/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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The series is dead but the threads on 8chan were some of our most popular. I wasn't crazy about how it ended but I'll always appreciate the show for the spectacular cucking in the second season, all the cute vixenfus, and how much great fan content it resulted in. For old times sake, let's post any new cuckquean fan art or stories we've come across, discuss the show, and share our favorite memes, cartoons and stories from the old threads.
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I hate that the archive boards are only thumbnails. Can't find original pieces anymore. Gotta settle with what I got, unless someone here has a secret archive.
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There's some nice stuff from this artist, SaltyXodium.
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Replies: >>6043
Talented fella, that Incognitymous.
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Didn't notice the lip bite when this aired. Kinda seems like Jackie was turned on by the thought that Marco had knocked up Star.

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Shall we have a little thread that celebrates our symbol?
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Speaking of >>5137 I absolutely love how her hair's been done, likewise her cute antlers and Deedlit-hueg elf ears. Very appropriate.

>a certain dorkiness to her color scheme that's appropriate for her.
You're right, though that particular combination's brightness ended up making her look like she's wearing a well-worn highlighter, at least to my eyes. Were I tweaking her existing colors, I'd probably pull the main yellow down a notch to make it more fabric than fluorescent. I'd color the trim to match or make it white like a Fifties day dress, which I think is what she's supposed to be wearing under her apron. You can see in pics related that that means the collar and cuffs need to be thicker to hold their own, which helps to balance things when only her upper half is visible.

On its own that could be a little frumpy, so adding a little Forties pinup spice might help loosen things up. Her leather choker and wristbands helped with that.

I'm no illustrator so all these ideas might be dead ends, though. Hard to tell what works well without thumbnailing it out.
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Kidnapped from /monster/'s drawthread.
Replies: >>6865
A fitting punishment for someone guilty of being a vixen. I'm glad it's not tolerated in this nation.
Replies: >>6867
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Dura lex, sed lex.
Replies: >>6919
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Fiat justitia.

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Using the power of 1000 GET I resurrect the terminology thread! I also banish "cuckcake" as a term forever. By the power of numerals let it be done.

>Why's "cuckquean" spelled funny?
Orality and Literacy in Early Middle English edited by Herbert Pilch 1996 pp26 (https://books.google.com/books?id=jBVIrowvY_sC&lpg=PA26&ots=wgirgXLRdr&pg=PA26&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) is part of a long section on the translation of the Middle English "quene" and mentions that the Middle English Dictionary shows the root as OE cwene- a) a woman; b) a lowborn woman … harlot … term of abuse; but OE cwēn - a) a pre-eminent female noble… … etc.

It goes on to explain quean and queen as having their distinctions in the Old English roots of cwene and cwēn. Bascially queen evolved from a term of high praise while quean evolved from a derogatory one.

http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=cwene shows Old English cwene "woman," also "female serf, hussy, prostitute" (as in portcwene "public woman"), but I don't know where they sourced th
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>Hello I'm new
Welcome newfriend!

>is there a better term than hothusband? I cannot stand that word, surely there's something better.
Might be a question worth bumping our buried terminology thread for. 

I just refer to the man in the scenario as 'the man'. Or as the Husband/BF. I believe the terms 'stag' and 'bull' have been floated around in an old thread somewhere on 8chan, but they never caught on.

I would not say a more descript term for the male is really necessary. "Cuckquean" content that contains more than a singular man is not worth consuming, and words like hothusband remind me too much of the gender-reversed version of cuckqueaning. Mental prompting of either are hard turn-offs for me.

(Moderation Edit: Moved from Chit-Chat thread)
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>6854 >>6859
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Hello fellow word-hater! I also hate 'hothusband', almost as much as I hate 'cuckcake'.

Like >>6851 said we tend to just use 'man' (my man, her man, the man, etc.) when we don't know or need to bother with the specifics, or boyfriend/husband/whatever's applicable (master, owner, etc.) when we do. Stuffing cutesy words where they don't belong is chucklefucky imo.

(Moderation Edit: Moved from Chit-Chat thread)
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
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>Might be a question worth bumping our buried terminology thread for. 
That sounds like a great idea! Went ahead and moved three replies from the Chit-Chat thread at >>4621 to here.
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You're certainly in good company here, I don't know if any of us care for it. I generally agree with the others that a more specific word than man/husband/boyfriend isn't usually needed. There's also something powerful about names which makes me wary of using bad ones, like hothusband, but I was always partial to stag. The deergirl representation of queans resonates with me, so it makes sense to mirror that in him. Though I only really think in such terms when I'm trying to get myself into a queany headspace, if I'm just speaking academically then I tend not to.
Replies: >>6866
Shame that male cucks-in-denial got their hands on that a little over half a decade ago. But then, the same euphemism treadmill swiped “vixen” to replace the worn-out hurr “hotwife”, so you should call your fella whatever makes you feel queaniest.

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how do I go about dating a girl with this fetish?
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Replies: >>6437
cool, it works! now, can someone tell me why I got booted for respecting board etiquette? if it was some kinda circumcision joke, I must report that my foreskin is intact so it makes no sense...


Replies: >>6441
who cares
thats drama from 2 weeks ago
give me something fresh
Replies: >>6440
i'm not falling for this again!!
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With the power of new board, I hereby declare it to be Kim Possible. Tomoko is just a literally me who can't get a BF to cuck her in the first place.

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Hello anon! Did you miss us? Regroup here if this is your first time on /cuckquean/cafe!

This is also the board's general meta thread, for all discussion concerning the board itself.
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
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This is stupid, and its sappy, but you all brightened my day whenever you posted. I will miss the cafe, but I can't express how happy I am that we have a new home to go to. Thanks for making the internet a little brighter throughout these years, and thanks to our new BO for taking up to torch to light the way in the time to come. I love you all, and I'll see you on the other side.
Replies: >>6409
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don't mind me, I'm on my way to fuck your man
Replies: >>6410
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It's been my pleasure.

The coming iteration of /cuckquean/ is yours, and what you take, leave, or change from this first decade is entirely up to you. I'm afraid that any emails will probably go unreplied-to, not out of malice but because I never check the address unless prompted elsewhere. You've been on /cuckquean/ since 8chan, anyway, so I doubt I'd be able to tell you anything of past hows or whys that you haven't already grasped for yourself.

If you would make accounts for yourself on 8chan.moe and endchan.net then post their usernames here under your secure tripcode (or post to let me know you've sent them to me by email) then I'll transfer ownership over those sites' /cuckquean/ bunkers to you as well.

You brightened ours also.
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
Replies: >>6410
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You better not be one of those wretched women that remember to save their tripcodes into a .txt He's been wanting one of those forever!

>The coming iteration of /cuckquean/ is yours, and what you take, leave, or change from this first decade is entirely up to you. I'm afraid that any emails will probably go unreplied-to, not out of malice but because I never check the address unless prompted elsewhere. You've been on /cuckquean/ since 8chan, anyway, so I doubt I'd be able to tell you anything of past hows or whys that you haven't already grasped for yourself.
Absolutely understandable, there's no pressure on your part to reply or handhold. I do feel it was important to state it now though before anyone starts worrying about the possibility of male homosexual content and guro and the like (because I know I was worried).

>If you would make accounts for yourself on 8chan.moe and endchan.net then post their usernames here under your secure tripcode (or post to let me know you've sent them to me by email) then I'll transfer ownership over those sites' /cuckquean/ bunkers to you as well.
I've gone ahead and emailed you both of them. Thanks again.
Migration's complete, new meta thread at >>6413

Is there a better feeling than being locked away snug and secure in your belt while hubby rails some tight pretty thing? Not all underwear is made of steel, just the best kind.

This thread is for discussing female chastity play, chastity devices, chastity practices including orgasm denial, chastity life, and so on.

Do you own a belt? Two? More? Talk about them. How long do you wear them for? Who holds your key while you're locked away?

Do you want a belt of your own? Of course you do. Which are you thinking of picking? Why? How're you going to use it?

Just have chastity fantasies and aren't interested in doing it in real life yet? That's okay too! Post fantasies, porn, stories, hentai, whatever, as long as it involves female chastity play!
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Replies: >>6466 + 1 earlier
My simmering chastity kink has again popped its lid and boiled all over the cooktop of my libido, except this time instead of fixating on being belted I can’t stop thinking about having neat little chastity piercings that my man can use to lock and unlock as he pleases. Something about how sleek and neat the idea seems compared to a belt really excites the part of me that loves feeling owned and put away.

Problem is that a lot of pictures of female chastity piercings I can find online are pretty scary. They're heavy, permanent looking setups that seem to emphasise lots of thick rings, bolts, padlocks and other means of distortion/total closure. I suppose that's expected for something that probably attracts people who enjoy heavy piercings and other body mods as fetish/aesthetic in and of itself, but I feel attracted to the opposite, which is the smallest, neatest, most minimalistic possible "system" of piercings that'd allow my Master to conveniently lock and unlock me as he pleases without any elaborate untangling or adding/removing hardware from the piercing holes.

I guess what I'm asking here is whether anyone else here feels this way about chastity piercings, and whether anyone has pictures or descriptions of different existing "systems" (i.e. arrangements of how piercings and other hardware achieve their effects)?
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>>161 (OP) 
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Old files from Cafe.
Replies: >>6470
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She does seem like the right type for this.
Replies: >>6471
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Old files from Cafe.

Shhhh I was trying to be sneaky.

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To be a real CUCK she has to raise children that are not hers while not knowing they are not hers... this is a very rare occurrence in comparison to men. That said, I think it is pretty much every man's dream to have women that help him have other women. So 'cuckqueans' make the best lovers and wives nya~
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What's the point of being genetically bound to a man if he is not objectively superior enough to have a harem after seeds?

Nyan urself you uncucked loser!

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>be in relationship, never tell him I'm a cuck, he cheats on me of his own volition
>Heartbroken, break up with him
>New bf, absolute sweetheart
>Ask him to cuck me
>He refuses
>"I don't think I'm comfortable doing that sort of thing, it feels wrong, even if you ask for it."

Does God just find this funny or something? Is this a common issue? Actually decent guys refusing on the basis of loyalty? I've heard of some male cucks having their wife shoot down their cuck proposals on the basis of wanting to be a loyal wife. Is there any way to tell if I've somehow damaged his view of me by asking? He's more or less a normie so he's not a desensitizated coomer or anything and he's probably too nice to tell me what he really thinks about it. He just dropped it and neither of us have brought it up since, I'm mildly on the spectrum and have near zero ability to read subtle cues, how do I figure out if I've fucked up? I've talked to guys on other Chans before and asked them their thoughts, they said they'd take a woman asking this as her asking for an open relationship so she can "be a whore without feeling bad about it" and I'm kind of scared that's what he thinks I want. He's been cheated on before and I'm scared I set off alarm bells in his head. Did I just fuck up beyond repair?
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No need to soften it - it’s less the blind leading the blind and more the blind and deaf demanding the seeing follow them, then pitching a fit when it’s speculated that this might indicate that they’re retarded as well as insensate. It’s obvious (actually obvious, this isn’t rhetorical hyperbole) that what the poster in question wants most of all is an audience, specifically one of women who will admire his great knowledge no matter how warmed-over it actually is, hence his falling back into a blustering sulk when that supply doesn’t come. Forget OP, he can’t even hear himself.
Replies: >>6068
I was funposting in what's developed into a containment thread for playing games with the other anons, it's caught me a little off guard with the effortpostings. I'm thrilled with this post...

>What I read in her post is a woman looking for specific advice on how to tell if she's fucked up and providing context for why she fears that...
I give structure to fear. That's all I know I can do to help. Let's say the fear is not the root cause of the problem, you've got a spouse that beats you or a casino keeps taking your money or whatever it is. The fear includes looking into an array of overwhelming information, this nebulous miasma and you're left not knowing in which direction to walk. Sometimes it's your marriage that's on the line, or your finances or something else. But if you can study human behavior, and I mean really study it, then you can make the way in and out visible. Not necessarily every thought or feeling has a name for itself or a reason for being in there, but you can fashion a lens which makes visible for them a doorway. Just having a bit of structure in there will leave this fear of the unknown slain, and if that happens, then the problems themselves tend to get left behind along with this fear.

This is why my angle of attack is the way that it is, because old Audrey across the street you can talk to and she can give advice but that therapy is in the talking itself, insofar as talking things out is therapeutic. But what you won't get is here is the problem => here is the solution, the way a medic solving a problem should do these things. It's the difference between therapy where you pay $80 an hour vs $500 an hour. Sometimes even for the higher price there's not any distinction. It is not like a faucet in that respect. You can go in there with a wrench and your own DIY skills but it's not as clear as some plumbers tape or a new gasket... Anything that won't manifest as instinctually obvious, burdens the need to go study.

>A more realistic workaround would be to soften your tone.
I see what you're saying. I was going to say that 20 other people, presuming they have friends to go to, will be talking to them in that tone with broadly good intentions mind, but you will be #21 if you aren't directly cutting through. But this isn't necessarily true. I think women are more inclined to listen as well as to talk. With a man I'd be very direct. I need seriousness out of them when I'm talking about something important before their attention drifts to something else.

I've also tried softness on women before and got nowhere, and then tried hardness and still got nowhere. The stubbornness is something I'm used to having to fight, honestly.

You're the first person who's made it obvious to me in reading between the lines why I need to learn feminine delivery with a positive reason for doing that. I was just thinking they've been socially conditioned to only take feminine delivery. It made me mad. I'm a man. I talk like one. I don't want to have to bend to societal conditioning where only a feminine approach will do. Leave me alone.
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You are useful or entertaining to interact with. But your admiration isn't useful to me. Your tits aren't useful to me unless they're <20 miles away and I can fill my hands with them. I don't want to concern troll gas light dog whistle whatever the fuckin modern English is. I just want to refine my ability to help. I'll take it and I'll have better relationships of my own with it. Y'know you're very defensive, for a good girl.

The fuck is this nonsense? Ignore this, OP.
Replies: >>6081
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psst hey girl
Look up "relationship framing" on YT or some such. Teach it to your man. Be happier with it. Teach it to yourself too, find out why you may like the things that you like. It's not a cruelty to be imparted, it's not because I want my fat ass worshipped, it's not me trying for some elitist better than you euphoric moment. I don't know what I'm saying or doing much more than you do, but I've been taught some things and I want to relay them.

If my explanation of it is wrong then just do the "communicate more" advice instead. Nobody follows that advice, either because it takes conscious efforts or because it's full of traps and gotchas that can and do go wrong some of the time, but technically it's not bad advice that she's tried to give you. You are right to try and do the communicating - just that the bulk of it's typically a body language issue.

As for everything else, without posting another essay, I love you but I don't know why I love you beyond what God commands. I've studied "Oxytocin and vasopressin in relationships" and any addictions to them. I've also studied "Atlas personality" in regard to attachment mechanisms. But I've still not got a handle on why it feels good to try and help you. I think it's a float for my self-esteem but it's only temporary? Even if you worshipped me at my feet. I just want to know this, and if I study pers
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Let me start us off with some questions.

1: What is the best way to establish cuckqueaning in our culture? Legislation? Social change? Blood rituals? Hyper-sentient AI?

2: What should the average Ratio of men to women be? 1:2? 1:10?

3: Why is Cuckquean the superior fetish and lifestyle? Please support your argument by citing a peer reviewed clinical study. Shitposts are also allowed.

4: How advanced must a machine be in order to cuck you? When does a rumba become a romantic rival?

5: Do elf males exist?
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> Men may have given themselves greater voting power so that they still hold half the say, but even if they didn't, 
Men get votes in accordance with the number of wives/children they have, so the men with the most women get the most votes. Women and children have no say.
Replies: >>6001 >>6049
On top of that I'd say if you do work then you should be untaxed, since you've not a vote in it
>Men get votes in accordance with the number of wives/children they have
This reminds me of a common story element in media from a long time ago.

>High flying career man is moving up in the world
>Is about to get promoted again, but he runs into a snag
>He has to get married to get the position he wants
>Goes on a search to find Ms. Right and falls in love after some trials and tribulations

Seemed like a pretty wild storyline to me when my dad told me about it. But apparently it was thought that back in the day, if you hired a married man he'd be more reliable, hardworking, and you'd have basically have hired the wife as well considering how she'd help him in his off hours.

Perhaps in some alternate earth there'd be a harem anime genre that'd have a similar twist.

>A guy runs into trouble trying to move up career wise or can't get into his desired school without having a harem
>The guy has been autistically focused on his areas of expertise and is extremely competent in many things, but wooing girls isn't one of them.
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Replies: >>6066
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>what if Spy X Family was a full-on harem anime
Replies: >>6074
Exactly! You sent me on an anime binge and I thank you for it. 
The show is pretty much exactly what my dad told me about. Now it just has to be made into a harem anime.

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