/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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I would love the idea of sharing a man
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Now if only I could find one...

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30 years old in Nebraska.

To make a super long story short, I'm a wheelchair momma of one now (yaaaay!) but unfortunately an idiot doctor made me go 2 days before finally getting the goddamn c section I asked for in the first place...

And it kinda ruined my ability to be sexy. We're not sure if nerves were damaged, my hormones changed too much, there was too much pushing trauma to "down south" or what all happened.

I tried a couple websites looking for someone but the few people that responded seriously have all ghosted me without explanation. So this is kind of a shot in the dark.
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> tend to have more 'queans than vixens
Freaking atrazine has turned the whole world into cucks!
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OP you'll never please your husband, you'll never be able to sexually satisfy him, you'll never be a real woman
Replies: >>5970 >>5971
>smug anime girl reply
>carefully chosen Megumin'd Christ-chan for  le lowkey traditional LARP to be convincing

Oh, no, no, no. (You) are not a woman, just a ressentful troon trying some edgy irony. OP was born double X, uterus et al. Even on a wheelchair she still is a woman, even frigid she is a woman. You, on the other hand chose to be an abomination, she was dealt a bad hand in life. Let that sink in, then cope and seethe. Don't forget to dilate.

OP, welcome to imageboards. Now, GET OUT!
Replies: >>5971 >>5972
>>5959 is just some psuedo-/christian/ troonspammer who slithers around Anon.cafe's other boards every so often trying to stir up trouble. Doubt OP stuck around to see it in any case.
>world's ugliest man has a breakdown because he was called out on being a troon
just another day on /cuckquean/

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Cuckqueans into humiliation, how do you like being put down? Do you have a preference for being humiliated by your partner or the vixen? For instance, do you mostly enjoy the feeling of being compared to another woman's body? Or being bad at sex and having your partner complain about it, using it to justify the cucking. Share your thoughts, fantasies and such.
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> caber-tossing Wariomode 
That does it! He is growing a stache!
Homophobia is important in a Ds cuckquean relationship imho idk if that's weird to say
Replies: >>5471 >>5472
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I think its mostly just weird to say here. Why not say it in the touching the vixen thread, or the male advice thread? Or are you saying that the dom needs to humiliate their quean for getting off on him fucking other girls, but the reason she should feel humiliated is not because she's a cuck but because she's gay?

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That's actually quite sweet. Sometimes our tastes change based on our emotional attachments. You love your husband, he becomes a caveman, now you kinda love cavemen. It's sort of like the middle aged man cheating with a woman who looks like his wife but a little younger. Or sometimes those attachments just causes us to consider things we normally wouldn't, and something clicks. You could have dismissed the grug body type in the past because it's not the norm, but now that your husband has it, you kind of have to confront it and found you like it.

That being said, as others have pointed out, women having a thing for chungy men isn't anything new. Sometimes attraction changes over time, what you're exposed to, changes in body chemistry, what mental/emotional associations you make, etc.

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Origin story time!

When did you discover you were a cuckquean?  What got you into this lifestyle and does your lover know?
Post any other details as well, I'm genuinely curious!
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Replies: >>1730 >>5433 + 1 earlier
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>>485 (OP) 
A year ago, but I'd had fantasies about it before that I didn't really understand. Not sure when the urges started. I mean, who imagines the best part of a threesome as watching the other girl? Porn always sets it up like FFMs are where girls get bisexual and that just doesn't do anything for me.

>does your lover know?
He knows but we both want to be careful about exploring it.

>That night when I was touching myself I kept thinking about them having sex and I had the hardest orgasm of my life thinking about the man I love breeding another woman.
Anon no, I'm not allowing myself to develop new subfetishes until I have a handle on this main one.
Replies: >>2127 >>5433
Not really a fetish of mine as I would be perfectly happy with a monogamous relationship but it's kind of perfect for my breeding kink combined with my enjoyment of genetic imperialism.

We must build a harem Noah style with 2 of every race.
Replies: >>2127
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>Anon no, I'm not allowing myself to develop new subfetishes until I have a handle on this main one.
It'd be so hot and taboo to break that restriction though. You know you want to.

I know this isn't what you meant but I'm chuckling at the implication that Noah fucked all the animals.
Replies: >>2132
Someone should do a story of Noah's ark, except the creatures on the ark are all monstergirls/demihumans. God told him to take two of each creature but he never specified one male and one female of each so Noah just took two females of each. To make up for his mistake God orders Noah to help the creatures repopulate the earth in a more hands-on manner.
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>Porn always sets it up like FFMs are where girls get bisexual and that just doesn't do anything for me.
Thank you for putting it into words. Porn in general leaves me cold (how do you even make video of people fucking this fake, uncomfortable and BORING) but I got especially irked at this for a long time without realizing why. It doesn't help that "bisexual" in porn usually means flailing tonguetip vaguely at the other girl's clit for a little while like it's coated in bittering agent, but that's aside my main point. (I guess if you've paid for two girls and a stunt cock you want as many different combinations of membranes rubbing together but cost efficiency isn't something I look for in my erotica. Oh yeah baby, make some a them super-sexy(???) choking noises on dat RoI, finally something that will feed my need for financial asphyxiation unf.)

I like looking at girls, which isn't surprising cause statistically everyone likes looking at girls. Do I like touching girls in their no-no places? Not really, but that also isn't surprising unless you live in porn world where boring bisexuality is mandatory and every clit's gotta be dipped in denatonuim daily. Cool, but turns out I especially like looking at girls and even touching them a little bit when they're on my husband's dick specifically. Should this little detail have made things as confusing as it did? Probably not 
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When your husband's girlfriend lets you play animal crossing past your bedtime!
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Replies: >>5407
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>(is vixens giving their queans a bedtime a thing tho?)
I guess it'd work if the quean had strong little tendencies or the desire to be controlled as a humiliation thing. Maybe also if it was a bisexual mommydom dynamic with the vixen, like the quean was doing it as a signal of surrender? I dunno, I think there's something there, but it seems too specific to be 'a thing'.

Kind vixens who intervene on the quean's behalf do sound cute. I personally feel it more the other way but that's just my general vixenology preferences coming out.

Tomoko seems like she'd be crazy and obsessive enough that compersive cuckqueaning would be a good outlet for her. Helping procure other girls for her man would give her creepy semi-bisexuality a useful purpose as well.
Replies: >>1399
>Tomoko seems like she'd be crazy and obsessive enough that compersive cuckqueaning would be a good outlet for her.
Given some of the comments she's made towards her own brother/about her brother when talking to other girls, it wouldn't be too far off from how she already is.
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>>1215 (OP) 
Memetic purposes aside being matronized by your vixen sounds haf.

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Hey there, /cuckquean/
If you got a moment to spare, would you mind paying us a visit over https://anon.cafe/icup/ and joining us with a team of your own? We'd like to have you with us.
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to our fellow /icup/ underachiever friends!! /yuri/ anon dropping by again, once a year ain't bad for a dickery board visit, how have you been? Genki?? Granted this year wasn't all that great, given both our teams were dropped from the tournament rather early, but that doesn't mean a thing. Well be back to overturn that ridiculous result as many times as it takes.'' With that out of the way, all that's left is to wish you a nice 2023 again, and to extend some invitations to a little streaming event we'll be having to celebrate the occasion. Second pic related with the schedule, first part should be starting tonight at 9pm EST. Address here
Honestly I rarely check your board, for self-evident reasons, but you dear friends can leave your questions or comments either here
or back at home on
You can find more details on those threads too, but I can already assure you a total lack of dicks on display, you dear thirsty sluts 
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Replies: >>4716
Thank you, /yuri/!
icup 8 needs volunteers.
we have 2 months to prepare, but if icup 8 doesn't get all the help they need there might not be an icup 8.
volunteers requested or anyone willing to help.
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bumping with an anti-pic for possible interest, this board's name has been thrown around a lot over at /icup/ lately.
Replies: >>5284
I went and had a look. Seems like the usual story wherein we're not really understood by those in charge. Can't offer anything beyond our usual team management but we'll play if we're wanted.

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Come on
post more from the origical cuck woman
Replies: >>5267
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There was a thread already; check the catalog.
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>>2117 (OP) 

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This thread is for /cuckquean/ OC. Anything's welcome including videos, shops, captions, and so on. Reposts from older versions of /cuckquean/ are welcome too.
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Wait, no, cancel that, I opened the mini-portal a few months too far back! Here's the version that actually ran a few months later.

Originally posted in the fantasy cuckqueaning thread at >>5050
Replies: >>5191
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Can’t say I understand it
Don’t know if I enjoy it
Or who it’s even for
But I sure ain’t never seen anything like it
And that makes it OC

This board man
This board
Replies: >>5193 >>5194 >>5207
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Wouldn't have it any other way tbh.
>Can’t say I understand it
As opposed to the rest of this thread? I don't think it's that weird, apart from the whole turning it into an alt-reality advertisement thing (does it count as a fancy caption?), but then my sense of normality is not so much warped as corkscrewing.

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Now with art!

There is a thread for this game on the old board, but it hasn't been migrated here, so let's start a new one. It's a good milestone for it because after years of not finding an artist, they finally got one, and just added art through Chapter 1.

Despite being a lewd game, TLS features intelligent writing and protagonists who use their brains and resources skillfully to reach the goals of their story. The male lead isn't some unlikable loser to self-insert as, and the women who love him are written with personality rather than just representing a particular kink or two.

H-scenes in this game are usually several paragraphs of text punctuated by 1-2 images. It focuses much more on a happy and cohesive harem-of-friends-and-equals situation, not much on humiliation or dominance games. However I'm gonna paste one scene that does have some of that feel since people liked it in the fullchan thread.


Though it seemed like they were meant to stay back, Aka found herself peering after Simon. He'd propositioned the most exotic-looking prostitute and now sat back, watching as she danced before him. The movements were strange and flowing, nothing like anything Aka had seen before. 

As she danced, one strip of cloth after another came off, revealing her pale skin slowly but surely. It was certainly elegant, more graceful than Aka could ever be, but she took a little pleasure in noticing that the prostitute's breasts weren't as large or pert as her own. 

What was she doing? Aka pulled back and averted her gaze from the scene. She was jealous, that much was obvious, but how did that make any sense? Simon had never promised exclusivity - almost the opposite, actually. 
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
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Tell you what, this all hits harder now that I’ve seen for myself what the blacked grooming threads on 4chan get up to. The stuff slipped into OEA is exactly the sort of thing they celebrate and discuss spreading; the subtler and more insidious it is the more they gloat.

Truly >>4713 was right:
>Awareness and knowledge is pretty much the best way to prevent weirdos from getting their claws into your psyche.
I just wish Sierra Lee hadn't turned out to be one of those. What a disappointment.
Replies: >>5022
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Title screen
Can you stop already
Nobody fucking cares
Replies: >>5077
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Yeah, fuck your waste of perfectly good dubs. This is an imageboard, not Reddit—we're not fishing for upcummies here. Wouldn't care if I was the only one to notice this, don't care if it's cringe or schitzo to point it out. It is creepy, it does match the downright sinister and destructive shit I saw happening elsewhere, and it was a disappointing and disgusting thing for someone to do... and I've seen some shit.

Polite sage for off-topic.
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Do you plan to have kids? Would you be okay with the vixen getting pregnant? How do you plan to tell the kids about daddy spending time with a woman who isn't mommy?
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Replies: >>4758 + 3 earlier
That's overstated, what was more common was siblings murdering each other when dad died to head off civil wars over succession

As for divorce, could be sorted out by not getting legally married and instead having contracts written out in advance pertaining to what happens in the event you split up, would obviously need to be in a jurisdiction that doesn't recognize common law marriage and the man would obviously need to be wealthy to support 2 or more partners.

It could also come out as competitiveness over kids, I've heard lesbians that get sperm donors often have their relationships go down hill as they argue over which child is cuter/better, not a lesbian so can't confirm but could see a similar dynamic happening with a harem

>wasn't just to your benefit but was also to the benefit of yourself


This, make sure to vet the other girl(s) thoroughly before contemplating adding them into the dynamic and don't rush it, you can take your time decide, not that many people get married a few months after meeting
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I was thinking about this the other week. It's only tangentially related, but I've heard that children being brought up inside poly households (the kind where there are multiple guys and multiple girls all sexually involved with some combination of each other) are starting to show up as having certain risk factors.

Apparently the unspoken relationship dynamics of a sexually fluid household tend to get a bit strained, and children - who instinctively pick up on such things as part of their drive to seek and maintain nurture - end up affected by it. It's way beyond a developing child's ability to comprehend adult emotional and sexual dynamics, and so not only can the child end up with confused parental imprinting, they also end up competing with unrelated adults for their caregiver's attention and affection without realizing it. Also, the partner count and soft periphery that such households often have brings with them the same risks associated with children whose parent repartners (e.g. single mother with series of boyfriends).

I've not studied the topic myself, but I thought this was interesting to consider against the kind of polygynous households discussed ITT, which if nothing else at least have one father to unify beneath, a more limited set of emotional/sexual dynamics, and something of a social framework setting their expectations.
Replies: >>4743
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Oh, which reminds me:
>children - who instinctively pick up on such things as part of their drive to seek and maintain nurture
>children whose parent repartners
I remember long ago reading on... Tumblr, I think, or maybe another blog platform, the diary of a divorced woman who had recently re-partnered, bringing her daughter with her. This woman was sexually submissive, and had a master/slave dynamic with her new... I can't remember if it was boyfriend, husband, fiance, or what. 

We've all seen and heard the different angles on stories both real and fictional that hinge on how children refer to their new stepparent. The two adults were supposedly careful to keep the sexual and D/s stuff out of view, but one evening they're all together and the daughter calls her new stepfather not "<name>", not "Dad" (as they were probably hoping)... but "master". Then she looks over to her mother for approval.

Of course they were appropriately shocked and embarrassed, and gave the daughter a talk about how that's a special way that mommy calls <new man> when they're alone together... but reading it still dropped my stomach. Like, geez, can you imagine? Poor kid's just modelling what she overhears, instinctively seeking security, probably picked up on how that was a special word that made <new man> like mommy 
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>>2850 (OP) 
I can't imagine it being different from having moms and stepmoms.
I've met muslims who grew up with polygamous fathers.
And it all depends on how the relation goes.
If mother and sister wife dont fight with father and no abuse vice versa, kids dont mind.
>If we had more general knowledge as to what it's like growing up in such a household, good and bad, we'd have more to go on.
I have muslim friends AMA

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