/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Replies: >>3071
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Happy Thanksgiving, /cuckquean/! 
t. your friends at /robowaifu/ and /monster/
also, where is your meta thread? I don't think you have one.
Replies: >>1740 >>1741
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Thank you, /monster/ and /robowaifu/! Those are a very cute turkey and robutt. I hope you all had very nice Thanksgivings.
>also, where is your meta thread? I don't think you have one.
Thank you for pointing that out. Our meta thread at >>2 is now properly marked. Happy thanksgiving to you all too!
>>98 (OP) 
Hank Hill is having a good time

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I wonder how cuckqueaning might work when it comes to harems, whether in the broader "one guy, three or more gals" sense or the narrower, more historical sense.
Replies: >>2601
>>2503 (OP) 
>Please Do Not Repost
Why didn't you listen?
As for harems, your partner can be like an eunuch, this is fully in the fictional zone though, I expect this practically never happens
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You know what I dont really get about Cuckquean is why occasionally you see captions  where the "wife" is untouched?  Just impregnate them all. You should think of the "wife" as just the first to be impregnated, she is the queen bee.
Then go and impregnate all the other lesser females while she watches or does something else. She might have first dibs on getting impregnated but she isn't the only one.
Replies: >>2775
Could someone translate the text in the first pic?
Replies: >>2887
My japanese isn't that great (at least not for translating) but honestly it's doesn't really seem worth it anyway, sorry to say. 

All the speech bubbles seem to be from the same person (or maybe two), and it's all in some kind of sleazy slaver tone giving a backstory infodump in dialogue like one of those bad examples you see in amateur fiction, or otherwise stating obvious facts.

In short:
>She's beautiful and unmistakably of royal blood.
>Since the elf kingdom was destroyed, pureblood royal family slaves... [something]
>[some other stuff about the war], she's a really good purchase.
>Talking about her pregnancy.

There's nothing here that hints at any sort of harem/cuckquean arrangement. Quite the opposite, unfortunately.
Replies: >>2897
>it's just the usual shit
Aw, that's a shame. Not unexpected, but still a shame.

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Describe what your dream Vixen would be like, either if you're a quean or a male with a quean gf.
Or if you are a Vixen (does this board have any?) describe what your ideal quean would be like.

Appearance: Height, weight, breast size, ethnicity, hair color, skin color, body type, etc. and anything else you would like to add
You can also post a picture, either art or real of your ideal specimen.
Personality: What should the Vixen be like? How should she treat the quean? Purely mean, dominant, disregardful, playfully mean, mean but gentle, considerate?
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>But how would you prefer your man to react?
I love the idea of her being all high and mighty at first but then have the smug fucked out of her. Though even then, I'd still like her to be smug and dominant towards me, just that she would now know her place. Maybe she'd forget it every now and again, so he can put her back. 

>Isn't Zone relatively well-known
Yea, but this particular video started influencing tik tok, so it's more out  in the open I guess?
Replies: >>2873 >>2876
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>her being all high and mighty at first but then have the smug fucked out of her

>this particular video started influencing tik tok, so it's more out  in the open I guess?
I went looking for the music on YouTube (because it fuckin' slaps) and all the comments are just as you'd expect. A new generation of perverts awakening; you love to see it.
Replies: >>2875
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>A new generation of perverts awakening; you love to see it
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The kids are alright.
Replies: >>2881
this restores my faith in humanity

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Helltaker is pretty comfy. also, general game thread.
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>My least favorite thing is the gameplay switch-up at the end - and it's the only part you miss content by skipping!
I was really getting into it until they pulled that shit.
In Kamidori you'll pick one of three main girls (there are plot differences between routes) but you'll dick basically every other female character besides the other two main girls in a given route.
It's also a remarkably fun Fire Emblem style game (and does some things that I actually like better than "real" FE)
Replies: >>1982
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I remember Kamidori! It was remarkably fun, far more than I ever expected it to be. Life intervened and I never finished it, alas.
Replies: >>2797
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I can recommend Dungeon of Lulu Farea and its sequel Demon World Country Frel Hades ~Marry the Demon World's Women~

There are too many games where the male protagonist just fucks a lot of girls separately and the girls themselves seem dissatisfied and compete for attention. In this game, first our protagonist meets a nice slime girl, who exploits her rivalry with a zombie girl to get her to give him a chance. Then that zombie girl entices her best friend, a mummy girl, to join the relationship. Then both of them help create a nice date experience for him and a cat girl. And so on.

Unfortunately our protagonist has somewhat of a... typical Japanese hentai game view of consent ethics that wouldn't fly in the real world, and he's a dumbass sometimes. But if you can handle a bit of that I think it's a fun game. The writing made me chuckle a lot.

It's also interesting if you like puzzle-y gameplay. Kind of like a better Tower of the Sorcerer. You can cheat if you don't want to think, though.

I recommend grabbing the unofficial decensored version of the first game because it has better engine.
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yuela best girl

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This thread is dedicated to the creation, playing, and management of a /cuckquean/ CYOA. Since I am GM(game master) I will be offering (you) the players several adventures we can go on. Here they are.

Royal Usurpers
>You and your husband were the prince and princess of a kingdom known as Far Castle. You have been recently kicked out of the kingdom by a treacherous back stabbing relative of your husband. Worse yet, a cruel and evil witch who associated with the traitors has given you a terrible cursed mark making sure that you can no longer give birth to children! Your objective in this CYOA is to find your husband a suitable mother or figure out a way to cure yourself of this cursed mark. Along the way you'll also need to create alliances and it just so happens that a near by kingdom ruled by monster girls happens to be allied specifically with your husband due to his father sharing an alliance with them in the past. 

Monster Girl Milking: Vixen Dungeon
>You and your Mercenary Boy Friend have recently accepted a quest that requires you to enter a near by dungeon to collect a few items exclusive to the monster girls that inhabit that dungeon. More importantly, you'll need to collect at least a gallon of succubus milk, concentrated demonic energy, and locate a powerful monster girl in the center of dungeon, that being a demigod monster girl who has a unique specialty for Fertility magic.  However, things aren't that simple and you'll come to found out real quick why this area is called "Vixen Dungeon."

Space Queans: All Out War
You and Your husband are delivery truck drivers, or in a sense. You both work as a delivery service for an interstellar delivery agency however there has been a major event in the news recently. 2 major militant and matriarchal  species have been fighting over a world said to possess a plant capable of helping each race reproduce. Both of these races, the Kasarians and the "Guardians" both require males of other species to reproduce. This said plant was supposed to make each race more fertile than thought possible. In this CYOA, your main quest will be to resolve the incident peacefully and help discover if the plant really does exist, and if the properties of it are true. You'll be sharing your husband along the way of course, did you really expect 2 alien races that rely on males of there races to not have a piece of him?

There are also other questions i would like you all to answer.

>What personality should your husband have? 
>Should you have a husband at all instead this should be a lesbian /cuckquean/ CYOA?
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yes... I'm sorry if I made a mistake I'll start over if I need to.
Replies: >>2783
>Far castle
more like "fark us all" amirite

>My men are in quite high spirits, but I wanted to know about you. How are you doing my princess?

Tell him I'm tired, sweaty, and very concerned about the future, but the tent is nicer than any fugitive could reasonably expect and the variation he's just brought to my diet brightens my day almost as much as seeing his face. Ask if there is any other news about... anything really.

(If you are doing the slow-paced week-to-respond arrangement, you I would suggest giving us a little more at once to respond to than "How are you".)

(Also the OP mentioned a witch's curse mark and plans to cure ourselves and/or find hubby a girl to breed and/or ally with monster girl kingdom - is any of this already in play for us to discuss or do you plan to narrate that out instead of skipping over it? Either is fine with me.)
Replies: >>2783 >>2788
Not a "mistake" per se, more like there's not enough for the audience to go on. Like >>2779 says, you'll want to give us more than a few lines that terminate in "How are you?", especially at the all-important start. A question like that gives us no choice, doesn't have any impact on the story's events that we can see, and doesn't permit more than one person to contribute coherent responses.

Instead, consider establishing the story up to the point where a choice can be made that's meaningful, even in a small way. Give a few different courses of action that the audience can discuss and vote on, and include the option for the audience to make additional suggestions if they like. Also keep in mind that we need to know what our character wants or needs in order for choices to be meaningful.
Replies: >>2788
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I think you both make a very valid point. I am going to start over with the opener. I probably won't be able to write it up right now, but I will get back to, probably this weekend. I will however, probably keep your husband's war hero background. I find that easy to work with.
image unrelated.
Replies: >>2789
Looking forward to seeing the new version!

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Are their videos that can hypnotize women into being a cuckqueans?
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Replies: >>2555 + 3 earlier
What in fuck? How is this a response to OP and what is even going on in the replies to that thread?
Replies: >>1225
It's just goons being their usual selves.
Replies: >>1226
Then tell us your elite cuckquean hypnosis strats.
(I almost wrote "vids or gtfo")

No wonder SA are hated.
Replies: >>1235
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>I'm a hypnotist
If you're the hypnotist who visited /cuckquean/ years ago, hello! I found your posts very helpful.

>elite cuckquean hypnosis strats
I made a cuckquean audio "hypnosis" file a while ago. I put it in double quotes because it wasn't really hypnosis in the way I understand it, but rather the audio bombardment style that's often called 'hypno'. It was more fetish than serious adjustment attempt, now that I look back on the script with hindsight.

I took recordings of one single mantra, five intensifiers, three deepeners, and one hundred forty seven statements.

I won't share the mantra, but the intensifiers were things like
>Every time you hear these words you hear more and more.
The deepeners were things like
>It's so easy and comfortable to open your mind to my voice.
The statements were little 5-10 word suggestions. Some were designed to set up triggers that would strengthen cuckqueaning fantasies (e.g. "When you see a nice girl you imagine/want..."), trigger physical reactions (e.g. "...makes your pussy soft and wet."), build self-referencing feedback loops (e.g. "The more... the more you want..."), earworm using rhythmic language, suggest importance, adjust attitudes, and various other things.
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>>955 (OP) 

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found this baby on audiochan (which you guys should check out sometime-- very comfy)
any other audio that talks about ladies wanting their husbands FUCKING AND SUCKING someone right in front of them?
Replies: >>2525
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>>2524 (OP) 
>their husbands FUCKING AND SUCKING someone
It's okay, we can hear you just fine.
does this count
Replies: >>2533
dear god what's the source

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Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( https://anon.cafe/icup/ )
We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in https://poal.me/6x3j1u
I've never understood what the Cup is or why its promoters can't just bump one of the last couple threads they made on this board.
Replies: >>2453
Because the ones spamming this aren't necessarily the ones who're actually organising it, they're just the types who try to "help".

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Very often, my girlfriend makes jokes about me cheating on her. But the jokes have a connotation of victimization.

For example, angrily: "What did you do there? Did you cheat on me?"

Is she a cuckquean or what?
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She loves to play. She loves role play. And her favorite game is when I cheat, but in all games, my "real girlfriend" doesn't know.
Replies: >>2294 >>2297

I couldn't properly understand these comments. Sorry :I
Replies: >>2297
> but in all games, my "real girlfriend" doesn't know.

This is the main reason because i discard the idea of she is a cuckquean. But maybe some girl from here comes up and say: Oh, i played like that.

I don't know anons. Sorry for my stupid questions.
Replies: >>2297
I'm going to do that in a few days, i want this game to continue because i like it.
In a few days i'm going to bring here with the response of her.

I'm going to have a serious talk.
Replies: >>2297
You can reply to more than one post per post, y'know. How'd you find /cuckquean/ anyway?

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So, how about them cuckquean fanfics?

Here's one for RWBY where Pyrrha shares Jaune with a whole bunch of other girls.

>> "Of course my love." Pyrrha said as she closed the distance and started rubbing his chest affectionately. "We all agreed to share you, if you want to of course."

Maybe this would work best in the existing thread for cuckquean stories at >>110 ?

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