/origin/ - origin

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how do i?
is there a downloadable database containing all the posts?
thatd be p convenient, but i doubt your run of the mill ib backend has such a based feature
ig i could make my own scrapper, but itd be easier if there was a 'recent' page, where new posts are shown regardless of thread so there is no risk of them being swallowed by a quick burst of posts on the same thread
Replies: >>1896
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>>1891 (OP) 
You can archive any given thread by clicking [Archive] at the top and bottom of the page. Otherwise you could scrape the whole thread/board/site/whatever, I won't stop you.
The recent posts page is a good idea, I've wanted to have that available to regular posters for a while too. I should go nag Tom about that.
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>1911
>You can archive any given thread by clicking [Archive]
wont that send the page to be archived at an external site tho?
i meant as in having a local copy of my thread
would be better if it instead let you download a .tar.gz archive containing the html of the page plus its assets (css, images)
ig i can do that with wget already
>The recent posts page is a good idea, I've wanted to have that available to regular posters for a while too.
not like its particularly hard to do
just recycle the code for the overboard and instead of iterating through threads by bump date, you go through all posts by date
>I should go nag Tom about that.
who tf is tom
Replies: >>1899
>wont that send the page to be archived at an external site tho?
ye, if you would like a local copy just fire up your favorite scraper or figure out the wget magic.
>just recycle the code for the overboard
I would agree with you but it's not as trivial as you would think. However, if you would like to fork jschan and implement it I'd happily merge your changes.
>who tf is tom
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Some people want to scrape all their shit and archive it forever I suppose.
>>1896 will ube our gangbang slut
Replies: >>1913
that's a dude
Replies: >>1914
>>1913 thats the point
Replies: >>1915
stop your homosexual urges
Replies: >>1916
>>1915 >>>/ssh/ says otherwise must redditor gaymaxx
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yuck why is there a secret board for fujoshits?
are there w*men in this site?
ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
Replies: >>1960
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extremely creepy behavior, disturbing
Replies: >>1942
nice catchphrase
ill steal it
Replies: >>1943
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no, it's mine, give it back
Replies: >>1948
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extremely creepy behavior
i cant tell if origins standard creppy behaviour is worst than someone going to a place they dont like and complaining about it
Replies: >>1961 >>1966
>>1923 you dont know where you are or how bad it is kinda sad ngl
Replies: >>1961
why are you so angry?
well, maybe you arent
its hard to tell when reading something by an esl
Replies: >>1967
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uhh scrote sisters? we're all men here right??
Replies: >>1969
I always have a general sense of unease when I post or lurk on /origin/
i may be esl but this is rude ngl
Replies: >>1970
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>we're all men here right??
idk about you
im a gay little anime girl
>this is rude
feel free to go back to tumblr at any time, i suppose
Replies: >>1971 >>1972
i want origin shilled on dumbler to see what happens
Replies: >>1972 >>1975
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don't be rude
they would see the jeffthread and flee
Replies: >>1973 >>1975
no no we have to make sure the current emos are insane enough to match glag level
i hope little girls read my thread and fall in love with me so i can groom them and finally get a gf
even if its a fake internet gf
>don't be rude
but what if i hate that poster?
>they would see the jeffthread and flee
yea youre right
too much autism for them to handle
Replies: >>1976
we`ll give you a hint its not fagpa
Replies: >>1977
what's fagpa
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Replies: >>1978
denpa some smelly indian tranny glag
Replies: >>1979
even men in india are trooning out now? unfortunate
Replies: >>1981
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ok you can have the metal in this glag cat fight lmao
Replies: >>1982
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need a girl (female) like this in my life. also did you mean medal?
Replies: >>1984
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no metal as in heavy metal
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>inbuilt notepad (((app)) on her smartphone
wait did ((( echos ))) stop working
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denpa is so cute when her smooth brain starts showing
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>if you would like to fork jschan and implement
i would not like to fork jschan and implement
are you fucking mocking me?
touch your disgusting javashit stinky code?
not in 1000 years
as if having that retarded language in the frontend wasnt already bad enough. now you unhinged soydevs are also shoving this braindamage into the backend too?
double javacock penetration?
is that what youre into?
yikes, even
id much rather write my own autismware from scratch that going anywhere close to that filthy diseased js code
anyone who unironically programs in that god forsaken language when they arent absolutely forced to should be considered a mentally defective leper and kindly removed from the gene pool in the most agonizing way possible
Replies: >>2028
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I dunno, javascript seems to work well enough. What's your favorite language?
Replies: >>2047
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>well enough
Replies: >>2049
don't be evasive, post your favorite language, dork.
Replies: >>2060
what is the generally liked language of nanotrannies

this is the questions origin should be asking
Replies: >>2055
damn that is some esl and i dont feel like fixing it either
Replies: >>2055
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I wish not to gaze to deep into the nanofriend void. I fear it would mark my soul.
it's obvious that no one here is a native speaker, relax
Replies: >>2056

no i MUST push this meme until im ell-sama again its VARY IMPORTANT
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>post your favorite language
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can't you just grab some stills from the anime of your waifu? I thought she had at least a few scenes in there. maybe you could start monkey-posting
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>Too much work!
then perish
>this site doesn't allow me to post the same picture twice ever again
based website
admin, never ever change this feature
>can't you just grab some stills from the anime
denpafag is too lazy for that
he doesnt actually watch the animes of his avatars
he just binge reads descriptions of animegirls that he thinks are literally him and then starts spaming all their pics
the ones easily available on boorus, at least
>Too much work!
typical d*npa
>then perish
he could just namefag like me, but he prefers to clog the server's filesystem with his fugly bpd queens instead
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>this site doesn't allow me to post the same picture twice ever again
skill issue
look at the filesize 
the pictures are obviously completely different
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>It's not a waifu. It's an avatar.
wow jeez zero respect for you're waifu. so she's your tulpa then? a manifestation of your aspirations and dreams? you picked her as an avatar for a reason.
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junku has officially fallen under jeff's protection
im just done archiving all posts on origin and robo
i only saved the text tho, as the admin can see
idk if he will mind the bandwidth hog that will be downloading all files
converted it all to json, like i did pico2
when junku die, it will be archived on my site
it is only fitting, since this is basically my ib now
the jeffthread stands mightily above all other threads
even the 2nd place has less than half the number of replies fufufu
Replies: >>2483 >>2494
>converted it all to json
btw how about you format your posts correctly?
holy shit, using <pre> should be illegal
i had to manually convert the linebreaks into <br>
took me a bit to figure out how bc all the braindamaged unix filter commands operate on a line-by-line basis
so they never see the newline
but i found a hack that works for what i wanted to do
also why the cock does the server use \r\n instead of just \n?
thats so fucking retarded
we arent using physical ttys anymore, faggot
no need for a carriage return on every linebreak
i also had to purge that garbage so htmlq doesnt get confused
Replies: >>2649
>downloading all files
Go for it. Also the json files are already there, no need to convert anything. Formatting after that should be easy.
>json files are already there
wtf where
Replies: >>2488
Change html to json on the thread URL. I should probably link to them to make it more obvious.
JSON files are now linked:
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By the way jeff, are you okay with getting linked to as a sovereign friend?
Replies: >>2506
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you should prolly list me as sovereign overlord since im the MVP around here (most valuable poster)
if valdemort knew about this place, hed already be chimping out everywhere
itd only be a problem if i linked here from my site
which i wont bc i like this secret base away from the garbageposters of nanokuso
meme related
Replies: >>2512
>most valuable poster
*most verbose poster
Nano friends seem like a crazy bunch of characters, good to know.
I'll link you when the vanity address is ready then, probably.
Replies: >>2544 >>2610
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>Nano friends seem like a crazy bunch of characters
don't worry they are all dead
im an undead nanotranny
why are you ALL trannies wtf
>Nano friends seem like a crazy bunch of characters, good to know.
yea t he most well adjusted one was our boy helius, but he was the first to go (not surprising)
>Um, actually I'm non-binary.
that just means closet tranny
its like a mid stage between cis and trans before the tranny realizes her true nature
>I'll link you when the vanity address is ready then, probably.
we both know that is never going to happen
just give me my clout already
Replies: >>2613
you cannot obtain clout from junkuchan, no one's heard of it.
Replies: >>2615
bruh have you seem my thread lately?
its doing iron man numbers
>we arent using physical ttys anymore, faggot
tell that to the unix wiggers
imagine getting excited over "added readline integration" in the git log
Replies: >>3465
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>still no tor address after 3 and a half internet years of waiting
fucking typical
just do it like lambda and make a random address first then you make the vanilla
not like it costs anything extra to keep both addresses up
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>update INSTALLATION.md with note about MongoDB CPU compatibility
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