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What are your ideas for a society with robogirls or even your ideas with robogirls? Can be SFW or NSFW, just any ideas you really wanna get out there and share.

Can range from the whole society, to specific things about bots themselves.
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i agree, maybe this answer is retarded but it's my first thought: detroit become human does display this

a lot of people don't like the game but it does answer a lot of the questions asked, for example people still have their jobs but pretty much half of the work force is robots and it causes a sort of anti-robot mentality - at the very start of the game a mother is distraught and screams asking why a robot is going to save her daughter.

i don't care much for the game and it's bot super about "robots" and more about androids basically becoming humans but the worldbuilding is interesting at least.
Interesting. I kinda envision a world where if sentient robots exist, there must be regulations for their activation, rights, etc. They cannot have freedom on their own, but needed to have an owner attached to them, so everything they do will be the responsibility of the owner as well (basically a parent and children relationship?)

Detroit might be a good inspiration, but I kind of dislike the grim interpretation of it (although kinda realistic, especially with the current political climate?)
This sort of thing would have to be very accommodating. After all, there are some esoteric tastes out there. For example, someone may want the robot to be 'unwilling' and putting up token resistance. If they were able to disassemble with ease, this same person might wish to behead the partner during the activities. Perhaps such whims would be best catered to in specialist venues, whereas your basic proposal would be the common model.
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Vanilla Lily is the brothel for more tame things, things like vaginal, intercrucial, nuru massages, baths with girls, gentle sex, anal. The less intense things.

There's another brothel for more intense things, but not too far - things like footjobs, kneejobs, dismantling (but not in a ryona way, just turning her into a fleshlight essentially), futa, mommy kinks.

Then the final level of brothel, you can guess what goes on in there.
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If a dastardly criminal sneaked into someone's house and fucked their house cleaning robot, what should he be charged with aside from breaking and entering? What if the robot was a companionship robot instead? Should the robot be able to simply smash his face in?

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Oh fuck, I didn't think you'd actually do it.
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sorry for the slight spam of robo girl porn for a second, just three gifs i wanted to send
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Nice dick-polishing, no need to apologize.
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I wish to have a robot wife.

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who is Deez

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I see bright things ahead for Junkuchan! Many new features! Many new faces! No more Kusaba X! Perhaps Kusaba X 1.0 will drop instead! 2023 will be a prosperous year with many opportunities and exciting events sure to happen. Perhaps we’ll even get emotes like all the other cool, popular imageboards.

Happy New Year everyone!

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When people arrive on Junkuchan they encounter the >>>/whitelist/ and get bored. They don't know what exists at the /origin/, but I suppose that's okay.
Replies: >>433
I don't mind quiet or silent boards as long as they stick around for more than a year. Stability is king!
It's a good filter to be honest. I say this as someone who has only passing familiarity with textboards.
Replies: >>432
It definitely works well as a filter, agreed. Textboard are great for geezers stuck in the past so they can talk about their old man topics! I would hope /whitelist/ continues to be highly available to filter out more spam. Some of the crap that gets posted on other boards elsewhere can be a bit nasty.
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>>405 (OP) 
Also, I appreciate this artist.

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Share your 2hu music here

Paste shamelessly stolen from /jp/:

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"Album info:" https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Nothing_but_the_TOHO_EDM
"Shady link:" https://nyaa.si/view/856123
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Boo, I messed up the bold formatting
test again
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Album info: https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/TOHO_EDM
Shady link: https://nyaa.si/view/1399064
Oh I'm daft

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What if the intent was to prevent a real connection online? Do you think they're trying to inhibit communication except through approved means? When's the last time you received an odd error message on a backwater website? Things are a bit too sanitized these days.

I don't like social media.
of course this site might be a bit shit LOL

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heh heh
Sauce for the art:

Sauce for the music:
This thread will not 404, that's a threat.

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Go read planetarian. Disconnect from everything and go read it. I'm serious, it's best read when you have no distractions and no connectivity.

Paid: https://store.steampowered.com/app/623080/

Yarr: https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=6_0&q=planetarian
Why don't you come to the planetarium?
The beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter what.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.

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