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I'm in a process making techno music. I think this is quite too hard for me for this kind of genre because I have 'zero' experiance in making techno music. What depressed me the most is I kept forgeting the idea that I just got few minutes before I tried to transcibe it into midi. Haven't figure out how make the best chorus out of it. Thanks for reading.
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Transcribe your thoughts faster, don't let them flee you! Rely on the experience of others that are familiar with the genre, surely someone has shared techno secrets before.

Thank you for sharing.
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>techno secrets
No such thing. It's all hardwork from get go. Getting it in the mood is very difficult especially when you're not accustom with it.
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Well that's some bullshit, are there any techno circles you could worm your way into to learn from more experienced producers? Fumbling around blind and alone online sounds like torture.
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So the verse is pretty much done but then I realized the time signature is kind of skewed a bit. It sounds right but I dont think the 4/4 signature is aligned 100% correctly to the music. It's funny that I already fix this when the quirk started to happen during the opening part. By the time I got into verse part, the timing signature got skewed all over again. I really hate fixing stupid bug like this because somtimes it just very dificult to spot on. [spoiler]Any tips[/spoiler]
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