/shelter/ - Community Shelter

Disaster Mustering Point

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This is /shelter/ General, a thread for all your general emergency sheltering needs. Use this thread for anything that you don’t feel needs a full thread, as a hub thread to direct incoming anons, and as a discussion thread for any matters affecting the webring as a whole.

Please remain calm; keep panic and argument to a minimum here. If you want to yell at each other then do it in a site-specific, board-specific, or other specific thread.

If you’re hitting this thread during an event then please be welcome. Everything will be all right.

The previous thread is at >>5 and is archived at https://archive.is/MB5Kt
Replies: >>5927
does anyone know what happened to 16chan?
Replies: >>3860
Admin got visited by the feds and shut it down
Replies: >>3861 >>3883
There were too many underage posters there in the end that mods refused to do anything about. The signs of a shutdown were all there. I wouldn’t be surprised is someone’s mom reported the site or some other retarded shit.
Replies: >>3883
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Where IS smug? Where is it? Where's my home? Tell me immediately!
Replies: >>3877
They're having scheduled maintenance, aren't they?
Replies: >>3878
Yeah, I wasn't aware and I got scared. But now it's back up.
Is there a replacement for /fascist/?
Replies: >>3886 >>3909
Replies: >>3910
There is mlpol if you are looking for a replacement for /fascist/ board.
8chan board was taken down. the current place is https://www.hivechan.com/fascist/
there's an additional bunker at 9chan, but its board software is inferior, so hivechan it is.
Replies: >>4206 >>4216
Appears that hivechan is down at the moment.
Replies: >>4207
Still down today, for me, is their TOR instance up?
Replies: >>4214
Hivechan seems to be completely dead and not coming back soon. In the meantime, a vol from 16chan has set up a fascist bunker at zzzchan.
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why was the 8chan one taken down? is that common, maybe just one larping millenial fedposting and wasting the siteadmin's time filing a halfhour report if FBI niggers demand them to
/late/ is giving me a 502 error. Are they doing maintenance or is just the host down?
Replies: >>4283
emailed quilt about it, they said they don't know what went wrong but they'll try to fix it sometime today.
Replies: >>4525
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What, is it going to be a chick behind the imageboard?
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Is the idea of an /abdl/ board for anon.cafe still off the table? Requesting one in 2020 was denied and since then the blacked.gov /abdl/ board has lost it's original BO and replaced with one that was stupid enough to stay on 8kun /abdl/ until 2023. The place now has become a normalnigger hellhole that's too uncomfy for anons that like to shitpost, post lolis and create OC content of board-tans since it's now more focused in nothing but 3dpd garbage. The new BO isn't encouraging the things that made /abdl/ fun during Julay and me and a few anons have had enough of it. We really could use a new place even if it's temporary. We were even desperate enough to set up a board on Endchan since it's one of the only IBs available that still allow board creations. 

If any anons know if there's any IBs in the webring that might be more likely to accept an /abdl/ board. That would be nice.
Replies: >>4705
Sorry to hear of your troubles. We still believe /abdl/ won't be a good fit for Anon.cafe, but please feel free to use a /shelter/ thread to muster while you search for somewhere permanent if you need one, although we'll have to ask you to refrain from posting anything more than the absolutely most mild of your board's content while you're here.

Can't say for sure that anywhere else in the webring would host you; zzzchan hosts many boards but you'd have to ask there directly to see if they'd be willing to take you on. Another option, if you've anyone capable among you, is to host your own site, use either Lynxchan or JSchan, and then join it to the webring.
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For erischan users:

As you know by now, Eris has shut us down. Heretic, she is!
admindude is currently unresponsive and the site has remained 'critically buggered' for over a week. So unless they've taken a 2 week break, we've run over the edge of the cliff, and now we're looking around stupidly before gravity says hi.

I am a mod of erischan.org, and you have the washing machine to prove it.  I've started setting up a bunker imageboard and will start import most of the living threads. My guess is this may take anywhere up to a week due to other obligations, giving admindude enough time to regain consciousness and fix the site. I'll try and keep this updated.
Thanks for the information, Anon.
admindude replied, it was apparently a sudden update of php 7.4 that fucked the backcode
The captcha is not working
Replies: >>5785 >>5835
I've never gotten the Erischan captcha to work. There's some black magic at work with that one.
What do anons think of forums and such that don't have anonymous posting?

I like imageboards myself but there are plenty of nice small ones I like. So I run a web forum. 
Do you only browse imageboards or anonymous sites, or are there others you use? 
Would any boards want/be okay sheltering in a forum? (generally not just in this case of anon.cafe closing)
>What do anons think of forums and such that don't have anonymous posting?
Personally I have no problem with forums. Autists don't like them because you can be linked to your past hot takes some autists have shit personalities and it becomes clear they are shit people when you interact over enough encounters and they tend to have moderation issues, but as a whole I'm not actually partial to imageboards or forums so long as I don't have to include shit like a cell phone number or non-anonymous email address. The important part is being able to disseminate information and cute anime girls.
Replies: >>5826
>What do anons think of forums and such that don't have anonymous posting?
They're pure distilled cancer sprinkled with autism juice.  If there is no anonymous funposting I want nothing to do with it.
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I am interested in anon culture and understand it's benefits, hell I'm even a fan of Kazerad's essays about them.
But I also appreciate the usefulness of identities, especially in boards with a lot of artsts. +4 used to have so many artists that half the posts or more were tripcoded. And it's not a problem, idealist autists will howl but its all about understanding a tool and whether it's materially appropriate in a context.
4kev.org (dead) really took me by surprise when I first saw it, where IIRC you needed to log in to post threads or images. But honestly, power to them.... until they died of course lol

If we move away from the culture of anon posting and go to the security that authentication can afford, it's a no-brainer: a forum with logins can avoid so much more ad spam if it locks itself down and adds more obstacles to raiding and samefag astroturfing. Those attacks are obviously still possible, but you're no longer an economical target for anyone not specifically targeting your site.

>some autists have shit personalities and it becomes clear they are shit people when you interact over enough encounters
One of the benefits of anon culture is that it can negate this: a sexist racist US /pol/troon guy and a gay anarchist Mexican girl can both talk about anime and maths without either's prejudice of the other being relevant. I've had constructive conversations online with people who would call for my death if they knew more about me (and merely because of irrelevant and trivial misguided assumptions).
Of course, the moderation issues are a downside. Anonymous sites become a safe haven for those who are kicked out of other sites for being unable to act socially, even in the low expectations of a typical imageboard. Look at ANORECTAL VIOLENCE poster, who invades boards, even worksafe ones, to screech about their obscene obsession almost every day for ten years. I've seen other anons actively try to gaslight staff who they feel slighted them over a miscommunication (one mod saying a gore thread was conditionally allowed, then another mod banning it), with months of getting banned on proxies then appealing by claiming they were a different person.
A related part that I do like is it also negates celebrity culture, or appeals to authority based on reputation points or identity status. But the flipside is, there are some people who truly deserve to be ignored on certain topics, and it's harder to recognize and ignore them without identities.

And yes: I won't touch a site with my personal email address or phone number. Not even once.
Replies: >>5898
The site isn't working, mod logins are down too.
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>>5596 (me)
Alright, I'm going forward with this. Vichan is a horrible software and the sooner we get admindude out of their abusive relationship with it, the better.

I will spend (hopefully just) a day checking all the posts migrated over fine and doing unnecessary red-tape bureaucrap like making sure people can post.
Replies: >>5852 >>5857
Replies: >>5856
Alright, looks fine. I'll make a launch post with the links on St. Tib's Eve, 00:00:00 UTC (about 15 hours from now)
Is there anywhere else I should share the links? Maybe AllChans and getting the webring running should be enough, most people will just find it through a search engine anyway I guess.
The wiki is still working, we can talk there instead.
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Eris is playing games with us.
I'm still going to go ahead and launch the site in parallel because I don't want to have to deal with re-importing posts again and I want to celebrate St. Tib's Day there. Everyone can have a look and discuss or something, lucky we're much too small and zen to split apart like other boards do.
Replies: >>5859
Eris is one super mega bitch, isn't she?
Replies: >>5866 >>5869
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New site is up. Happy St. Tib's Eve!

Pick your favourite. Both go to the same site.

You know, sometimes I wonder why I even worship that ungrateful shit. What have the Roman gods ever done for us?
Replies: >>5867
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Looks like Eris decided to play games with you too. That fucking bitch I swear nice dubs btw
Replies: >>5868 >>5886
Fixed! my db hack to get ddate working was missing an async/await and was delivering the goods before the goods were even made. have an empty box. Didn't affect threads, only replies.
Calm down lad, she's just havin' a giggle m8
Replies: >>5870
i keep trying to teach u but all you do is cycle into ur own ego lmfao
why is this funny
I feel a strong wind blowing, and rough times ahead (again). I don't blame this site for shutting down soon if the owner can feel it, too - may have said it's not from outside pressure, but anyone can tell from recent webring activity that something is coming, wouldn't be surprised if other got a gut feeling...we've all migrated so many times now you can sort of sense it. Maybe it's coming because it's a major US election year again? Don't know, could be a coincidence, but I have never felt more disconnected from anon that I have as of late, and that's usually because of shitposters trying to push anon away.

anonymous posting may allow some bad actors to poison the water, but overall like >>5826 was saying, you're judged by the quality of your posts rather than personal reputation, and that appeals to anyone who wants to discuss interests for their own merit, and not just the clout it gives you.
Replies: >>5905
beware confirmation bias
Sleepy is down. I wish Sturgeon would make a page or something in case something like this happens, just like Trashmin does.
>>2785 (OP) 
It's back now
Just some Cuckflare downtime
Replies: >>5928
Meant to quote >>5927
Any decently active mecha/sentai boards? Only one I'm aware of is on animu bunker but it's essentially dead.
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The farm is back, and Junkuchan has returned to its usual, quiet self. I wanted to provide a postmortem to any of the lurkers that remain, since I neglected to do that the last time Junkuchan hosted a major community I'M SORRY.

What happen(ed)
I would like to encourage you to lurk more to unearth the juicy details, but early on the morning of September 9th, 2024, /shelter/ received a massive influx of posters from a displaced community. The quantity of posts these expatriates generated rivalled that of c3’s, with an average of 150 posts an hour, exceeding the rate of every other board in the (known) webring.
The farmers stayed on Junkuchan for about 35 hours. During that time they attained 5245 posts (roughly), two file deletions, and zero bans. A dozen or so reports were filed, mostly for some variation of a-logging, all of which were dismissed. The community retreated as quickly as it arrived around midday on September 11th, 2024, leaving the site more-or-less how they found it after doubling /shelter/’s post count.

What worked
The backend handled the increase in traffic like a champ, with no downtime observed or reported. Junkuchan did have the option to temporarily ‘scale up' but the requirement to do so never presented itself. Junkuchan’s built-in VPN blocks didn’t appear to be too disruptive, and a fair number of farmers opted to use the onion address.
No farmers violated sitewide rules, allowing for very hands-off moderation. The occasional infighting may have scared off would-be posters, but this would not have prevented them from lurking and eventually migrating back to the farms after the downtime. Overall, I think the low barrier to entry and lean list of global rules enabled the farming community to regroup, communicate, and move on effectively.

What needs work
Cycling threads are incredibly convenient for staff and bystanders who don’t want to be inundated by a constant growing tumour of threads that have hit their limit. However, they don’t work for communities that like to document and archive everything. The farmer archivers were having some trouble archiving the thread, especially media to include OC. This issue was intensified by how Junkuchan instantly deletes media associated with deleted or pruned posts. It’s great for handling illegal content, but not for charming tegaki art that got slid off the site by shitposting.
I may have to pester dear Tom and other jschan contributors to implement a paged, infinite thread feature. Simply, a new ‘page’ is generated once a certain number of posts is reached where posters can continue, forever. This isn’t a new concept, it’s ancient as far as the internet is concerned, but it’s a bit of a foreign idea for western imageboard users. Of course, everyone and their drama-loving aunt will want to fine-tune pagination or turn it off entirely, downloading all 5000 posts at once, which will increase the technical hurdle of implementing the feature.
I also have some work to do with UI and UX. A massive, cycling thread will lag a lurker eventually if they never bother to refresh. I don’t want to force a refresh (they may be archiving), but I would like to remind that lurker that they can refresh and improve their experience. Also, Junkuchan’s UI elements and styling options might be killing some nonnies’ phones. I may need to see if we can implement a ‘poor mode’ to allow those affected to lurk and contribute without lag.

Briefly, the way forward
<Come up with something better than cycling threads
<Stop annihilating the legendary doodles
<Stop melting dear Anonymous’ Nokia.

Further reading:
The farm
The community from New Zealand
Replies: >>11252 >>11288
><Come up with something better than cycling threads
I wonder if there could be the inverse of the [Last 50 posts] method.
If a thread is set to 'truncate', it will by default only show the last [x] posts, but there's an option to show the whole thread, or with JS, load the previous [x] posts above. So the thread will end up with all the thousands of posts but browsers won't try to load them all unless told to.

I'm not sure if there is ultimately a limit to how long a thread should ever be, because this could end up letting a thread and its files become huge if it gets up to tens of thousands of posts without ever being pruned.
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>I would like to encourage you to lurk more to unearth the juicy details
oh yea id loooove to lurk on the schizothread and read 6000 schizoposts
at least this served to show me that my strat to publicly overshare works
ppl just dont bother reading past a certain point of verbosity
>Simply, a new ‘page’ is generated once a certain number of posts is reached where posters can continue, forever.
isnt that just 'show last 50 posts' but on by default?
anyway, if your intention is to just allow archiving, you dont need html pages, you can just leave everything intact on the json and never delete images that weren't explicitly banned
>A massive, cycling thread will lag a lurker eventually if they never bother to refresh.
what does this mean?
>Junkuchan’s UI elements and styling options might be killing some nonnies’ phones.
seriously, wtf did you mean by this?
>I may need to see if we can implement a ‘poor mode’ to allow those affected to lurk and contribute without lag.
'poor mode'?
are you trying to imply that junku is somehow too cpu-intensive?
bitch just tell those dumbasses to turn off js, thats the built-in poormode on every browser
i actually still have no idea what junku looks like with javashit enabled tbh
idk how ppl can have 'allow external viruses' on by default smh
but yea, sorry for using your site for over year and never mining a single bitcoin for you
>posters from a displaced community
>the farm
is anyone supposed to know who those ppl are?
was kiwi farm here or what
and did they leave a calling card so i can go pay them a visit?
i think i vaguely remember that i found junku when it got shilled on pico2
<One more step
<Please complete the security check to access

>I'm not sure if there is ultimately a limit to how long a thread should ever be, because this could end up letting a thread and its files become huge if it gets up to tens of thousands of posts without ever being pruned.
i come from a place where the admin's severe OCD prevents him from ever ever deleting anything
it has been up for a few years and the total disk usage of the files is only like 250GB
90% of which is spam
the actual db is much smaller since its just text
so i doubt infinite threads would pose any real problem to a ghost town like junku
Replies: >>11254
Lolcow.farm went down and occupied /shelter/ until it went back online
strange place, they really like cows.
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Holy fuck, what did the admin here do to them? Was the curry smell too strong?
scrolling the thread now, looks like he groomed half of them and turned the other half into cuckqueans kek
If saying here would get rid of whiny drama kids like her, I'd be half tempted. But the tractor has sailed.
Replies: >>11259
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Their /meta/ thread made for an entertaining read, some of these posters have to be stirring the shit pot at this point.
I doubt this place would even be a good fit with the 'no doxxing' and 'no 3DPD' global rules.
Replies: >>11261 >>11262
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>they dont know
i really wanna know where tf ppl get the idea that admommy is a dude
but to answer your question
>what did the admin here do to them?
she was simply not a rulecuck and responded quickly to feedback while they stayed
i think this is supposed to be the bare minimum, but ig in current year with every website being a sterile goyslop factory, cucked to shit by powertripping jannies, seeing the admin just actually be decent does stand out a lot
Replies: >>11262
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thanks for the pic, i do very much love reading metadrama threads and all the infighting that happens there
now ill go ahead and pretend my opinion about it is important bc i honestly have nothing better to do rn
at this point im not sure if thats bait or mental retardation
they really would have to just have glossed over the name /cuckquean/ and assumed its moid centered without even opening it
the BO there is so jumpy when it comes to males posting that i got banned on the first day of their arrival just for giving them a welcome
i dont really know why all the hostility towards admommy tbh, do their higher brain functions really just completely shutdown when they think theres a dick nearby?
and wtf is even the point of hosting a community using an anonymous ib if youre gonna discriminate based on identity?
just make a regular fucking forum at this point smh
>a degenerate moid whose fetish revolves around female emotional trauma from cheating
this one cracked me up lmao
but i cant explain why or the BO will figure out i have been shitposting on her board in secret and ban me again
and it was p funny that someone thought /origin/ is the foot board, if it really is p much all that gets posted there anymore lmao
maybe i should start posting on the jeffthread again
or i would, if anyone actually replied to anything, my schizophrenia isnt strong enough for me to talk to myself at length

also who would have guessed that some ppl prefer a cozy place rather than a no-fun-allowed clusterfuck that only seems to offer some sort of ideological purity
if that nona is right about most of the userbase being techlets, then its a real damn shame they are trapped with a rogue ai randomly banning them
where im from we like to write custom engines sometimes, so last time our home got hijacked by a turboschizo with an ax to grind, we just invaded migrated to the site of a dude running this autistic ib
im also working on my own engine, its kinda done ig, i mean it works and you can post, but the QoL is still trash
but i cant give it much attention rn bc im busy making a halloween costume, so maybe next year ill be here asking admommy how to run a community
and no, none of you are invited
its gonna be an invite-only thing bc fuck running anything open to the public
fucking hell idk why ppl subject themselves to that shit
srsly, lots of the things ppl are whining about on that pic would easily be solved if they just closed their gates
btw did any of the visitors actually post on /cuckquean/?
bc i barely see any activity there in the time they crashed here

anyway, looks like this farmer community has a lot of juicy juicy backstory drama
im interested in hearing about it and also sharing the craycray shit that happened on my own home ib
Replies: >>11262
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Continued. I'm certain this is the most anyone's talked about junkuchan on another site, hilariously. The OP of >>5931 makes it known that her hand was forced. I'm starting to lose interest now that they've dipped into a purity spiral. Were they bunkering a subgroup of permanent migrants that never integrated? Are there c2 shills within their ranks? I guess we'll never know.
>i really wanna know where tf ppl get the idea that admommy is a dude
The /loli feet/ board probably.
The posts saying that they should've been good, patient young ladies and perfectly integrate into other sites previously identified as bunkers got my noggin joggin. I don't think they'd tolerate that coming from the goblin-like Indian sanitation worker that they envision as this place's admin.
I don't think any of them posted or even lurked there, they just saw the funny word and joked about it. All in good fun.
Pump /2x/ directly into my veins, it hurts so good.
That's nice, it's good to see /shelter/ helping.
ZZZchan is down and there's no way of knowing if there's any updates.
Replies: >>11294
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Replies: >>11295
We're so back.
Both lolcow and crystal.cafe are currently down…
i'm already suffering and experiencing withdrawals
Replies: >>11300
I’m worried for the nonnies who don’t know that junkuchan exists
Replies: >>11306 >>11327
At least we still have this place for now. If the backup backup was gone I'd just off myself
I immediately went to crystal cafe and wasn't working
Just because I wanted a tarot reading
I bet this is Antonia's doing. It can't be a coincidence
Replies: >>11307
i wanted to spend less time online this weekend but now i feel deprived and not thankful at all!
I only heard about this site from theblast time lolcow went don't, what's happening??? Why are both lolcow and cc out?
Replies: >>11309
wait what if you're actually onto something kek but then why would she take cc down too ?
Replies: >>11312
same and then got stuck thinking it was spelled "junko"chan unable to find the actual url and genuinely questioned whether i'd made this place up.
Replies: >>11310 >>11409
I found by searching "cuckquean board" kek
cc was down way before lc went down. I don't think she has anything to do with cc.
Do you think the same person/group is behind both raids?
Replies: >>11316
in the emergency room waiting area wanted to scroll my beloved lolcow but of course not…
Was there a raid before la went down? Can someone who was browsing confirm this?
Replies: >>11317 >>11318
I don’t remember there being a raid but there was an infight happening about dumbass shit
Replies: >>11322
My bad, i typed raids without thinking. I don't know if there was a raid actually
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Wanted to scroll before bedtime. Can't have shit
Replies: >>11322
it september it was a hacking attempt so who knows what is this time?
me too, especially that I had a shitty and wanted to vent reee
Replies: >>11324
Yeah, maybe they got mad their initial attempt was foiled so they backed off for a while to come up with a new and improved plan
Replies: >>11325
last time it was three weeks, what's the over/under vote for this time? if >>11324 is accurate probably over kek
Replies: >>11326 >>11329
Give it 45 minutes
I had to check the thread on scrote farms for the link. Just googling “cuckquean” felt too risky
If it's over, I'm killing myself. I've hit rock bottom and my nonnies are all I have left
Does anyone who was on lc before the nuclear blast know what was going on with Heather and poly Dana? Wanted to read on them before the holiday weekend but alas
Replies: >>11428
Kek I also couldn't remember the name, luckily I bookmarked it. I went to cc first and when I saw that was down, I was like fuck. Idk if many nonnies know this place exists.
Dana's been posting a lot about "the haters" and a bunch of nonas got randomly blocked by her, probably for viewing her stories. She's also been unsuccessfully trying to defend herself from the usual allegations of her neglecting her kid and being a predator in the vaguest way possible. Then she replied to someone who said she needs to spend less time arguing with the haters online with "Are you my husband"? Which was funny af, even her enabling cult leader husband thinks she needs to log off
Replies: >>11585
So what the fuck is it now? The site comes back and this time we've lost every image in the cow boards?
Replies: >>11463
I hope they're just late with server bills or something. We'll see.
I hope it's not down on Thanksgiving, what will I have to keep myself occupied while my family bitches and stuffs their obese faces.
Kek thanks anon. I'm pretty tickled by her antics so I'll check out her tiktok even though she's mostly bugging out on instagram. Her "husband" really freaks me out so I hope someone drops something on him soon
sleepychan's /x/ board has a broken CAPTCHA -- it reloads rapidly, then says: try again later. Tried different browsers, same thing. It may be a slow board, but hopefully this can be sorted.
Replies: >>11808
You can bring it up to the admin in this thread:
Replies: >>11809
good stuff, thanks. I figured there was a better place to ask, but I'm unfamiliar with the meta boards, and instinctively came here.
Replies: >>11810
fuuuck, it's on there too, and it's even here on the moderate function (that uses strings of letters instead of chess pieces & filling in squares).
seems like there's no way around this (also, I did other things between that post & now, hence the delay).
Replies: >>11811
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I posted your request there. Hopefully he can fix it.
Replies: >>11812 >>11915
good stuff, thanx!
Replies: >>11915
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did /rail/ ever find a home?
Replies: >>11916 >>12012
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There's a reply saying that it might be because your PC clock is wrong.
I don't think so.
Replies: >>11917
well shit, RIP. that place has been through a lot.
Speaking of some obscure boards are there any ones that people would want back? Personally I'd want /cyber/, /Monarch/ /his/, and or /lit/
Replies: >>12013
/monarchy/ is back but unfortunately is on Markchan
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