/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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I was checking on /robowaifu/ when getting my morning tea and https://alogs.space is giving me a 502. Not sure how long this has been going on for, maybe I'm jumping the gun and this is a small outage. But the site was fine a few days ago. Any way anyone else from /robowaifu/, should we be worried?
Replies: >>4988 >>4989
>>4987 (OP) 
>should we be worried?
Nah, Robi's dealt with this many times before. BTW, it's clearly a GH glownigger-coordinated attack. Anoncafe went down with the same error just hours before. Kinda make you wonder just ((( who's ))) paying these troons innit?  :D
Replies: >>4990
>>4987 (OP) 
BTW Anon, anon.cafe hosts our own primary bunker board:

If you chaps want to keep the convos going during the outage that's the proper place for it. Cheers!  :^)
Replies: >>4990
That was quick, thanks it's good to know that this is not the first time and that you guys know what your doing, also no I was not aware that we had our own bunker board here.
Replies: >>4991
>That was quick
Simple coincidence, just happened to be making the morning rounds atm.

>also no I was not aware that we had our own bunker board here.
We have two. Our primary bunker is here, and ou secondary is on trashchan.

Cheers, Anon.  :^)
Replies: >>5591
lmao, that shit will go down in 6 months
Replies: >>5594 >>5600
The site rune since some years now and admin seems very competent. On what did you base your assumption ?
Replies: >>5606
Heh, how's that friend. The Trashmin is quite upfront about all the goings on in his 4yr+ -old site.
Replies: >>5606
Domain is expired for alogs.space. Its so strange the site is active, I was posting yesterday and so where other anons and now its gone? I really hope this is a mistake and that Robi let the domain slip and this is not the website going down forever.
Replies: >>12201
Ok, it seems to be back. Nice!
Replies: >>12201 >>12203
Looks like it's still accessible if you configure a local DNS entry for it:
or it starts werking again, nice.
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Good luck, don't let it happen again.
Its broken, I'm dumb, I used another device and that likely still had the DNS cached lol.
Replies: >>12204
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RIP, well the DNS trick still works if you're able to do it.
>If any of you Anons are finding your way here right now, would you mind asking nicely that the Admin of Junkuchan please unlock Tor access for their /shelter/ board (at least temporarily)? TIA. Cheers.  :^)
Posting from the onion address...
Replies: >>12215
Tor posting werks on my machine, I'll let him know.
Replies: >>12214 >>12215
Replies: >>12215
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Thanks very kindly everyone! We all appreciate /shelter/ very much! Cheers.  :)
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