/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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What happened to /late/? For the past week late.city has been giving 502 Bad Gateway errors.
It's already been posted here
Replies: >>4298
Looks like we're back.
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As it happen from time to time, having a dedicated thread here for /late/frens is a good idea.
Down again ;_; . This ain't good...
Replies: >>4315
I've checked the site and it's up for me at least.
Speaking of, the /late/ admin has made a blog to inform people about any future downtimes: http://late.hiddencorner.org/
/late/ is down again with a 502 error. I presume that with what quilt and the other admins have been doing recently that it's down for matanence or updates. Remember that the blog site is now https://blog.late.city that that the hidden corner link is a last resort in the case that everything goes down.
Replies: >>4497
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Yup 502 for me to. Nothing on the blog about some maintenance.
Hope they will restore it soon. I dropped 'em an email.
Replies: >>4500
I think the staff makes the blog post after the maintenance, and I hope this is just that there were complaints about the report system so I imagine they must be looking into those
Replies: >>4501
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>there were complaints about the report system so I imagine they must be looking into those
As the anon who complained lately about the report system, I hope they working on that.
>blocking tor posting
useless ib, go to 4chan if you want to expose your ip to the glowies
Replies: >>4503
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Can you stop shitting every thread with this nonsense?
Replies: >>4504
/shelter/ isn't really for cuckchan boards, mistah redditor
Night slowly begins and still no /late/
Anyway I'm here all the night anon so lets chat a bit.
I'm not always on the computer so don't be surprised if I'm sometimes long to respond.
The zine was posted yesterday. Here it is in case anyone missed it
Replies: >>4507 >>4511 >>4526
Based anon.
Nice. How is it?
An entire night without /late/.
Hope they'll be reopen for next night.
Take care /late/ anons.
Replies: >>4518
/late/ still out as of right now.
Still no word. Weird happenings.
Replies: >>4516
I sent them another mail. Still no answer.
Weird things habbening.
Hope they are fine.
Replies: >>4518
I think it might be a while before it comes back. At least we still have the radio to keep each other company. Oh and /comfy/ too (thanks for the thread :) )
Replies: >>4519 >>4526
>we still have the radio
Lets listen some /late/ tunes together !
Thank you, that's treasure.

>we still have the radio
What is the URI for it please, Anon?
Replies: >>4527
radio.late.city/ but everything's down. You cant even connect to the address anymore. it just times out
Replies: >>4528
Thanks, Anon. Was there a port number ?
Replies: >>4529
the URL i have is radio.late.city:8000/latestation.ogg
Replies: >>4530
Thank you. I can confirm it's down for me too Anon.
mpv radio.late.city:8000/latestation.ogg
[file] Cannot open file 'radio.late.city:8000/latestation.ogg': No such file or directory
Failed to open radio.late.city:8000/latestation.ogg.

Exiting... (Errors when loading file)
I propose we go to grimchan.net for now.
Replies: >>4554 >>4555 >>4557
Why? What's wrong with the thread in /comfy/?
>discordfag run IB
>"guyz the site is ending this month"
>"wellll the board is more active sooo fug it! I PAID THE BILL FOR ANOTHER YEAR!"

Fuck off
Replies: >>4558
There is nothing wrong with the thread on /comfy/. Why in hell should we go to some random IB? Besides, its dead.
Replies: >>4559
He announced it months and months beforehand. Most don't even have the decency to do that.
>Besides, its dead.
I don't have any other issues with the site, but that's a problem.
Just in case you're wondering we know have a dedicated temporary bunker thanks to anon.cafe staff.
So, what happened to it?
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