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I want to cuddle with Specter, I hope she doesn't kill me.
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degenerate nun!

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NSFW or SFW, anything that's worth sharing. Dump some stories about robots.
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i read all of these a few weeks ago
kept forgetting to post here
i like the lowkey melancholy of the nonporn ones esp the sunflower one
Maid Magurobo was hot and kinky owo
lav me was cute and wholesome
Makeshift Maid is dumb and cute
i downloaded all volumes of My Wife Has No Emotion
ill read later in like maybe 7 months
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share something if you have anything. Although it's not really relevant to /robo/ I'll probably be re-reading Gunslinger Girl soon.

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i have this list and want to make this list into a horizontal line so it can work with httrack. do anyone know a program or script or something that can help ? computer wizards pls help!
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lmoa just use pastebin
awk -v RS=" " '{print}' words.txt
just use awk
bruh just use xargs wtf
i do not use linux, and i think i can't use it
Replies: >>1346
well then get fucked
you cant even do something as basic as editing text in a cucked OS
you can only open your webbrowser and consoom goychowder

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I wanna eat.
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Hungry heh heh
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I want to snack with a cute girl!

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In Children of the Corn, at 19 years old you die. If there was no school, or idea of childhood (no rights till 18th birthday) I don't think this would be a bad lifespan. There are phrases stating that you have only one dog and or only one home, the one that was yours as a child. It rings true. Human attractiveness begins to fall in the 20s, and by the time a woman is 30, or a man is 40, most attractiveness has faded. In Native America they used to kill widows, and I don't think this is a bad idea. COVID-19 kills only people older than 45: if it was created by humans to kill old bags, I think the creators of it are good. In a utopia I think humans should get married at 12, and die at 30, or earlier, and if your spouse dies you should, too. Suicide isn't a bad thing, either, and I think people should be ok with death.
Is thread the result of a prompt?
Replies: >>1093
No, I've just been thinking a lot about it recently, and I wanted to share my thoughts and receive some of your thoughts. When I posted this on lame-chan (lainchan) they deleted my thread. Life is too busy, not too short.
Replies: >>1097
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I've heard that the jannies over there are pretty heavy-handed, can't say I'm surprised.

Anyhoo I think there's more to the life of a person aside from their attractiveness. People can be beneficial to both society and to their family well beyond their 40s. I would selfishly like to live on until I'm incapable of clicking a mouse, for example. I'd be fine with offering the same opportunity to live a long long life to others as well. What's wrong with keeping geezers around in your extended family?
Replies: >>1143
I see your point, I just feel its a little bit of a waste. The first 30 years are regarded as the greatest. Its like the first 100 hours of playing a game. I'd rather 10 people play a game for 100 hours than 1 person plays it for 1000 hours. I'd rather 3 people live to be 30 than 1 person lives to be 90. If at any point in time there are X people, I'd like them to be young enough that live can be sheer pleasure.

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>You cannot delete old threads or threads with too many replies
please remove all these restrictions. kthx.
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Then why would you attempt to delete my thoughtful replies? Kick rocks, weirdo, I want to come back to see my shitposts in a year.
Replies: >>1017
the threads and/or posts belong to me. if i want them removed for whatever reason i should have the ability to do so. you have no right to deny a user their freedom over *their* content.
rulecucking like this is completely unnecessary and insane.
Replies: >>1018
By your own logic my posts belong to me, not you, so you don't get to delete them by deleting some thread you made three months ago; my replies, my content. I'm unsure why you're bringing up "rights" and "freedom" anyway, you sound like a clueless amerimutt.
kill yourself, fagmin
Replies: >>1098
the admigger has been deleting posts randomly, I'm sure this one will get the axe soon.

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Goodbye Origin.

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I've been playing with stable diffusion lately, here's what I've got.

I hope it's seen by anyone and this site isn't forgotten
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Nice pictures. Thanks.
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I've gotten some lewd AI artwork of my wife(2B)!
Our AI overlords seem to like fat pussies.
nah, they like whatever you prompt them to do
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here's my latest model's results. ah it's sad that no one really frequents this place

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I'll visit you in your dreams, /origin/.

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chibikki evokes a feeling
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complicated feeling
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quit drinking
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