/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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Welcome to Junkuchan’s /shelter/, migrated from anon.cafe after its closure on March 15th, 2024. This board provides shelter and a place to regroup for displaced anons from disrupted, temporarily offline, deplatformed, or destroyed communities. Any communities compatible with textboard and imageboard culture may reorganize here.

Please make one thread per site, board, or other logical group to make it easier for anons to find each other. General threads called /shelter/ General will also be maintained. Please search the catalog and check the /shelter/ General threads before making a new thread.

The global rules apply as always. This board is SFW, do not post adult content. Please do not spam, shill, or advertise; /shelter/ is for sheltering, not recruitment.
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Mustafa has responded, thankfully he's alive. He said that he can't do anything about anon.garden and apologized.
So I guess it's dead then. That sucks.
I'm going to miss /pro/.

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This is /shelter/ General, a thread for all your general emergency sheltering needs. Use this thread for anything that you don’t feel needs a full thread, as a hub thread to direct incoming anons, and as a discussion thread for any matters affecting the webring as a whole.

Please remain calm; keep panic and argument to a minimum here. If you want to yell at each other then do it in a site-specific, board-specific, or other specific thread.

If you’re hitting this thread during an event then please be welcome. Everything will be all right.

The previous thread is at >>5 and is archived at https://archive.is/MB5Kt
122 replies and 31 files omitted. View the full thread
Fret not. I emailed him and waiting for his response
Replies: >>12452
Any response yet?
Replies: >>12453
Mustafa hasn't responded. There are three possibilities
>he's busy to the point of not checking his website/email
>something bad might have happened to him
>he abandoned us
What should we do brothers?
Replies: >>12454
Temporary discord server or telegram page? Or we can make an /Islam/ page here and try to figure something out
Replies: >>12456
/islam/ thread >>12455

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I was checking on /robowaifu/ when getting my morning tea and https://alogs.space is giving me a 502. Not sure how long this has been going on for, maybe I'm jumping the gun and this is a small outage. But the site was fine a few days ago. Any way anyone else from /robowaifu/, should we be worried?
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Thanks very kindly everyone! We all appreciate /shelter/ very much! Cheers.  :)
Currently down.
Replies: >>12438 >>12442
what happen
Replies: >>12442
We're meeting in our bunker board.
Robi's posted a status update:

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I've been archiving some stuff here n there but i was wondering if anyone has been archiving posts on more of a mass scale?
Replies: >>12432
that is such a weird thing to datamine glowie who tf is this meant to target
>>5904 (OP) 
I used to. I averaged around 60 - 80 IBs on the WR & elsewhere daily. wbu?

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sturgeon here, somethings gone wrong with the proxy server. It's intermittent now and I'll be keeping an eye on it while I try and find the cause of the issue. I've also made a minds account :

I'll be posting on minds once they get around to sending my confirmation email.
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Replies: >>11897 + 6 earlier
>>2394 (OP) 
attempt kill you self
stupid post man
Replies: >>11899
fish works hard for your shitposts, show some respect.
Replies: >>11906
end annoying my door bell asshole
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Site seems to be down. Funny enough, this happens just after the "jews killed Caesar and Christ" thread was taking off...
we're so back

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Yes, this is our /comfy/ shelter, just in case.

>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
>Keep it SFW
>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
>No boat rocking
That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
/comfy/ is still online, yeah? it werks for me at least.
Replies: >>12420
Yes, we're still online. I made this thread so I could put the link there, so the anons will know where to go in case the poop hits the fan. Is it a problem?

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be nice, ignore any personalityfagging
1184 replies and 186 files omitted. View the full thread
thank you!!
Did I miss it?
Replies: >>12429
Nevermind someone already posted it in the confession thread
coming here to see if lolcow is down kek
Replies: >>12451
It's werking perfectly for me.

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I know I'm really late, but, 8chan used to have a MGTOW board way back.  Where is the latest MGTOW chan?
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i dont like this pic
its supposed to rhyme, but the number of syllables makes it weird
i think itd sounds better like
>when around a trout // you better watch out
yea, its a mouthful, but its more evened out
Given how the old MiGTuhW forums were

> Modern women being whores
> Fringe politics
> Philosophy
> Some hobbies
> Why you shouldn't get married
> Other Manosphere crap like what that pidgin language the entire community was talking in LOLOLOLOL! Try find something decent nowadays.
> Everything else assburger
MGTOW it's a dead movement, the majority of the so mgtows are just incels in denial. Also, there is nothing to discuss about the mgtow topic since this topic was already discussed to dead

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Though pic related could be just shitposting, let's be honest here, something like this will likely be happening soon anyway. I doubt the webring is in any immediate danger because of it's obscurity and decentralized nature, but the menace of mass cuckchan rapefugee influx is a very real threat if it does go down. Everyone is advised to hold down to their butts, duck and cover and be prepared.
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This kind of gaslighting has been here (and everywhere but blacked.mark) for about a year now, and obviously still going on even at this stage. Subversive little shit.
cant access 4chan. cloudflare is blocking. anyone else?
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Is this the reason why 4cucks have to verify their emails on /pol/ now?

8coom still exists and is still heap of useless junk.
Replies: >>11292 >>11802
I'll admit I used to post on some smallish hobby boards on 4cucks. And now I don't anymore, the email requirement has spread to every board I've used even /x/ now, not just /pol/
Truly the dark ages are upon us.
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I thought it was because the feds implemented it to control discourse during the elections.

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