/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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>I'd estimate that they were largely elder millennials to mid-GenXers
Firmly tilted towards Xers, considering how much of SA's culture was inherited from the previous wave of atrocity tourism (what we'd today call lolcow farming) ala Portal of Evil.
>government mandated cuckqeaning
Wait... Government good?
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I still think about this post sometimes. I don't know if this anon is still here but I hope she and her baby are doing well.
Replies: >>7674
That was 5 years ago. She has a toddler by now.

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PAGE [54.jpg]   Seth (participating, spoken): どこで仕込んだか知らんが感謝するぜ
>Dunno where you were brought up, but - heh - I’m grateful.

Augusta (participating, nonverbal utterance): ううっ

Xaveria (observing, thought): オーガスタと同じ / 勿忘草の花の色の…
>The same forget-me-not blossom hue as Augusta's...

Seth (participating, spoken): 百年待った完璧な女だ
>The perfect woman for whom I waited a hundred years.
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It is still machine translate
Replies: >>7518 >>7519
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I hope a machine fucks my boyfriend
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Harmless as they were, I've gone ahead and moved the four posts starting at >>7520 to the dedicated Robots and AI thread at >>1871.
Replies: >>7532
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We had some discussion on this on the old board. Would you like to get cucked by a fembot? Or have a fembot plan your bf's dates? Perhaps the bf has been chosen as a breeding stud by the enlightened AI. Maybe she would reinforce your fetish to ensure things go smoothly.
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I hope my boyfriend fox a machine
Replies: >>7521
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gosh, she's pretty cute
Replies: >>7522 >>7523
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A cat is fine too
Replies: >>7523
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Moved the above four posts from >>5277 to here.

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I remember there was a thread about oriental girls...
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Personal life goal, be frugal  and support my husband financially enough so that we can eventually get a stereotypical Victorian mansion and fill it with Asian french maids of different ethnicities.
"About 69 percent of married Asian women are married to Asian men, while 25 percent of married Asian women have white husbands. "But as common as marriages are between Asian women and white men, cohabitations are even more prevalent," says Ono. "In fact, Asian women are more likely to be living with white men than with Asian men. Nearly 45 percent of cohabiting Asian women have white partners, while less than 43 percent have Asian partners."

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Chinese propaganda video portraying Americans as wizard eaglemen and asians as meek submissive bunnygirls
Replies: >>7487 >>7489
>asians as meek submissive bunnygirls
They really want us to breed them.
Replies: >>7489
Inspiring, really. We must strive to be the Americans that PRC propsloppers believe we are!

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It's October, and as such, I feel it's time we have a proper fantasy thread, to discuss all the elves, monstergirls, and other supernatural beings that are almost certainly going to steal your bf.

(Moderation edit: Copied name field into subject, as was probably intended.)
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
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>tfw you will never be helltaken
Replies: >>6675
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He need not be built like The Wall - with the right provocation, long enough nails, and adequate hydration on hand the Helltaker experience is well within reach.
Replies: >>6677
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>>6666 (checked)
By the power of based quads, I hereby stand corrected.
>version of this except you're cleaning adventurer creampies out of the other superior monstergirls instead of cleaning adventurer blood out of traps
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Beware! Prowling foxes are at this very moment ready to steal your bf/fiance.

I thought I'd try making a general to concentrate discussion of actual cuckqueaning in one cozy thread. Talk about real life cuckqueaning here! Things like
>When was the last time you were cucked?
>Have you had a favourite vixen? Has your man had a favourite vixen?
>Does cuckqueaning mean Compersion or Humiliation for you?
>How close do you like to be when they're in the act?
>Have any of your girlfriends slept with your man? Do you think it's a good idea for them to do it?
>Do you have any post-cucking rituals once you're alone with your man again?

(If you're a man not participating in the IRL cuckqueaning lifestyle, please refrain from posting in here.)
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>I know some of you will say it was a really bad idea not to use a condom
Do as I say, not as I've done.
Replies: >>7301
It's so unfair he can't just have a second wife and then cum in her all he wants.
Unrelatedly, have any of you ever gotten multiple vixens together at once? I've dreamed of getting 3 or 4 girls for him all together but I don't think I'll ever make it happen.
Replies: >>7304 >>7310
>It's so unfair he can't just have a second wife and then cum in her all he wants.
We had one vixen who was down for that kind of thing, but never more than one at once who was. On the contrary, quite a few of our vixens have seemed quite shy at the idea they might not only be sharing him with me, but also with others like them. Which, you know... fair enough.
Replies: >>7318
>sharing this woman's husband/boyfriend with her
>don't want to share with other vixens
That's kinda cute actually. Guess we can't expect every girl to be a quean.

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old vs young
I am interested in seeing art where there is a age difference between the vixen and cuckquean. It could go either way: younger stealing from the old, old stealing from the young. There's inferiority complexes in either direction.

They might be mother/daughter, an older/younger sister, older/younger cousins, aunt/niece, teacher/student, etc.

For example here is Ronnie Anne Santiago getting cucked by her older thiccer cousin Carlota Casagrande with her  love interest Lincoln Loud (shotas obviously allowed)
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>it occurs to me that 'sharing daddy' or 'stealing daddy' situations come up possibly moreso than boyfriend-stealing
Does it? This is probably ones of the hottest situations I can imagine and I don't find nearly enough of it. If you have more to share I'd be really grateful. 

You're the original model, but he also gets to take the newer model for a spin. If your ride has gotten a little stale, imagine how smooth 
and exciting it must be to ride that newer one? Plus she came out of that dick, it gave her life, its only proper that she serve and worship it like a good girl. And it's only proper that I, her loving mother, encourage my husband to save all his cum for her.
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What do you think is a hotter idea? An older man growing dissatisfied with his wife and getting a newer model as a side piece? Or an experienced cougar showing a younger guy things his girlfriend could only dream of doing?
Replies: >>5583
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For me it's very much the older man being seduced by a younger woman. Maybe it's just because I tend to like older men, or maybe its because I didn't figure out I was a cuck until I was in my late twenties so I was already closer to being a cougar and didn't feel as threatened by one. Then again, I do like it when the vixen is the one initiating the seduction since I like the idea of the man being stolen more than him straying, and that setup seems more common for older woman/younger man pairs Plus, the idea of a guy being seduced by his girlfriend's hot mother is also pretty steamy. I think I need to conduct additional research to explore that thread further.
source please?
Is this an edit of the official comic? I can't get the source

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With the power of baka-trips, I summon the history thread!

Concerning Tales Olde and Antiquated of Ye Singuler Creature known as a "Cuckqueane"

We know that cuckqueaning is older than any of us and that from time to time, we have been mentioned in writing whether fictional or factual. Cuckqueaning throughout history thread!

First, some old smut. In the Bibliography of Forbidden Books, Volume 3, I found this little gem:
>I cannot better terminate this bibliographical attempt, in which English fiction so largely figures, than by noticing two tales which reach me as these pages are passing through the press:
Abishag; a Luscious Tale of a Successful Physiological Search after Rejuvenescence, Fully disclosing the Secret of the only natural and true Elixer capable of effecting such a desirable necessity. By David II. Jerusalem 1851.
>This is a husband's confession of infidelity to his wife, and the Elixer for rejuvenescence, promised on the title-page, is nothing more than the contact of a young girl. Taking the episode of David and Abishag for his text, the narrator tells us how, tiring of his wife six months after marriage, he has connection with Jemima, his servant maid, and continues the intimacy for two years, until she gets a husband. As he grows older his power of satisfying his wife diminishes, until he seduces Jemima's successor, "a young orphan girl of about eighteen, who has never been in service before," and finds himself in a position to serve both mistress and maid. His wife compliments him on his return of vigour, and enquires the cause, which, after some hesitation, he discloses. His partner expresses surprise that such girls can have so much influence, but, being an accommodating woman, she determined to keep the secret, and to profit by the discovery. On Polly's departure to wed "a particularly well hung young butcher," she engages another docile maid, "always making a change every three months or so, as fresh girls are most effective."
>The idea of a wife condoning, and even profiting by her husband's libertinism, if not strictly new, is at any rate not hackneyed, and a more thorough, less flimsy treatment than in the volume before us might have secured an attractive narrative.

Only one copy is known to exist and is in a private collection.

http://www.eroticabibliophile.com/publishers_carrington_a_d.php mentions the original copy of Abishag is
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Caroline of Ansbach, wife of George II of Great Britain, seems to have fit the bill of a great historical cuckquean:

>George Augustus and Caroline had a successful and loving marriage, *though he continued to keep mistresses, as was customary for the time.[23] Caroline was aware of his infidelities; they were well known and he told her about them himself. His two best-known mistresses were Henrietta Howard, later Countess of Suffolk, and, beginning in 1735, Amalie von Wallmoden, Countess of Yarmouth. Howard was one of Caroline's Women of the Bedchamber and became Mistress of the Robes when her husband inherited a peerage in 1731*; she retired in 1734.[24] In contrast with her mother-in-law and husband, Caroline was known for her marital fidelity; she never made any embarrassing scenes nor did she take lovers.[23] She preferred her husband's mistresses to be her ladies-in-waiting so that she could keep a closer eye on them.[25]
Replies: >>4933
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Reading an article about her at https://royalcentral.co.uk/features/the-wives-of-the-georgian-kings-caroline-of-ansbach-39011/  and she seemed formidable:
>Lucy Worsley has called Caroline of Ansbach "the cleverest queen consort ever to sit on the throne of England".
>served as regent on occasion
>both intelligent and curious, vastly outshone her husband in most cultural and political aspects. So much so, that when they were crowned King and Queen, a satirist wrote about the royal couple: “You may strut, dapper George but ‘twill all be in vain; We know ‘tis Queen Caroline, not you, that reign.”
>Caroline convinced the King to commune the sentence of six prisoners, so that they could be a part of an experiment. She made an attempt to inoculate these prisoners against smallpox, and when they all survived, she tried it again – this time on children. The results were favourable, and Caroline soon had her own children inoculated against the disease. In her own way, she was a pioneer in the field of medicine.

The relationship between
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Replies: >>7284
King's mistress was an official court position in France, though many of them had unofficial mistresses as well.  Louis XV went through a great many including 5 sisters.

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I lay before the scholars of /cuckquean/ two Ming-period wood-cut prints I happened across in a reprinting of what was apparently quite the infamous work from its release in 1951, limited as it was to fifty copies locked up in the restricted collections of various libraries and museums: Gulik, Robert Hans. Erotic Colour Prints of the Ming Period: With an Essay on Chinese Sex Life from the Han to the Chʾing Dynasty, B.C. 206-A.D. 1644. Brill, 2004.

I venture to hope that their perusal might serve to beguile some idle minutes.

First, Plate XV, from "Chiang-Nan-Hsiao-Hsia" ("Whiling Away the Summer South of the River"):
>This print apparently represents the defloration of a new second wife or concubine. An older woman clad in a loose robe is supporting the girl; this woman is probably the first wife.

Plate XX is from the same album, and since the compiler's commentary describes its contents without adding any history or other expert insight useful to us, I omit it.

Interestingly, it's suggested that the series these are from decorated the inside of a marital bed:
>...the owner suggests that this series of prints was not intended for an erotic album; he thinks that the prints were meant for decorating the inside of a bedstead. ... if the owner of this album is correct in his assumption, it would appear that at the end of the Ming Dynasty erotic colour prints were on occasion made for the special purpose of decorating the inside of a bed. However, it is also possible that these prints belonged to an ordinary erotic album, the text of which was lost.

A few others that follow here caught my eye but didn't hold up.

Plate XIV (from the "Yuan-Yang-Pi-Pu"/"Secret Handbook for Devoted Lovers") appears promising at first sight, but the compiler's commentary reveals it a touch more conventional than we'd perhaps like:
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>She preferred her husband's mistresses to be her ladies-in-waiting so that she could keep a closer eye on them.
I love the combination of hierarchical trust and closeness this implies, given the lady-in-waiting was among the most intimate, esteemed, and capable maidservants a woman had. Imagine the poise and confidence it'd have taken to select a noblewoman who you trust enough to live with you, help handle your most intimate matters - including, behind the scenes, those of state - and to share your lord husband's cock. Just incredible. What a woman Caroline must've been.

Aside: A vixen roleplaying as the quean's (hurrhurr) lady-in-waiting sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

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you are now in this situation. 
gentlemen, how do you handle the situation? how do you tease your gf? is there anything specific you wanna try?
ladies, where do you take it from here? 

also more stuff like this welcome.
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Replies: >>5686 + 11 earlier
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>>2285 (OP) 
>how do you handle the situation? 
Look through the folder to see if she's got anything good I can use.  I wouldn't press, though, enjoying stories about something is different from actually wanting it to happen to you or someone you care about.  I wouldn't tolerate a girl who had sex with other men, nor would I want her to openly talk about it, so I wouldn't do anything that would make her doubt my fidelity unless she specifically asked for it.
>how do you tease your gf? 
Watch harem anime with girls similar to her and keep asking her who she wants to win and why.  "Accidentally" call her the names of the characters that I prefer.  If she's not insecure about it, compare her to other girls we know that are better than her in some way.  Send her to the store and then text her to pick me up some pussy on the way back.
>is there anything specific you wanna try?
I really like the idea of a girl so devoted to my pleasure that she's willing to use other girls to get me off and, hopefully, earn a reward.  It could also be fun to be stolen away by a vixen and talking about how much better she is.  About the only thing that gets posted here that I would veto would be her going in chastity.
Get a load of this cuck. You are the dumb boring creep against the topic of the board who clearly doesn't belong here.
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>imagining having sex with a marxist
You are too far gone, my nigger...
Replies: >>7199
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not that anon, but done it and highly recommend.

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What role does pregnancy and impregnation play in your cuckquean fantasies (or reality)?
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One for each of you, plus a few to make up for everyone. Nice.
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>His family are big on lineage and they've been begging him to get married and have kids since he was a teenager. I think the prospect of us having more children (most of his generation have 2 or fewer) is enough to make them table the rest of their complaints.
Kind of sounds like my in-laws. My hubby grew up in a hardcore fire-and-brimstone evangelical church and his parents still go there and walk the walk, but they're also crazy supportive and always stand up for me even though I come from a completely different culture and life values.

>We've talked about it and were thinking 2 each, but to be honest I kind of want more, and theoretically we can afford it, so maybe 5 or 6 total?
Baste. Obviously you don't want to bring any children in that are beyond your means--but if it's within your capabilities and everyone involved is comfortable with it, then why not? After all, you started this because you wanted to play eugenic matchmaker for his high value genes. It only makes sense to sow his seed further for the benefit of mankind.
Replies: >>7167
That's so sweet. I really wish I knew what that kind of support.

So as a follow up...I'm pregnant!...a couple of months earlier than we planned. I've been having these feelings of nausea and breathlessness like I was about to go over the drop on a rollercoaster, then needed a nap afterward, so I took a test on a whim and it turns out we weren't as careful as we should have been a few weeks ago. From wifey I got bubbling excitement and from husbando I got a swift collapse to his knees and an exasperated chastisement of my uterus for ruining his carefully planned budget, followed by actual tears of joy.

Now this puts the wedding plans in a new and more urgent light, so the whole thing is inescapable for my parents and soon-to-be in-laws, which they're pushing back against. They're not outright saying they'll refuse to be there, but they're certainly hinting at it and refusing to help with it or be involved in the planning/preparation. We're really considering just going back to our original plan of having our own thrupple ceremony without any family involved (husband's parents and a few more open-minded relatives will come), then getting a registered agent friend submit the paperwork for our gay marriage right after. Thankfully, the weather's going to be unseasonably good and there's lots of bookings open a couple of weeks awa
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Replies: >>7171 >>7174
Congratulations Anon! Every time I have read one of your updates it fills me with all the warm fuzzy feelings. The logistics will work themselves out, but you sound so loved and your kids are going to be very lucky to grow up in your family.
>So as a follow up...I'm pregnant!...a couple of months earlier than we planned. I've been having these feelings of nausea and breathlessness like I was about to go over the drop on a rollercoaster, then needed a nap afterward, so I took a test on a whim and it turns out we weren't as careful as we should have been a few weeks ago. From wifey I got bubbling excitement and from husbando I got a swift collapse to his knees and an exasperated chastisement of my uterus for ruining his carefully planned budget, followed by actual tears of joy.
That's absolutely amazing news! Usually I'd say "You'll be a great mom!" But given the circumstances, it seems like you already are one.

>Now this puts the wedding plans in a new and more urgent light, so the whole thing is inescapable for my parents and soon-to-be in-laws, which they're pushing back against. They're not outright saying they'll refuse to be there, but they're certainly hinting at it and refusing to help with it or be involved in the planning/preparation.
Assuming they want what's best for their children and grandchildren, and assuming you're doing what's best for each other and for your children--then perhaps their attitude may change in the future. That said, it's irresponsible for me to speculate or to assume that I can fully comprehend your situation. I've never been in your sh
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