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Post a belief you hold that others may disagree with. Don't make it about politics or society, make it about something frivolous.
Replies: >>1661 >>6162
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Good topic, friend, we needed one potentially sassy thread.

I think that streamers and vtubers will rot your brain if you’re not careful, and that you should enjoy their content in moderation. I also think it’s hard to determine exactly what “in moderation” means for this sort of media. Better to blow your money on an entirely fictional woman than to allow some corpo-crafted cartoon woman amalgamation to consume both your finances and your soul.
Replies: >>886 >>5088
Thanks. I agree with you on your opinion.
Replies: >>887
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Most strange internet geezers would agree, probably! Now that I think about it, diversity of opinion might be hard to find deep in the boonies of /origin/.
Replies: >>889
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>>881 (OP) 
I think that even if you really like a series/game/book, you shouldn't wish for that series to go on for too long. I think a lot of people say things like, 'I don't want x series to end because it's my favorite!' And I can understand that feeling, but I think it's misplaced. The longer a series goes on, the higher chance it has that the writers will fuck it up, or ruin your favorite character or something. I think a lot of the best and more high quality works are actually ones that are shorter. I think that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. So many animes would have been better with just one or two seasons. Same with manga. A small amount of high quality content makes me much happier than a lot of slop.
Replies: >>1662
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Holy shit I wish the Japanese could end a manga or a light novel occasionally. Seeing my would-be favorite fiction peter out into mediocrity kills me. For example, I know folks were salty about it but I'm glad Gunslinger Girl at least had an ending. Western comic book consumers must be a different breed entirely to tolerate a half-century or more of story.
Replies: >>1681
1. Every minute spent using social media is a minute spent away from God.

2. All anime should have to end, and end via protagonist hit by truck with exceptions only for those under PG13.

3. Pineapple on pizza is good, but ruined 90% of the time by using chunks that are inadequately drained, have too much of the inner rind retained, or chunks that are overripe and taste like acidic beer. Hence the argument remains one of unnecessary absolutes and obfuscation.

4. A challenge-29 (years) policy should exist for all who claim to know what the "best x in the series" is.

5. There are no "good" hardwares, only "less bad" hardware.

6. Copyright laws are a weak opt-in legal framework that can be completely sidelined by consumer ostracism.

7. We should not ask computers to make or perform tasks that we would be too ashamed to make with our hands in person.

8. AI will do no good for humanity except for bullying artists who could only attain on-par mediocrity.

9. Government cheddar/dairy farm subsidy is a strategic asset and a valid use of tax payer money.

10. Humans going to space is never a valid use of tax payer money.
Replies: >>5088
Giraffes don't exist. They're a conspiracy made up by the Bri'ish to trick people into thinking walking trees are actually animals.
Replies: >>1696
I agree end it when it makes sense
Funny but bad comparison ironically some majority of comics are meant to be funny gags that run forever and expect the reader to be randomly picking it up not following
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Unbelievably based. Have you ever seen one of these long necked fuckers' photos that weren't clearly shooped?
Replies: >>1699
I've seen one before in person, wasn't impressed.
traps arent gay
Replies: >>2581
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I disagree.
Replies: >>4219
Traps are gay, but measurably less gay than normal men. If you like feminine women, tomboys, and traps, you are gayer than someone who only likes feminine women. If you like traps and nothing else, you are gay, full stop. For an otherwise straight person to enjoy traps, however, does not make them gay, although it does make them provably less straight. Through reductio ad absurdum, we can figure out if that matters: For example, going by this same logic, someone who only likes tomboys is provably less straight than someone who only likes feminine women. It would be absurd to say that the tomboy purist is skirting the line of homosexuality, therefore we are left with two options. We can abandon the assumption that attraction to femininity is the basis of male heterosexuality (a position which I believe is untenable), or we can reason that personal sexuality is somewhat arbitrary, and that the only universal demarcation is the actual sex of the person that you're attracted to. As with most things, even this compromising rationale can lead to absurdity if you interpret it very strictly (i.e. thinking you're gay for being attracted to a feminine male). I'll close with the least controversial bit, which is that homosexuality is a fetish and only an individual who had truly become isolated from cultural belonging and communitarian identity could possibly be tricked into thinking that the thing that makes their dick move is somehow connected to their identity, or superior to their social obligations and biological imperatives.
Replies: >>3058
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are you sure thats a boy?
those hip movements are making my brain think that 'his' flat tummy is hiding a fertile womb
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i am a straight man 
everything that arouses me can be labeled as women
you are wrong tho
jews will get throw under the bus by their handler race and replaced with a new jews in this century
Replies: >>5088
I got a few non-political hot takes.

>"The Sigma grindset" and any other such "grindsets" are farces.
True alpha lifestyle is setting aside time to do absolutely, utterly, fuck-all because you can. Anyone who unironically pushes this is a workaholic in denial.

>The low-effort rebel of any particular hobby/thing/religion will simply invert the moral structure of their former hobby/thing/religion than make meaningful change.
This is what the shitty feminists did when they got power. They turned the double-standard they hated on it's head.
Rage against the machine rebelled against the repubs, but simped up and down for the dems when the pandemic happened (they were rich kids and part of the man's club from the start anyway).
Satanists hate the church, and yet routinely use rituals, techniques, and morals harnessed from "right-hand-path" structures.

>Homosexuality is not a spectrum, It's part of a trinary. You either fuck men, women, or both.
Traps are 100% gay. But if you're willing to fuck a trap and a woman, it means you're bi. It's still faggotry, but you're only a half-fag.

>Subliminal messaging has experienced a secret rennaisance in the past few decades.
I doubt this is a hot take on imageboards, but the mainstream sites (especially twitter and reddit) would absolutely froth at the mouth and call this conspiracy theory shit... They're not wrong about the "conspiracy theory" part since I have no real proof, but I have reasons to feel right on it.

1. Every single fucking prescription medicine advertised in the US that isn't 50+ years old, is always some kind of vaguely-legible letter-salad that looks like it was either designed by comittee idiots, or hand-crafted by occultists who use the "take a message you want, boil it down to as few letters as possible, and send it out to the world," method of sigils. Instead of jumbling the letters further into a symbol, they simply turn it into a name of a product.
2. Insurance agencies advertise the most and want people to know it all the fucking time. They spend more fucking moeny on advertising than ANY fucking industry in existence. Of course they're not gonna keep their money for funds that are meant to pay out their customers, they're gonna try and get as much coverage and connection to people as possible, even if it's sketchy or even literally-illegal.
3. Disney has done this in the past, with how much money they've been losing I bet they've been doing it not only for much longer, they've been even worse in recent times BECAUSE of their financial downfall.
4. Advertisers have been searching for the "psychological golden goose," and hiring psychologists to hunt for this. They've discovered some evil ways of keeping people's attention on things (dark patterns), and have no qualms exploiting this. Subliminal advertising would absolutely fall under this banner of dark patterns.
5. Subliminal advertising was absolutely used and dunked on back in the 70s and 80s. 90s and 00's? It existed as part of a history thing but not really much. Now? Fucking nothing. It's as if the lore on subliminal messages don't even exist in the mainline consciousness anymore: Exactly the way rampant subliminal-abusers would want.
6. With how much fucking echo chambers with redditors, twittards and other left-leaning shitholes act, I wouldn't doubt they place subliminals in their art, in their own ads, and other shit.

Paypigs exist because they thing they're having a relationship with a person that interacts with them, and that's their outlet. They think if their streamer shouts them out that it's actual interaction, and they don't understand it's not.

It's the same thing with 'AI' girlfriends (they're just programs/bots with neural networks) like Replika and other shit like that. But AI-lovers can be even worse, because they're not only consistently-engaging with that lonely person, those people get real attachment to the programs.

And when they have to confront the fact that everything was not a real connection in the first place, they legitimately feel like it was a breakup, because emotionally, it's -exactly- that.

>1. Every minute spent using social media is a minute spent away from God.
Respectfully disagree. Image boards and forums are technically social media, and you can always "ride with god" while you do both

>2. All anime should have to end, and end via protagonist hit by truck with exceptions only for those under PG13.
To each their own.

>3. Pineapple on pizza is good, but ruined 90% of the time by using chunks that are inadequately drained, have too much of the inner rind retained, or chunks that are overripe and taste like acidic beer. Hence the argument remains one of unnecessary absolutes and obfuscation.
Holy shit a reasonable opinion on pineapple pizza!

The thing is about pineapple, the enzymes in break down proteins (I think), and over time, will actually burn your skin. When you introduce this shit into a dairy product, it makes it taste fucking disgusting. at the core and the skin is where the enzymes are most-concentrated in a pineapple, and if they don't drain the damn juice, it gets on the cheese and it tastes like ass.

>4. A challenge-29 (years) policy should exist for all who claim to know what the "best x in the series" is.
Agreed. But it would still be challenging to uphold.

>5. There are no "good" hardwares, only "less bad" hardware.
Disagreed. There's "good-enough" hardwares too.

>6. Copyright laws are a weak opt-in legal framework that can be completely sidelined by consumer ostracism.
Like all laws, they depend on the integrity of the one upholding it. Likewise, there are FAR too many shitheads who use copyright law as a bludgeon rather than using it justly. But remember, if you think the US, or other western countries have shitty copyright laws, it could be like in the east. China has -no- protection against theives and frauds. Japan's copyright system is basically-bipolar, half the time they'll let you use an entire franchise in your works, and the other half they will crucify you, flay you alive, and salt your body because you used their franchise mascot once in a one-off thing.

>7. We should not ask computers to make or perform tasks that we would be too ashamed to make with our hands in person.

>8. AI will do no good for humanity except for bullying artists who could only attain on-par mediocrity.
It's not even actual artificial intelligence, it's just a neural net attached to a text prompt.

>9. Government cheddar/dairy farm subsidy is a strategic asset and a valid use of tax payer money.
I like cheese and dairy products. This may be a hot take, but it sounds interesting. Why do you say so?

>10. Humans going to space is never a valid use of tax payer money.
Ehh... Midly-disagree, but I don't have anything to back it up.

You'd need a new, literally-industrialized-genocide to get to the level of 'victim-privilege' the jews had back then, though.
Too long, didn't read.
>It's not even actual artificial intelligence
wtf is 'actual' artificial intelligence then?
LEDs make everyone more neurotic and in the case of blue eyed autistic people are fing unbearable if you're the kind of autist I am.
Cellphone signals are pressing on my brain.
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>>881 (OP)  (OP) 
1.Dairy is poisonous to non-whites, especially for asians
2. telegony / shared paternity -
individuals can inherit traits not only from their fathers, but also from other males previously known to their mothers.
3.Ancient India was nuclear power at one point 
4.Many cliffs or mountains were the bases of supergiant trees  not unlike Yggdrasil
5.females have too much psychic power
7.In the year 2027 is when the real breakdown will happen, it will be the modern equivalent Late Bronze Age collapse, no one will not be affected by this
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