinner.
[Hide] (66.9KB, 768x768) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
hey guys quick question
whats the best board on the webring to talk about vidya-related projects?
i wanna ask for input from anons from something im working on
no its not a new game im making
Replies: >>5355 >>5357
[Hide] (692.6KB, 958x1748) Reverse
/v/ on the zzzynagogue might be alright, otherwise there's /agdg/ on Trashchan.
Replies: >>5356
thanks, i was gonna go to zzzchan bc thats the only one i already knew from back when osfie was ghosting me to blog there
i think that is specifically for gamedev which is not what im doing
[Hide] (3.2MB, 1269x1920) Reverse
Got tea.
8moe's /v/ is the most active.
Replies: >>5358
ok ill lurk those two /v/s a bit first
i need to finish some stuff before i can have any idea what im gonna ask

btw osf i think i figured out the ultimate blogposting method
just blog while you casually spam, then the jannies will automatically clean up your entries for you and only ppl who were online at the time will read
[Hide] (84.7KB, 580x862) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (794.6KB, 1745x980) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
>tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea tea
how much do you pee in a day? and whats the color?
obviously it's tea-coloured
he says he only drinks black tea
so he pisses black? that doesnt sound healthy
[Hide] (102.3KB, 512x807) Reverse
Having ketchup-flavored chips and tea for dinner.
[Hide] (481KB, 1668x2224) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (1.4MB, 1131x1600) Reverse
Got another cup.
[Hide] (88.1KB, 798x978) Reverse
A cup of tea.
[Hide] (177.5KB, 720x584) Reverse
Drinking tea. I read through Chikan Otoko. Liked it.
[Hide] (261.6KB, 1504x1250) Reverse
Having vodka. Nearly done with this book about the Chechen wars. I think I'll read something on Vietnam era helicopters or Cold War jets next.
[Hide] (168.5KB, 574x456) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (1.1MB, 2265x3541) Reverse
[Hide] (1.7MB, 2000x2000) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
[Hide] (104.5KB, 976x800) Reverse
Had another cup.
well osfie looks like youre gonna have to drink a whole lot more tea if you wanna avoid being bumped out of the overboard now
[Hide] (429.1KB, 1000x625) Reverse
Having gvokda. Vodka.
Replies: >>5394
[Hide] (2.2MB, 2480x3508) Reverse
praying for ur liver
Replies: >>5395
[Hide] (87.3KB, 361x552) Reverse
I don't tdrink that much.
[Hide] (474.1KB, 1384x1260) Reverse
Got more tea.
[Hide] (22.9KB, 300x300) Reverse
drank water but angry
Replies: >>5410
[Hide] (216.1KB, 1534x2048) Reverse
Water is good for you though.
[Hide] (242.6KB, 1600x1200) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (767.1KB, 888x1243) Reverse
Had pasta and meatballs for lunch.
ill try committing to when i drink milk for a week
had milk
[Hide] (1MB, 1080x1080) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
cup of milk
[Hide] (1.5MB, 2000x2838) Reverse
Having more tea.
>hey talked a little with berylie and he's doing better if you lot care
wrong community, teabrain
but yea good to know
tell him he is fired tho
where did you even find him?
Replies: >>5459
had 2 glasses of milk
>wrong community, teabrain
You sure that the post about berylie was made by FC? I am not 
>where did you even find him?
I believe he hangs around on endchan but that's just a shot in the dark
literally only us 3 know about him
[Hide] (148.5KB, 777x1232) Reverse
Got tea. I had rice, chicken and salad for lunch.
Have him added.
Replies: >>5460
>Have him added.
in your pocket calculator?
is he a number or what?
milk then bed
[Hide] (138KB, 900x778) Reverse
Having another cup. Eating strawberries.
milk again
[Hide] (263.6KB, 1200x1577) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (109KB, 1115x1600) Reverse
Having morning tea.
[Hide] (2.4MB, 3079x2137) Reverse
[Hide] (450.7KB, 1680x1683) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
more milk.
[Hide] (114.4KB, 497x570) Reverse
Got tea.
milk then bed
[Hide] (265.4KB, 735x617) Reverse
morning milk
Replies: >>5506
[Hide] (2.7MB, 3048x3508) Reverse
Replies: >>5507
nah, thats called huggable, buddy
[Hide] (111.6KB, 1365x1365) Reverse
had half a glass of milk
[Hide] (703.7KB, 912x586) Reverse
Getting tea.
[Hide] (308.2KB, 600x800) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (1.3MB, 858x1027) Reverse
Morning tea.
[Hide] (655.7KB, 1740x1250) Reverse
morning milk but at night
[Hide] (552.6KB, 682x1200) Reverse
gonna get drunk
maybe play some project reality then work on editing videos i need to make. or just keep watching the sopranos
[Hide] (822.7KB, 1358x1135) Reverse
morning milk, now in the morning

>editing videos
cool, when did you become a memelord?
post your server stomp montages here
Replies: >>5567
[Hide] (203.4KB, 700x630) Reverse
enjoy your milk,
>when did you hecome a fe become a memelord
on and off on onccass on onccasion since a few eyars ago 
i dont wnana tapost her esryyyyyy
Replies: >>5568
>3 whole mangled sentences
damn ig alcohol truly is the oldest cure for depression
>enjoy your milk
>on and off on onccass on onccasion since a few eyars ago
i have an incomplete vid i was working on back when i used windows
shit broke down completely one day and i didnt wanna arse myself with reinstalling that dumpster fire so i went gnu-only since that day
i still have the project file but the program is wincuck exclusive
Replies: >>5573
[Hide] (510.4KB, 1135x979) Reverse
getting tea
didnt do much, alcohol isnt good for productiveness it turns out
Replies: >>5574
yea ig theres a reason the enlightenment only happened after coffee became the mainstream drink in the west
[Hide] (993.1KB, 2000x1500) Reverse
having tea. ate a burger for dinner and brought another back home for tomorrow. recently discovered that i really enjoy 24-hour old burgers
[Hide] (829.3KB, 1422x1100) Reverse
>yea ig theres a reason the enlightenment only happened after coffee became the mainstream drink in the west
Even coffee can't enlighten latin americans. Wonder if chinks are so good at math because they were doing all this ma-huang feng-shui shit centuries ago.
>Even coffee can't enlighten latin americans.
cant enlighten niggers either
and im p sure coffee came from africa
or that tailbit of asia near africa
tho im p sure latinos are still running on ethanol and pepper
>Wonder if chinks are so good at math because they were doing all this ma-huang feng-shui shit centuries ago.
probably tbh
[Hide] (57.4KB, 578x460) Reverse
Getting tea.
off to a milky sleep
[Hide] (700KB, 1200x694) Reverse
Vodka and Arma 3.
im off to install a libre distribution of BED/Milk
[Hide] (263.6KB, 1717x1297) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
glass full of milk
[Hide] (103.4KB, 885x657) Reverse
Getting another cup.
[Hide] (1.6MB, 1920x1080) Reverse
Got milk.
Replies: >>5613
[Hide] (389.8KB, 1137x1540) Reverse
had milk
another one joins the milk cult
[Hide] (22.7KB, 400x400) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (36.7KB, 400x300) Reverse
Milk, then bed.
[Hide] (713.2KB, 2048x1152) Reverse
Having morning tea.
[Hide] (61.6KB, 648x800) Reverse
Getting another cup.
[Hide] (141.9KB, 803x911) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (62.4KB, 1144x657) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (104.4KB, 708x708) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (65.5KB, 908x762) Reverse
Tea, then bed.
Replies: >>5643
same but milk
same but sleep meds
[Hide] (482.5KB, 829x1059) Reverse
I woke up. Getting tea.
Replies: >>5643
did you sleep for 23h?
Replies: >>5644
[Hide] (7.3KB, 203x203) Reverse
[Hide] (1MB, 848x1200) Reverse
Getting another cup.
wake up then bed
[Hide] (25.5KB, 320x320) Reverse
Got more tea.
[Hide] (96.5KB, 965x1016) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
Replies: >>6381
[Hide] (44.5KB, 540x340) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (207.1KB, 1000x828) Reverse
Drinking tea.
[Hide] (631.7KB, 850x890) Reverse
Got more tea.
Replies: >>6381
[Hide] (1.5MB, 1000x1333) Reverse
Gonna get another cup.
[Hide] (132.6KB, 926x888) Reverse
I'm awake. Getting tea.
[Hide] (34.7KB, 374x289) Reverse
Gonna have a cup of tea then head to bed.
[Hide] (123.4KB, 1216x838) Reverse
Had tea with my breakfast.
[Hide] (380.3KB, 1360x1308) Reverse
Drinking strawberry milk.
[Hide] (458.7KB, 1920x1277) Reverse
Getting tea.
[Hide] (312.5KB, 1445x1190) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (38.5KB, 399x369) Reverse
I'm getting tea.
[Hide] (175.8KB, 870x834) Reverse
Having tea before bed.
[Hide] (59.7KB, 158x159) Reverse
I had tea with my breakfast.
[Hide] (55.4KB, 576x731) Reverse
Had tea with my dinner.
[Hide] (264.8KB, 1770x1468) Reverse
Gonna get tea.
had hot milk
[Hide] (3.8MB, 2194x1967) Reverse
I'm having more tea.
[Hide] (920.2KB, 1119x1686) Reverse
I woke up. Getting tea.
Replies: >>5742
[Hide] (1.8MB, 1158x1731) Reverse
Having some tea.
[Hide] (286.9KB, 632x887) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
milk time

nice patchi
[Hide] (186.3KB, 1024x710) Reverse
Tea then bed.
[Hide] (474.9KB, 1000x824) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (42.9KB, 494x750) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
[Hide] (104.5KB, 1170x1095) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (370.6KB, 888x794) Reverse
Drinking tea.
milk then bed
[Hide] (129.5KB, 640x768) Reverse
Getting a cup of tea.
Replies: >>5776
[Hide] (44KB, 345x436) Reverse
Having fries alongside tea.
[Hide] (242.2KB, 798x829) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (141.2KB, 365x754) Reverse
I'm awake. Getting tea.
[Hide] (681KB, 1400x1050) Reverse
choccy milk.
[Hide] (629.9KB, 1200x1200) Reverse
Got tea.
Replies: >>5797
i love girls with sexy backs
[Hide] (1.3MB, 2074x3458) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
[Hide] (24.7KB, 335x348) Reverse
I'm having another cup.
[Hide] (163KB, 954x670) Reverse
I woke up. Getting tea.
[Hide] (55.4KB, 595x586) Reverse
Going to get another cup.
[Hide] (566KB, 900x900) Reverse
Had tea.
[Hide] (9.2KB, 343x348) Reverse
Drinking more tea.
[Hide] (198.8KB, 1066x721) Reverse
Having vodka.
[Hide] (491KB, 1448x2048) Reverse
brandy for mee
[Hide] (23.9KB, 167x158) Reverse
Awake. I'm getting tea.
[Hide] (268.2KB, 921x1346) Reverse
Had another cup.
[Hide] (377.9KB, 1404x914) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (1.7MB, 3035x1955) Reverse
I woke up. Grabbing tea.
[Hide] (387.7KB, 4096x2309) Reverse
Tea then bed.
[Hide] (190.4KB, 802x514) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (344.1KB, 627x886) Reverse
Had tea with toast and fries.
sounds tasty
[Hide] (746KB, 1762x1080) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
[Hide] (1.7MB, 1213x749) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (586.7KB, 810x810) Reverse
I woke up. Getting tea.
[Hide] (91.4KB, 535x775) Reverse
Had tea with toast and fries.
[Hide] (86.2KB, 983x1005) Reverse
Got another cup.
[Hide] (116.8KB, 932x803) Reverse
Awake. Got strawberry milk.
singapore child porn anon strikes again
you might be glad to hear i'm working on a new 3ch iteration (now branded threech) so you'll once again have the opportunity to spread your filth on a poorly moderated altchan
Replies: >>5868
ok you have to admit putting the links on anime avatar images in the hopes the mods don't notice and they don't get deleted is pretty funny
assuming that's what hes doing
[Hide] (90.1KB, 468x496) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (196.2KB, 400x400) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
[Hide] (1.1MB, 192x172) Reverse
Having vodka.
[Hide] (498.9KB, 1402x1125) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (1.5MB, 1868x2651) Reverse
Got tea and Pockys.
[Hide] (2MB, 394x418) Reverse
bought chocolate
Replies: >>5917
[Hide] (73.9KB, 1000x787) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
[Hide] (111.9KB, 1920x1080) Reverse
Having tea.
big mistake
i just remember why i stopped eating chocolate
i get intense craving afterwards
[Hide] (363.7KB, 2464x1844) Reverse
I woke up. Getting tea.
[Hide] (16.3KB, 300x560) Reverse
Having tea with toast and fries.
[Hide] (360.2KB, 1647x2048) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (147.6KB, 1030x1088) Reverse
Having tea alongside ketchup-flavored chips.
[Hide] (52.9KB, 507x501) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (195.8KB, 1909x1080) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (246.3KB, 600x640) Reverse
Getting another cup.
[Hide] (640.1KB, 468x608) Reverse
I woke up. Having tea.
[Hide] (641.8KB, 1930x2700) Reverse
Got tea with toast and fries.
[Hide] (1.9MB, 2250x1500) Reverse
Tea then bed.
[Hide] (142.6KB, 600x967) Reverse
Got another cup.
[Hide] (46.6KB, 740x863) Reverse
Got more tea.
[Hide] (28.9KB, 750x411) Reverse
Having another cup of tea.
[Hide] (164.3KB, 750x749) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (826.8KB, 2584x2392) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (1014.6KB, 2000x2000) Reverse
Having tea before bed.
[Hide] (151.6KB, 600x600) Reverse
Had tea alongside toast and fries.
[Hide] (231KB, 600x600) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (238.4KB, 600x600) Reverse
Got more tea.
[Hide] (134.2KB, 903x968) Reverse
I woke up. Getting tea.
[Hide] (1.4MB, 2111x3424) Reverse
Getting another cup.
[Hide] (19.2KB, 400x427) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (172.8KB, 655x992) Reverse
Gonna grab more tea.
[Hide] (142.2KB, 652x862) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (116.1KB, 920x806) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (112.1KB, 800x733) Reverse
Having more tea.
[Hide] (192.7KB, 1446x1802) Reverse
Awake. Getting tea.
[Hide] (1.9MB, 1500x1061) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
[Hide] (511.1KB, 1014x1500) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (694.9KB, 2150x3035) Reverse
Got another cup.
[Hide] (167.9KB, 800x600) Reverse
Having another cup of tea.
[Hide] (330KB, 1263x870) Reverse
I woke up.
[Hide] (13.6KB, 448x448) Reverse
I bought a flannel jacket and a new kettle.
[Hide] (672.1KB, 772x539) Reverse
I'm awake. Having tea.
[Hide] (1.5MB, 2406x2160) Reverse
Gonna get another cup.
[Hide] (492KB, 1800x1350) Reverse
Having tea before bed.
[Hide] (292.7KB, 1640x652) Reverse
I got out of bed.
[Hide] (87KB, 754x1131) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (222.1KB, 973x1059) Reverse
Got more tea.
[Hide] (104.3KB, 828x1200) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (1.6MB, 1633x2100) Reverse
I woke up. Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (378.8KB, 1013x1427) Reverse
Having tea alongside toast and fries.
[Hide] (815.6KB, 2000x2333) Reverse
Got tea.
[Hide] (87.6KB, 1200x1600) Reverse
Got another cup of tea.
[Hide] (583.2KB, 1896x1563) Reverse
I woke up. Having tea.
[Hide] (646.7KB, 2174x3164) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (1.4MB, 880x1115) Reverse
Got more tea.
Replies: >>6034
Hello, what brings us here?
Replies: >>6035
[Hide] (432KB, 1976x2800) Reverse
4chan jannies have it out for me ;_;
[Hide] (1.6MB, 2560x1707) Reverse
Drinking tea.
[Hide] (119.5KB, 1276x1400) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (895.6KB, 3048x1647) Reverse
Got tea alongside ketchup-flavored chips.
[Hide] (1.4MB, 1300x1148) Reverse
Had tea with toast for breakfast.
Replies: >>6050
Cute image, tea sounds nice too
[Hide] (222.5KB, 868x1057) Reverse
Having tea before bed.
[Hide] (756.5KB, 800x950) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
[Hide] (349.4KB, 1081x853) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (1.4MB, 5313x7776) Reverse
Got another cup.
[Hide] (1.5MB, 1536x1725) Reverse
I had tea alongside toast and fries for breakfast.
[Hide] (1.4MB, 1681x1946) Reverse
Having vodka.
[Hide] (250.3KB, 1448x2048) Reverse
scotch for meee
Replies: >>6075
[Hide] (476.2KB, 1850x2400) Reverse
[Hide] (156.9KB, 1081x1306) Reverse
I woke up. Got tea.
[Hide] (56.5KB, 720x450) Reverse
Having a cup of tea.
[Hide] (129.8KB, 500x460) Reverse
Gonna get another cup.
[Hide] (41KB, 400x564) Reverse
Had a cup of tea.
[Hide] (849.4KB, 800x802) Reverse
Getting another cup.
[Hide] (176.8KB, 776x802) Reverse
Having tea.
Replies: >>6095
[Hide] (508KB, 1200x1200) Reverse
[Hide] (495.6KB, 1200x1200) Reverse
Would you have tea with me?
[Hide] (164.9KB, 724x930) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
[Hide] (148.7KB, 705x683) Reverse
Having tea.
[Hide] (193.9KB, 816x710) Reverse
Having some vodka.
[Hide] (247.9KB, 903x1832) Reverse
I got home. Having tea.
[Hide] (122.6KB, 547x600) Reverse
Got a cup of tea.
[Hide] (312KB, 850x931) Reverse
Having vodka.
[Hide] (52.2KB, 335x470) Reverse
I bought Arma Reforger. I like it.  I'll be heading to bed.
[Hide] (47KB, 400x400) Reverse
Had chips alongside tea for breakfast.
praying for u
Replies: >>6135
relax, osfie is fine
he just kicked his crippling tea addiction, is all
[Hide] (358KB, 900x860) Reverse
watching the sopranos trying to figure out which episode i left it off at 4 months ago
[Hide] (23KB, 400x400) Reverse
playing warzone a bunch crossplay is cancer but its pretty good overall
Replies: >>6169
[Hide] (8.9MB, 3000x3643) Reverse
trying to play obsidian conflict
[Hide] (26.3KB, 300x300) Reverse
got in 50 hours before uninstalling cause fighting against controller aimbot constantly is too bad
shame cause its a good game underneath that one thing ruining it
i only have burgers from mcdonalds now
Replies: >>6170
[Hide] (252.4KB, 640x480) Reverse
omg, pravoslavie on wheels!
[Hide] (528.1KB, 136x119) Reverse
eating some weird shit
please dont eat shit, anon
[Hide] (1.8MB, 1024x768) Reverse
FagChan, new ashes dropped 
Replies: >>6175 >>6179
[Hide] (2.6MB, 2600x3200) Reverse
after 2 upgrades i finally have a pc able to properly run gzdoom now so ill play it later
[Hide] (126.6KB, 700x680) Reverse
finished it
was pretty alright i like that the ending is just u giving up and leaving
though itd be nice if survivor mode did actually make you have to worry about resources like it says it will because i had plenty of everything most of the time
[Hide] (182.4KB, 946x1024) Reverse
>finished it
I didn't play it myself, by the way. 
Recently i wanted to play SELACO.
I've played the demo long time ago and it kinda sucked ass but now the whole thing got released and it doesn't look all that bad so i wanted to give it a second chance. 
It has a standalone modified gzdoom installed, and it didn't want to run properly. After fucking around for a little i discovered that official gzdoom that's automatically updated by my package manager also doesn't run properly, when i open some maps it just shits itself and crashes. 
So i have that fucking decade old config file that i constantly tweak, just like all those famous artists refining paintings for years, and i tried removing it and going with the default config, and it just shits itself completely and crashes on boot. 
I tried compiling an older GZD version and it runs just fine, but it's incompatible with SELACO because it requires that meticulously tailored modified GZD version that i can't even try to compile for myself because it's not fucking opensource. 
I found a github request that apparently addresses my issue but i have no when will that shit get merged to the official GZD repo, let alone SELACO's new engine
I kinda burned out from doing all that shit and deleted that old GZD version that worked fine, not gonna bother with installing it any time soon. 
I played through the entirety of the latest cacowards and this year there aren't many other interesting GZD WADs besides selaco and ashes. 

I got kinda tired of doom so installed that new quake sourceport carred ironwail or something like that and i've been catching up on popular new maps the past couple days. Some are loads of fun but i feel like most of the quake's community maps are too fucking easy for their own good, c'mon this bitch is almost 3 decades old, mfs can speedrun the entirety of 4 official episodes faster than my ass could get dressed, they should make torture .bsps but instead of carefully designing challenging yet fair levels they just spam polygons brushes and fucking secrets holy shit it's so annoying i am playing fucking quake not where's waldo why is one fucking half of an average quake level is hidden between 17 different interconnected switches like it's some indie horror about turning valves it's okay if it's just secret ammo stashes and power ups but no there are entire fucking hidden sections of the level with full on fucking boss fights that are blocked away from you because you only found 15 runes of moloch instead of 18 why are those niggers like that why cant they make straightforward levels for simple minded people like me that want to rush through enemy hordes instead of dicking around an individual room for 3 minutes, checking if there's anything i've missed
Replies: >>6184
[Hide] (803.2KB, 1000x1000) Reverse
>didn't play it myself
it's on the shorter side if u wanna
saw the hype and ignored it cause of how ugly the main character is
honestly other than ashes everything to do with doom i've played has been mediocre
>not gonna bother with installing it any time soon
good riddance i dont get why gzdoom is so popular when its so aids to get running well
its supposed to be just doom and its somehow tougher on your pc than modern triple a games
>most of the quake's community maps are too fucking easy
you have to remember that the average fps player is absolutely dogshit and on top of that most of the people playing quake maps are old ass geezers with non-existent reflexes so things have to be balanced around that
look up "quake 1 gameplay" on youtube and watch just how braindead most people play
>mfs can speedrun the entirety of 4 official episodes faster than my ass could get dressed
i was 13th place for quake 1 runs last time i checked and that was like 14 mins
>i am playing fucking quake not where's waldo
the original maps did this and people figured that's a good thing somehow so every map follows the same labyrinth philosphy 
i think its there so talentless retards can say they're playing a real game cause they have to wander around for an hour straight to figure out where they have to go unlike those dumb casual games for zoomers that are well-designed and point you towards stuff
[Hide] (319.3KB, 1280x1020) Reverse
>it's on the shorter side if u wanna
I'll get around it one day but not anytime soon 

>i dont get why gzdoom is so popular when its so aids to get running well
Because it's piss easy to pile up gigabytes of spaghetti code in zscript. With it even complete and utter retards can properly express their creative freedom. 
It's not a bad as long as the mods are good or at least run at 60fps, or at least the fucking sourceports runs itself which is often not the case because retarded devs give zero fucks about hardware compatibility or performance in general. Even despite being like, the only sourceport that support vulkan it's still the laggiest piece of shit among them all. 
And i think that in case with stuff like selaco, they would've been much better off using a proper engine instead of trying to hack a fucking doom sourceports. I can't even imagine how much workarounds are there to pull off basic shit like sliding 
>honestly other than ashes everything to do with doom i've played has been mediocre
I don't remember you playing a lot of doom, have you played golden souls? Shit's fire, even better than ashes. 
>most of the people playing quake maps are old ass geezers with non-existent reflexes so things have to be balanced around that
But, there are lots of doom WADs that are very challenging, what's up with that? Why is it only quake pandering to casuals so much. And quake multiplayer mfs honestly don't feel all that demented at all 
>i was 13th place for quake 1 runs last time i checked
That's not something i want to believe, it took me like 30 attempts to nail that long jump towards the key on e1m2 and that grenade launcher slide jump on e1m3 was even worse 
idk how people can grind that shit for all 4 episodes and then execute it all consecutively, must take fucking weeks of mind numbing repetition  
>the original maps did this and people figured that's a good thing somehow so every map follows the same labyrinth philosphy 
Yeah, they made use of that vertical design philosophy too, you know how in old levels you can just rocket jump to keys skipping like, the entire level or at least half of it. Modern maps also very often allow you to do that, sometimes even without rocket jumping, and there were quite a few occasions where i found myself at the end of the level with nothing but a double barrel shotgun. 
I guess those kinds of open maps are fun to speedrun but all this shit just gives me vertigo
Replies: >>6188
[Hide] (56.1KB, 1294x1197) Reverse
>they would've been much better off using a proper engine instead of trying to hack a fucking doom sourceports
the only reason anybody is paying attention to their game is cause its a doom mod so they cant
>golden souls
ill give it a try 
>But, there are lots of doom WADs that are very challenging
>And quake multiplayer mfs honestly don't feel all that demented at all 
people that play quake for the multiplayer and people that play quake for the singleplayer are pretty different groups, the latter was always the minority as opposed to doom where nobody really gave much of a shit about the multiplayer 
so on top of quake being a forgotten franchise playing it for the singleplayer is even more of a niche, and the people in that niche crowd just happen to be shit at the game i guess lol
>That's not something i want to believe
none of the jumps are a problem once u learn power bhopping, but yeah the timing with grenade jumps is hard to get the hang of for a while
the strafe into the platform on e4m1 is the hardest trick and every run starts there because of it
>must take fucking weeks of mind numbing repetition  
its pretty chill because the average run only takes 15 minutes to finish after u understand every trick unlike normal speedruns where it takes 5 hours for a single run, the people who do those are the real dementoids
[Hide] (32.2KB, 239x322) Reverse
>only reason anybody is paying attention to their game is cause its a doom mod 
Sometimes i forget that there are "people" spending money on mods 
>pretty different groups
I guess that's probably the case, i've seen quite a few mappers that make both single player campaigns and multiplayer maps, but usually mappers and players rarely ever intersect. 
>nobody really gave much of a shit about the multiplayer 
Some people did! There are even cacowards for multiplayer maps! they are ughhh, in the bottom right corner right besides mockwards for humor maps, there are like, two nominations each year, yeah.  
All doom sourceports kinda suck ass at the whole internet thing but multiplayer is still very fun. I am not a big fan of vanilla death matches but there are amazing co-op WADs and there are some really unique clusterfuck game mods too 
ZDoom wars and All out war are good examples of schizo ones 
The doom's zombie mode is also my favorite zombie mode in any game ever but to be honest, there's not a lot of competition. 
I haven't seen any of those videos btw they just have WADs in their name 
>none of the jumps are a problem once u learn power bhopping
I can bhop with power, the jump to the key on e1m2 is still challenging, i can only do it consistently if i accelerate by gliding against the wall and then make two jumps when turning around. 
When i try to pull it off by bhoping from the ladder i fail like two out five times and it's the spot where you can't afford slip ups because getting back to the key is real fucking hard and takes a shitload of time 
the key jump on e1m6 is easy though. 
Haven't tried speedrunning any of the later episodes, it wasn't much fun speedrunning the first.  
>pretty chill because the average run only takes 15 minutes
It does 
but only after weeks of mind numbing repetition 
How worn out is the f9 key on your keyboard?
>normal speedruns where it takes 5 hours for a single run
There are lots of speedrunners that run shit like half life 2 and pokemon 
There are like, outlast speedruns. They speedrun horror games what the actual fuck, there's literally zero gameplay, they're just watching a movie and noclipping in textures every third cutscene  
God, speedrun.com was a mistake
Replies: >>6191
[Hide] (97.4KB, 243x261) Reverse
[Hide] (13.7MB, 1920x1080, 00:34)
>Some people did
oh yeah i remembered multiplayer modes other than pvp exist
was meaning to play some co-op with people but never got around to it
i tried to get a friend into a doom mod once so we could play and the first thing it did was pop up a "trans rights" tooltip on his screen so he instantly deleted it
>I can bhop with power
i cant tell if u understood but just in case i dont mean that as in bhopping well, power bhopping is an actual separate trick that makes your bhops give way more speed and it trivializes jumps like that one
one thing about that jump though you don't have to actually stand on the platform that the key is on, you only have to bump it with your body and you'll grab the key. if its too hard still you can press the button to extend the path and it doesnt lose that much time
vid rel is me doing it just now
>only after weeks of mind numbing repetition
nah that's the thing cause it's so short you don't have to spend entire several hour long sessions sitting there practicing, you can just finish one or two runs with quicksaves per day over the course of years and u'll passively learn
>How worn out is the f9 key
using a distant key like f9 to reset would be retarded, was mouse3 for me
Replies: >>6194
[Hide] (98.4KB, 1037x1200) Reverse
>tried to get a friend into a doom mod once so we could play and the first thing it did was pop up a "trans rights" tooltip on his screen
What the fuck were you forcing him to play? There are no trans rights tooltips on any server browsers, wads, sites our sourceports that i know of
>i cant tell if u understood but just in case i dont mean that as in bhopping well
Power bhopping is when you turn move forward when hitting the ground right? That's why quakespasm has +forward binded to mouse2 and autorun disabled by default, i think. I am not sure if i properly mastered this sacred technique but speedometer on 100m goes fast 
I already have all the shit downloaded so i decided to give that jump a second try, video related is how i usually do the jump, 99% success rate 
>over the course of years  
>u'll passively learn
Sure thing 
>was mouse3 for me
I usually bind it either to mouse5 or just "3"
Replies: >>6205
[Hide] (12.1MB, 1280x720, 00:20)
I meant to send two files but misclicked
idrk how lurkers can keep up with threads like this tbh
i already lost track of who is mahi and who is osfie
but yea p cool that osfie decided to join the lets play initiative too
btw mahi wheres the rest of the disgaea boss fights? you should do like you did in >>6191 and leave your mic on, the clacking of keys on the background really heightens the nobudget yt vibe from 2009

hey osfie why did you stop drinking tea?
Replies: >>6205
>idrk how lurkers can keep up with threads like this tbh
We just track everything on the wiki.
Replies: >>6204
[Hide] (43.3KB, 680x571) Reverse
ah yes, the jeffwiki
how could i forget
do ppl still contribute to that?

btw ik yall mf are addicted to music so help me understand this meme
i only knew jack stauber from the bunch and i looked up tally hall and i dont see how they are connected
i like his banana man song tho
[Hide] (3.5MB, 1400x1400) Reverse
>What the fuck were you forcing him to play?
hideous destructor
>Power bhopping is when you turn move forward when hitting the ground right?
ya u got it
>I am not sure if i properly mastered this sacred technique 
not much else to it it's just normal bhopping but with that extra press added
if you can get 10 seconds or less on 100m then you're good
>why did you stop drinking tea?
didnt i only stopped posting about it
[Hide] (211.9KB, 1062x1600) Reverse
>hideous destructor
You mentioned hideous destructor before, it's that realism autism pk3 I heard that older versions are backwards compatible with zandronum but i don't know how much content is cut out in those
It's pretty hard to play gzdoom exclusive mods over net, last time i tried it only supported LAN and TCP 
Zandronum should be much better since it properly supports UDP 
Also lmfao found this shit:  https://old.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/126qusx/i_got_a_virus_in_doom/#lightbox
GZDoom is malware now.
>didnt i only stopped posting about it
ok but why tho
got tired of getting banned from fash boards for no reason?
btw whats even the point of drinking tea if you dont post about it?
Replies: >>6211
Why can't i post my fucking video
[Hide] (11.4MB, 480x270, 02:02)
Okay, apparently it was above the file size limit. There are like 4 porn dump threads that weight hundreds of megabytes but i can't post a single 20mb video, i am disappointed. 
In any case, tried speedrunning episode one today, was quite fun. 
There are lots of things to improve but i am currently busy with "that" jump on e2m3. I can just activate the pressure plate but it feels wrong. 
And excuse the crosshair shaking, it's not tremor, i just had to crank my sensitivity to astronomical heights because i played the whole thing on my cramped desk instead of lying on the floor like usual.
Replies: >>6211
[Hide] (11.1MB, 480x270, 01:53)
[Hide] (166.6KB, 1080x1436) Reverse
[Hide] (2.9MB, 640x480, 00:23)
>why tho
cause i got bored
>jump on e2m3
yeah that one is a bit tricky
you want to slide on top of the death knights head and then hit the slope because that gives you a lot of speed, then just keep the speed and hit the jump as far in on the edge as possible
trying not to overshoot and fly over the edge is harder than getting the speed you need, you'll make it every time after the muscle memory gets through though
>can't post a single 20mb video
ya i have to compress mine this badly to upload them
cursor got stuck on the screen cause that happens
>There are like 4 porn dump threads that weight hundreds of megabytes but i can't post a single 20mb video
skill issue
we just dump a little bit of porn at a time
but admommy already increased the limit just for you, isnt she the best?
and now i can post even bigger feet

>cause i got bored
im surprised you kept it up for as long as you did tbh
btw hows school going
<inb4 not going
[Hide] (82KB, 655x960) Reverse
[Hide] (6MB, 1280x720, 00:13)
>that one is a bit tricky
It's probably the hardest one up until now. But after pulling it off successfully a couple dozen times it doesn't feel all that hard anymore 
>you want to slide on top of the death knights head
I know how to do it, i don't need to invent any original routes since DSDAggers already perfected everything, i just look up how twitch thots do it and repeat after them, sometimes i wonder what the fuck am i doing with my life but it's okay since i am kinda having fun. It's just like those kz 1.6 servers i used to play on.  
>you'll make it every time after the muscle memory gets through though
I still can't pull it consistently like that key jump on e1m2, currently i am relying mostly on sheer luck, but it shouldn't take too long to master 
>have to compress mine this badly to upload
I think you're actually going way to overboard with compression, the file limit used to be 16mb and yours is 3
I could convert my shit into webm's and post those chopped at 1920x1080 60fps but my CPU needs some rest after running obs
Admin increased the file limit after i complained 
On the same day 
Within 4 hours
I am kinda glad, admins rarely ever go out of their way to do anything for me, still can't help being paranoid about NKVD encouraging discussion on this site just so they can datamine me a little more. 

I managed to fix the 20166 errors popping on the newest gzdoom version, so i can play an irrelevant waifu mod. I wanted to try that ashes episode but apparently it's kinda incomplete and bugged to hell and the dev said that he's gonna fix it all with a patch "soon" 
I tried hideous destructor instead. I knew that it was popular, still i didn't expect over 20 custom maps made specifically for it level of popularity. Quite a lot of shit unexplained but there are guides on youtube and even tutorial maps too, it's sad that they aren't on the mod's frontpage. 
It doesn't have a lot of easily toggleable shit like project brutality though, i am yet to figure out how to change your in-game speed because even while running i crawl at three meters per hour, it's very annoying.  
Bleeding sucks too. 
So far it's easier to just not get hit instead of trying to heal your injuries. I also get winded and out of breath too soon.  
So much for carrying a rocket launcher and three heavy assault rifles on my ass
[Hide] (599.6KB, 1300x1100) Reverse
having pizza
[Hide] (361.3KB, 1193x1080) Reverse
i need alcohol but i am not breaking my month long not going outside streak
Replies: >>6225
p based tbh but idk how you manage
i havent left in over a week and im already feeling p bad
ig cabin fever was a real thing
btw im guessing you dropped out of uni?
oh wait, ig summer vacay is in july
yea nvm, im going out
later, shutin
[Hide] (186.8KB, 500x727) Reverse
I should order food!
Replies: >>6232
...did you?
Replies: >>6233
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i like video games im gonna play something
think so
>im gonna play something
FFS play golden souls already
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playing fallen aces its pretty good
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nothing to play until tarkov wipe
Replies: >>6258
there are golden souls
Replies: >>6259
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bored of doom
Replies: >>6261
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you barely played any
Replies: >>6263
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yeah it doesnt take long
ill get around to it
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gonna get a burger
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had lentil soup
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got more lentil soup
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Played a cheap hotline miami knock-off with sonichu inspired sprites 
It's actually pretty good but my eyes hurt a lot
Replies: >>6273
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i refuse to play anything with the shitty tryhard vsh effect aesthetic that niggers love + the dev only knows touhou from memes
Replies: >>6274 >>6279
do you even try not to be a snob anymore?
yea its just hotline miami with a 2hu reskin, who cares
i also played it and its fun
clownpiece is extra american in this game
Replies: >>6278
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you also only know touhou from the memes so yeah it wouldn't bother you
Replies: >>6280
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>refuse to play anything with the shitty tryhard vsh effect 
lol, which indie horror on unity traumatized you this bad? 
The vhs dithering, scanlines and fish eye shit is like the least try hard out of all 30 different post processing effects going on. I am pretty sure you're supposed to turn all of them off in the settings or else you'll vomit in like 30 minutes of gameplay. I am pretty sure he added them just to play with his engine 
>dev only knows touhou from memes
Well at least it's not total warhammer.
I think the dev mentioned playing pc98 games in a comment section under some walkthrough, but i just learned that the dev is a tranny, or worse, a woman that also sells pixel art assets for 5$ a piece, so yeah, approach with caution 

>clownpiece is extra american in this game
Just wait till you see the jewish overlords 
>it wouldn't bother you
Why does it bother (you) though. The entire game is a shitpost made in MS paint under a month, it uses 2hus just to increase it's revenue by making people look over it's flaws because haha funny cirno hangs herself. 
Even despite the appearances and plethora of bugs it's still a pretty enjoyable game, especially considering that there are barely any other decent ones in the top down shooter genre. Last fun one i've played was intravenous and it's also very flawed
We just can't have nice thing anymore
Replies: >>6280 >>6281
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go ahead and try to tell me you played touhou before being exposed to the memes
i dare you, motherfucker
and i did play one of the actual touhou games
that one with the uhhh the vampire loli that stops time or something like that
yk, the one with rumia right at the beginning

>I am pretty sure he added them just to play with his engine
prolly did it just to fuck around and add to the aesthetic meme of the original game
but yea disabling those was literally the 1st thing i did when i opened the game
im not even joking
>the dev is a tranny, or worse, a woman
>so yeah, approach with caution
oh no, youre one of those retards that cant separate the art from the artist
i bet youre the type of faggot to suddenly start hating your favorite album when you find out the backup singer is a pedo (according to twitter)
>We just can't have nice thing anymore
ofc not
when someone tries to give us something nice some faggot out there starts to complain about the optional vfx or whatever the fuck
ppl cant just enjoy things anymore
Replies: >>6281
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>I am pretty sure he added them just to play with his engine 
so quirky haha
>playing pc98 games 
yeah anyone who's played those is retarded
>Why does it bother (you) though.
cause the nigger that made it shouldn't be allowed to have the momentary happiness he felt from having more than 2 people notice his estrogen-fueled gimmick game
>it uses 2hus just to increase it's revenue by making people look over it's flaws because haha funny cirno hangs herself. 
cool too bad its really unfunny
>We just can't have nice thing anymore
yeah we have shit like this instead
>try to tell me you played touhou before being exposed to the memes
i did
>i did play one of the actual touhou games
you didn't play anything you probably had it open for 15 minutes tops before closing it
>youre one of those retards that cant separate the art from the artist
you can fully understand that the art is separate from the artist and still not wanna interact with it simply because of the artist being that annoying
Replies: >>6282
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>cause the nigger that made it shouldn't be allowed to have the momentary happiness he felt from having more than 2 people notice his estrogen-fueled gimmick game
what a terribly spiteful outlook on things smh
>yeah we have shit like this instead
i miss the flash era when ppl were allowed to make shitty games as long as they provided 5 minutes of fun
bah who am i kidding lmao i bet even flash devs were getting death threats back in 2010
>you didn't play anything you probably had it open for 15 minutes tops before closing it
nah i played to the end, only had to use all my continues
and no i didnt bother doing a nodmg run afterwards bc im not a nolifer
ik theres a secret stage where you fight flandre, but i didnt bother with that
feel free to seethe about it tho
>fully understand that the art is separate from the artist
>still not wanna interact with it simply because of the artist being that annoying
is this still about 'not giving the satisfaction'
geez osfie, that pessimism page i have archived on site is supposed to be taken ironically, you do realize that, right?
Replies: >>6284
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>go ahead and try to tell me you played touhou before being exposed to the memes
ngl i played dawn of war before seeing the memes 
>and i did play one of the actual touhou games
Congratulations i guess, and i've read the first chapter of war and peace  
>oh no, youre one of those
We already had this conversation before, there are many cases where art is inseparable from the artist. That's not one of them, and faggotchan just be throwing tantrums over his menstrual cramps or whatever. 
But you generally should consider who the fuck the artist is 
>i bet youre the type of faggot to suddenly start hating your favorite album when you find out the backup singer is a pedo 
Yes, i started hating rage against the machine after they started demanding vaccination passes on their concerts. Completely breaks the immersion.
Although i never listened to them in the first place and i was just told that they are bad by trump supporters on twitter. 
>when someone tries to give us something nice some faggot out there starts to complain about the optional vfx or whatever the fuck
>ppl cant just enjoy things anymore 
niggerrrrrrr chill, are you one a period too? Don't tie anything above to intravenous's flaws, they are completely self-sustainable and are just blatant wrongdoings on the dev's part like adding a weapon upgrade system and hostage rescue missions to part 2. 
Well at least grenades cause fires now, that makes me overlook everything. 
Although the dev made part 2 entirely as a tribute to his real dead father that's pretty cringe ngl. 
The cringest part is that he forces me to acknowledge that 

>so quirky haha
Yeah nigga probably should've disabled all the funny effects he managed to cramp in but what's wrong with defiling your own engine, like half the things in games we have now are thanks to bored nerds fucking around. 
>yeah anyone who's played those is retarded
<someone couldn't setup an emulator 
>nigger that made it shouldn't be allowed to have the momentary happiness he felt
Based TND advocate, day of the rope soon, sister 
>its really unfunny
It wasn't supposed to be funny, the scene is one of the very few serious ones. 
But fairies are immortal so whatever  

>what a terribly spiteful outlook on things smh
This is what using discord in conjunction with taiwanese image boards does to your brain 
>ik theres a secret stage where you fight flandre
I wouldn't call it secret, and flandere's theme totally worth grinding the 1cc
Replies: >>6284
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>only had to use all my continues
yeah doesn't count when you do that sorry
>It wasn't supposed to be funny
nah its just trying to be funny in the sense of "look how unfitting this scenario is for this character lol!!!"
the pinnacle of le funni for these people is animu girl + serious thing
Replies: >>6286
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>doesn't count when you do that
Reminds me of those good ol' HoMM III forums  
>nah its just trying to be funny
Nigga, you're imagining things. You have like zero fucking context. 
I highly doubt that it's supposed to be funny, because unlike the other comedic cut scenes in the game, there's no punchline. 
>look how unfitting this scenario is for this character lol!!!
It might be unfitting for touhou and cirno. 
But it's first and foremost a hotline miami parody where you do hits on junkies and NFT scammers. You've just cleansed like half of the entire fucking gensokyo to get there so it's not very shocking. 
>the pinnacle of le funni for these people is animu girl + serious thing
Once again, the scene isn't supposed to be funny. Probably, i am not actually sure  
But the game has some other pretty well arranged humorous situations. 
You're "ENCOURAGING" rival companies to "OPEN SOURCE" their software, become the law, reconstruct a whole platzkart with great comedic timing, stop the tank on the tiananmen square and there's even a very poorly done phoenix wright parody level, i didn't like it tbh, maybe because i never played phoenix wright.
Replies: >>6286 >>6288
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>yeah doesn't count when you do that sorry
its ok, ill keep posting 2hoes on ibs and using them to decorate my site and playing other fangames and fapping to the girls
im sorry that it makes you angry and im super sorry you cant do anything about it
im just not sorry enough to stop
>the pinnacle of le funni for these people is animu girl + serious thing
yea man congratulations, you figured it out
how did you realize that a serious scene using a cute girl is actually just a gimmick?
i bet youre also smart enough to realize that other shit anime like madoka are pure trash bc its just CGDGT-but-serious
youre such a genius omg, how do you like being too massively intelligent to enjoy things?
must be real fun, im sure

>I highly doubt that it's supposed to be funny, because unlike the other comedic cut scenes in the game, there's no punchline.
i dont think he actually meant 'funny' in the usual sense
sounds like he thinks it was supposed to be 'witty', like the dev thought he was clever for making a cute animegirl whos only supposed to do cute things to instead do something grim this time around
>Once again, the scene isn't supposed to be funny.
once again, i dont think he meant funny as in 'makes you laugh', but funny as in 'subversive'
Replies: >>6288
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you assume that i assume that he assumes...
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>Probably, i am not actually sure  
i know you aren't
>You're "ENCOURAGING" rival companies to "OPEN SOURCE" their software, become the law, reconstruct a whole platzkart with great comedic timing, stop the tank on the tiananmen square and there's even a very poorly done phoenix wright parody level, i didn't like it tbh, maybe because i never played phoenix wright.
sounds really fucking unfunny
>its ok, ill keep posting 2hoes on ibs and using them to decorate my site and playing other fangames and fapping to the girls
you're just one more among the millions raping and eating touhou's corpse so it's whatever really
>youre such a genius omg, how do you like being too massively intelligent to enjoy things?
idk why you wrote all that but i still don't think it's interesting
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>i know you aren't
No one knows what goes on in developer's head, it's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside of an enigma. We'll probably never find out what did he mean by this. 
I still think that it wasn't supposed to be funny 
>sounds really fucking unfunny
What am i a fucking comedian, i wasn't even joking. 
>raping and eating touhou's corpse
Come on, the whole thing is made by an alcoholic that makes silly fortnite dances on twitch and dresses his wife up as ayaya. He wouldn't be able to haul the whole thing entirely on his own shoulders. By making his shit a public domain he transcended mortality and secured himself eternal glory, people won't forget 2ho for a while. 
For every ten thousand low effort shitposts there must be at least one fan game that adheres to the impossibly high standards of stuck up pedantic niggas like you.
I wonder what kind of shit you approve
aside from taisei
Replies: >>6291
>aside from taisei
oh, so taisei is kosher?
i played that one
actually bothered to get a no continue win
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>people won't forget 2ho for a while. 
>I wonder what kind of shit you approve
len'en is alright
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gonna have moved into a new place by next week probably 
really looking forward to drinking again
Replies: >>6311 >>6314
Ponko a treasure
thanks for keeping us paged
why are you moving anyway, is university going alright?
you should drop by the irc again sometimes
btw whats the sauce on that pic
Replies: >>6315 >>6316
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>why are you moving anyway
family wanted me back for summer
>is university going alright?
i got bored and too tired so i stopped attending classes and didnt enter any exams
gonna repeat the first year now and hope i dont do the same thing
>you should drop by the irc again sometimes
didnt even know it was still up if u paste the link i'd join
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>whats the sauce on that pic
ponkotsu ponko
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>len'en is alright

>family wanted me back for summer
They "wanted" you? You didn't just do that to save money? Sounds kinda menacing. 
>gonna repeat the first year now
Many such cases. I assume that as long as the education is free, there's no need to rush. Especially if the sole reason you're attending this shitshow is welfare
>didnt even know it was still up
Prototype is getting death threats from FBI at a constant pace of 20 child porn links per hour but he won't falter that easily 
>paste the link 
If you forgot the link then you probably forgot your #misc key too, it's gonna be a hassle to get back 
teaparty7fcvgglf3bynas7dinkx4h3xhcb5rmvqj24e6yuepwctbsad.onion port 6667
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damn nigga couldn't wait 10 minutes instead of 5?
Replies: >>6349
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i dont have internet in my new placee yet and being connected to irc eats a lot of mobile data for some reason ill conect atle tomorrow
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Also IRC gorging on your mobile data is really fucking weird, it wastes less than a kilobyte per second on my machine. 
Check if you're wiretapped by feds
Replies: >>6368
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having strawberry milk
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my internet refuses to connect to irc now even though it was perfectly fine earlier
maybe it'll fix by itself later idk
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Damn nigga, just two minutes. you've beaten denpa
Replies: >>6371
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dumbass thing disconnected on its own as soon as i joined and i couldnt be bothered to reconnect
ill have actual internet sometime next week i think
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>>5074 (OP) 
Cute Alices
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jeff is back on the menu boys!
[New Reply]
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