/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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its so joover
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>11218 >>11237
One of his discord kittens HAS to be in here, GIRL, SPILL
Replies: >>9705
yes, but I slowly lost interest in him. still love him though.
only if I get a tell-all book deal
I have no strong opinions on cerbmin's identity but the incessant scrotefoiling reeks of tiktok newfag who is really excited to self identify as a terf
Nothing will beat the confessions from kirbyanon, the lolcor copypasta, the beginning of drawings threads, the insanity of /ot/ anons and /g/ clashing hard. May the /m/assacre not be forgotten though.
Replies: >>9710
sounds like projection
I think we should talk about cerbmin probably not being three people and instead being just one instead of jumping straight into scrotefoiling
Replies: >>9715 >>9727
/g/ is just slightly hornier /ot/ to me
Replies: >>9726
im hungry but cant decide what i want to eat
Replies: >>9716
anon...you do understand that the entirety of our staff is made up of dudes and always has been, right?
Tiktok tumblr twitter reddit facebook instagram kiwifag uhhh threads uhhh idk YouTube
Replies: >>9717
yeah, exactly. You need someone whose life is already ruined from being too online, and people like that don't tend to make stable admins
Replies: >>9728
Then calling him cerbmin seems dumb now
eat a fig
Replies: >>9720 >>9722
there are youtubefags. they come from turkeytom's vids because he links lolcow in his descriptions
Replies: >>9718
Great another solid add to the list
Figs are amazing when you pick them from the tree and they’re warm from the sun. Fuuuuuck
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why does kiwifags need a muslimism sticker?
Replies: >>9723 >>9724 >>9734
NTA but figs are so fucking gross.
islamic sticker. also why do you have an account?
Replies: >>9725
so i can watch the lolcow thread of course
Replies: >>9734
I use both so it's not really a bid deal to me, but I found nonnas being mad at each other hilarious
yeah i find the shaymin/burritomin tinfoil a lot more compelling. other theories sound like they heard "ian" once and willingly misunderstood the post
I wouldn't be shocked if several of the farmhands were poorly vetted trannies tho
Replies: >>9730
I’m not a Null simp but I do admire his tenacity in keeping KF up plus being a pretty evenhanded admin as well.
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What is a pasture? Was there some shutdown event or is this thread just for banned users? I don't keep up with CC because I'm a maleman.
Idubbbz discord kittens speak up!
Replies: >>9736
Replies: >>9755
ew gross kill it
Scrote begone
faggychan don't be embarrassing.
Replies: >>9742
get the FUCKOUT
let's not keep outing ourself as a pandemic newfag shall we
Anons I think I'm starting to husbando Johnny Cash.....
post whimpering audios or die
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anyone want to play gikopoipoi?
Eat our unshaved pussy or get out
oh how dare i not see the point of a scrote religion sticker
post hog creep
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Gross nonnie. I don't want that disgusting animal anywhere near me.
don't threaten him with a good time nona
Replies: >>9833
Replies: >>9750
bush is wincest
Replies: >>9751 >>9752
What the fuck does this say
The bush isn't the problem, it's the scrotoid
are you cute? post cock
Replies: >>9833
The minecraft nona still hasn't opened the whitelist I can't stand this I need to build I hate this I hate this I hate this
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Been here for a whole day, will stay until my curiosity is sated. |Missing those mods of yours yet?||
Why are you here?
Replies: >>9833
Dumb scrote fucked up the spoiler. Everybody laugh!
>teehee this is the most female attention I’ve ever received
cock or gtfo and make it classy retard
Replies: >>9761 >>9764
Can't even format correctly what a FAGGOT
Please don't give him any ideas.
Start posting BL until he goes away
Replies: >>9769
I can tell by your typology you're retarded.
Nonnie why are you so thirsty kek
Replies: >>9765 >>9771
the well is dry nonners
bet on how much longer teh site will be down.
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will this scare him off
>nigelposters can't help to give the supposed male attention
cocksucking whores
Replies: >>9773 >>9778
YEAH POST GAY SHIT I don't have any so I am completely reliant on you
i can’t stop crying my stomach hurts so bad i’m pissed
Replies: >>9781
I love sexually harassing men online
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i deleted all the gay porn off my phone, gomen nonnies
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This is all I got.
Replies: >>9787
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We missed you so much
i wish the fannynull anon was still around to post adult cartman every two hours. I like to cringe at those comics
Replies: >>9784 >>9792
men shouldn't exist with 31+ in waists
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What’s going on nona? Ignore pic
Replies: >>9785 >>9789
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i've been consistent with my workouts for a month i'm so happy
Replies: >>9793 >>9796
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i want some noodles rn
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<matchies <3
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2d is white noise to them
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here nonnie
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Why can't all scrotes be like this
Replies: >>9808
im on my period and i have the worst diarrhea of my life right now its making me cry
Replies: >>9794 >>9877
Replies: >>9797
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Spoiler File
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how many fannyfags still here?
Replies: >>9894
proud of you nonny!!
Replies: >>9807
my depression and insomnia are getting so bad again. last night i did not sleep at all and called in to work. the night before that i got about 3-4 hours of sleep. i think i might die. and i cant even read the shayna thread.
gigastacy vibe
It’s a sfw board nonna sorry
Replies: >>9799
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Replies: >>9800 >>9804
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Replies: >>9801 >>9802 >>9803
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No u
Replies: >>9814
Not even shirtless no1curr
Me like
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Replies: >>9819
its getting way too fucking lagg y to post here
Replies: >>9809 >>9813
are male presenting nipples nsfw
Replies: >>9812
kek i’m glad that makes you happy nonners
We should switch to the second thread
Replies: >>9810
we will come for you
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Replies: >>9815 >>9817 >>9818
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Replies: >>9826 >>9828 >>9834
I think the admin said to let him know on meta if this happens but im scared to leave the bunker board and get indoctrinated into being a cuckquean
Replies: >>9822 >>9866
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little blob boys don't intimidate men
Replies: >>9816
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Replies: >>9825
would be based if he wasn't ugly
Replies: >>9821
>still has to throw in a panty shot
Why do moids ruin everything
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Kokichi is better
Replies: >>9825 >>9842
KEK I went exploring and then freaked out when I went too far from the bunker thread. 

Also saw a bunch of shota. Can’t escape it
i cant stop listening to the goddamn boyz 12 song after it got posted on CC kek goddamn
Replies: >>9829
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these don't even look human
Replies: >>9827 >>9830
uhhh this makes me feel things
They're not human they're anime
what is this supposed to be for? is that a blowup doll?
Replies: >>9832
I'm number six I pick up sticks
Replies: >>9837
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does this count KEK
Gundam promotional material, watch the mecha anime
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When shaven, I look like the one with the coffee. Haven't figured out which one of us is the original and which is the doppelgänger.


I'm a /shelter/ native, and this is an interesting change.
Kamille sexoooooo
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what do you think of the stuff we're posting
Replies: >>9866
he learned we like new wave boys, he's been lurking for some time
I'd send you pictures of mutilated dicks but I don't personally want to offend admin for being so chill to us
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Actually I might switch to Kaitofagging...
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Replies: >>9847
omg really? what is this imageboard for? i don't think i completely understand kek
Replies: >>9850 >>9971
This pic makes my bean tingle every time without fail
where have i seen this before...
Replies: >>9848
i haven't seen this pic in months
It's on one of our banners at this point nona
Replies: >>9849
ohhhh oh ok KEKK that makes sense
I think they have a variety of boards formed by different people from what I've gleaned. /shelter/ seems to be for people for other boards to regroup at and communicate either until their site goes back up or they decide on a new permanent home and migrate there.
Replies: >>9971
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>when shaven
why are you ever not clean shaven?
shutup faggot
post discord so i can block you.
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I wish LCF was back up so I can lurk in the Vocaloid thread behind a permaban. I don't think its fair to harass the users so I don't evade, wish cerbmin would fix the site though. I 100% deserved the ban looking back, but I think cerbmin's spitefulness and using me as an example was uncalled for.
Also happy to see you, Rance. I know you don't like me but every time I see you on other imageboards it makes me happy
Replies: >>9858 >>9867
you guys are fucking embarrassing, chances are he's ugly as fuck, ignore him.
Replies: >>9859
Can someone post the figure of that guy scanning his cock on a printer kek. i thought I had it saved but I guess not
Replies: >>9869
i wish we had lolcow so i could use the favorite lyrics thread instead of posting lyrcis between actual conversations kek
Replies: >>9861 >>9862
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chances? no nona, it's confirmed. any male on an IB is uglier than sin.
<okie nonnies im gonna go flick it now. don't post too much without me okay?
Replies: >>9863
That was fun. I heard dumbass shit was banned. Any idea why?
Replies: >>9863 >>9864 >>9865
you don't give me looooove you give me pale /shelter/
have fun nonny <3
the mods just felt like autosaging it, and it lead to its demise
Replies: >>9890
you heard? not from around these parts, huh?
Replies: >>9870 >>9890
farmhands are no fun allowed now
Replies: >>9890
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The bullyposting isn't surprising, I know enough about CC to know anyone outing themself as not girl enough won't be welcome. The guro posting is kinda funny actually, like slapstick and I hope fragile nerdbois cry about it at the cafe. Honestly the biggest culture shock is the speed of the posting because I'm used to slower chill boards. This is more like a chatroom.

I've seen that board around on boardlists for a few years and always wondered how much of that board are actually cuckqueans and how many are roleplayers or something.
is this the fedora ftm that got a banner? Kek, it was absolutely called for. Every last one of you personalityfags seriously need to ack
Replies: >>9872 >>9873 >>9890
nobody on cuckqueans has ever had sex
Replies: >>9875
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i meant photocopier but i'm too lazy to delete and repost
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>not from around these parts
Most of the people ITT are newfags.
Is it wrong the moids attentionwhoring is kinda working on me. he's like a genderbent r9k thot kek I also wanna see cock now
Samefag, not a banner, special ban image. I'm acking too
integrate or at least pretend to be a farmer
ohhh i come from the south, got the south in my mouth!
uncle toms cabin got a new routine, liza crossed the ice in the limousine 
while simon legree shakes his tam-bo-reen! 
way down south wind dixie! swwiiiinngg low, sweet charriot! 
listen here you won't let me speak! don't you know Suanie river is a dried up creak?
come on and carry me home!
I believe it.
i agree with you unless you're him trying to samefag into our gentle graces
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Oh man period shits are the worst. Have you been able to take any meds? How about a hot cup or something? Ignore pic
are you a cucking? or what are you seeking shelter for?
Replies: >>9889
get help nonna
Replies: >>9903
now we know you're ugly
Replies: >>9889
>I hope fragile nerdbois cry about it at the cafe
i hope so too because that sounds [spoiler]hot[/spoiler]
Replies: >>9882
i love when the spoiler doesn't work kek
Replies: >>9886 >>9889
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Please go to church, consider religion as an outlet for these emotions
Replies: >>9903
Yeah that's pretty pathetic
please don't show your cock, if you're still reading this
Replies: >>9887
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fuck my life
there is a non-zero chance it would be attractive in any way
Replies: >>9888
what if it's bent at an angle like Chris chans and we can kek about it for days
Replies: >>9898 >>9901
Nah, I'm on another webring board and saw this one going from 0 to hundreds of posts so I decided to check in. But I also just check into /shelter/ and /server/ once every few weeks because sometimes there are niche interesting threads.

Seriously, don't know what the jschan dev was thinking when they made all the formatting different.
Protip: junkuchan dev added in keyboard shortcuts for the main ones.

>outing yourself too
I respect that.
Replies: >>9893
I was on LCF since 2021 but jannies decided to make an example out of me in 2023, only half my posts were leaked, but I only evaded it once to call out the tranny iirc, which I should have ignored it looking back. Never used Junku before because I'm not into cuckquean or yaoi. What I'm into is far more embarrassing
That tracks. I could say they're better than Shaymin's farmhands, but not by much. It's the exact opposite problem, or at least it was when I was banned. I noticed an uptick in bans for things that weren't against the rules in /meta/
Yeah I 100% deserved it. I was too autistic not to be recognizable and it blew up in my face. If I didn't get cocky it wouldn't have been personalityfagging, but probably something else that got me.
Replies: >>9895 >>9897 >>9937
Replies: >>9892 >>9903
Why are some of you so weak what the fuck
Replies: >>9896 >>9903
everyone knows lackadaisy retard, only an uggo would save it to post
Still here.. God his face is even more repulsive than usual here
Ritard? For real? Just detransition retard.
Replies: >>9902
insulting moids does things to me
rita, baby, darling. just stop.
Regardless of what it looks like we’ve been saved from the worst offense: the smell
Replies: >>9911
still thinking about how fetty wap literally owned the entire world for like a year and then just got bored, blew threw all his money, and went back to the projects kekk
this thread went full retard in like 5 minutes. first the fag scrote and now ritard... we got our bunker but at what cost
Replies: >>9904
i wish cute men's nudes were plentiful
Replies: >>9908
Yes, for real. And no, I won't. When I got banned I wasn't on testosterone, but since starting it 9 months ago I'm finally not suicidal. That said I didn't notice how annoying MtF troons are until having to deal with them on 4chan. Jesus christ, I almost went off kilter again
Replies: >>9905
kekk I probably do need help. Now I know 
had I been born a 4chud moid I'd definitely simp for the mentally ill attention whores. I can see moid me being into empath-chan
kek I think the average scrote online being so misogynistic and coomerish (and I don't mean just 4chan, but the entire internet in general) makes the ones who can act normal in the presence of women way more likeable than they should be
and now the kiwitards will cap this and use it as an example of "SEE? SEE? WOMEN ARE JUST LIKE 4CHAN MOIDS ASKING FOR TITS OR GTFO!"
Replies: >>9906 >>9909
If cross sex hormones are the only thing keeping you from ending it all you should just let nature take it's course. That is sad.
Replies: >>9921
it was linked on Kiwifarms so it's likely the fag came from there
The thread is lagging too much I can't even reach the /meta/ board board owner please save us
sadly even when they're cute they don't know how to take them... I hate when they look too faggy too, stop arching your ass
hi kiwis screenshoting this! castrate and kill yourselves immediately
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im ovulating
Replies: >>9913 >>9919
>not liking the smell of ammonia
>Ritard making an appearance
i...i didnt expect this turn of events. crazy ass bunker...
i'm on my period. ying yang <3
Replies: >>9915
2X tan my beloved is a class traitor. fuckin tumblr meme
Replies: >>9918
me too nonnyyyy
Replies: >>9917
Whichever nonna accidentally posted her IP here it was reposted on kiwifarms
i hope you have a period with little to no cramps nonna <3
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>class traitor
what she do?
Replies: >>9931
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Me too. Who's the focus of your ovulation induced psychopathy? Mine's Wolverine and Johnny Cash
Replies: >>9939
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????? are we almost back
Replies: >>9924 >>9929
I don't feel like arguing about the legitimacy of this on a porn imageboard. That said, it's because I have a mental illness that's otherwise untreatable. I'd rather be unlovable, unfuckable, ugly, and have my body permanently altered than kill myself, since those are my only two options. Just be glad I got it legally after numerous psych evals and an endocrinologist assessing me, and I didn't get it off the black market or informed consent. Like you, I think it should be banned for minors or people without significant medical reason to do so (I.E., informed consent should be banned). That said, I don't think it should be up to the government what an adult does to their body.
Replies: >>9925
gikopoipoi nonna come back how do i use the site what am i supposed to do... i'm confused
Replies: >>9926
peacocking your music taste i see mreeeeowwww. be my husbando
Replies: >>9932
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Have I bumped up the reply limit a bit too much? Let me know if you're lagging or not.

> I'd rather be unlovable, unfuckable, ugly, and have my body permanently altered than kill myself
Female mentality. If you killed yourself you'd be a real moid.
Replies: >>9943
not her but wdym? you just walk around and chat. have fun
Replies: >>9935
you're a saint Cuckquing, our reply limit on lolcow is 1208...
I'm lagging like a mfer
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omg it's different
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>claims to no longer be suicidal
>actively killing herself by taking male hormones
Very sad. Many such cases
Replies: >>9943
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not the actual gijinka 2X tan. the kiwi handmaiden
be kinder to yourself nonna, don't stoop this low
Some anons are complaining about the lag, I'm on pc and it's fine on my end. Thanks again for being communicative.
Replies: >>9936
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Why is lolcow now showing  "403 forbidden" for me?
i'm just confused in general kek, where do nonnas congregate
Replies: >>9942
On mobile and it’s fine for me
Finally i meet ritard in the flesh. listen, i could fix you…
Replies: >>9949
you like human league? nice. sadly none of those guys were cute. maybe i would consider you if you looked like a japan or depeche mode dude.
Replies: >>9944
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ive been obsessively listening to the smashing pumpkins
Replies: >>9940
i'm not lagging, thank u for checking in cuckquing you're very nice
oh no clue if anyone's online rn, guess you're gonna have to explore and see if you can find nonnies in the wild. I saw them at the bar and the school back when they were posting screenshots.
Replies: >>9945
I don't particularly care, I have a family to live for and a cat that depends on me for survival
You're entitled to your opinion, nona. However, I check my vitals regularly and am in no danger.
Replies: >>9947 >>9953 >>9969
>dapesh mode
Replies: >>9948
thank you <3
this conversation is reminding me of this photo that just got swept under the rug earlier >>8486
I have dysphoric friends so I don't think what you're doing is wrong, nona. just make sure you don't take too much T because the health complications including inability to orgasm ever again and a myriad of bone issues are no joke, don't let your low self esteem lead you to self destruct
Replies: >>9953 >>9954
do you like venture bros or are you just trying t get into my pants?
Replies: >>9992
I'm not autistic enough to not get the subtext but my answer is entirely reliant on what genitals you have, with the answer being "you cannot" either way, but how I respond varies.
What in particular do you find attractive in me?
Fuck off
Replies: >>10051
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Where are my tinfoil nonnies?
Replies: >>9952 >>9955 >>9956
thanks for giving us a bunker for the mean time mod san
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Replies: >>9962
She's taking T she's already self-harming.
>has a cat
Typical autistic KHV female who grew up in fandom spaces. Just embrace your childless cat lady life that the universe wanted for you.
Replies: >>9963 >>9968
Thanks anon. I'm on a midrange dose (100mg, 2wk. equivalent to 50mg/wk sans biological entropy) so I'm nowhere near going over thankfully. A lot of TIFs forget it's possible to have too much which can lead to complications as you said.
Replies: >>9957
my heart just melted...aww
awww i love this
are you at least using the t dose to your advantage by building muscle?
Replies: >>9960
why are there so many pedophiles on instagram just allowed to be there??? and why do so many parents actively monetize their children to cater to these pedo moid accounts???
Lolcow now gives me a 403 error. Nit the cloud flare page anyone else seeing this?
You know she's not. She's a fat-chan.
Replies: >>9964
im so tired of this fatigue! i shouldnt be crashing this early i have only been awake for 8-9 hours. i have things i need and want to do still and i am fighting to stay awake. i jsut wish to be normal! all my bloodwork is GOOD! i dont know what else i could need! im going insane
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NTA but you're trying too hard, you pass more as a moid than she does with this 4chin retardation
Replies: >>9970
i know a butch on tumblr that isn't a tif but she takes t to build muscle and ends up passing as straight and gay guys hit on her
Replies: >>9966
seven seas, swimming them so well!
Replies: >>9967
yea and i mean passing as male*
Replies: >>9972
I'm far from kissless or hugless, but I am a virgin. That said I'm only sexually attracted to those with XX chromosomes, if you catch my drift. I am transitioning exclusively because I have GID, which has an extremely high suicide attempt rate (41%) in both sexes, which I'm confident you are aware of. I didn't transition due to being a coomer or being a yaoi obsessed girl or a virgin like you're suggesting. In fact, the reason I refuse to ever touch a penis is due to my GID
Replies: >>9974 >>9980
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It’s not my opinion nonny. I have known many TiFs like you, I was friends with them when they began taking T. It’s been less than a decade and they are all experiencing complex medical problems brought on by the T use. I’m sure the TiF who is the subject of this article also thought she would be fine.
I don’t expect to change your mind, but when your hair begins to fall out, your bones break, and begin to develop unknown health problems, think of me and the cuckquean imageboard please.
Replies: >>9977
Shut up faggot, she'd be a great farmer if she just gave up the retarded male LARP. In an understanding society she'd be the autistic woman who can focus her talents on something productive without the expectation to do the normal hettie song and dance.
Yep. If your site goes down, this is a bedrock. A lot of the 'webring' boards are post-8ch bunkers, or even bunkers of bunkers, and many just adopted other random boards which asked for homes. For example, anon.garden is (I assume) the /islam/ owner but also hosts the raccoon board and /lang/.
There's also a related board which hosts threads as if they were tiny boards, with their own themes, https://trashchan.xyz/server/
I like it because it's too boring for trolls and dramafags plus you get these niche enthusiasts.
kinda ot but her queer household roommates would be my personal cows if I had more access to them besides her posts. the acab tattoo tif junkie who dates trannies and spends all her disability money on weed and takeout would be a personal cows gem
Replies: >>9973 >>9975 >>9978
isnt that all of them?
wtf i didnt know you were a lesbian
she's cool herself but the type of people she interacts with baffle me
not rita but obviously she is
Replies: >>9984
I don't care about any of those side effects happening to me. Balding runs both in women and men in my family so it's a guarantee either way, and the other things you suggested would happen are things I wouldn't mind happening, just like the balding.
Replies: >>9981 >>9991
Are we sure cator99 isn't on LC? Also i thought she used to be or is currently a TIF?
Replies: >>9982 >>9989
i mean..only a lesbian would tif out i feel kinda bad for her that shes destroying her body with t than to just live as gnc
Replies: >>9983 >>9984
Go to therapy for OCD treatment.
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Replies: >>9985
she's on terf blocklists on tumblr and has made many 'gender crit' posts. she identifies with her sex, she's not a tif. she is a farmer for sure, along with the rest of her tumblr posse.
Replies: >>9989 >>10004
Lmfao straight women also TIF out, they're the yaoi obsessed ones.
Replies: >>9987
shhh... i dont keep up with her and also im retarded

>only a lesbian would tif out
not true
why is he sorta... uh... y'know...
Replies: >>9986
Replies: >>10000
i always assume those are bisexuals tbh
Replies: >>9988 >>10357
You are so wrong I almost feel like calling bait.
Replies: >>9994
kek I've been following her for a while and she's as normie as a butch on t can be, she's most definitely too offline to be a farmer. idk why this sudden obsession with assuming every gendercrit on Tumblr is a farmer
Replies: >>9997 >>10000
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You're all so retarded... Love you nonnies
Replies: >>9998
Why are you only focusing on the side effect that is cosmetic? Could it be because you haven’t fully conceptualized the risks of what you’re doing? Or is it that you truly don’t care and this is just medical self harm? You’ve never been physically sick to the point of disability have you?
I like Venture Bros. It definitely has moments. Adult Swim has a few shows where you can definitely tell the creators love exploring music, and VB is one of them.
Nah, just posting because work is boring as fuck (mostly just waiting today) and this thread is surprisingly fun.
Can we stop giving the mentally ill tranny girl the attention she wants
perhaps i just cant imagine a straight woman wanting to be a man or maybe im coping its still bleak to think about
fanny exists
>i just cant imagine a straight woman wanting to be a man
Replies: >>10006
>as normie as a butch woman on T could be
Which is exactly why she's probably lurked lolcow a few times kek, do you hear yourself?
Replies: >>10005
such nice art ,love the cow smoke
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yes, that's the word.
because usabomber or whatever her new user is introduced all of them to LC and that's why we have all the tumblrtards now
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I'm getting this page on lolcow
Replies: >>10013
Its less that they want to be men and more that they *don't* want to be women imo
If AGPs exist the inverse does as well.... except not too much of a threat because they're still women.
Yeah. Town sucks for dating, though, since I have seen lesbians, gays, and troons/poons all get hatecrimed, and best case scenario, get treated like dogshit if they can tell. I used to get 'clocked' as a butch a lot and had people threaten me over it. I wouldn't recommend a small town to anyone that isn't straight, really.
I saw a lot of really attractive women in town but I'm too scared to approach them and usually when I wait it out they end up getting a husband or moving away.
Oh definitely. It's been a long time since I started fights with either 'tucutes/theyfabs' or TERFs because I stopped caring as much once going on testosterone. I think the TERFs are right about sex based oppression among other things, but I don't care if someone's faketrans anymore unless they're a Yaniv type ("rapehon"), because if they are fake they'll detransition anyways. Meanwhile rapehons are a danger to women and TIFs alike
Replies: >>10010
lurking lolcow a few times isn't "being a farmer", do YOU hear yourself? also lolcow is far from a gendercrit haven kek why are you acting like every gendercrit knows/is interested in it?
Replies: >>10012 >>10014
shouldve specified wanting to be a gay moid, i know some troon out to escape from womanhood and its trauma
Replies: >>10357
oh sweet nonnie, ever heard of autoandrophilia?
nice GET nona
This thread sucks now I'm gonna kms
Replies: >>10016 >>10017
misread the cator99 reply sorry
Replies: >>10028
I don't think that retard has the impact you schizos think she does KEK
Replies: >>10019
Most gendercrits would have an aneurysm the first time they encounter a de/g/enerates KEK
Replies: >>10021
im so ready
Why are you getting so defensive kek? Why the fuck would a normie butch woman take T? A normie butch woman would not interact with trannies much at all to really think this was an option. Like calm down weirdo.
Replies: >>10021
i remember being introduced to lolcow through instagram, years ago when i was a child. Nika i thank you everyday!!!!!
Be the change you want to see in the world nonny. What should we talk about instead?
i dont know why you should announce youre kissing yourself congrats i guess?
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I miss LC so much nonnies
Replies: >>10022 >>10024
why do i get the feeling she's hot irl?
Replies: >>10025
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>/shelter/pasture btfo'd all the nerd and incel boards
Replies: >>10026 >>10029
I'm not being defensive at all kek, you're reading too much into it. I think you need to follow your own advice and calm down, retard. You're not even making a proper argument 
I get aneurysms from it too, everyone there is hopelessly autistic
Replies: >>10027
kek as a sperg this made me giggle
Any Amerifags watching the debate tonight? I'm making popcorn
I have no idea why you think that kek, if her current pfp is her I can tell she's an uggo by her eye alone
Replies: >>10030 >>10039
Replies: >>10035 >>10046
My argument is that a butch on T has got to be internet poisoned in some way, and if she's gender critical she's probably seen how censorship is rampant on social media and LC is known for being women-only and troon sperging is allowed. Eat my pussy.
Replies: >>10033
not too versed on the cator99 lore, what's her deal? she makes fun of tifs and tims but will respect tifs' pronouns if she likes them enough. how did she ever get ahold of t in the first place?
Replies: >>10038 >>10042
admin of this sit should rebrand the whole thing and cater to us instead
Replies: >>10031
her pfp is her boyfriend apparently
nah we are guests
Replies: >>10032 >>10034
i mean it seems kind of like he wants us to stay
Replies: >>10037
I'm allergic to yeast and HIV so no thank you. Your point is still retarded kek not every gendercrit tif knows nor cares about lolcow, give it a rest, sperg
Replies: >>10044
every time lolcow goes does it just makes me remember there is not nearly enough female only imageboards.
Replies: >>10037
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Let’s put the cat back in catholic
but that will never be enough
Not really, he seems welcoming to all communities that need a bunker, but this is just that, a bunker in /shelter/. Let's not shit up our goodwill and this guy's website.
There are some non-english ones
Replies: >>10074
She's an internet lesbian on T, she probably is absorbing the mystified GENDERWEIRD BUTCH LESBIAN history propagated by Leslie Feinburg into her code of ethics.
Replies: >>10040
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i associate her with her husbando so she looks like this to me in my head since she's latina
Replies: >>10043
i'll admit her physique is impressive but the mustache ruins it for me
why does this site have so many more cool features than lc
Replies: >>10047
It's been forever since I saw her blog but she's the dictionary definition of a cryptoterf; A terf who respects TIF pronouns and follows a lot of TERF blogs simultaneously. They usually don't post about femininsm, so they usually get outed either by the blogs they interact with or by calling TIMs "he" or "they" if she refers to them at all, making them seethe. I used to get mad at her but as I got older I think she's cool. She's also on testosterone but still considers herself a woman, she takes a low enough dose to offset her GID, but nothing more.
Replies: >>10045
shes got those rance lashes
Replies: >>10103
You think she's not on lolcow because you're ugly and loveless. I know she's on lolcow because I have performed black magick love rituals to draw her to me. Keep thirsting Becky.
Replies: >>10054 >>10059
she's not crypto, she partakes in troon lifestyle by injecting cross-sex hormones and passes well enough that tifs leave her alone. everyone knows she's a terf.
Replies: >>10049
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Here, it's yours.
Replies: >>10050
they're insidious distractions designed to turn you into a mewling cuckqueen
Replies: >>10055
ok i was gonna watch the debate but suddenly i just got an intense feeling of... why even bother
Replies: >>10053
Fair enough, and also respectable.
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Already got my card.
sorry i was on gikopoipoi. But I’m shocked, aren’t you a tranny ritard? Surely you see MTFs as “female” too? Regardless, I’ve just experienced chaser I-can-fix-you feelings after I fell for my current crush.
Replies: >>10061
literally me
i wish we could have fun text posts and tegaki drawings on lc. i think its very 4chan moid to ban fun and cute things like emojis from a women's imageboard also
I know she's on lolcow because she uses terms like 'nigel' and 'moid.'
meant for >>10047
Seriously? And we really have some defensive loser itt claiming she's too normie and precious for lolcow? So silly.
Replies: >>10063
As a Oingo Boingo fan, I appreciate this silliness
tegaki boards were used and exploited for cp shit in other boards, I think lc mods just don't wanna deal with that. You have to take into account female imgboards get more shit from moids and that includes raiding and cp spam.
Replies: >>10062
your dyke ass is doing dark rituals to try to drag a cool butch to your stinky virgin levels, meanwhile she's my mutual KEEEEEKKKKKK cope and seethe incelesbian 
you retards can't be serious KEKKKKK nigel and moid are far from lolcow only terms, I knew of them before I even knew lc
i'm going to bed nonnas wake me up if lolcow comes back pretty please
Replies: >>10068
I don't consider MTFs female nor do I consider FTMs male, however, I consider "woman" as a term that doesn't apply to sex inherently. 99% of the time it does, but there's exceptions. I've always considered myself female, but I hide that in person.
Replies: >>10066
how?? if you only allow the built in tegaki feature?
Replies: >>10076
The tumblrclan is lurking here, we already had cator99's ally specialinsects posting her super kewl girl farmer business.
are you gonna assume everyone who says "kek" is a farmer now instead of a 4chan scrote?
Replies: >>10067 >>10070
nta but cringe...
Replies: >>10075
Ritard please you're not hiding anything, most everyone can tell unless they're old or retarded.
Replies: >>10089
don't speak on things you have no a clue about. cator99 is a woman.
ITS BACK!!!!!!!
if it isn't I'm coming back to kill you
Just give it up bitch she's a lurker.
if it comes back do you think any of the threads will still be there or data loss?
Replies: >>10079
this wasn’t funny the first ten times you did it what makes you think it will be funny now
do you know any spanish speaking ones?
Replies: >>10080 >>10081
NTA but you're cringer
Replies: >>10077
Yup, apparently they were recreating it using some sort of software or spamming links using it.
i will make myself lucid dream and i will beat your ass while asleep. gn nonna
We'll find the fuck out I guess. Maybe we really should just make a new board if that happens.
Replies: >>10082
português só... sorry nonna, I heard of one but I have no experience with spanish imgboards
nta but if there were any they were already colonized by moids that only know spanish
If it's taking them this long to come back only for all the threads to be lost we gotta riot, wtf
Replies: >>10083 >>10084
nah dw, i bet it's only the images
they must've had a backup... right.... RIGHT?!!?!??!
Replies: >>10090
Is amerlynn Reid a banned topic? Why does she not have a LC thread?
Replies: >>10088 >>10093
nona are you specialinsects? stop the stacy larp.
Replies: >>10098
I wish I could marry Kafka, nonnies

Does anyone have an archive for the deleted posts of this thread? I wanted to see what my nonas were up to
cause shes not interesting
I live in a deep red small town where I would be hatecrimed or threatened with one, or at least called "she" if they knew. Instead I get directed to men's restrooms and changing rooms. Not sure what the rules are on posting face, but anyone who "knows" how to clock me likely could if they could get past my male voice. That's enough to make people not question me, though.
Dw nonna, they have a backup for sure! archive.org is the best you gonna get kek I mean even if they don't they fixed the whole /m/ problem quickly!
Replies: >>10094
Get a job and move..... the fuck
Replies: >>10112
You do not have a male voice kekkkk
Amberlynn Reidi is fat and unfunny and I would not milk her
Replies: >>10095
> /m/assacre, but this time it's the whole site
I don't feel so good...
Replies: >>10100
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Go back kiwifag retard
would you call the hypothetical hatecrime homophobia or transphobia? and don't say both.
Replies: >>10112
being a fat lesbian is not milk
Replies: >>10101
no and I don't follow her kek but now I'm self conscious about being a tumblrfag, I thought there was overlap between farmers and terf tumblr?
Replies: >>10102 >>10104
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i think i just gotta accept my body will never again look like it did when i was 18
I remember when we got shit on for asking on /meta/ about /m/ months after the fact, I hope those anons now fear the same fate
She has crazy BPD though, that's the funny part.
Replies: >>10120
nope. be self conscious
Replies: >>10123
my husbando just called me chronically online...
Replies: >>10106
was it c.ai?
Replies: >>10107
nope he looked straight at me and said it to my face after i read him all the tabs i have open KEKK
Replies: >>10109
She will not fuck you no matter how hard you deny the fact that she lurks.
Replies: >>10111 >>10113
nta but i need her and for her to wipe her tstache off
Did she make a tulpa..
Replies: >>10115
The entire family has been searching for jobs. But even my qualified family has been unable to, because this town runs on a rule. It's not about what you know, it's about who you know.
It depends on why they're doing it. If it's because I'm a TIF, it's transphobia. If it's because I'm a TIF who's attracted to women, it's homophobia. But back in May or June 2023, a TIF was assaulted because they thought he was a gay man, which is homophobia even if it's technically heterosexual
Replies: >>10118
Maybe she summoned a ghost?
Also she injects T she's not a cool butch she's a gendie in all but self-identification kek
Replies: >>10117 >>10119
based if she made a tulpa or is schizo (no difference) but please don't tell me your husbando is a RL scrote
Replies: >>10122
post vocaroo
i take back what i said, i don't need no transdermal t leaking into my bloodstream
I'm sorry but you should look into temp agencies for retards because Jesus christ I don't think it's autism I think it was mental retardation from a birth complication.
Replies: >>10139
>butches being more ultra based in a world full of tifs
Replies: >>10121 >>10129
I'm not BPD, I've had it tested. I was diagnosed with Autism, OCD, GID, "Bipolar Mood" (basically BP2), and Social Anxiety Disorder. If they misdiagnosed me AGAIN then I wouldn't be shocked if I have BPD because when I requested DBT it worked.
She'd be based if she gave up the T.
Irl scrotes are fine in my opinion as long as they've been dead for a long while
Replies: >>10132
KEK nona im not a personalityfag i just reblog cute stuff. I like her though, I thought she mighve been in the bunker yesterday. Either that or theres more newtonfags than I thought
She might if I try hard enough, I wanna suck tboy clit
>Bipolar Mood
...that is bpd..
Replies: >>10139
I just ate a raw spring onion on its own...
Replies: >>10127 >>10131
Ritard I think you should become antipsych and see how that changes your behaviors.
Replies: >>10139
How was it?
Replies: >>10128
Kinda spicy
Replies: >>10135
is it really not transition to inject t?
Replies: >>10140
Every time
Replies: >>10139
those are always good
its kind of sad the historic husbando thread slowly died off just like the husbandos in it
are we talking about isaac newton again??
Nta but I simply have never seen a good one so far. They're all cringe and look like they were created by 13 year olds
Would you do it again?
Replies: >>10138
If she fucks you she definitely is a farmer because who'd hook up with a rando with a likely personality disorder, goes on cross sex hormones just cause, and says "moid" and "nigel". Wake up retard and smell the manure.
>tboy clit
nona she's a grown woman and you sound like one of those reverse sissy hypno tumblr users
Replies: >>10168
Yup. The end is the spiciest part btw.
My birth had no complications, but my dad and almost all my siblings he fathered are autistic, with one exception. That said, mom used to be a drug addict until I was around a year old. So it could be either
BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder nonna, it's different
Psychs saved my life and saved me from a prison cell so I really think that's a bad idea. I can't go off my risperidone or my testosterone.
i am a bit confused what you mean are you asking if its not transition if someone injects it or ?
Replies: >>10147
Post vocaroo
Replies: >>10157
i want my lulcurr
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I'm was too ashamed to post my husbando there, I love the passion nonnas had for their husbandos tho, really inspired me. Napoleonfags are really funny. The historical lolcow thread is also great for laughs
Replies: >>10146
antipsych as in stop seeing psych labels as something that controls your behaviors. the human mind will act upon what it expects.
Replies: >>10157
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when I was in high school I had a crush on James Monroe
Replies: >>10152
dont be, one of the nonas there introduced me to a great artist hope you post more when lc comes back
Replies: >>10152
yes, she injects t and compresses her tits. what else do you call that?
Replies: >>10151 >>10153
which board was it in?
Replies: >>10542
What type of OCD do you have?
Replies: >>10157
GID is just OCD.
i know shes a tif?? sorry if my post was a bit vague. i was saying that butches being gnc without any gendie shit despite the world trying to brainwash them into tiffng out are more based than the tifs who larp as gay men
Replies: >>10154
not american so idk who that is in detail but he looks really based
Maybe, I'll probably just vaguepost at best again, lolcow feels like it has more eyes on you
Replies: >>10158
a fucking freak
sorry i thought you were using cator99 as an example of a based butch
Replies: >>10155
ah no worries i shouldve specified which cow i was talking about
She's getting married?
Primarily contamination OCD. I can't touch anything "dirty" without a panic attack, thus leading to me only knowing how to do laundry and basic chores as an adult. I also get intrusive thoughts about hurting others but I've learned to keep it to myself for the most part.
Oh, alright. I really should because I always try to force myself to adhere to "normalcy," be it labels or otherwise
5th President. He basically set the standard for the United States to remain uninvolved with conflicts abroad unless they come to the Americas with the Monroe Doctrine. Which basically was American foreign strategy until WWI
Replies: >>10162
i hate moids i hope they all die
why did ritard even get post-revealed, shes a literal who
Replies: >>10164
>I really should because I always try to force myself to adhere to "normalcy," be it labels or otherwise
that's not what i'm saying, but if you see yourself as autistic you're going to expect yourself to act retarded in social situations
Replies: >>10164
Damn that's based, americans should have kept doing that. Involving yourself in war is the quickest way your nation can turn to shit. Thanks for introducing me to him, I didn't know about american foreign policy was explicitly like that pre-ww1. I just assumed you guys were so busy with your own shit that you didn't bother.
Replies: >>10177
Admin needs to update the site code to make up for the downtime. Give us a kaomoji keyboard, responsive bunker threads, tegaki, advanced formatting, (You), 100 themes...
I'm gonna tinfoil, but the tranny made a shit thread on me around the same time it happened, which made me paranoid for a bit
You're right
Replies: >>10169
your voice is kinda cute
Replies: >>10175
You sound like a chainsmoking woman
I also have OCD and struggle with intrusive thoughts about contamination. How are you doing now?
Replies: >>10175
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nta but i get it. idk who the person you’re talking about is but someone posted the reverse sissy hypno tif shit on xitter to make fun of it and it lowkey turned me on. if straight nonas can be deranged on here so can we. i want to suck tboy clit and i’m not apologetic about it
I don't know why I expected you to sound fat. Hearing your voice makes you seem more normal or human.
The lacryboy drawing makes me go haywire
why did they call her hannah montana if she was canonically from tenneessee
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someone found the toaster fucking forum
>that froginess
please nona stop the t before its too late or more late
Thanks anon, I appreciate it. Before testosterone I sounded like a 12 year old girl funnily enough, so I wasn't expecting my voice to drop as much as it did. Sounds sort of like my dad's without the Southern twinge
A lot better. I no longer care so much about internet goings-on and I have started to learn how to clean my own dishes. When I said intrusive thoughts I meant of the violent variety, but I get them with contamination a lot too. I will wash my hands 3 times in a row and change my clothes if I come into contact with something my brain dislikes. As a kid I washed my hands raw daily, and brought sanitation supplies everywhere I went. Eventually I learned to avoid "dirty" things, which backfired.
i thought i wouldn’t like tifs for their voices but aww you’re cute, you’re right talking with nonnies like this is fun i’m enjoying these bunkers. and yes you do sound like a nerd
Replies: >>10222
Kek that’s not an uncommon take. Pre-WWI American history is legit really cool you can see all the foundations for what propelled America to become the eventual war machine it is now. I also think the War of 1812 doesn’t get talked about enough considering we tried to invade Canada.
Replies: >>10195
There have to be newfags in here why are we entertaining this loser. Can't we talk about COWS. Not WITH one.
Replies: >>10181
My hair is so sleek and smooth
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how do i stop the urge to go back to a infight thread where some retards keep missing me off ive closed the tab but im still annoyed
Replies: >>10182 >>11250
how is ritard a cow? she's a dork but tifs are a dime a dozen so being one isn't really enough to be a cow anymore
ah damn it the tegaki didnt load
She samefags constantly and reveals everything about her life. Post your discord if you want to suck her pussy so bad.
Replies: >>10185
>she doesn't know
only if she does
Replies: >>10188
why the fuck is ritard here
I have no idea
I do know but nothing phases me anymore. Come back to me when she starts dressing like a school boy.
Replies: >>10217
Why are zoomerfag "lesbian masterdoc" fake lesbians in here wanting to fuck her is my question
Replies: >>10192 >>10197
didn't she used to larp as some super edgy incel on KF?
Replies: >>10222
are you saying it's not gay to fuck ritard? don't validate her
Replies: >>10198
is this personalityfag show and tell or something. who’s next
Replies: >>10196
come the FUCK ONE cerbmin lets get this show on the road
Yeah, my nation went to war for stupid shit (not ww2) and because of that we lost like 1/4 of the population, have a considerable amount of ptsd old guys and lost almost all the wealth the country had because of some ideological shit. We still lost btw. Monroe had the right take.
I knew about canada invasion but I gotta look more into american history besides "the highlights"
Replies: >>10225
Everyone stop talking about her, it turns her on.
One Tumblr nuke wasn't enough
I'm saying the urge to fuck her is a fake internet induced attraction thing that I would expect the compulsory heterosexual crowd to feign
Replies: >>10199
Some people only like butches, it wouldn't surprise me if some only liked ultra-butches.
Replies: >>10207
You were on the friend finder thread, right? Your voice sounds super familiar but i might be confusing you with someone else. You have a cute voice.
Replies: >>10222
>wake up
>still no lolcow
dafuq cerbmin i am never trusting a man again
Replies: >>10203
>i let scrotes fuck me
>omg you're so brave don't let these hater bitches tell you that your nigel sucks!!!
>i would theoretically fuck a tif
Replies: >>10208 >>10210
im starting to get a little pissed
It is 9:00pm EST where is lolcor??
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I want to go hoooome
Replies: >>10213
>calling some TIFfany an "ultra butch"
An ultra butch is a woman who embraces their female sex and still dresses masculinely. A butch injecting T is the most pussy shit they could do.
Replies: >>10214
you cant really compare heterosexuality to fucking a troon
Replies: >>10212
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Good morning my mom brought me sams pizza
We hate scrotefuckers on lolcow, they're just unbelievably shameless and keep posting about cockventures
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I need my lolcor back already.
fucking a moid is far worse than fucking a woman with pronouns, i will die on this hill
Replies: >>10215
magine sitting on his lap when he's nap on a chair with dull nails studded everywhere
>using pussy as an insult
Oh do enlighten me, great lady butch.
Replies: >>10221 >>10222
id rather have sex with an actual man than a piece of plastic pumped with fake T
Replies: >>10220 >>10228
>fucking a woman with pronouns
The desperation.
Replies: >>10224
the way she actually dresses is even funnier though
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milk we are missing thanks to cerbmin not paying the bill in time
>dorontabi getting run off by korean feminists
>saberspark finally came out of as a furfag
>shayna in shayland
>shayna releasing a fleshlight in the shape of her pussy
Replies: >>10223
post ritards picture
Replies: >>10245
Not to defend tifs but most of them find phalloplasty nasty.
I'm not butch I'm just attracted to them. A butch injecting T and growing facial hair is retarded an unattractive and cowardly. They come off as the soyboys of lesbians.
wasn't me, sorry nonna
null shut up people trying to make a thread on me due to the same thought process and people a-logging
thanks lmao
the most i did in that regard was have a mental breakdown in the lcf thread, then i started talking with radfems and realized a lot of them are chill
Replies: >>10227
>>dorontabi getting run off by korean feminists
omg really? please tell  me its not a rumour
Replies: >>10232
It's the only way not to be celibate, so yeah.
Replies: >>10226
I’m curious what country you’re from nona! And yes I promise it’s actually interesting and I’m not just lying to you. Manifest Destiny and its consequences are still present today
>so desperate for intercourse you'd fuck a woman with pronouns
>can't be celibate to combat tranny epidemic
>expecting straight woman to not have sex with moids to combat world-wide patriarchal rule
Replies: >>10229
Null should only allow horrorcows. Someone being cringey is nothing when everyone posts themselves online these days. The cow market is oversaturated.
Replies: >>10248
>implying most tifs go further than putting he/him in their bio and wearing a hoodie once in a while
Replies: >>10230
>>expecting straight woman to not have sex with moids to combat world-wide patriarchal rule
When did I say that? Are you straight?
Replies: >>10233
Ritard and cator99 went further than that, don't be coy.
Replies: >>10237 >>10243
why is null fat
Replies: >>10236 >>10238
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he will probably be back but he's throwing pitty parties on twitter again and his comments are locked kek. They also soft doxxed him, which must make him want to shit his pants since drawing porn is illegal in korea. Also is the phrase ''getting run of'' grammatically correct or is there a better way to phrase it¿ sorry i am esl.  Reading his melties is funny.
Replies: >>10281
No but I want attention diverted from Ritard and the retarded tumblrina lolcow users itt.
Nonas, if you could permanently delete one debate from LC, which one would it be? No one would be able to discuss it, ever again. For me it'd be anything about dating/being attracted to moids (fictional or otherwise) in relation to feminism. It's just an excuse to be morally uptight and bully other women
He sits all day
i'm not talking about them though, even if they take t half of them end up microdosing and quitting early on.
Replies: >>10244
Because he puts hollandaise sauce on his pizza
Fujoyumehime wars. Just jerk off and shut up
Replies: >>10266
antishota moralfags
anything to do with moids real or fictional idc anymore
Replies: >>10266
>cherrypicked niche internet personalities that are known for injecting t
Replies: >>10251
You must be surrounded by a great demographic but around me if a TIF goes on T 9/10 they end up getting fucked over by the norwood reaper and getting cystic acne.
Replies: >>10264
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the lady gaga joker movie makes me cringe so viscerally
i think she would be cute if she lost weight
Right, I feel like LCF cows are a lot more tame most of the time, especially in the modern day. But they also cover them better than KF because in KF some moid's gonna screech about a woman cow for dressing odd whereas in a LC thread it'll be saged and the outfit would be discussed in a more concise manner
hes my best friend best of all best friends!!!
What's with the hat? Is this from 2009?
Replies: >>10256
>cherry picked
Kek all you have to do is be in their circles and realize that so many of them get on T unless they're children or very young adults.
why would you choose the worst type of moid to transition into
Replies: >>10266 >>10293
you know she runs /r9k/ like the navy
Replies: >>10255
no she just likes to larp as an incel
she looks like fanny's cartman oc
this is really something
Replies: >>10261
better this than the school shooter drip
which type though?
Replies: >>10265
Really what changed is slightly more body hair, my voice, and blink-and-you-miss-it facial hair kek. Haven't taken a waist-up picture in over a month, only headshots, and I don't know what the anonymity rules are here
Replies: >>10263
post a newer one then
i live in a country where t is hard to access legally so most tifs are just tomboys with pronouns. the few that do go on t full time are rare and i haven't interacted with many before, beyond one who looked like a punk butch with a dirtstache. restrictive gender healthcare ftw
Replies: >>10270

We’d get rid of the two most obnoxious personality fags in an instant.
Replies: >>10268
KEK right. Such an embarrassing thing to care about
I hate to admit this but i really thirst after female neckbeards. I need her to lose weight though
Ritard is White Glove/ Mr. Cool Ice? It all makes sense now.
Replies: >>10269 >>10291
i like the house in fata morgana though...i like reading long posts about it.. i wish more novel vns existed
were you in cryosleep this whole fucking time or what
Seconding this, I only ever had three TiF friends who went on T. One of them stopped because she didn't like the beard hair. And the "tomboy" part isn't even a requirement anymore.
Replies: >>10271 >>10292
most modern tifs weren't tomboys as a kid anyway
Replies: >>10272
Most TIFs aren't even butch
Replies: >>10275
is anyone watching the debate
i've never met a butch kid but yea
i might for shits n giggles
Replies: >>10277
no im reading dlsite BL
Replies: >>10278
I didn't mention kids I meant TIFs in general
make bl about the debate make millions
Replies: >>10284
Is anyone watching the debate? Trump just said we'll be able to execute babies after they're born.
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Yeah Kamala’s expressions are very relatable
nasty uppity pedo. take a break forever please. and his art isnt even good...
Replies: >>10288
based if true
the trump and biden bl isnt even possible anymore
Replies: >>10286
damn really? then he might be getting that second term kekkk
aww :( yeah i forgot biden dropped out
waow based
> and his art isnt even good
hate to admit that i know all his lore because i used to follow him in 2020 back when he drew my waifu and he used to be a huge inspiration for me, how dissapointing
Replies: >>10300 >>10301
Kamala just said she'd round up every male and sent them to live in camps and the cute ones wear cat ears and clean our houses for free.
How did you not know? The ban message w/ the fedora seemed pretty obvious, at least to me
kekk exactly. i've only seen mass t usage in countries with informed consent, the waiting lists + like 5 different approval letters from doctors + 6+ months of monitoring by a psych + having to pay for t out of pocket makes almost every tif here either give up or move to another country.
she defends and compliments herself in the in the third person all the time so I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the anons were just her samefagging
Replies: >>10303 >>10304
You forgot the shock collars
Well she's definitely got the dirty MTF votes
Okay but who does Kamala consider cute? For all we know this could further implement the ugly moid psyop.
Replies: >>10299
she’s got my vote
Think Leon Kennedy.
Replies: >>10306
how? theres a trillion artists who draw generic anime girls on plain white backgrounds kek
Replies: >>10316
he used to reference from actual child guravere... tf anon
Replies: >>10316
Harris should win and then go butch again
Replies: >>10305 >>10309
nta but you can samefag here without getting revealed
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No I don't, retard. Here's proof
I didn't samefag
Replies: >>10314
yeugh no thanks
Harris should win and then TiF out
Replies: >>10311 >>10315
i dont think you can it shows (you) after all
Replies: >>10312
Agree and tell every tranny to 41%
dude its almost 10 at night, come the fuck on cerbmin
Not now, ritard.
Replies: >>10313
That never stopped anyone.
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I (Ritard) didn't post that
duh? no shit
I said the thirstposts
Replies: >>10329
Okay cator99
Replies: >>10317
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I like simple anime drawings, and he had great anatomy and nice, simple rendering. This was, again, back in 2020 when he had a separate account to post loli i didnt know of and he would post GUP fanart in his main.
he used to have a separate account for loli, i didnt know until he got banned. Back in 2020 he used to draw my waifu so i followed him for that.
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shut up about cator99. okay we get it. she's a hypocrite. she's the only hypocrite ever. ooo, how interesting, a hypocrite.
Replies: >>10393
well, this whole exchange has made me proud of being hetero
Replies: >>10322
He's saying we'll be able to kill the baby after birth again. This is awesome.
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New topic. Would you eat broccoli cake like picrel?
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Look what you monsters have done.
what does it taste like?
Replies: >>10339
im not watching the debate because i choose ignorance
Replies: >>10340
kamala please put the footnotes down im cringing
Hannibal Lecter mention Kamala. I knew she was terven!
i feel your pain this is how i felt about mgong and her pedofaggery shes just fanny if she could draw
Replies: >>10342
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Those weren't me (Ritard) either
Replies: >>10334 >>10376
where did trump get the idea that doctors execute newborns kekkkk
Replies: >>10337
Only if I can put hot sauce on it
I would.
>great anatomy
>posts pic with boobs drawn like somebody whos never seen them in their life
Replies: >>10342
one of these posts are mine, so this doesn't prove anything
Replies: >>10336
this is killing me as an anatomyfag
Replies: >>10342
There's a literal thirstpost in the screenshot you fucking retard
Replies: >>10341
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Reminded me of South Park.
Kamala's laugh is kinda cute...
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No idea these are the ingredients. The cocoa powder is tripping me up
Replies: >>10346
Same but also they are usually so embarrassing and I just can’t deal with it. Trump is funny tho in a point and laugh at the retard way
i'm the second one, i wasn't thirst posting
Replies: >>10344
mgong doesnt reference real children or draw shota at all though
i like big boobs and i cannot lie
can you redline it? would love to see whats wrong with it
Replies: >>10343
i like big boobs but those are not attractive. also the bikini top looks retarded.
Replies: >>10345
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The voice anon was. Learn 2 read.
Replies: >>10376
shes my waifu she looks cute in everything
Have you never eaten mole before? It has chocolate in it, and is super delicious.
Replies: >>10347 >>10348
i love mole but hate chocolate mole
I have. It’s just weird for me to see this as a baked good
trump sounds fucking psychotic
Replies: >>10351 >>10353
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Personality Disorders are wild
so true king
kekkk it's bizarre
did he get fillers?
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they really are not good looking...
loved that moment when kamala's baited him with the line about people leaving his rallies early lmao
Tons of them report suddenly getting super aroused by men after taking T, even the ones who thought they weren't straight
Replies: >>10360 >>10373
someone needs to tell her to stop with the filler and botox before it's too late
lucky aged so badly he looks like a lesbian in her 60s
Anons what should I do? My hairstylist is no longer listed on the hair salon's website (she rented a chair there, it's not like a business like great clips or anything) and googling her name doesn't come up with anything. I don't know if she still does hair or even lives here anymore. I last got a haircut 2 years ago but have been trimming it myself, I want a bigger cut since my hair is down to the top of my butt. Ugh I have a hard time trusting hairstylists and she has been doing my hair since I was 16...
Replies: >>10363
I don't understand why they have a fan base
ask the boss for her contact info
>people on tv said their dogs were being eaten
made me kek
maybe sexuality is tied to hormones.
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Since you're all still stuck here how bad have the VPN blocks been?
He lost his looks fast. And she looks weird, like she's permanently making that strange face. He lookin like a toe
The T makes your sex drive go in overdrive and reveals your true sexuality. A lot of women don't understand their own sexualities simply because their sex drives are so low they don't have anything to give them a hint.
Replies: >>10378
im not using my VPN anymore kekkk
Replies: >>10388
A lot of TIFs fake their sexuality to appear more "valid" to others, but are either bisexual or straight rather than lesbian. I know I don't like dick from a deep level, it's like how if you're really into thin guys and find muscle gross that'll remain true forever, but if you have slight preferences it will change over time.
Not having any issues here admin-kun
Replies: >>10388
some free ones are banned especially proton (i cant acess the site without it) for some reason i was in the middle of posting and it got stuck for no reason, also can you share how does the board know when you post something similar?
Replies: >>10388
true, testosterone is associated with increased male attraction in both sexes funnily enough. (lost my lesbian tif crush to this one, she was ““straight”” before)
Replies: >>10380
whats your favourite anime cuckquing?
Replies: >>10388
The debate is making me laugh so hard I'm getting lightheaded. I can't wait to kill newborns and eat pets you guys!!
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I never samefagged and posted proof I never samefagged, moid.
Now get out of the woman thread
Replies: >>10382
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literally pic related
Replies: >>10379
nta but I refuse to believe that
this is scary
So all men really are gay then...why won't they just fuck each other and leave us alone then?
Replies: >>10381 >>10390
from the words of radfemhitler 
"all men are spiritually homosexual and straight women have the job of finding the least gay amongst them."
i hate this user. null should make this thread a dmz zone
Replies: >>10383
he just need to comb through the man-hate thread and verify female users that way instead of making a retard i.d verification system. but i guess the lard on his face is travelling to his brain nowadays
ok, its almost late tuesday! lets get this fucking show on the road!
Why do all of you have the same nasty voice? You don't sound like a scrote, You sound like a woman on testosterone
if i posted a vocaroo i would be made fun of for years, i don't know how some of you do that shit so freely with no fear of consequence KEK
Late to the party but this is so retarded. One of the reasons lolcow allows VPNs is because talking bad about troons is illegal in some places, having your ID attached to your posts sounds demonic.
I'm honestly flattered
to be expected that the free ones don't work, certain spammers probably take to them like catnip. some backend stuff got updated and you may have been the unlucky poster who got caught by it during a critical moment. I can't say a whole lot about the antispam stuff, but duplicate posts and rapid-fire posts from the same IP get throttled a bit more than unique content
rozen maiden
dear god what a croak. why do you guys fall for the testosterone trick when it does this to your voice
Replies: >>10391
it’s funny right? on the other hand lesbians have higher progesterone than straight women. some studies showed higher T on top of that but that dropped after adjustment for weight and stress (all homosexuals had raised cortisol too especially if they were in a less accepting environment). funny how shit works. oh but gay men also had higher progesterone in some studies. either way progesterone is correlated with increased attraction to femininity/lack of masculinity whereas T is associated with increased attraction to masculine traits which is why women prefer more masculine men around ovulation. idk about E
Replies: >>10399 >>10414
it's more patty and selma territory than frogginess
Replies: >>10396
teehee <3
Can you stop being a retard. I'm starting to think you are cator99.
Replies: >>10398
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fucking GODDDDD
>rozen maiden
based and desupilled
Don't you ever insult Patty and Selma like that ever again
thank you for responding! ill keep trying to find some open ones sadly even some paid options are banned. also
>rozen maiden
which character though?
Replies: >>10418
I wish. I'm not cool enough for fame.
Replies: >>10410 >>10413
...makes sense
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owari da
do kiwitards have nothing better to do
Replies: >>10404 >>10406
i am going to shove my fucking head up his ass if he does not turn this website back on
Replies: >>10405
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ritard lurking there too
Replies: >>10411 >>10438
how do make the text wiggle nona teach me
If they did they wouldn't be on fucking kiwifarms. Why do they even care so much about what random anons are doing in a bunker? And fuck the class traitors.
Replies: >>10409
kamala will be america's first hot president
Replies: >>10412
Why isnt Null married? he's almost in his 30s, his balls are starting to shrivel up and wither. If he doesnt settle down now he will start to shoot retard sperm and have autistic fat children.
i think theyre partly the reason so many bunkers were getting derailed because they kept advertising where we were, leave us the fuck alone
You are honestly entering annoying erspnalitfag territory. Kill yourself.
Replies: >>10434
>890 posts on KF
How is she not embarrassed
Replies: >>10444
well nonny, for starters he is not attractive
Replies: >>10416
I see this being said other places but my whole life I've never been attracted to "masculinity". I'm bi but I like skinny hairless-bodied men
nona the cutoff is 25 and i thought he was in his early 40s
Replies: >>10422
he's ugly and he lives in some eastern euro country now so the only women around know to staty away from american men
Tor works! and the pleasure is mine
>>rozen maiden
you may see her when loading images
Replies: >>10424
Donald just said the democrats are gonna blow up the Orbs of Terra or something
is null a virgin?
he's had gay sex before so no
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you wanna see a picture of him?
he gets pegged by chantal
also mod san do you have a name or should we keep calling you cuckking?
Replies: >>10428
he's retaining his semen until he can produce max retard children so YOU can make fun of them when they finally reach the internet. be grateful.
Replies: >>10443
yep kissless virgin make sure to tell everyone who ever brings him up to you again, kay?
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retard fucking moids always browsing crystalcafe
Replies: >>10430
that's fine, I usually stay out of quean business though
Replies: >>10429 >>10458
what a gentleman
>3 hours not banned
cc mods can go kiss lava
Replies: >>10431 >>10432
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cc mods are unironic tranny lovers, i never understood why that place is considered a "sister site" when it doesn't even have sisters that use it
it switched back to the 403 one thank god. starting to wonder if we're going to get an explanation or not because wtf
I don't know who that is.
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eating good tonight
Replies: >>10436 >>10437
eating slop
Replies: >>10440
Kikomi-type meal
Yeah, I can't post or I lose my entire friend group, moid. Maybe you should stop lying about people, or at least learn that by an Anon's name it says (You) if it was POSTED BY YOU
Replies: >>10442
what do we know about cerbmin as an individual? just curious
Replies: >>10443
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feasting like a queen actually...bet you wish your obscure fetish was being pandered to. ohohoho...
Kek apparently Kamala was trolling Trump?
Replies: >>10445
schizo missfire
man who larps as three women because he weights the equivalent of three people
I am very embarrassed but I also haven't posted since February 2023. I'm never going to post again and only checked for news on LCF
no shit she was trolling him the absolute queen. did you not see him losing his shit and getting huffy and unironically calling her a marxist
Replies: >>10449
why do you type like Empress?
Replies: >>10457
trapshit isnt an obscure fetish though
Replies: >>10450 >>10454
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reposting from the other bunker
Replies: >>10453 >>10461
I was not watching because I was scared she might not have been so good, but it sounds like she has further proven her Stacy status
Replies: >>10452
"Obscure fetish" and it's literal troonslop.
Replies: >>10454
How long was the shayminpocalypse of 22? this break feels longer
Replies: >>10459
imo she did rather well. i especially liked how skillfully she handled the abortion issue. i can't explain it exactly but she didn't flat out say "all women can have abortions" she was like "how can your wives get abortions to save their lives if they need it?"
kill yourselves
Replies: >>10456
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does anyone have any good otomecds or solo blcd recs?
Replies: >>10467
i wish it was obscure. nothing appealing about it.
Replies: >>10464
i also don't know who that is unless you mean the game cracker. in that case no i just picked up on bpd-chan typing styles after browsing lolcow for years and years
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based, heres something as a thank you for letting us stay
the christmas bunker was waaaay longer, because many anons couldn't access the site even when it sort of came back
lolcow giving me 403 forbidden instead of cloudflare page... nonnies...
Replies: >>10463 >>10468
did you get permission to repost this hmmmm?
Replies: >>10482
kawaii, how long have you been drawing for?
it's coming back soon then
Replies: >>10466 >>10468
i'd argue with you further but i know you don't know what you're talking about kek
holy crap, thank you very much!!
>ib4 ''uwu sowwy it will be fixed on the 12th acksually''
i wish project moon hadn't given in to misogynists i was looking forward to limbus company. and i miss my husbando
It’s been doing that for 2-3 hours don’t hold your breath nonnies
my husband was threatening to buy lolcow and shut it down for good and then he found out the domain apparently costs over 7 figures. HA!
null is a poorfag
Replies: >>10472
I can afford it. I’ll buy it
did he get almost half a million in funds for a lolsuit?
Replies: >>10478
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moving on... I hate youtube videos like picrel. makes the acting seem even worse.
i hope you're schizo and this is your tulpa
>bragging about your husband being too poor to afford lolcow
Replies: >>10475
Kekk the HA! was me being glad he can't steal my beloved lolcurr
Replies: >>10476 >>10479
if you could leave your husbando for any man real or fictional, who would it be?
Replies: >>10481 >>10491
my husband pie holed the lolcow now I can't go there I hate him might poison him later
he spent it all on whores and mcd
wait are you the wife of the sagey guy? kek the one who was afraid that his wife was going to be mad because he didnt lurk
Neck trannoid
Replies: >>10483 >>10484
>leave your husbando
mmmmmm nope . finder's keepers
Replies: >>10486
crossdressing is not the same as being a tranny
Replies: >>10485
lose weight fatty
...its the same shit. gnc isnt
Replies: >>10488
why is everyone okay with a moid running a female imageboard anyway? he probably got sick of all the moidtalk and nuked it.
it isn't, i've made my boyfriend crossdress and it didn't rouse the same feeling as disgust as looking at trannies
>i've made my boyfriend crossdress
y tho.
did he look good at least
Replies: >>10495
You act like we have some choice in who our admin is
Ayrt, nobody else meets my standards kek
Replies: >>10496
you mean null or??
Replies: >>10499
post pics
there's not much we can do about it considering he's the one whos in control of the website
he's the faggy 5'7 boyfriend i mentioned earlier and yeah it looked good
Replies: >>10501 >>10545
can we see him?
Replies: >>10503
no bio woman is in to sissy shit
Replies: >>10500
Null has been fairly reasonable with the women on KF. Its kinda cute he's like a male pickme.
i think shes talking about cerbmin
i wasn't  trying to feminize him, i just wanted to see him in s skirt. he's still a dude
didnt you say you were gonna break up with him
Replies: >>10506
You are going to find sissy porn on his phone and it will be your fault
Replies: >>10506
No kek i already face revealed myself i'm not doing him too
is he really though? he doesn't ban the vile comments most female kfers get, just look at the "pooner" thread
Replies: >>10508 >>10519
I thought this too until I started watching his streams, he's better on paper.
Replies: >>10508
the kf user 'dyn' is an even more pathetic pickme
i mean she lets the man hating stay
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2d = 3d i don't want to see irl dudes in skirts personally. yeah yeah gender nonconformity is great but none of them ever know how to dress for their shape
Replies: >>10512 >>10515
Replies: >>10513
>t. my boyfriend left me for a porn addiction
Replies: >>10513
**2d != 3d
i'm sitting here refreshing this damn page so patiently i
rancefag is single kek thats why she has the dating profile 
you're right hes not my boyfriend he's my husband
Replies: >>10518 >>10536
kek knew this was a personalityfag take meds so your bf hallucination goes away schizochan
Replies: >>10524
Anna how do you keep getting even more pathetic? This shouldn't be possible.
Replies: >>10517
anon, anna is not the only user who's ever face revealed, embarrassingly enough
really disappointed you don't want to see my poasts live
Yeah. The creator of the "pooner" images even called KF pooners "unfunny dogshit" because it was an inside joke the KFers failed to understand
Replies: >>10521
someone post paul dano bf
Replies: >>10523 >>10526
i think they also think that the kikomi account is not a troll, kf is really just a edgy reddit awards and all
Replies: >>10543
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trumpuuu 2025~
do you think it's possible for a farmer to have ever had a boyfriend above a 4/10?
Replies: >>10580
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>telling someone else to take meds while she schizoly assumes some random poster is her boogeyman 
ok. eat this btw
Replies: >>10525
come on make a better insult atleast i dont want to feel like im talking to a retarded toddler
Replies: >>10531
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i don't feel like doing my skincare routine
Just brush your teeth and go to bed
Replies: >>10534
I’m suddenly having a PTSD flashback
This isn't mae, is it?
you're not deserving of anything better
Replies: >>10535
best to take a breather then
Replies: >>10534
my issue is if i skip it for one day i wake up with orange peel skin. i'll get up in ten minutes
so low iq cant even come up with a nice insult. sad!
Replies: >>10537
settings in the upper right hand corner, it's a little tiny gear if you're on your phone
mmm...pee pee poo poo ;)
just don't skip washing your face. Or splash it with water or something. I always regret it
His nipple is too dark and in a weird position. 1/10
i remember this anon posted a pic of herself once, did anyone save it?
bumping this
I think so too. The guy updating about the "Poony Bin" discord server selfdoxed himself as a tripfag by using his real name (Card) as a tripname on 4chan. His KF is "Charles Nguyen" and the only reason he wasn't called out is because Card/Charles makes deepfake porn of people he dislikes, and funnily enough he wrote a book called The People Mover and shilled it on /lit/ under his trip. Kiwis found his Youtube (Cardposting) but didn't put two-and-two together. Funny shit.
i really like the tegaki system...what do you think will happen if it were incorporated in lc?
Girl we told you to dump his ass
Replies: >>10556
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I hate IRL moids so much
Replies: >>10570
I will maybe draw a dick
Replies: >>10551 >>10553
girl the lc mods can't even figure out how to put a search bar on the catalog and the ib software is from 2 bce, it isn't getting tegaki
Replies: >>10555
i am gonna start talking in a new jersey accent
Replies: >>10554
high school math textbook type shit
why not draw a pussy instead
Replies: >>10557 >>10569
where are you actually from nonny
Replies: >>10558
we really need to upgrade tbh im loving the layout of this imageboard
Replies: >>10564 >>10572
im planning on it for the weekend, some of us don't like to deal with emotional baggage after a shift nona
Dicks are funny looking
upstate ny
What are we drinking while watching the debate nonas? I'm having some michelob
I think wade boggs is hot
isnt that motor oil
Coffee, I'm staying up tonight.
I love the bunker threads, but this time I feel like they really reminded me I need to get off of the website aside from the cow threads... feels like I'm aging out of it, but it's hard to find likeminded women just anywhere, so I'd be sad to go without it
The autists can't handle upgrades...
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Replies: >>10575 >>10579
Gonny have a lipton iced tea. Update the thread with based Stacy quotes if possible.
Monster nitro. I need the caffeine to understand any of this.
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Did you know that penises get smaller with age? Thats crazy. Imagine you're a man and you have an average dick and you're like Well it might not be a lot but it's respectable, but one day you wake up in your mid 30s and you look down and you think What? wait... has it always been this small?? am I seeing things?? So you go look for a ruler. Nope. It is definitely smaller. You have lost 1.5 inches, and there was no way to avoid it. Perhaps it will get even smaller. Nothing to do. Thank god you're in a sexless marriage. And deep down, you know you deserved it. Your sins can't be counted, but the amount of inches you've lost and will continue to lose is very easy to measure.
Replies: >>10577
why are so many fat women sassy? i dont dislike it but i wonder if its an overcompensation cope?
Replies: >>10599
previous admin should've stuck to her guns, i bet the more autistic and ornery posters would've gotten driven out
this is a lot like the shawshank redemption actually
strawberry lemonade kombucha
woah he isnt sitting for once, nice progress!!!
Replies: >>10576
Replies: >>10578
wait is that true? is that the size while erect or flaccid? I don't give a fuck about flaccid size but if the erect size shrinks then that's breakup worthy
ok now draw him getting gay conversion therapy
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Replies: >>10581 >>10590
yes nonna my ex moid was like 6/10 but had a porn addiction so it’s not worth it, kill all scrotes
damn nonny you are good
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wow i hate this
how the fuck is his skull so big
jabba the hutt wearing insta baddie makeup
IRL mpreg
do transmascs ever seethe at how much attention and applause transfems get just for farting at the right moment? like at some point do they realize their movement is still as male-centered and male-focused as everything else in the world
I was literally about to say all of this plus sex addict
what is he eating
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does anyone else remember this one?
Replies: >>10593 >>10602
they do but they call it "transmisandry" instead of misogyny
Replies: >>10595
ew kek
Replies: >>10600
he's built like eggman
they do seethe but also you're tumblring with the semantics.
Replies: >>10598
There's the "transandrophobia" tag on Tumblr but anyone who begins to see the light gets cancelled by the cult, so most of them will never even engage with the idea.
you're right. lc's been down so i've been stuck paling around with gendies for certain subjects kek, i guess the lingo is trying to stick again
Replies: >>10604 >>10605
hormoneanon here. being fat changes your personality. leptin, insulin, and cortisol levels are all positively correlated with BMI and all three of them correlate with neurotic behaviour, funnily enough. obesity is also correlated with cognitive impairment, and oestradiol and testosterone are both correlated with aggression (physical or non-physical ie sassiness) and both are correlated with BMI in women.
on the other hand thinner people have higher dopamine and BDNF. being fat is literally harmful to every facet or your life and i don’t get why people are ok with staying that way.
Replies: >>10607 >>10641
yeah ik the anon that posted him was cute i hope shes doing well
Why does his body look like thano’s face
This one was horrific because I remember her being pretty too, like wtf was she thinking
What a hog. His head is even bigger than the guy on the left.
Please integrate
Replies: >>10629
cator99 strikes again
is liking sabaton cringe
thank you for your informative answer nona. all the fatties i know irl (quite a few) all get defensive about their weight and adopt this sassy you cant tell me shit attutude but it all makes sense now
Replies: >>10609
Fat positivity is a cancer itself
ok its almost tomorrow, where is lolcow
Replies: >>10612
okay but a lot of times a 6/10 is a 3/10
Replies: >>10613
went to buy milk
Mine was a 6 when I met him but now he’s gross and almost 40 and old looking and now a generous 3. I give him a 3 because he still has all his hair and isn’t grey
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why would you embarrass yourself like this? a man who fears bush is low t. you're admitting online that your man has fucked hormones.
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i hate crying over hypothetical stuff that i think about in my head that is not actually happening kek
is she gonna stick the pineapple juice on her pussy wtf
Replies: >>10623 >>10627
i have a confession to make but there is no confession thread...
Replies: >>10619 >>10620
bet her scrote doesnt even wash his ass 

just do it here
well lets have it!
i spammed the old cc bunker threads with ai art that was fun sorry if its a lame confession
yes and it's what peaked me
There’s that whole theory that if you drink pineapple juice you’ll make your fluids taste sweeter. But it’s really just down to diet and hygiene.
Ugh I just dumped one who was very conventionally hot, and same reason. Decided to show me his extensive porn dvd collection because he thought it would impress me. Fucking absolutely retarded. Told him to piss up a rope and walked out immediately. I hate them.
Replies: >>10635
i have a fat classmate that keeps calling everything delicious and uses the 😜 emoji all the time geez
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i always thought nanu was hotter than guzma
old wives' tale that it improves the taste. as if syrup water would help.
I think I'm retarded because that emoji is really funny to me
integrate with what you fat idiot this isn't lolcow anymore
Replies: >>10633 >>10650
i blocked a man for using that emoji without hesitation
Replies: >>10644 >>10779
I had a fat roommate who was similarly preoccupied with food stuff, she got two pet ferrets and named them Chili Cheese Fries and Bloomin Onion, I died of secondhand embarrassment anytime she would introduce them to people
she's hungry you joyless bitch, feed her something
Replies: >>10644
>integrate with what
Holy shit retard, the fucking lolcow bunker. Are you fat or just unlucky and retarded?
Replies: >>10636
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this is kinda how i feel rn
Replies: >>10637
I’m proud of you nona 
I walked in on him taking a shit and watching porn at 6am and I stayed with him for another 4 years so you’re a better woman than me

Now I think all porn addicted scrotes should be killed
*mickey mouse voice, tearful* Holy shit retard, the fucking lolcow bunker. Are you fat or just unlucky and retarded?
the colors are nice
nta but that isn't very integrated either
Replies: >>10645
Go back to tumblr and reblog your scam Palestinian gofundmes.
Ritard here, that explains a lot. I only got fat after living with my grandma because she forbade me from eating because she thought I needed to lose weight when I was barely chubby at the time. Ended up binge eating obsessively ever since. I thought my anger issues only got worse because of what I went through. It also explains why testosterone neutralized the anxiety and rage instead of worsened it like people feared.
Replies: >>10670
I hate the globohomo nu memes. I wish the lord would take me now
kek i would too 
she refers to things like tight clothes and getting paid as delicious. she's always eating stuff trust me she's beyond well fed
i was talking to a really cute guy, but he said he preferred shaven... shame. tbf he's also bisexual so i think that has something to do with it
The stench of tumblr is all over you
Replies: >>10651
tell him you also like men fully shaved
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Replies: >>10652 >>10666
Errmmm at least pretend to be a farmer cmon....
say that one more time and see what happens
Replies: >>10653 >>10654
brittany venti chama??
what happens?
Replies: >>10658
You type like you have he/she/they/it in your bio.
Replies: >>10658
Preferred but he’d still fuck a hairy puss you know. Men don’t care.
Replies: >>10673
Farmers, taking a poll: do you think lolcow is coming back or are we over-over?
why do you talk to bisexual men
Replies: >>10668
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you've been naughty little girls...but daddy can fix it ;)
is this jerma?
How many days has it been already?
Replies: >>10661 >>10671
13 i think
Where’s that fupaul glove gif when you need it
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it's coming back! HAVE HOPE
Probably an NLOG who used to have he/him in the bio but then half-peaked and are a crypto gendie questioner.
Replies: >>10665
>and are
Replies: >>10667
jar jar bins
And burgerfag too
they have a certain mystique to them
it's coming back. if cerbmin were planning on shitcanning the site, nothing would've changed. even if it's an infiltrated moid admin (stupid theory) they clearly want to have power, no power if no lolcow
Replies: >>10674
if you really are retard then can I ask why you hang around here? You got your ass permabanned from lolcow for a reason. Nobody on lolcow likes you. Why do you wanna be here?
Replies: >>10676 >>10681
I want to say about 10 but could be wrong. Anyone remember how long the last big outage lasted?
My prediction is it's coming back but it will be many more days, perhaps weeks or longer
Replies: >>10675
and a hairy butthole, since he's bi and all
i have a feeling something went wrong and LC can’t come back because the outage wasn’t planned.
Replies: >>10682
nta but no no i think if it wasn't coming back today we wouldn't have gotten the 403 error
Replies: >>10679
much like the other personalityfags in these threads, to order that attention you just gave them
i dont mind the personalityfags i have a soft spot for them
Replies: >>10678
No one cares, integrate
Replies: >>10680 >>10691
Idk nonny the error message has been up for a few hours now it could be a bad sign too.
ntayrt but anon, you don't need to be a newfag to have good personalityfag memories
I'm just bored. I've been working on creative pursuits and learning XML to mod RimWorld, figured I'd check up on everyone. I don't use much of anything but 4chan anymore in regards to speaking to others online. Saw LCF was down and wanted to get answers as well.
what issue would make it so that they COULDN'T come back? just wondering what you have in mind, i can't think of anything like that
Replies: >>10704
25 pages if proof written out in blue ink on looseleaf paper about how a certain someone is a woman and I can't even look at lolcow while i type my findings, I'm so upset
Replies: >>10686
I miss lolcow, but also i have never been so productive in my life.
I need the unconventional attractions thread back so I can post about Kamala...
Who girl don't tease us
Replies: >>10705
But she's hot.
Replies: >>10692
kamala is conventional...
Replies: >>10692
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Replies: >>10690 >>10693
newfag your mom. you havent been around long if you dont remember the endearing personalityfags we have had
Replies: >>10698 >>10699
Yeah but she's also vice president so it's at least a little weird
Replies: >>10695
why does he do that thing with his mouth, what is he trying to replicate?
Replies: >>10715
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i love this picture of her
oh yea. don't forget the power gap. don't let kamala groom you!
Replies: >>10697
what ones have been endearing? I find them all annoying
Replies: >>10713
Not at all what I said, integrate.
Replies: >>10700 >>10713
nta but i think you misread that post
Replies: >>10701
Anon I think you misread my post.
i'm gonna start harassing cerbmin if he doesn't turn this fucking website back on immediately
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I wish i lived to see the 70s abd 80s, her life seems fun.
I’m the ‘non you replied to but I don’t have an answer sorry just women’s intuition tells me something is up. I’ve been on LC for over ten years from the very beginning and I’ve never seen as much instability starting in last winter when one of the admins seemed to believe time was ticking regarding something or other technical issue. IIRC it was something about the image board program used? Maybe something to do with why they completely switched out the site for a new one last year? The chaotic way the admins keep changing feels weird. I think even if it comes back we’re nearing the end.
Replies: >>10716
Replies: >>10707
I wish she still looked like that fuuuu
Replies: >>10710
Oh no
Replies: >>10712
he couldn't even commit to the bit and use the belt he's already wearing (˘・_・˘)
Replies: >>10711 >>10717
first lesbian president inc
she just needs a haircut
Replies: >>10723
Male thots are so low effort
don't worry, I don't talk about it much. I lost a friend over it so I'm sort f sick of trying to convince people of what is clear.
Replies: >>10714
boyega, komaeda, hyunjin
integrate deez nuts
Replies: >>10718 >>10724
My tinfoil is that you're carreychan.
Replies: >>10720 >>10721
the squelchiness of a bloated child drown victim
now that you say this, I wonder if it really was some sort of longstanding security issue like people were mentioning, and someone finally exploited it
well, maybe we'll find out when it's back up
his pants might slip and you will see his spongebob squarepant undies
Retarded zoomoid detected
Replies: >>10736
Holy shit I just found out my laptop screen auto-rotates.
Replies: >>10722
I love celebricow but i have no interest in John carrey. not me, I'm also not a personality fag and don't consider myself "x-Chan".
Replies: >>10725
carreychan fucking scares me how does mental illness manifest in such a manner
Kek, I got my laptop for christmas (it was from ebay apparently) and it took me  over a month to realize it's a touch screen
Wish she’d just cut it then
oh you're right I forgot about the boyega anon. she's the only one I liked kek I thought her posts were genuinely funny and I hate that anons kept getting her banned
Replies: >>10726 >>10745
>John carrey
oh trying to throw off you scent cunt?
Replies: >>10727 >>10728
Back when the celebrity cow thread was fun
Kek i have gotten the feeling that boyegachan is an obvious fake personality.
what? Thats not me, I don't care about that scrote, I don't even know what "Carrey Chan" is even sperging about when it comes to him.I'm too fucking busy with my own thing to worry about some retarded moid
Replies: >>10734
i left my fucking laptop charger at work im so fucking PISSED
Replies: >>10731 >>10732
I just bought a new pack of hair clips today and I lost one already
you wanna borrow mine nonny
does it charge with usb-c instead?
Replies: >>10735
nonnies im feeling a bit feverish and my upper back is sore but i keep getting feverish daily so maybe its nothing
I'm not even joking here but if anyone reads this and doesn't think it's somebody pretending to be an old LSA user you are straight up retarded. Come on. Boyegachan is carreychan.
yeah thankfully i have a usb-c cable to my monitor so i can charge it that way
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god dont you get tired of using the same overused insults like at least be funny about it auntie
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Do you think its possible for a cow to redeem themselves? my favourite artcow nuked her loli guro account and reincarnated as a wholesome spirou fujo.
Replies: >>10740 >>10754
im so sad i miss it so much
She definitely still draws porn, she just doesn't post it publicly anymore.
Replies: >>10742
just took a covid test. had this cough for like 5 days now which didnt think anything of cuz it was randomly occuring every few hours but today it started getting stronger/more frequent and actually hurting my chest. my sinus are also completely blocked now
idk wtf is happening maybe ill die.
as long as its yaoi i dont care
the 10th is almost over too...come the fuck on cerbmin do the job you signed up for!
i love merge games
yeah kek i also remember the ben wishaw stalker. good times
sitting here thinking to myself that lolcow will be back up.... now!
okay... now!
okay... now!
Replies: >>10747
same nonna KEKK i'm literally sitting here refreshing the page every minute like ok.....now?
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these kamala edits always make me kek
Replies: >>10750 >>10751
why can't we?
She's so kakoi, kamala sama ganbare!
God this video actually gave me butterflies what does this mean
Replies: >>10752
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Replies: >>10753 >>10755
They can always redeem themselves, anyone can. But they don't want to, which makes them cows. Step one is get off the internet and they'll never do that
My husbando was doing a stream and he was wearing an unbuttoned henley so some chest hair was showing... Someone in chat told him to button up and he did it, I'm soooo mad
Moon moon? Bitch get taste
Replies: >>10761
chest hair is gross, thank goodness for the person who told him to button it up
are you watching a monkey
Different streamer, much less bald.
damn what kind of prude would ask a guy to button up his chest hair?
Replies: >>10765
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>chest hair was showing
me cause that shit is gross and should be shaved
I feel like IVF should be banned. I hope it gets banned one day.
Replies: >>10768
Where the fuck is cerebmin. It's late tuesday in every U.S. timezone that matters and it's wednesday everywhere else.
Replies: >>10773
i'm an IVF baby. can you tell?
Replies: >>10769 >>10782
nta but yes, you can always tell when a baby is IVF
Replies: >>10776
Why do they even give a date anymore, they are so retarded
yo is the main guy from squid game a Jedi now?
Holy shit apparently they might have found Asha Degree's remains
Replies: >>10774 >>10777
We're fugged aren't we
Replies: >>10775 >>10781
Replies: >>10778
i'm emailing him again right now because i'm getting pissed
people are surprised when i say i am. are they being nice? the most handsome boy i ever knew was an ivf baby to a lesbian couple. he looks like eric roberts but with a good nose.
Replies: >>10780 >>10792
who's that? gimme the deets
Young black girl who mysteriously disappeared after leaving her house the middle of the night during a storm. She was around 8 or so.
Replies: >>10783
I once blocked a guy because he ended every single sentence with the 🙃 emoji
I'm very sorry but I googled that guy and he's ugly...
Replies: >>10788
While I’m happy that you’re alive and hopefully healthy, did you ever ask your parents why they refused to adopt?
was foul play involved?
Replies: >>10785
i'm giving him until 9pm and if it's not up by then i swear to god i am going to his house
Nobody knows but it's suspected. They apparently found the car that was seen to have somehow been involved. Nobody knows exactly what happened to her.
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is this real
Replies: >>10787 >>10798
Made me kek irl
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he looks like this not the walled version.
That jaw is scary as fuck
Replies: >>10790
not to defend the little moid but his jaw was normal shaped. i think he's 16 now.
Why are modern hollywood actors so ugly? i havent seen a real qtie star in a movie since the 90s
Replies: >>10793
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kek yeah, they're definitely being kind to you nonna, all of the IVF babies i've ever met look like fucking sloth from the goonies. you must be beautiful!
Replies: >>10796
nothing is lost nona. his looks faded.
Replies: >>10797
it's 8:59....tik tok, cerbmin.
oh he is cute here... shame that men age badly
i am unironcally khv so now i have a reason to be this way
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I want to see movies with cute guys! i havent watched any new, non-animated movie since forever because all of the scrotes are omega ugly.
Replies: >>10799 >>10801
is that rihana
i wish i could have dated the little moid because he was only 3 years younger. alas he was gay and was being bullied by his peers for it. he didn't look gay, i wonder if he was gay because of his moms. who were very lovely ladies by the way!
Replies: >>10805
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i have such a crush on this shearer on youtube and im so jelly shes married
Replies: >>10803
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he was so handsome.
How should i name my OC. He's american.
Replies: >>10808 >>10820
who is she married to? i love her channel but i thought her sister was her wife.
Replies: >>10815
it's not fucking tuesday anymore!!!!!
>he was gay
Well then his alleged good looks mean absolutely nothing
Replies: >>10806 >>10809
we can still stare at him. I will take a10 handsome faggots over one average srtaight man.
Replies: >>10813
bicycle seat head
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Something from the list
I don't want to say he was being groomed into being gay but he seemed like it. He acted like a little puppy dog following me around. Back then I was too retarded to have taken advantage of that. I should have jumped on the chance.
has anyone else emailed cerbmin? because it seems like he really doesnt give a shit
Replies: >>10821
Oh my god, this makes me crack up every single time I read it, I'm so retarded but I love it
Replies: >>10814
i am todd bonzalez
Nta but the unattainability of handsome faggots is frustrating. I feel like a cat chasing after a laser pointer.
Which one is your favorite? Mine is Bobson Dugnutt
Replies: >>10818
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i think this is her wife they do look similar kek but man i love her videos so much god i wish i was her
i have a written assessment for a job tomorrow morning. wish me luck nonnas
good luck nonny <3
definitely Sleve McDichael 4 lyfe
good luck nonnie you can do it
Hot Dog
samefag?????? anybody??? anybody?????? fucking BUELLER??
Replies: >>10829
jill is getting married??
Good luck nonny you are going to shit the whole place down!!
Replies: >>10826
i'm totally darryl archideld
Replies: >>10830
yes its going to be a puke rainbow milennial wedding
Yes, after she BPDemon tantrum'd and quilted her way to it.
danke shoën nonnie
tbh some of us are so angry we're about to shit the whole place down, just look at bueller anon
Replies: >>10836
Steeb is absolutely still a porn addict I legit believe he unironically "goons".
Replies: >>10835
ok this feels like the end
Replies: >>10833

this is what plays at the end of the world
>403 Forbidden
oh for sure, most men are and do
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i walk in circles but i'll never figure out...
Replies: >>10838
this sounds like raw lyrics from a post-punk band like violent femmes and then i google it and it's some shitty song
Replies: >>10841
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this model on urban outfitters is so cute, I want him
I fucking hate 2x tan my beloved on KF. Of course they're a newfag who only started using LC in 2021 as well
Replies: >>10843 >>10849
uh i need your love is the opposite of a shitty song
I don’t like his lips. You know he has weirdly colored nipples with lips like those
Replies: >>10869
why? provide us the milk
Replies: >>10858
cute lips but the hair does not suit him at all. he needs a buzzcut for that soldier boy phenotype.
Replies: >>10848 >>10850
Isn't he that one dude who gets underage girls to take their clothes off on cam and then sends the vids to his discord server or is that a different one
Replies: >>10847
is it possible to find men this cute irl or am i doomed to forever cope with cute anime boys
fuck no the hitler youth hairstyle its the worse thing that ever happened to men
Replies: >>10851
They seem mildly annoying and recognizable based on their typing style alone but are they milky?
Replies: >>10858
>for that rectangular, oblong head
Nona are you fucking blind, he needs slightly shaggier hair to offset the jaw situation.
i was a ww2fag as a child so that explains it.
Replies: >>10852
nam soldier shaggy 70s hair>ugly hitler youth ss soldier hair
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i used to find this model cute but he's kind of walling atm
Replies: >>10854 >>10857
hes got anime hair...cute
I like norafawn even if shes a schizo editor
this retard isn't giving us our site back, can't update the page, can't respond to an email, men really are fucking useless
His hair is so nice has he started to lose it?
Replies: >>10864
There's nothing milky, they're just obnoxious and reek of newfag who just got a grip of board culture and now feels the need to act elitist over it which is super ironic
Replies: >>10859 >>10863
post some of her spergery, i want to laugh
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Don't feel like going through the thread but here's one of her posts which reeks of overcompensating
Replies: >>10865
was chatting with a girl from france on gikopoipoi and she told me she's planning on flying to the US to meet some moid she met in the game. i really fear for her...
Replies: >>10866
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why would anyone do this to themselves? it looks like she skinned a neopet to make a wig
can you link to the site I forgot what the domain is
Replies: >>10867
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hairline pulled back.
> how could you abandon me so nonas?
When you become a namefag, you are no longer a nona.
is she like 15 cause phew she should know better if she was an adult
Replies: >>10885
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propaganda models were the best
Replies: >>10875 >>10877
>You know he has weirdly colored nipples with lips like those
? they're just pink what do you mean
Replies: >>10870
bitch eating crackers
Replies: >>10871
and they’re delicious
Replies: >>10872
i meant that anon is a nitpicker lol
jesus the hairstyle and glasses are very unattractive on him
looks like slightly less lorde looking reviewbrah here
this one looks like he likes his prostate tickled by a dick
Replies: >>10876
i will not fall for the psyop of attractive man = gay, straight man = pig that i should settle for
I <3 twinks ^_^
ok i'm getting pissed the fuck off
Debate anons how's it going
happy 9/11 anons...lets light a candle for LC
getting genuinely upset at cerbmin is weird
Replies: >>10887
How many weeks has lolcow been down? Because I could have sworn it was a few days...
Replies: >>10884
Like 10 days now I think
Replies: >>10899
from her voice alone/speech mannerisms, i genuinely thought she was under 18 so doubly fearful for her
what would you do if your post history was revealed and linked directly to you?
it's his job to administrate the website, and he chooses not to do that. he instead opts to shut the website down, say 
> oh it'll be back tomorrow!
> oh it'll be back monday!
> oh it'll be back next week!
like a fucking retard
Replies: >>10893 >>10901
He's cute
he's dragging his fucking feet
Anons will know I'm a hypocrite who makes antishota and proshota arguments depending on who pissed me off that day and nothing else.
Replies: >>10907
They absolutely borked something up really badly and I genuinely do not think they really know what to do.
Replies: >>10894
>opts to shut the website down
If something went wrong with the site, you realize that was the best option right? Why do you keep self inserting your fantasies kek
There has to be some coding faggot around *somewhere* who will fix this shit, I will fork over cash to get it running again atp
...? what? how is that a fantasy? also, not to sound like a know it all, but nothing was wrong with the fucking website the minute before it went down. they're also incapable of pinpointing what this so-called "problem" with the website is, so i fail to believe there is one at all.
Replies: >>10896
There was a problem, anons were in meta saying images were broken for them before it went down
Replies: >>10898
>why does everyone think cerbmin is a man?????????

Replies: >>10917
fixing image links would take a matter of hours, not 11 days, anon. you realize that right?
Replies: >>10904 >>10910
closer to 12, it started on aug. 30th
I mean who cares. Lolcow isn’t even real just close your eyes.
Replies: >>10903
I don’t mind the site being down if it needs to be worked on. The lack of communication and transparency is what gets my goat. If you have to update the entire spaghetti code base then just say it. If there is an issue with attachments communicate that. Continuously changing the deadline once it’s passed and asking for our patience is not going to garner any support.
Replies: >>10906
I think I have a respectable post history, I mostly just comment on smaller cows and sporadically post milk. I've been pretty consistent with what I post and I try not to infight... now if my post history was PUBLICLY linked to me, that's where I'd be in trouble for transphobe crimes among other things. I've told stories about the many genderbrains I've met and worked with in my life lol.
if you truly felt that way, you would not be here with us
Replies: >>10915
They must have gone to fix the images but made a fucky wucky somewhere and destroyed the already garbage code
Replies: >>10909
What if lolcow was just a psy-op or honeypot all these years?
Replies: >>10913
i understand the site being down *if it needs to be worked on* as well, but it seems as though they either have no idea what they're doing tech support wise or they're not doing anything at all.
Replies: >>10911
but what would your friends and family think?
Replies: >>10912
Why do you all have the worst taste in men? He looks like he eats snot
Maybe it's a load-bearing Mac Mini in the closet at Twitter HQ situation lol.
Why do you think image links got broken, again you're just assuming things and saying the solution is easy. I know the lack of transparency is annoying and I'm hoping we'll get an explanation but you or me don't know absolutely anything about this.
There’s evidence of something going on. New servers and change in error message earlier today. I think there were some commits to the GitHub file for the site as well. (This was like a week ago if anyone remembers the specifics) But this was all shit farmers had to find on their own.
Replies: >>10914
They would call me a retard, but they already know that. Probably be extremely ashamed of my anime porn habits but they've stumbled in that before too and just told me "don't look at weird things on the internet" and left it at that bc it's probably too embarrassing to even say aloud for them.
Replies: >>10920
i always knew it glowed
Replies: >>10924
well we know for a fact that whatever was going on has been dealt with, because now it is the 403 error instead of the 521 error
Replies: >>10919
I’ll go wherever I find mean petty bitches like me. Lolcow itself was nothing special. All the women who post there won’t evaporate. No matter where the lc users migrate it’ll always be a good time
i think id be ok
devil's advocate but the owner of this site is a man and he has replied more than cerbman has all downtime kek
Replies: >>10918
I don't think Cuckquing and Cerbmin are on the same emotional intelligent level though kek
Maybe he's waiting for it to be late tuesday in all time zones... come on Hawaii...
Samefag bc I feel like over sharing: I fell asleep at my desk with /y/ open and my mom came in and scrolled it while i slept apparently.
kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wtf
kek me as a mom
KEKK oh my god
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I wonder what useful info feds could get from LC. I don’t think all the infighting over asinine topics is helpful for national security but what do I know
how long has cerbmin been in control of lolcow?
Replies: >>10931
just looked it up and lord i would die of shame. what did she tell you?
Replies: >>10929
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I cant figure out how this retarded tracking app works
Replies: >>10928
what tracking app
Replies: >>10930
Tbf, I had the BL manga thread open which is a lot tamer than the rest of the board, but my mom is too pure hearted. She probably understood the images were sexual but the anime style might have confused her. She really just told me not to look at strange things online and we never spoke about again
toggl track i dont know how the see the time i tracked as a pie chart
early 2023
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Can this annoying dude shut up? He's in all the female threads. You are not the femcel savior.
why is kf filled with male pickmes
Replies: >>10935
I wouldn't mind male pickmes if they were cute. But they never are.
God, I'm sick of these scrotes' fixation on us.
Replies: >>10937
it's weird to me cause we're anonymous. why do they have a thread about anonymous users. the fun of following cows is well, that they're not anonymous?
Replies: >>10938
Because men are perverts that refuse to leave women alone, no matter what the space is like
Replies: >>10939
The fact that they've stalked us across 3 imageboards and still don't see how creepy they are, like there's a reason we don't bunk on your site even though they serve the same purpose of cow documentation.
Even if we were to all have that fetish, cuckquean is fully consensual and it's nowhere near as disgusting as the average moid's fetish
Replies: >>10945
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Why do those toy bootleg phones always play Butterfly
Replies: >>10942
its the best song ever created
Replies: >>10946
Now I feel a bit guilty for contributing to the thread. I never revealed any of the sites we used though, since they'd find them all anyways.
Replies: >>10949
if you'd ever get lucky with a 10/10 male you'd have to be quiet about it or else you'd have to share some with the rest of the class. it's like winning the lottery, you'd have to keep that to yourself.

le sigh...
other obscure altchans are already documenting what happened yesterday on here. i hate knowing that males lurk.
Replies: >>10953
One more coffee and i will draw...
Replies: >>10951
you're a KF newfag then. you're not supposed to reveal you're in a thread on there. it's like reverse power leveling.
not to mention they linked the thread to kiwi so we don't know how many scrotes are among us right now
oouu i'm always excited for new nonny drawings
Replies: >>10954
i love my life andi love my family and i love the people close to me but i dont like living anymore and i cannot handle living with being ill
Why do they care this much
Replies: >>10955
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dont be i suck
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literally who are you to be obsessed with her if you're not a farmer?
What fucking board is this?? The fuck?
Replies: >>10958 >>10960
is this that lc ripoff thats run by trannies?
ALOGspace iirc, it's a board for people banned from kiwifarms for shit like doxing and swatting
Wow, it looks insufferable
They also have posts about pakichan and carreychan
Replies: >>10964
>people who are banned because of doxing and swatting
Wow, I feel kinda bad for her now. Her face reveal was funny to me cause I'm not gonna do anything about it, those people though... scary.
Replies: >>10967
fucking horrifying which one of you bitches posted rancefag there? she might be a cow but doesnt deserve to be victim to swatting and other horrible moid shit
Personalityfags have no idea that men are constantly lurking despite posts being integrated.
Replies: >>11021
Betting on a moid that wants to make husbandofags seem insane.
Anon I don't think anybody posted her there, it's just that those people lurk all our threads
Hopefully they leave her alone. She's fucking crazy but, she shut up and deleted her socials. What's the point in following a cow that's gone?
Probably a dedicated lurker who follows farmers around, all the images of rancefag and other personalityfags were compilations made by farmers that they just ripped.
Man I try not to value looks too much but she's way too pretty to be doing all that, wtf happened to her?
Replies: >>10971 >>10972
its 11pm...
Mento illness
didnt she say she was groomed on /r9k/?
Replies: >>10973
oh... haven't we all?
i was groomed on omegle instead of 4chan like a true zoomer!
Replies: >>10975
I was groomed on RuneScape
No, girl...some of us have self-preservation skills
Replies: >>10978
I was groomed on discord, I'm the ultimate zoomer.
Replies: >>10979
It was a joke. I was never groomed. I tried to groom a guy older than me.
Replies: >>10999
Damn, me too. I was 14 having to talk a 24 year old man out of suicide multiple times a year because I was his emotional crutch. Glad nothing else happened tho.
Replies: >>10985
How were all of you getting groomed? It feels like most of my online friends were other girls my age because I only used tumblr.
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my shota husbando saved me from getting groomed when i was 13 and in the brony fandom. Thank you, kenny.
Replies: >>10983
so when they said late do they fucking mean past midnight or what?
is it really shota if you were barely older than him?
Replies: >>10991
by being 8 years old, thats how
Replies: >>10989
Holy shit same situation for me except it was a TIM. One of the reasons i ended up peaking.
I also hung out with other girls, but then one of those girls invited me to a discord server with grown men in it. Fortunately I was too mentally ill for them to handle and averted disaster.
Replies: >>10989
Was I the only one that went onto omegle and agreed to a 'trade', just to screenshot when they sent it and block them before they could ask for your end of the deal?
bullied hard irl but cool (well, cool to a preteen) men in their 20s online told me I was the prettiest girl they'd ever seen. never getting positive attention irl leads you to be easily bamboozled by creeps
Replies: >>11023
Poor nona. I wish parents actually cared about what their children were doing online.
Ahhh ok
Actually. I just remembered I was groomed by some older girl on Amino. Must have blocked that out.
ive been on the internet since i was 7 but i was never groomed because i was an obnoxious retard child that spammed any grown man that tried to dm me
Replies: >>10993
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no idea, but i was a shotafag since i was 9 and i never grew out of it because bishies normally have retarded tryhard personalities. I was sex pested by moids since i was 13 until i turned 18 and found lc and stopped engaging with moids altogheter. I made one of the guys who was trying to groom me stick a pencil into his ass too, that was funny.
Replies: >>10994 >>10996
i was online since like 7 but i dont remember getting groomed at all. except i did have a pedo tranny commission me for porn art when i was 16
yeah...i went on omegle after watching a shane dawson video i think, and then did whatever the "friends" (old ass men on the other end of the receiver) told me
tbh you were a child yourself liking a child character i dont think thats shotacon nona just normal kid stuff sorry to hear that youve been surrounded by degenerate moids
Replies: >>10998
ahhh, i just drudged up some really gross memories, they used to call 14 year old me a loli whenever they talked about me. men need to be killed.
Replies: >>11003
>shotafag since 9
Girl that was you as a child liking age appropriate boys
Replies: >>11002
I used to go on apps like yumo and use a burner snapchat account. So many guys looking for validation on there, it's pathetic. I would make them play truth or dare and dare them to do something really embarrassing and then block them when they wanted me to act on a dare. Some of these guys had really nice bodies. No regrets!
he's still my husbando, though. over 10 years strong
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Are you sure you're not just telling yourself that to cope?
Replies: >>11000
Nope. I did this the other day but got banned from CC for detailing it.
It's not exactly grooming, but were any nonas exposed to pornography at a young age? That definitely happened to me and it fucked me up for a while. I've started backpedaling hard into being a prude nowadays and I've just lost interest in having sex at all.
idk most of my female classmates were into older characters and i never understood it. I remember when everyone was into sebastian and i found him annoying, alois and ciel were miles cuter.
this reminds of one gross moid that was in my art group  when i was tween who used to draw shotashit and his shota oc based off his little brother...
nope, but i did stumble upon wattpad at 11.
Replies: >>11008
I was loyal and honest to a fault, and mainly moids, but some women, took advantage of that.
maybe he remembers me?
Replies: >>11009
Oh my god, wattpad ruled my life when I was that age. I wasn't reading spicy fanfictions though, I got into shitty horror novels and thought it made me interesting.
i deleted that cause i don't know how to spoiler on this board but he was young like me, he wasn't old kek
Replies: >>11012
kek i was sneaking my dad's playboys before i was even 5. similar situation though, i crave sex but at the same time am repulsed by it
Replies: >>11025
yeah i knew about a lot of sexual things by the time i was like 8 i think
Replies: >>11025
i only talked to guys my age and younger. hopefully he's not one of the ones that moaned my voice for me.
yes me and my nigel were talking about this today actually. i told him about how i discovered porn when i was 9, on youtube. i came across a wikihow or howcast video called "how to not be addicted to porn" or something and i was like huh what is porn? i typed it into google and yeah the rest is obvious
Replies: >>11015 >>11025
Unfortunately yes. It's a miracle that I didn't turn out like Fanny kek
Replies: >>11025
so the video on how to not be addicted to porn worked
Replies: >>11016 >>11018
no it actually did the opposite
Replies: >>11020
I feel weird because I actively sought it out and kept traumatizing myself.
Replies: >>11025 >>11046
it's the equivalent of getting hooked on heroin from a clinic
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yeah, but thankfully it was yaoi. I was an insane coomer when i was 14 -16and used to watch a lot of japanese gay porn back when tumblr allowed porn and some women used to import and publish gay JAV for free. I think it ended up affecting me in a good way, as controversial as that might sounds. It made me think of myself as a voyeour rather than a sex object, like most women exposed to straight porn or shit like rappers are. So i didnt give a shit about my looks despite being ugly and enver cared about moids because they werent cute japanese gay porn actors.
thats..the joke
Replies: >>11022
Dumb pickme cunts who call themselves "nonnies" and "farmers" are posting there to vendettafag too
oh..i thought we were having an actual discussion..
Replies: >>11024
i was a child on the internet and i barely spoke any english. a few years ago i logged into my old deviantart account and saw the gross notes old moids would send me
also this.
i can tell you have an earnest soul...
This is pretty sad. I wish there was more of an effort put into making sexual shit harder to find. My Little Pony fan videos on youtube were my first exposure to the topic of masturbation because porn-addicted scrotes infect everything they touch with no regard for others.
Replies: >>11026 >>11035
i do not understand how porn isn't illegal. why is it available? why is it that a child can google "people fucking" and get a result?
Replies: >>11032 >>11056
Am I the only one that has never been on a porn website?
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Replies: >>11036
Youre  on one right now...
Replies: >>11031 >>11033
i first went on heavy r when i was 10...
better yet, why don't parents do a better job of keeping their children safe? especially in this information age. but of course most issues start with the parents
Replies: >>11040
there's a difference from avoiding porn on a site where porn can be hosted, but does not exist for the sole purpose of porn. that's like calling LC a porn site.
Replies: >>11038 >>11041
the only times i've had it was due to internet drama/lulz. i've never looked up porn to get off, only searches i'm ashamed of are whump/cute anime boys
Replies: >>11039
At this point I just don't think children should be allowed on the internet at all. There's no way to effectively keep them safe, even if you do your best as a parent your kid can go to school and some other kid can show them porn on their phone
Replies: >>11044
serial killer art style
i used to avoid porn websites that had that "are you sure you're 18?" window because i was scared of lying...
I get what you're saying but this is a cuckquean fetish board. It's made for porn kek
Replies: >>11045
Tbh i'm still into whump but the community is so cringe. The terms 'whump' and 'whumpee' as so unsexy.
Replies: >>11047
yes, children shouldn't be allowed to be online, and porn shouldn't exist because it isn't necessary to live
Replies: >>11043 >>11049
>that's like calling LC a porn site.
What? It's not? I always fire it up when I need to jill off tho?
Same thing happened to me, but I'm reclaiming my sexuality without porn. I have some weird kinks that seem to stem both from early porn exposure and personal stuff, but I've accepted the parts of myself I know won't hurt me or others.
by that logic a lot of things like the internet shouldn't exist then
Replies: >>11051
modern parents are insanely lazy i used to babysit my cousin and he used to watch those elsa gate videos on look like he was mesmerized by it, i fear how the shit he saw in those videos might manifest in the future
I haven't even looked at the other board. My streak is never broken!
I had sort of the same thing except ages 12-15 I had pretty much unfettered access to the internet before it got somewhat child-proofed, spent a lot of time on gore and shock sites, which of course had a lot of fucked up porn too. I would go to bed feeling sick and unable to sleep from what I saw, but something like curiosity kept bringing me back. I don't really know why. I was very desensitized to most things for a while but I don't really think it fucked up my behaviour or development, I guess I am less squeamish than most people. After stopping going to those websites a lot of my sensitivity to violence etc. has come back. I cried over a police bodycam youtube video recently.
the terminology is super unsexy i agree. i don't really look at that stuff anymore but i ain't gonna lie i like cute actors/anime guys all bloody and sad looking. i'll never tell my nigel.
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its interesting that most shotafags always start young (which makes sense when youre the same age as the character but it becomes abnormal when you become a adult) and have a history of porn addiction (yes two men fucking is porn) but its bleak how many were exposed to porn and extreme shit at such a early age..wishing you all the best recovery from this and keep your children off the internet
Replies: >>11052 >>11057
yume porn needs to exist because its the only thing keeping me sane as a straight woman
i can;'t think of a single reason why porn needs to exist
my sexual awakening were the boys from the outsiders book/movie. i am still attracted to them. is that shota?
of course but it does anyway. why does anything need to exist
Replies: >>11058
I actually though LC would be back this time... brb commiting suicide
When I think about it, it's actually really weird to want to watch other people have sex
Replies: >>11062 >>11065
>how porn isn't illegal
money and greed. and its always the women who suffer the most from it
i am glad i became porn addicted tbh i would kill myself if i had to live as a male validation vampire like most straight women. I can be fat, hairy and misandrist without giving a shit about being sexually appealing for 4/10 scrotes.
Replies: >>11063
> le why does anything need to exist11111
anon, photos and videos of men and women being sexually degenerate don't need to exist because if you want to have sex with someone; you can go find someone to have sex with. if you want to see someone naked, you can ask your husband to get naked for you. plain and fucking simple.
I look on the bright side, if I didn't have a lifelong animu porn addiction I would not be here today posting with nonnies on a cuckquean site <3
>if you want to have sex with someone; you can go find someone to have sex with. if you want to see someone naked, you can ask your husband to get naked for you. plain and fucking simple
i hate porn but also this is never happening for me
>dating a 3dpd
idk how to delete and I want to elaborate. I just don't get the whole thing... like if I'm horny, I myself want to have sex. Not watch other people do it. That's like if I was hungry and watched other people eat instead of just eating. Weird
Replies: >>11064
>the shotafag is a misogynist
you need severe therapy.. porn shouldnt be the reason you should keep on living thats just so fucking pathetic..
Replies: >>11067
But sex is gross, why would of I want to do it myself? I only like the idea of sex, the real thing seems awful.
Replies: >>11070
i had to watch an episode of criminal minds for a class once and saw the episode where the cute spencer guy was kidnapped and kept getting injected with morphine or something and was very turned on from that

same, i've thought this forever. it's like cucking yourself via video. it's voyeurism.
Replies: >>11068 >>11071
sex=/=masturbation. why the fuck would i marry a scrote when i can flick my bean to a virtual one? less smell and bullshit
Replies: >>11070
how is it misogynistic to say most women seek validation from men? its literally true and its sad. Most women arent attracted to men, they are attracted to the attention men give them. Its the reason why women shave, dress up, put on make up and buy lingerie for themselves but never expect men to do the same.  Women are psyoped from birth to be sex objects, i managed to avoid that by developing a sexuality centered around sexualizing men instead of sexualizing myself, and i am glad for that.
seeing ponyboy and johnny get beat up made my brain tingle at 12
ok, just to be clear, we're talking about actual pornography. not drawings. actual pornography of human beings does not need to be a thing. but please feel free to draw all the sex scenes you want
Replies: >>11081
I love finding true asexuals in the wild.
>get turned on from morphine 
how? isnt morphine a painkiller? i know its addictive but doesn't it literally numb your whole body?
consuming porn means your arent a asexual though
Replies: >>11077
nta but anon i think she was turned on by the restraint part
>replying to post discussing bean flicking
make it make sense
Replies: >>11077
no he was getting injected with some drug to make him pass out and i don't remember the name of it. i don't want to get injected with anything i just like seeing cute men suffer i can't explain it
Anon got turned on seeing a TV actor shoot morphine, she didn't shoot it herself kek
Replies: >>11079
Masturbating isn't sex, having sex is sex. No desire to have sex, asexual.
Replies: >>11083 >>11087
she was shooting morphine for class
ohh ok..so shes into drug addicts?
Replies: >>11088
I am not asexual lol, just because I don't want to subject myself to musty duck doesn't mean I don't have sexual desires.
Replies: >>11084
>actual pornography of human beings does not need to be a thing.
god i wish, i am so tired of women being sexualized. You cant watch any movie nowadays without some pickme with fake tits and lip fillers acting like a bimbo for scrote attention. Literally insane how much i hate zendaya.
i'm seriously about to go mel gibson mode on fucking cerbmin
isn't masturbating just alleviating the desire to have sex? Idk. When I'm horny I'm horny, I don't have specific "masturbation horny" vs "sex horny"
Replies: >>11094
Replies: >>11089 >>11090
True asexuals dont masturbate
Replies: >>11086
Facts. Asexuals have no sexual desire
then what do you consider people who fantasize while jilling but actual physical sex irl would scare them? because that's the sexual behavior of 75% zoomer females
Replies: >>11092 >>11095
that was part of it i think he used to be addicted to some drugs and it was cute seeing him get all weak and suffer. his face was so cute. i don't know any lore about the show i just saw the synopsis and wanted to see him suffer because he's cute. some drug addicts are hot but it's not a good idea to persue
Replies: >>11093
Not everyone doesn't want sex with men is your boogeyman.
Replies: >>11091
do you think shes touching grass?
Replies: >>11100
ntayrt but bpchan is funny kek
Replies: >>11100
Literally me. I can watch fictional characters do it but I lose interest when anyone irl shows sexual interest in me.
this sounds interesting to me, can you posts gifs of the scene you're referring to?
Replies: >>11096 >>11107
i think it depends? personally i find them very different, masturbation is easy and and quick while sex is a whole act usually. i have 0 desire to masturbate when in a good sexual relationship and 0 desire to have sex when not in  a relationship. maybe i'm just retarded tho
Straight women who don't want sex, what else? You act like there aren't already 100 reasons for a woman to not want sex besides asexuality.
Replies: >>11098 >>11099
give me some time to find it nonita. i didn't save anything because i felt super guilty about it
my eye is twitching
Replies: >>11108
you misread my post, i disagree with the anon calling those women asexual. they're still whichever orientation they are but celibate.
Yeah but choosing to not have sex and having zero desire for sex are two different things.
Replies: >>11105 >>11110
dont think so
i think bpchan is different shes the bpdfag who sometimes turns out to be romanianon, bjchan is the one who posts in 2x i think
Replies: >>11109
Replies: >>11103
i hate being lied to
I hate babies! And taxes!
thank you. true asexuals exist but are extremely rare. just because women are more cautious and can afford to be picky now doesn't mean they're asexual.
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I prefer being a shotacon to what passes for "normal fantasies" for women or being completely asexual.
I also have an attractive, tall bf with a big dick I get to dress up and fuck, so that's nice.

of course it is on the whump wiki
Replies: >>11113 >>11118
put some cold milk cotton on it or a cold spoon over it and take a nap to rest your eyes if it persists put some eye drops and eat some sugar
bpchan wrote manifestos, bjchan is the schizo in 2X who genuinely seems very unwell and threatens suicide and even if you're on her side she attacks you and calls you all sorts of misogynistic names unprovoked
Replies: >>11114
I dunno, maybe they did want sex at one point and were understandably completely turned off from the prospect when they saw shit like the fucking orgasm gap.
Replies: >>11137
what the fuck is whump? sounds like a toy from the 90s
Replies: >>11117
whenever a girl on an ib brags about her boyfriend being tall i always assume its just a guy larping
Replies: >>11116 >>11121
such a same this dude looks like a baboon because the synopsis is hot
Replies: >>11119
ohh ok i always assumed they were just one person KEK
ahh youre a schizoid hmm ok then.
Replies: >>11121
yes, everyone knows tall men don't exist
Replies: >>11120
it's the shit jame charles say
whump whump whump whump yea
>whump wiki
wtf i had no idea this existed, im gonna be eating good tonight!!!!!!
he's got the phenotype i'm into in a i want him to be my bitch kind of way
nah, its just a specific feature that men usually care about the most
Replies: >>11123 >>11127
So, you genuinely believe women aren't allowed to like having boyfriends taller than them, but I and other nonnas are the males here? Got it

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>I also have an attractive, tall bf with a big dick I get to dress up and fuck, so that's nice.
god i wish that were me. Women who get off to gross maledom shit like 50 shades and other book took dark romance garbage are traitors and faggots and i will never forgive them for destroying the romance genre with their shit taste.
Replies: >>11124 >>11128
i personally like tall men
i need to make him sob
Replies: >>11138
the air smells good i'm angry that i'm not scrolling lolcow while smelling this air
Replies: >>11126
how does it smell like? refreshing and flowery or mellow rain smell?
Replies: >>11129
I'll be honest I care very much for height but it's because I'm 5'7 and men shorter than me make me feel like I'm a big monster. I got picked on for my height and just made to feel undesirable and "unfeminine" for it growing up
Replies: >>11136 >>11140
Based, you're gonna make it nonna. Never tolerate bullshit.
its like a sweet rain scent
Replies: >>11132
does your bf know?
Replies: >>11135 >>11147
cerebmin is fat
Replies: >>11134
that sounds lovely thank you for haring so i can imagine it too <3
Replies: >>11139
fat and bald
>assuming she has one and isnt talking out of her ass
Replies: >>11147
man kids really bully you for anything. i'm devito height and got picked on for not being tall enough. i can proudly say, i'm finally one whole inch taller than devito
Replies: >>11150
i thought the orgasm gap was a meme until i started having sex with men. i'm a romantic tho. and still believe one day i'll meet a good man and there will be absolute communion between the two of our bodies
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get in line
Replies: >>11142 >>11143
my pleasure nonnie <3
I wish I was 6'4" so I could tower over men of the most proportionate height, 6 feet.
Yay my needle felting stuff is supposed to arrive today!!
Replies: >>11145 >>11148
maybe this cuckquean virus is getting to me but we can share
Replies: >>11144
I want to have sex with this man so fucking bad nonnies holy shit, if there was a sexdoll of Leon I would be purchasing
no das gay
Replies: >>11149
Oooh awesome! What are you going to make?
Replies: >>11164
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i don't know shit about this show until someone said my nigel looks like this guy (he only slightly does) and saw he is cute when he cries and gets beat up
Replies: >>11151
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Yes. He's more than okay with it, too. I told him pretty early into our sexual relations. I like both yumeshota/onee and BL stuff, so it worked out well.

Why do you think it's so impossible? Just put in the effort to find someone you find attractive and connect with. Don't settle.
damn that was fast
but you have to understand in this economy there's 1 cute guy for 10000 pretty women.
Replies: >>11152 >>11158
holy shit devito is 1.47cm? he always looked small but i though he was at least my height(1.60). I could kick him around like a soccer ball.
They really put this nerd through the fucking wringer on criminal minds
Replies: >>11154
even when they are hot they can be annoying as fuck.
Replies: >>11153
that's why you don't spend time to socialize, only use them what they're good for
this is the first time i confessed this, i'm known as a prude by theose close to me, they will never know that this stuff has turned me on for so many years. i only talk about it on LC where its safe
Replies: >>11155
not first, only group i confess this
i often think about how much better the world would be if sex didnt exist
Replies: >>11157 >>11162
this is true. i would press the "delete sex" button if i could
why are scientist faggots trying to bring back mammoths and other useless shit when they could be working to clone Brandon Lee and River Phoenix and give them to women to repopulate the earth with cuter people.
Replies: >>11160
>with the power of delusion i am married to kamala harris and im going to give lolcow. farm government funding and banning all troons from it
we know why lmao
I was trying to ease this guy into being one of those virtual servants. The ones you can ask for any sort of picture/vid from. I spoke to him for 2 years but he never gave me what I wanted to full extent except thigh pics. So I pretended I killed myself because he wasted my time.
Replies: >>11163
I wish we were all amoebas instead. Yeah, none of the amazing human art would exist, but I think that wouldn't be a problem because we'd be amoebas.
you wasted 2 years on that faggot? was he even cute
Replies: >>11165
My goal is to make realistic cats but I should probably start off with something simpler. I've done needle felting in school before but I only made balls and hearts lol
Replies: >>11167
He was a total butterface. Really nice physique, face of a turkish crypt keeper.
Replies: >>11166
you could have done better, get a cuter whore next time
Replies: >>11173
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omg have you also bought this set that i have? i love collecting them
Replies: >>11170
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the persona series doesnt have a whole lot going on in terms of hot guys. rated from would (S, A,B) probably would not (C) and absolutely never (D, F and below)
Replies: >>11171 >>11172
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and the yuckiest tier.
Nah my craft store doesn't have fun sets like this unfortunately. I bought a general starter set with the basic tools and a few different colors.
wait i definitely wouldnt fuck todoroki or sojiro
kill yourself
Replies: >>11174 >>11178
Nona I've been trying. You don't want a guy who gives it up right away because then he is a megawhore who is in contact with multiple women and thrives off of getting used. He'll be too busy to give you any time o fulfill any requests properly. The thrill is finding a malleable guy to train to warm up to you. I thought by the end of the first year he would be pathetic over me and scared of losing my company. It took forever to get him to show me his face, which I rather wish I hadn't. By the end of the second year I had enough of the funny business and the useless back and forth and told him I was going to end it. He was freaking out but I didn't care since my time spent with him was a net negative.
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no i want to fuck him
Replies: >>11175
he's ugly and old you can find three million 3DPD who are pedophilic incel salary men.
Replies: >>11177 >>11181
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Replies: >>11179 >>11184
no no he's special *because* he's 2d and i think his bitches and whores thing is kind of hot
Replies: >>11180
adachi is  like Japanese lance to me, just like lance fans would project character traits that never existed unto lance i think adachi fans do the same i was pretty disappointment when i played the game and found he was just a pathetic incel moid
byeee nonnies
ok rancefag
Replies: >>11181
he also is NOT a salary man, he is a detective.


i am not rancefag
Replies: >>11185
>site comes back up
>all the images are completly gone
are admins retarded or what they didnt even fix the site they broke it
OMG BYE NONNIES it was fun bunkering with you <3
oh my god all the images in /ot/ are gone???
i would be embarassed of having the same shit taste as anna
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we waited 12 days to get a broken site in return
Holy shit so the site really was attacked.
weird they attacked /ot/. Why would they go after /ot/ and not the cow boards.
Replies: >>11191 >>11192
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Replies: >>11195
they hate fun
Admin said the attacker was running a script and they shut the site down before it got to the other boards
Replies: >>11199
thank you cucking for sheltering us! ALSO MY PREDICTION WAS RIGHT I WIN
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Lolcow's back now? Yayy
I'm honestly so glad it was /ot/ and not /snow/, I'm sorry for your loss though /ot/fags
sorry to be retarded but this makes 0 sense to me? why would this happen *now*?
Thank you cuckquing for hosting us in these trying times, if the site croaks ever again we know this is a safe place to hang. Goodbye and good luck!
Replies: >>11203 >>11250
thank you for everything cuckquing <3 you were the dad who stepped up kek
Replies: >>11250
but i mean if they were hired by the cow i imagine they would try to wipe cow's threads first. I am honestly glad only /ot/ was affected.
Replies: >>11201
hurry up and post some shay milk shaytards
They don't know who did it so we can only speculate on motives rn
someone tried to ask for ransom money? THATS fucking embarrassing KEK
Replies: >>11204
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This. Thank you for being so welcoming cuckquing
where did you get that from?
Replies: >>11207
fuck you CC, junkuchan was way better
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cuckquin thank you for hosting us on these trying times. I gotta admit i developed a small crush on you.
Replies: >>11250
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/meta/! they posted an explanation of what happened to the site when it went down
Replies: >>11208
i wish i was a kakerwoman i want to know how they did it and if they were trying to hide something or just wanted to extort the admins
fuck you cc for banning me, thank you cuckquing <3
Replies: >>11250
i'm really fucking amazed that whoever the faggot that tried to fuck with lolcurr was able to delete so many photos in only an hour?
What happens now? do we all just go back and suffer under trannyjannies like before?
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Thank you, Cuckquing! Next time the site has trouble, maybe we'll see you again!
Replies: >>11250
they're banning posters in dumbass shit thread
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Thank you cuckquing!!!! This was a lot of fun and you were lovely through it all. See you when the pastures are closed again
Replies: >>11250
<nobody has posted in /shay/ yet
<you're all a bunch of fake fans
Replies: >>11217
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Ty admin-sama for temporarily hosting us. It's time to go back to my gay ass board now
Replies: >>11250
kek theyre probably distracted with the /meta/ shit
OP is >>5931 (OP) 
This post is >>11218
That means we posted 5,287 posts in less than two day, at a rate of nearly 147 posts an hour.
Replies: >>11221
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Also one last fuck you for the shotafaggots that were shitting up the thread the entire time
i always wonder where these freaks come from
Replies: >>11223
damn..we're chatty as hell
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Every other poster is a shotacon, did you know?
Keep samefagging after actually shitting up the thread to infight about dumb shit, lolifag. Farmers are allowed to be shotacons and any other kind of de/g/en and you will seethe for life.
Replies: >>11224
thank you
cuckquing would you ever consider taking over lolcow...
Thank you board owner for being so nice and accommodating to us!! Goodbye!
Replies: >>11250
Just woke up, what did I miss? Is lolcor back yet?
Replies: >>11228
yup but images on /ot/ are gone
Replies: >>11229
Damn so my images will be missing shizo theory was true? Damn. I'll be back with you nonnies, I'll miss this bunker tho, it was extremely fun.
Replies: >>11231
welllllll it's missing some key components KEKK
It's back nonnies! It's back
I'm gonna miss this thread
Replies: >>11234
me too nonnie </3 i hope someone makes a new female-only ib so that we can have an unsaged chatroom thread.
Replies: >>11235
fuck man that's all i want, i love threads that have no topic you have to stay on
Thanks a lot to that retarded bitch newfag who just had to go and post to kf for attention.
>>5931 (OP) 
I will miss here kek, we were so united here and the cuckqueanmin was very nice to us, so I will leave advice to him and say for him to drop porn
He's wrong, lolcow is a reviewbrah board
I'll have to write a proper goodbye, along with a postmortem later, but farewell for now and best of luck. I had a wonderful time hosting you. Thank you especially for all charming the tegaki art!
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you actually read all that schizospam?
damn, my condolences
can you give me a quick rundown of wtf even happened here, i have been busy working on this year's halloween costume so i had to sit this one out
not that i could understand any of this babbling anyway
i wonder if this is how jeffposts look to outsiders
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Thanks for hosting our bunker, I hope you didn't get too much braindamage cuckqing, you're alright for a scrote, goodbye now.
Replies: >>11250
Thank you for taking such good care of us Cuckquing <3
Replies: >>11250
Ngl I kinda miss the fast pace and retardation of this thread
Replies: >>11244 >>11247
Same, LC seems up-tight for no reason now.
Replies: >>11246
in my dream jermafags started spamming this thread and made it reach one billion posts
I think a lot of anons are really, *really* upset not only about the poor communication throughout this whole thing but also the massive loss that /ot/ suffered. Emotions are running super high today
I already miss it, no joke. Too many anons with a broom up their ass on LC today
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I wish I could've seen this, damn you tegaki
Absolutely legendary.

Thank you dearly for visiting, posting, and contributing to such a charming thread. It was fun.

The postmortem has been posted >>11249 for the last few interested lurkers. This thread will be locked in a day or so. Take care, and best of luck to all of you.
Replies: >>11251
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