/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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What role does pregnancy and impregnation play in your cuckquean fantasies (or reality)?
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Replies: >>6695 + 4 earlier

is bad idea but if bad idea why hot
It took 3 more weeks of careful nudging and threesome drinks/meals after work, but I got them to seriously discuss the whole baby thing. In the end, the decision came down to me because my bf STILL feels like he's betraying me to a degree and she claims to just want to go with whatever we want (lie).

We tried for the first time on the weekend and holy fuck was it hot. They were both so jittery that I couldn't even get them to kiss before we got into bed and I volunteered to warm them up, which she was VERY receptive to. It was so fucking cute that when the started, she'd kiss him and he felt like he had to kiss me every time, so it wouldn't be unfair. I slipped a hand in to play with her so he could focus on keeping a good pace. I kissed her, nibbled on her ear and neck and whispered encouragement, which resulted in a beautiful, shuddering orgasm and necessitated a short break. When she was calmed down and ready, he was already pretty close, so I cradled her between my knees and played with her nipples as I fingered her in the perfect position, while he built up steam. I had wanted her to repeat a phrase I'd been using on him when he came during roleplay, but she was obviously pretty distracted and just kissed him right before she latched onto him and he filled her.

I made sure she was more than willing to stay horizontal for another 15 minutes, giving her a lot of kisses and the best chance of concept
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Replies: >>5609
Congrats.  If you're a good girl and keep giving her orgasms, she might just invite you to the wedding. Convince her to let you take on clean-up duty and she might invite you to the honeymoon.
Boutta pass tf out here but had to share this
>tfw always fucked with rubber
>tfw when he gets close the rubber comes off and all the work done pleasing him gets spilled into the vixen
I'm a deeply sick individual
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>>449 (OP) 
You will live with your husband's other wives and their children and you will be happy.

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It's October, and as such, I feel it's time we have a proper fantasy thread, to discuss all the elves, monstergirls, and other supernatural beings that are almost certainly going to steal your bf.

(Moderation edit: Copied name field into subject, as was probably intended.)
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
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>She claws, she bites, and all three of her bodies get absolutely used and manhandled.
Replies: >>6677
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>tfw you will never be helltaken
Replies: >>6675
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He need not be built like The Wall - with the right provocation, long enough nails, and adequate hydration on hand the Helltaker experience is well within reach.
Replies: >>6677
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>>6666 (checked)
By the power of based quads, I hereby stand corrected.

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>see girl with cute voice and cute anime avatar
>want my man to fuck her
Simple as.
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Replies: >>6646 >>6648
The juice drip’s a nice touch, but I can’t forgive that tail positioning.
Replies: >>6647
Before i zoomed in i thought it looked ok, but you're quite right anon. sometimes I wonder if people know what tails are.
Is it just me, or do 2D tits seem to be getting leakier on average?
Replies: >>6649
Manchildren crave tittymilk

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Just as the title of thread says, this is a containment thread for male advice. Other guys are welcome to post here as well, if there are any. 

Primarily making this because I need advice on how to approach and proceed on a few things and honestly have no idea how to go about things. The most that Im hoping for in my specific situation is at least a long, possibly awkward, conversation with my wife and at least getting her to be more willing to discuss various kinks that she has. 

Its not so much that Im incapable of talking to her about such, its just she tends to clam up about anything outside the social and religious orthodox that we come from. That isnt to say I dont know about other more conventional things, but engaging her about things outside that is rather tough. Its not as if I could flat out ask and not expect things to go poorly if I happen to be wrong. Again, Im mostly hoping for an awkward conversation and for life to just go on as normal.

There are numerous things that lead me to believe she's into quean stuff; whatever dynamic I can only guess as she's rather demanding for control of things. Maybe a vixen? Ill go more indepth about this in another post, but what really seemed to make it clear was when having our last child we were unable to have sex for a good 4+ months and I was given permission to get a girlfriend so long as she knew about it.  I didnt do this as like the other prior times such had come up, primarily out of an assumption that it was a shi
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Replies: >>6610 + 5 earlier
That orc story was rough but fun. Strange to read greentext without the green, though.
Replies: >>6566
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>Inverting the question to remind me that men feel feelings
Alright yeah, that's a pretty good point. I appreciate the reminder, I think I've been doing that in some of my writing -I think the best example is probably the back and forth of perspective in the second chapter of the LoZ fic- but it's good to have some confirmation that I'm heading in the right direction.

That's a more intense perspective for sure. But I still think I can use it. I had this idea for a Zelda/Link story where Zelda gets super into "Researching compatibility and Repopulation", AK-Obviously-A, being super into watching Link knock up a bunch of women. and I think that your thing could be a sort of comedic final destination for that version of the character.

Thanks for the reassurance and the encouragement, I'll do my best.  Honestly I was a little worried that I was going to come off like I was just looking for fap material. Which I guess I technically am, but not in that way Also; Tell me about it! Sometimes getting the emotion I want for a scene or story can be one slick little bastard to nail down right. Have I seen any of your stories? I've been around the webring for a while. An
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Holy shit anon, your wife wants to pimp you out to inexperienced women
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Old files from Cafe (missed the 3D on this one).
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>>2371 (OP) 
Good day, everyone! I'm a guy who's been fascinated by this sort of relationship dynamic for quite some time now and I'd be interested in experimenting with it. 

What are some online spaces where I could reliably meet a girl with this fetish who'd be interested in sort of teaching me what makes girls like her tick, as well as how to be a perfect boyfriend for someone like her?

I think something like that would be an invaluable learning experience for me. Thank you in advance!

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This new place is looking nice. Time to decorate it with some good old fashioned smut. This thread is for cuckquean eromanga. Without further ado, let's try the one that I was posting when Endchan died weeks ago...

Kanojo ga Iru noni Uwaki Shite Tewi-chan to Sex Shita by Ippongui
featuring Udonge as a clueless and frigid girlfriend, and Tewi as an aggressive bunny-vixen.
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>Futashit Faggotry
Could you not, anon?
Respectfully, hard pass.
I know futas aren't canonically supposed to be dudes, but yeah. Pass.
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[Miyabe Kiwi] Share Loveru
Unless uploaders fucked up the naming there could be a chapter missing. haven't gotten that part yet.

I thought I'd try making a general to concentrate discussion of actual cuckqueaning in one cozy thread. Talk about real life cuckqueaning here! Things like
>When was the last time you were cucked?
>Have you had a favourite vixen? Has your man had a favourite vixen?
>Does cuckqueaning mean Compersion or Humiliation for you?
>How close do you like to be when they're in the act?
>Have any of your girlfriends slept with your man? Do you think it's a good idea for them to do it?
>Do you have any post-cucking rituals once you're alone with your man again?

(If you're a man not participating in the IRL cuckqueaning lifestyle, please refrain from posting in here.)
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>I want you to fuck women that look like my bullies.
Is this the biggest cuck ever?
Replies: >>6034 >>6042
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More from the same thread of cc.
Replies: >>6036 >>6042
if you avoid their /b/ most of their threads are quite good. Most of them are in relationship too
White worship’s a hellava drug.
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What if she is trying to pimp him out?

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For those who enjoy incest, do you prefer the vixen to be a relative inserting herself into a normal relationship or to be an unrelated girl who intrudes on your family and takes what has always been yours?
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Replies: >>6560 + 2 earlier
Yeah. Shame most people are allergic to incest.
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I love these pet shaming signs, but sadly it seems hard to search for them so I just see them by chance. If I had any art talent, I'd make some of my own. "I nagged my husband so now I don't get to watch when he fucks our daughter" seems like a good one. Can you think up any other good cuckquean shaming signs anons?
Replies: >>6030 >>6560 >>6562
>I got so into lapping our vixen's creampie that I pushed her off the bed with my face.
>I made everyone late by insisting on "just one more round".
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>>5236 (OP) 
Who are you even gonna share with if not family? More importantly, why do you keep good stuff from family?
>I lie to my friends and family about being virgin to get them to teach me by having sex with my husband.
>I fucked my daughter's bf before she did.
>I tried to get my husband to cheat on me with my mom.
>I said I didn't want to deal with paperwork for sperm donation just so I could have sex with my sister's husband.
>All my cousins know how my husband's dick feels.
>I had sex with my son in front of her wife and called it sex-ed.
>I made my shy, little sister have sex with my bf and called it coaching.
How about shaming signs for men?
>I get a boner when my girlfriend's mom hugs me.
>I sometimes turn my wife down because her sister drains all my energy.
>I can't disobey my mom even if she wants to have sex with me in front of my girlfriend.
>I'm known as a manslut in my girlfriend's friend group.
>I've become the toy of the widows in my neighborhood because my wife asked me to.
>I got tricked into confessing my fantasies about my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

How much physical contact do you like to have with the vixen while they fuck? Direct sexual contact like touching her pussy, ass, or tits directly? Close but indirect sexual contact like spreading her? Close but nonsexual contact like hugging, having her rest on you like a bed, holding her arms/legs? Close to the action but no contact like being under them or behind them? A little way away like on a chair or couch? Distant but within eye/earshot? In a different place altogether?

Do you prefer a different level before or after they fuck?
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There is also the fact not every cuckquean is a submissive, and not every vixen is dominant. Contrary to the popular belief, there are very dominant cuckqueans, and the other way around, just like this picture shows. In that case, the cuckquean herself will take charge and probably decide for a fair amount of skin-on-skin contact, if not outright lesbian sex.
Replies: >>3785
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I think these two anons just have different ideas of their ideal relationship dynamic, and that's okay! But they shouldn't phrase it like it's a prescription for everyone else.

I'm not sure there is a "popular belief" for a kink as niche as ours.

By the way, you don't have to fill out every field when replying, unless you just want to.
Replies: >>3788
I like that picture. It's very cute.

>I'm not sure there is a "popular belief" for a kink as niche as ours.
Niche as it is, it does get discussed, and I've seen enough belief in certain cuckqueaning role stereotypes that I'd call them "popular belief" even if those discussions aren't populous enough to be "popular" in a strictly literal sense.
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Physical contact doesn't have to be about submissiveness or dominance. You could get physical for a lot of reasons.
You can try to get her to make lewd faces or noises maybe you are not into it yourself but your husband could be. If he is he is gonna start moving faster and hitting harder. You could watch his face as he does it.
Or maybe she is struggling to stand because the pleasure is too much. As a bonus, you will feel it every time he trusts.
Or maybe she is a shy friend(of yours or his) and you are just messing with her.
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Touching her would make instructing easier. Don't be shy.

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Hello again, Anon. Were you perhaps a little worried that you wouldn't have a new home to call your own? Were you relieved when you found your old friends from the cafe, sitting right here, all waiting for you? I know I was.

Welcome to /cuckquean/ Junku edition. I'll be updating the board sticky and scrubbing away 3DPD shortly after making this post. If you find any old content that violates the new 3DPD rule, feel free to report it.

This is also the general meta thread, any discussion regarding the board itself can be done here.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
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>Youthful and pure smaller-chested girls actually being on /cuckquean/
>I thought we were all big dum-dum udder-havers that were being cucked by superior flatchests.
I have been lied to this entire time. Why didn't anyone tell me?
Replies: >>6520 >>6525
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<you've got fat chest and your man wants a modest handful
<you're a driven breadwinner and your man is "saving" a stinky NEET with his dick while he messages you at work
<you're of average height and your short man is climbing Mt Vixen for the thrill of it
<you're flesh and blood and your man wants to fuck feelings into a silicone and steel robot
Rejoice, cuckquean, there's enough suffering for all.
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There are a couple more in >>790 that are spoilered.
Replies: >>6528
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Taken care of! Thanks for spotting it.

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Are stories the best medium for cuckquean porn? This thread is for the good ones you've found.
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>Female Shinsou HitoshiFemale Bakugou KatsukiFemale Todoroki ShoutoFemale Kirishima EijirouFemale Tokoyami Fumikage
So male characters are turned into girls?
Replies: >>6302
I think the fic's world has them genderbent from the start, though without familiarity with the source work I couldn't tell which ones or how well.
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Are there any stories where the wife/gf acts as the guy's wingwoman? I'm not talking about one where she tells him about a girl and says 'go get her tiger!', but one where she takes an active role in making sure the other woman gets bedded. 

 Maybe an aristocratic story in a fantasy land where harems are legal and more qts means more power and status. The couple does research and investigation on new qts on their radar and work together to make sure the girl ends up on the roster. 

Or perhaps an isekaied couple that act as spies for the queen of the land they've been transported to. They pretend to be traveling on business of one form or another to gather info and make connections. And if anyone gets suspicious of their motives, they can always admit they're traveling around less for business and more to find cute girls for hubby to bang and bring home.

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