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Admin is insane and deletes his own insane posts as soon as you read them to make himself look innocent. Discuss.

Don't gaslight me.
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Replies: >>6393
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>>1102 (OP) 
Big if true.
I went to this website and my phone started to emit gas that smelled like bitter almonds. Avoid.
Replies: >>6395
yea that guy has been trying to shill that shitty blogspot on my site too
kinda sussy tbh
Replies: >>6400
Cuz it's your site duh
Replies: >>6402
>Stylometry checks out
>LLMs AI images checks out
Nice site how do I contact the author?

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Post cool guides.

[Mirror] https://gist.github.com/WonderSwan/72deb6c85de2be8e4922

This one is a little old but I thought it was neat nonetheless, thank you nachash!
13 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
Who are you quoting?
Replies: >>3722
why are you pretending to be stupid?
Replies: >>3723
I'm definitely not who lives in your walls.
Replies: >>3726
ofc not
the guy who lives there isnt a massive faggot
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korean gay outlook
What the fuck
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 I think you should read Gunslinger Girl.

4chan's /a/ has a nice discussion about Gunslinger Girl and its conclusion. The thread managed to produce several thoughtful posts before it all went to pot.
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Replies: >>6413
>>6409 (OP) 
>click link
>read thread
>most of the posts are people shit flinging over politics, puritanism, and other dumb shit
Never change cuck chan
Replies: >>6414
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I dunno, I thought the first half was thoughtful enough.
Replies: >>6416
>I thought the first half was thoughtful enough.
first half?
more like first post
<not a lot of gunslinging in this. what was the appeal?
fun thread
almost posted until I remembered how retarded the posting system on 4chins is now
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well at least OP tried to drag posters here, good effort

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Let's see if we can share media.

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she knew it was already too late for the others
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I will protect her from the "fans"
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no promises

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Is Kiwi Farms, the notorious stalker site, a serious detriment on society? What should be done about them?

The notorious hacker Null gives me the creeps.
Replies: >>6377 >>6384
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Nool is a pig mutant from Dimension X.
Replies: >>6384
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But how could it be? He's the mastermind behind INFINITY NEXT (TRADEMARK)

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Hello, please visit 4get.ca
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Please don't sell my search data.
IQ test
Due to getting hit with 20,000 bot requests per day, I had to put this up. Sorry.

Solving this captcha will allow you to make 100 searches today. I will add a way for legit users to bypass the captcha later. Sorry /g/tards!!
wait where else was this plugged? aside from 4chan's /g/ a bunch of times

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Replies: >>6320
Explain yourself.

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I REALLY appreciate Anis, even if her game doesn't hold my interest.
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I will not respect the jannies if they do this. Anis and her massive, fat tits deserve their own thread.
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when did anis become addicted to giving free paizuri?
Replies: >>6081
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probably feels good on her massive, soft boobs

taps glass
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I want to breed her. I want to breed Anis!
Replies: >>6203
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anis has nice feet

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Post a belief you hold that others may disagree with. Don't make it about politics or society, make it about something frivolous.
19 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>6162 + 1 earlier
Too long, didn't read.
>It's not even actual artificial intelligence
wtf is 'actual' artificial intelligence then?
LEDs make everyone more neurotic and in the case of blue eyed autistic people are fing unbearable if you're the kind of autist I am.
Cellphone signals are pressing on my brain.
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>>881 (OP)  (OP) 
1.Dairy is poisonous to non-whites, especially for asians
2. telegony / shared paternity -
individuals can inherit traits not only from their fathers, but also from other males previously known to their mothers.
3.Ancient India was nuclear power at one point 
4.Many cliffs or mountains were the bases of supergiant trees  not unlike Yggdrasil
5.females have too much psychic power
7.In the year 2027 is when the real breakdown will happen, it will be the modern equivalent Late Bronze Age collapse, no one will not be affected by this

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You will die in your lifetime.
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I really am just like her, fr.
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Drunk, organizing tools in my garage. I've lost control of my life.
Replies: >>6147
many such cases
im sober im playing ds2 again
Replies: >>6148
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Sober is probably the best state to be in, are you winning?
>are you winning?
im getting more levels, if thats what youre asking
im making a pugilist build, im already at the king's castle and went to the dlc zones to get some items for my build
namely flynn's ring and the bone fist
but im gonna need 45 dex to power stance it, so ill stick to my caesti for now
i tried experimenting with claws and manikin claws, but they are worse than caestus
sure, they got slightly better range, but the damage and poise break is noticeably worse
and its not like range matters when you got your enemy stunlocked
idk who thought itd be balanced to give the ring of giants the same poise dmg as an axe, but im not complaining
any time a red invades me they all invariably eat shit while meekly attempting to find room to hit me between my combos
im playing offline btw actual player invaders would prolly be less retarded
or maybe more
im playing a pirated version anyway
tho i do miss playing on steam
phantom shenanigans were p fun
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