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Kokonoe my beloved.
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feet on the dash 😍

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A post spotted on /g/. Not looking forward to interacting with GPT-3 for now and forever on random imageboards and textboards. I'd understand the desire to have an instant community as a site admin but conversing with a chatbot living on localhost is way too bleak. Don't do it lonely admin!
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>mail verification
I have no idea why people still go to that honeypot at this point
/vg/ as well
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He won't. He is doing this since the late 1990s. He will milk it until it all he can retire.
Cuckchan now supports MP4 files (without sound still) because appleniggers kept having trouble loading webms and complained about how hard webms were to make
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1chan is down, and the legendary /rail/ with it. I hope they find a new home eventually. Shame on me for not noticing for months.

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Say hello.
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I hope this hurricane doesn't annihilate me

Your fortune: Good Luck
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I'm unsure if I'm at a junction or if I've already walked past it.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Bumpy road, rough times ahead.
It would be tempting to free her.
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feeling very frazzled today! maybe frazzled all week!

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Cock.li releases deadman switch?

> https://cock.li/index.asc.txt
>fact widely *hated* by international governments; at least the parts of those governments which have dedicated countless resources to target our service, our team, our family, and our friends with illegal surveillance, bad-jacketing, organized disinformation, and much worse.

>A combination of these illegal tactics have become so serious that the site is now in grave danger.

>In the 2022 film COCKCON 2020 (2019)[0], a 250MB encrypted file was hidden in a second video track of the 1080p release. You can download this film here[1]. I don't know if the encryption key will ever be released, but if it does, you'll want quick access to that file.

> Furthermore, two more files are released today, 2024-11-12: ins10.luks[2] (555MB) and ins11.luks[3] (64MB). Please download these torrents and seed them as long as you can. Please consider your privacy when seeding.

[0]: https://vc.gg/film/cockcon-2020/

[1]: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:TBU2RE2ENTL6USAZVX7HH7V3TYMK2KVI&dn=COCKCON%202020%20(2019)%20(2022)%20%5B1080p%5D%20%5BOvO%5D&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fpub.tracker.aaathats3as.com%3A443%2Fannounce
[2]: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:RZ5PIPVCPPJC7JWIVU74V5JANJ4O3RXL&dn=ins10.luks&xl=581959680&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fpub.tracker.aaathats3as.com%3A443%2Fannounce
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damn, unfortunate... should've stayed on Proton.
Replies: >>6404
proton just claims and adveetises that it cares about your privacy but in reality it's nothing but a corporate fuck. also smtp is premium feature, not to mention that it has premium features at all.
so was it a grift or what?

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Admin is insane and deletes his own insane posts as soon as you read them to make himself look innocent. Discuss.

Don't gaslight me.
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Replies: >>6393
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>>1102 (OP) 
Big if true.
I went to this website and my phone started to emit gas that smelled like bitter almonds. Avoid.
Replies: >>6395
yea that guy has been trying to shill that shitty blogspot on my site too
kinda sussy tbh
Replies: >>6400
Cuz it's your site duh
Replies: >>6402
>Stylometry checks out
>LLMs AI images checks out
Nice site how do I contact the author?

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Post cool guides.

[Mirror] https://gist.github.com/WonderSwan/72deb6c85de2be8e4922

This one is a little old but I thought it was neat nonetheless, thank you nachash!
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Who are you quoting?
Replies: >>3722
why are you pretending to be stupid?
Replies: >>3723
I'm definitely not who lives in your walls.
Replies: >>3726
ofc not
the guy who lives there isnt a massive faggot
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korean gay outlook
What the fuck
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 I think you should read Gunslinger Girl.

4chan's /a/ has a nice discussion about Gunslinger Girl and its conclusion. The thread managed to produce several thoughtful posts before it all went to pot.
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Replies: >>6413
>>6409 (OP) 
>click link
>read thread
>most of the posts are people shit flinging over politics, puritanism, and other dumb shit
Never change cuck chan
Replies: >>6414
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I dunno, I thought the first half was thoughtful enough.
Replies: >>6416
>I thought the first half was thoughtful enough.
first half?
more like first post
<not a lot of gunslinging in this. what was the appeal?
fun thread
almost posted until I remembered how retarded the posting system on 4chins is now
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well at least OP tried to drag posters here, good effort

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This is the meta thread. Post your suggestions and complaints here.

IPs are now pruned from posts on /origin/ after 7 days.
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welp, someone leaked the jeffthread 2 into the big schizoden
so please delete that one too, admom
its best for everyone that they come here and dont find anything
you seriously don't want the kind of people that stalk me getting interested in this place
Replies: >>6396 >>6401
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disregard this message, reply to jeffposts
Replies: >>6397
jeffthread already got bumped off the 1st page
it has been over for a long time
i think it was already over when it was created tbh
just let it die before the schizos defile it
Certainly, stay safe jeff.
Replies: >>6403
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thx mom
ill try
but sometimes the urge to jeff is too strong

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