/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Just because they don't really exist doesn't mean they shouldn't be cucked.
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yes, it's a good format, and i like that it is open, unlike h265
it's nice seeing another video coding enthusiast
i used to use vp9 when doing conversions, it seems to be the standard for webms anyway
but i really should get around to figuring out how to use the av1 codec properly on ffmpeg
tho it has been a while since i last converted anything so it's nothing urgent
thanks for showing interest and i apologize for the late reply
i have been having computer problems for the past 2 weeks and i kinda lost interest in this by now
maybe i'll deliver next year, cheers
here's another vid, by a different artist
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Ending is indeed shit
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Poor Mine. I normally only go in for compersive stuff but I happened across this so I figured I'd post.

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Hello again, Anon. Were you perhaps a little worried that you wouldn't have a new home to call your own? Were you relieved when you found your old friends from the cafe, sitting right here, all waiting for you? I know I was.

Welcome to /cuckquean/ Junku edition. I'll be updating the board sticky and scrubbing away 3DPD shortly after making this post. If you find any old content that violates the new 3DPD rule, feel free to report it.

This is also the general meta thread, any discussion regarding the board itself can be done here.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
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Was hoping none of you saw that, but it seems I was being naïve as usual.

Thank you all for being so very wonderful.
Replies: >>7891
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even i had to see that shit on the overboard
still far from the worst i have seen being spammed on imageboards
but i didn't think that sort of thing would find it's way in a quiet town like this
let's hope they don't come back
I missed it, dare I ask what it was?
Replies: >>7895
There was a bestiality thread that I believe they're talking about. Unless there was something even worse that I missed.
Replies: >>7896
Well thank God I missed that, then. Ew.

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First person perspective
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Fuck a lot of these are hot. I'm really impressed you managed to find female pov stuff too, the intersection of two pretty obscure niches is so rare, and tag systems aren't always going to get you what you want.
That first image in >>7789 might be the hottest thing I've ever seen...
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sometimes I look at male pov pics and imagine i'm looking over my imaginary bf's shoulder while he fucks the vixen
Replies: >>7878 >>7889
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Why don't you have a boyfriend anon? It's literally 2025 and you are still single?
Replies: >>7894
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I like to imagine I'm getting into his head and mind-reading his thoughts about how good he feels.
Replies: >>7894
Because I am a mess and the only thing I can offer is that he would also get to have a better girl too (which he could just get anyway without me).
Being able to literally feel his pleasure would be so comfy. That image kinda scares me. Reimu's a dangerous girl.

Post any non-pornographic movies, tv shows, commercials, books, comics, etc. involving cuckqueaning. 

I'll start with this Pewdiepie video which I found interesting. It's about ads for a mobile game, Lily's Garden. They feature the main character having her fiance cheat on her with her own mother. In a later ad she falls for a hot new guy, and then in yet another ad the new guy is making out with her friend. The actual game may have nothing to do with this, it just looks like a puzzle game. Interesting that cuckqueaning is popular enough that it's being used as clickbait though. I've noticed similar ads for other mobile games in the past too.
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What ever happened to her? Did she delete her account or something?
polite sage for off topic
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The Sky TV miniseries about Mussolini
Replies: >>7857
The prostitute was a man with a mistress?
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Replies: >>7863
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Just as the title of thread says, this is a containment thread for male advice. Other guys are welcome to post here as well, if there are any. 

Primarily making this because I need advice on how to approach and proceed on a few things and honestly have no idea how to go about things. The most that Im hoping for in my specific situation is at least a long, possibly awkward, conversation with my wife and at least getting her to be more willing to discuss various kinks that she has. 

Its not so much that Im incapable of talking to her about such, its just she tends to clam up about anything outside the social and religious orthodox that we come from. That isnt to say I dont know about other more conventional things, but engaging her about things outside that is rather tough. Its not as if I could flat out ask and not expect things to go poorly if I happen to be wrong. Again, Im mostly hoping for an awkward conversation and for life to just go on as normal.

There are numerous things that lead me to believe she's into quean stuff; whatever dynamic I can only guess as she's rather demanding for control of things. Maybe a vixen? Ill go more indepth about this in another post, but what really seemed to make it clear was when having our last child we were unable to have sex for a good 4+ months and I was given permission to get a girlfriend so long as she knew about it.  I didnt do this as like the other prior times such had come up, primarily out of an assumption that it was a shi
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Queany valences aside, Sappho strikes me as a bit of a spaghetti-spiller.
Replies: >>7220
Makes me proud to be 1/8th Lesbian [spoiler]from my dad's side[/spoiler].
Replies: >>7220
lol, there were several ancient Athenian comedies about Sappho. Maybe that's why they thought she was funny.

That is an amazing thing to be able to drop in a conversation. I'm jealous.
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I know that question does not address the majority of the board's userbase but still curious if you crones might be able to answer through gossip and girl talk with your normalfag equivalents since it's somewhat board relevant. 

Women keep pretending that asking for an open relationship or swinging is the same as asking for a FF...FM foursome/manysome as if they did not already instinctually knew the answer. 
A man won't treat, view or think of his partner as lesser for being shared with other women, if anything he might bond even more.
Is it even possible for a woman to not viscerally perceive her man as a cuck and not lose almost every sense of respect and genuine sexual attraction if she sleeps with another man, even more so if he ACTIVELY CONSENTS to it?

Thank ya kindly.
I consensually cucked my wife and she's now crying. What do?

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For those who enjoy incest, do you prefer the vixen to be a relative inserting herself into a normal relationship or to be an unrelated girl who intrudes on your family and takes what has always been yours?
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Thinking about it, would you want your sister or cousin who might be having bad luck with men continue to take her chances with strangers on some dating app? Of course not. Your husband has proven quality, just share him a little with her.
Replies: >>7642
Exactly, it's like the Mormon thing upthread in >>5793. If I have a nice hubby it's only right that I make sure my sister gets the best.
Now that said she'll almost certainly marry before me, so maybe it'll have to be her sharing with me.
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I came across this while looking for some other stuff and figured it was too nice not to post. Tags on gelbooru say that the girls are sisters, apparently from Fire Emblem??? (Never played it).
Anyway, enjoy!
I love incest with other people's family but I utterly hate and am repulsed by my biological family.
Replies: >>7855
same tbh. it only works for me when it's 2d

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I'll start.

What would your ideal living situation be? Would your vixen live with you and your man, would she live separately, what?
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>hfw I keep mentally cheering, commentating, and yelling suggestions
Replies: >>7699
>be me
>possess girl
>plan to torment her by fucking her crush using her body while denying her the pleasure
>turns out she is into it
>won't stfu inside my head
>mfw i had to put up with her backseating the entire time
>yelling suggestions
God will you shut up and let me fuck this dude jeez no wonder you suck at this
Replies: >>7812
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Replies: >>7853
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>never have  seen an uncut dick verified!

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This new place is looking nice. Time to decorate it with some good old fashioned smut. This thread is for cuckquean eromanga. Without further ado, let's try the one that I was posting when Endchan died weeks ago...

Kanojo ga Iru noni Uwaki Shite Tewi-chan to Sex Shita by Ippongui
featuring Udonge as a clueless and frigid girlfriend, and Tewi as an aggressive bunny-vixen.
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A little bit of femdom should be fine.
[rca] Kyuuketsu Shimai no Hiroimono | Vampire Sisters Gathering
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A sequel where onee-san teaches her techniques to her sister. This is a bit sad.
[Doushoku (Sirofugu)] Kanojo no Onee-san ni Otosareru | I Was Seduced by My Girlfriend’s Sister
Replies: >>7820 >>7822
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Replies: >>7821
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>A sequel where onee-san teaches her techniques to her sister.
...is needed. I need learn talk American.

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When your boyfriend cucks you with your own mom.
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Replies: >>7798
You have chosen: GTFO.
Replies: >>7766


>>7709 (OP) 
This fetish has been a neverending source of pain for me.
>just starting uni at 17
>meet a guy who's 25 and really like him
>we live close together and take the same train in the morning
>he meets my mum who takes a different train, but still comes with me
>become travel buddies and have a single class together
>develop a crush because he's so smooth, put-together and kind
>get stuck with a giant gap in our schedules
>we start going back to my place to watch movies in the middle of the day
>during a non-teaching week we just decide to stick to the schedule and make it an all-day thing
>mum gets home and it's the first time they've really talked
>he finds it awkward because he's my friend, but my mum had me at 13, so they're not far apart age-wise and he doesn't know how to act with her
>mum assumes we're dating and treats him very warmly in her usual over-sharing over-confident way
>have to tell her we're not and she seems disappointed
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Replies: >>7799 >>7802
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>split my scalp on a lego castle while trying to pull up my sweatpants and turn off the bullet
yea that sounds painful but also insanely hot holy shit

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>see girl with cute voice and cute anime avatar
>want my man to fuck her
Simple as.
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>back under her indie avatar Lemonleaf
I, uh, I have some news for you Anon...
She'll be debuting with her chibi model since her regular model is still being worked on, apparently. I'll be waiting with baited breath to see if she fills the same cozy niche for me, as she did with Fauna. As well as fueling my parasocial fantasies of having a proper maternal figure in the house that cuddle-fucks my BF and fulfills the role that I lack the natural aptitude for.
Replies: >>7735
Based, but doesn't she hate being seen in any kind of sexual or parasocial way by her viewers?
Replies: >>7744
I'm sure she does, but I doubt the girl behind the avatar would care much about stray horny thoughts on an anon horny board well outside of her peripheral. I imagine she just want her stream chat and feed to be as free of creepy thirst comments as possible, and to avoid any IRL incidents like Kiara had with her stalker.
Replies: >>7752
Very true. Horn to your heart's content, Anon!

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