/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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You're invited!
To the sporting event of the year!
The superb owl!
Hosted by spee
Come on by, drink some beer, eat some snacks, shitpost, and jack off with your spartman friends!
Cya there!

I dream about this every day.
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Replies: >>1619 + 1 earlier
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>>1561 (OP) 
I enthusiastically support you in this endeavor. The trick is finding a man who digs the idea as much and really anal. Because you don't want a situation where he's not getting pussy when he wants it because his girlfriend is anal only. Realistically, having vixen pussy conveniently on hand is just not going to happen a lot of the time. He's got to get off on denying you, and your ass needs to be very satisfying to fuck.

My understanding is that kegel exercises do strengthen the anal sphincter as well as the vaginal muscles. So that's important. But attitude is important too. You've got to be eager for those times when he decides to use you for sex. The more you want him, the better the lover you'll be.

If you're giving up vaginal sex, it may already be a given, but if not, consider giving up your orgasms, too. If you can't do permanent orgasm denial, or can't make the leap all at once, consider having him deny you for regular stretches of time. Maybe an orgasm once a week or once a month. Make sure to edge daily so that you are still thinking about sex and don't become detached from it. And you should regularly have some sort of stimuli (video, audio, writing, watching your man fuck other girls) that focuses on other women experiencing orgasms. Obviously though, no touching your pussy while he's actually inside you.

This becomes more complicated if you're one of those poor girls
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not sure where else to ask this, but do you think all Vanillas from both genders who hate cucking are in denial?

What about voyeur?
Replies: >>1654 >>1655 >>1656
Uh... no? People not sharing your fetish are not necessarily in denial, lol. Especially when it comes to cucking, which is just a form of betrayal if it's not something you consented to.
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>do you think all Vanillas from both genders who hate cucking are in denial?
As in they secretly like cucking/being cucked and are denying it? No. Of course not. Cuckqueaning is a niche fetish, and there are many excellent and valid reasons for people without the fetish to regard it with suspicion and/or horror. Even those with the fetish need to be very careful of how they do it, if they do it at all. Why did you ask this?
>What about voyeur?
Again, no? What kind of voyeurism, anyway? Doesn't matter. "People without a fetish secretly like the fetish but don't want to admit it" is a brain problem tier assertion.

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Continuing my story from the old board, as requested. I do post this on literotica in chapters, which you can find, under under "Raising the Dead...", here: https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=4256681&page=submissions

I'm not going to post the whole thing on here, because that'd be an awful lot of posts. I'll be starting where the chapters on literotica end, as of the writing of this post, which would be chapter 11.
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"Oh, come on babe, don't be like that," I coo to him.

"Victoria. Hornets," he very unsexily points out.

"They can't join in," I inform him.

He gives me more silence, so I continue, "C'mon, it's not like they can get in here."

"So if you were running an experiment, and you had to keep a variable group and a control group separate, and one of them involved hornets, you'd be comfortable with a wrapped up tarp keeping them separate?" he asks.

"Y-yes. Sure. That'd be fine," it wouldn't, but if getting that dick is on the line, I'm okay with a little white lie.

And if he thinks getting all analytical is going to do anything but get me -more- lubed up, I'm not sure he remembers who he's talking to.
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Replies: >>1187 >>1204
I know victoria isn't actually gonna get laid but damn do I want her to
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We finally get to the point where he starts resisting the inevitable. Which I like to think is a metaphor for my entire sex life. And my scientific career, for that matter.

He sighs in defeat and just lays back, "You're thoroughly impossible, you know?"

I grin and kiss him, as I slide down his pants to get better access, "The true mark of genius is trying the same thing, but more forcefully, until it works. Einstein said that."

"He absolutely didn't, but I'd be lying I said your enthusiastic stubbornness wasn't part of what makes me love you," he pats my head and relaxes while I work his cock, "Though you are crazy if you think actual sex is going to happen in the confines of this tarp. It's a bit constrictive. Also, I'm still going to be mad if I get hornet stings on my genitals."

"You say that, but you also once said I couldn't raise the dead!" I nibble his lower lip and give his cock an extra hard squeeze.

"-Shouldn't-, I think was how I phrased it," he says, "And there were no hornets involved."

"Details," I giggle and enjoy his groans as I get more firm with his cock.
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Replies: >>1205
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"You were saying about my brilliance, Iga?" I say when Eli finishes.

I stand up, leaving him there to rest. I suspect he needs it.

She slowly wipes semen off of her eyes and from around her mouth, "...Right. The hornets. That was amazing. You were hiding that up your sleeve the whole time?"

I'm a little perplexed. Of all my genius accomplishments, this last minute improvisation is pretty minor. I look around at the insects fallen dead on the ground, around us. Apparently they had a short term expiration engineered into them. Clever, but I don't actually remember doing that.

"...Yes? I mean it just sort of struck me at the moment," I shrug.

"It was well executed," Eve does not bother wiping any of the ejaculate from her face. She seems utterly unfazed by the whole semen artillery strike.
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Replies: >>1206
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>The End
Awww, so soon? But it seems an okay moment to lift away. Thank you for this story. I really enjoyed it. I love the way you manage to get a lot of comedy out of your narrator's PoV in this and your other stories. It's been a bit of an influence on my own writing.

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Looks like we lost a lot of banners and the ones we have are still from 8/cuckquean/, so let's make some more.
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Both added, thank you!
What's the source on the second one?
Replies: >>374
It’s good. I’ll post it a little later.
Looking at the 8ch banners we are still using, I can't help but think we should just have future banners say /cuckquean/ and maybe the little venus-with-antlers symbol. In case we have to move again.
Replies: >>6461
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Anon tried to warn us!

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I know it is controversial but is there a cuckquean discord or booru?
Replies: >>1182
>>1179 (OP) 
Fuck off shill. I don't want what little activity this board has sucked up by a shitcord.

And what if I wanted to post lalafells, huh?

(A booru would be ok I guess)

Would you rather have/be a domquean or subquean?

A subquean is what most of the content seems to be about, willingly subservient, a lot of emphasis on watching or just knowing your partner is plowing other fields, highest tier often ending with chastity and or you willfully serving them both

Domqueans meanwhile seem much more active with all participants, often working with their spouse to dominate submissive girls into fucktoys, some even selecting said subs unprompted to give as gifts
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Replies: >>6506 + 3 earlier
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Reading your post, it sounds to me that you are  both submissive and a quean, but not necessarily a subquean. In the context of cuckqueaning, you aren't really submissive; if anything it sounds like you're an equal or dominant partner.

Queaning for me is an act of submission. It's a fact that I'm not good enough to keep a man's attention on my own, so I have to accept that he fucks another woman. Preferably just one vixen that he begins getting intimate with, who slowly supplants me as his partner as I'm relegated to being a mere slave for them.
Replies: >>854
> In the context of cuckqueaning, you aren't really submissive; if anything it sounds like you're an equal or dominant partner.
Absolutely not. Cuckqueaning for me is deliciously submissive. I’m submissive to my man but have no desire to be submissive to the vixen. Most vixens have no interest in interacting with me on that level either. It’s fun when the vixen is also submissive and we get to bond over shared experiences as sister-subs but that’s not a sexual thing. Looking after the vixen by providing hospitality is for me a way of being submissive to my man because it helps put the vixen at ease and helps them focus on what really matters, which is his cock in her, plus it’s just polite and I enjoy doing it. Submitting to the vixen just feels weird and creepy to me. I say this not to degrade your enjoyment of it but to point out that one may be a submissive quean without submitting to the vixen.

I’m pretty confused here; it looks like you’re redefining subquean to mean “submissive to the vixen” and then describe the behaviour of what‘a already called a humiliation-driven cuckquean. Humiliation and submission aren’t the same thing eve though most humiliation-driven queans are also submissive.
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Allow me to present the Patrician's Choice. By which I mean, my choice. This is my choice.

See, the first woman, the longstanding partner, she's the subquean. Pretty (2nd)girl shows up, she insists "just do it, I'd rather know about it than worry you'll sleep with her behind my back" and it becomes a whole thing from there. Beautiful!
Then the third girl shows up. And this is where it gets hot, because girl 2 starts just running the harem at this point, my input is pretty much irrelevant outside of my tastes in women, girl 2 is running around setting up dates and stuff and I'm busy not complaining.
So girl 2 is the domquean and the one who's just like "fuck my boyfriend BETTER, I know I taught you he likes his balls sucked" and meanwhile girl 1 is the one I never forget about who is constantly turned on by the idea that I might forget about her, until after a threesome with two other women when I call her over from where she's masturbating by the door so that she can join the cuddlepuddle.

I like to imagine the dommy girl coming out of some middle management position and just taking that persona straight to the bedroom and kitchen where she attempts to dictate everything and then all resistance just melts the moment I interrupt her plans with one of my own. "Oh... Guess I'll just reschedule the whole week then because you wanted to do something else...".

Harem anime are my template for modern relationships. Fuck everyone else.
Replies: >>1013
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Always a pleasure, harem autist.
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>>104 (OP) 
Old files from Cafe.

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I as a christian look down upon your adultery. Seriously post polygyny. With no Porn if you can help it. Cause I am a christian.
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The reason we have monogamy as a standard, at least in the west, is mostly to do with it being the standard in Greece and Rome, not anything to do with Christianity. Though it probably would have caught on anyways, just for practicality's sake. You'll notice most places without the Greek and Roman influence still have monogamy. You'll notice that even societies where polygamy is a thing, it's a strict number. Polygyny is hot, but not really going to work as an actual institution, for the same reason monogamy was established in the first place, it causes too much individual competition between men, instead of fostering cooperation. At least in modern societies. As said, in times with higher death rates that disproportionately effect men, generally because of war, it makes a lot more sense. My understanding is that this was part of why it was so heavily practiced in Mormonism. It was part of the religion since its inception in the 1830s, but it became a more common practice following the civil war, at least from what I've been told.
Replies: >>920 >>995
If things with coronavirus continue going to shit with the idiots blocking treatments in favor of waiting for a vaccine, polygyny might make a comeback as the norm since the virus seems to be biased towards infecting and killing men.  Though my info about infection ratios is a bit dated so I could be off there.  Imagine feminists actually get a major portion of the male population killed only for them to find they can't manipulate the thirsty betas like they have in recent years.
>The only admonishment is for a man to only have one wife if he intends to be a leader in the Church
It can also be rendered 'husband of a wife'  rather than 'husband of one wife'; meaning the emphasis is on them not being unmarried, not on them being monogamous.
Replies: >>932
Though, notably, just as there were early Christian polygamists (e.g. the Merovingians), early Christian priests were very much allowed to marry. The reason the church shut that shit down had less to do with anything in the scriptures, and more to do with the fact that priests generally owned the individual churches and associated land. Married priests have children to which they will pass the land down to, celibate priests do not, and thus it goes to the church. It was a way to limit independence and divergence among local churches by maintaining a top-down power structure.
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Sounds to me like the moment sex selection becomes a thing with genemodding and whatever, polygyny will become standard once everyone starts going "I'd rather have a daughter, who would want to be born a man in the 20s?"

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Hey, my apologies if it's "too" off-topic, but 8chan is back (again), it's 8kun.top
/cuckquean/ is still up on there !
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Idk where to ask this, I'll just ask here randomly...

I wonder what do women, in general feels about NTR. Not Reverse NTR but NTR or just Cuckolding fetish. I read a poll in Otoge reddit about NTR and RNTR. Most of them agreed that while they may read it out of curiousity, they ultimately wont like it..I've also read about one that claim she likes the reverse sexuality in NTR as it puts the women as the perverts, because "woman can be perverted too". Another said how she Likes being fought over. I am curious how do majority girls feels about this genre. I can ask this in a more NTR related thread but I just assume there are more guys there lol.
Replies: >>738 >>740
Male cuckoldry disgusts me.
Replies: >>739
How do we know if this is a male or female respond.
Asking cuckqueans on an imageboard about the opinions of the majority of women regarding NTR is like going to /pol/ to ask them about the general population's consensus about black people.
So just as a reminder, /a/'s mods got removed today for largely the same reason as outlined in >>719 with the board being passed over to the owner of /animu/
They also failed to log in to the BO account for two months, but due to the amount of attention this gathered there's a pretty good chance that the rules will be followed more strictly from here on out.
Also no, these rules are not new, they've been in place since 2016 http://archive.ph/s6BU7#selection-1429.0-1437.98

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