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give me one reason why I should pay for anything online
Replies: >>6138
>over 2 minutes
is that even allowed?
who even has the attention span to watch an old man with anime eyes rants about capitalism for 2 whore minutes?
i cant believe denpanigger actually deleted all of his cringeposts before i could archive them
>>2104 (OP) 
Ease and Commodity
Simple as
Also are you poor or not
Replies: >>6139
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>Ease and Commodity
not really tbh
to pirate stuff i can just search for it and quickly find several free download options, most of which only require me to click one or two buttons and the download begins
meanwhile if i wanna download something legitimately i have to create an account, share personal and financial info, pray that they wont datamine it or suffer a leak in this day and age where major dataleaks are a yearly occurrence and datamining customers is the industry standard
i also have to deal with forced updates and i cant just copy and paste the file on another device bc legit shit is cucked with drm these days
at least with games and other programs you can have a legit concern about getting malware which is why youd only wanna get genuine copies, thats understandable
it doesnt really matter to me bc i have a dedicated gaming rig
but when it comes to other filetypes, shits just ridiculous
whats my motivation for paying for something legit when the bootleggers are the ones offering a superior service?
ppl make the mistake of thinking that what theyre paying for is the product, but thats a lie
the product is a digital file, once it has been made, it can be infinitely replicated at zero cost, so it doesnt make sense that thats what being sold
no, what youre paying for is the service of file distribution, getting the file into your computer
it is basically a delivery service
but the 'honest' delivery requires a huge rigmarole of paperwork and then puts severe restrictions on how you can use the file you got and what you can do with it
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give me it
Yes :3

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Tomoko on the front page!!
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that's all I have
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hope I get a good one

Your fortune: ポポポ~
Replies: >>5908
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Having some coffee.

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Damn, those NFT people are nuts.
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The art seemed cute before I realized it's all NFT cult nonsense 🤮
post her feet

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backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise

LTS users appear to be unaffected.
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This commit was extra smelly.
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Here's /g/ chasing squirrels.
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Some more discussion on HN and that other blue site:
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The legend even made the logo.
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Here's a neat write-up that gets into the meat of it.

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It took me 48 hours to find somebody hiring for Jewish organized crime in Montreal. Annie was a mess. And that has now staged towards Karen Daniels constantly. I never got enough speeding tickets to turn her into Mia Townsend. The games never let you side with cops by design. Tortured South African diplomats are the hardest Ra social memory complex aspects to unlock: They are healing as Octave.
interesting schizopost
tell me more

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Hello, how do one  knowingly produce succesful art that ll gain 6 digits traffic

How does things add ups.
Whats the algorythm/math

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>women look like angels compared to the gorillas I see around me
they only look good if they are young 
as soon as a ukrainian women goes 25 it's literally over 
the attractiveness is directly proportionate to age (i think it's like that in most countries tbh) 
lolis also dress like fucking whores 
they are generally the only ones wearing skirts because old hoes are too lazy to shave their legs 
but yeah they do look good 
the highest illegal prostitution rate in europe shows off  
js? fucking cringe 
>corpse party 
the good ol corpse party fanbase 
are you sure she's a biological female? 
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Replies: >>2570
>The things that are relevant to this thread starts from 3:33 to 6:55.
funny how when the vid is good, you give only a small timestamp
but when its teracringe, you expect us to watch the whole thing

>here it's 600
yall mf also use the dollar over there?
>it's bizarre but weird furry shit isn't really niche anymore 
>the number of ppl that are into this shit is insanely huge 
its only bc there are too many ppl online
but proportionally, furries are tiny
>furfag shit artists still have a p huge client base 
but there are literally infinite fetishes
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>yall mf also use the dollar over there?
unironically we start to since the the war UAH course is looking like a fucking equalizer line on those DJ setups 
the food and generally everything starting costing way more since the war too 
but honestly i don't look at price tags in grocery shops much so i am not really sure 
i mostly buy all my shit from babushka's at bazaars and their prices are out of touch with reality 
<furry porn   
>real art
a man of culture 
<corpse party
you don't know jack shit about corpse party? 
controversy the gaem 
the duality of men and transwomen  
it gets good after the first four hours of reading dialogue 
it's kind of a VN for the most part
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Replies: >>2597
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>there's gore pedophilia rape all the fun things
sounds based
ill check it out

>I mean, it says dissectiongirl so I thought it's a girl
hahaha its always funny how denpa never seems to dedicate a single neuron to analyze anything
>Uh he's just shilling his videogame with sympathybait though.
no he is talking aboout his sigma grindset
>I can draw although it can be quite ugly.
then maybe stop casting stones
or ill pee on your glass walls
Draw a space marine.

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clown thread

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Unanchor the feet thread. >>120
Speaking of which, why do so many people become inexplicably angry over foot fetishes? Despite its prevalence and harmlessness, people hate it almost as much as something as awful as NTR. Do these people look down and start screaming and freaking out or something?
There are people who genuinely cannot handle seeing this image for some reason.
Replies: >>5612 >>5617
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>>5609 (OP) 
>Unanchor the feet thread.
You have my support.
Why the fuck would a foot thread be bumpcucked when the cowtits thread is up and running? Who is resposible for this? Could it be that the admin has shit taste?
>why do so many people become inexplicably angry over foot fetishes?
It is possible they unconsciously realize the superiority of feet, but their minds are too narrow to truly appreciate it because mass porn propaganda conditioned them to like only tits and ass (and even then they infight over those two). That then causes the fits of irrational rage antifootfags are known for, because they feel an attraction for those sexy tootsies and it makes them uncomfortable, so they displace this confused feeling into anger aimed towards the feet that triggered it.
>something as awful as NTR
NTR is pretty hot, the problem is that when its shit, its SHIT.
You probably just haven't seen any good ones, which makes sense because I'm pretty sure these days people's exposure to NTR is either forced memes or having it shoved into their faces when they open the frontpage of their hentai catalogue of choice, which invariably only contains hot garbage. I really cannot believe there are motherfuckers out there who can exclusively fap to the frontpage of nhentai and think there's nothing wrong with their brain and that they are human beings worthy of respect.
Wait, now that I think of it, I can count the number of NTR comics I read in one hand. Alright, here is an alternative interpretation of the facts: NTR is a shit-tier genre in general, but I only ever saw the cream de la cream which left me with the impression that it's secretly good.
But that then raises the question of what constitutes a good fetish. Widespread appeal? How much of the material made around it is of good quality? Or perhaps only the best of the best material should be taken into account?
The first one I believe qualifies a shit fetish: if normies like it too much, it's trash.
That leaves the 2nd and 3rd parameters.
Well, the 3rd is kinda moot, since I'm sure any given fetish has that one autismo insanely skilled at making porn of it, so then by that metric all fetishes would be good, which is a meaningless statement. That leaves the 2nd statement.
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Replies: >>5616
>NTR is pretty hot
No. Now I can clearly see this post is just meant to make people get even angrier over feet by association with you, a cuckold.
Replies: >>5622
>>5609 (OP) 
>Unanchor the feet thread
Replies: >>5618
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>I can clearly see this post is just meant to make people get even angrier over feet by association
guilty as charged
>you, a cuckold
first of all motherfucker, in the end i concluded that ntr is a bad fetish, so maybe go brush up your reading comprehension so you look less retarded online
2nd, junku is a cuck-friendly ib
and 3rd, its not polite to call someone out when he is posting bait
you party pooper xP

anyway i should thank you
you have helped me find the metric for based fetishes
if the mere mention of a fetish instantly drives normalfaggots into a blind rage, then its based
examples: feet, NTR, loli, fur

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Share what you're reading or dump a chapter, don't be bashful.
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Replies: >>5559
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never relax around carnivorous women.
nice fives.
Replies: >>5560
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>never relax around carnivorous women.
around a female... never exhale!
>nice fives.
thank you for checking them

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