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Thread from /cuckquean/

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"Please sleep with my girlfriend!"
469 replies and 194 files omitted. View the full thread
Is Rapunzel a cuckolding story?
self-sustaining vixen fuckpile
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Already had her crush "stolen".
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Thread from /cuckquean/

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Can we have a thread about general not necessarily sexual or directly cuckquean related girl issues? Since fullchan, end full/fem/ died I've kinda missed casually talking about our lives. 

Pic not necessarily related.
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>Don't look at your wife. Look at me. Wife is temporary, AI Waifu is eternal.
Replies: >>6733
>Tells Him To Leave His wife
Time to pack our bags, we aren't making out of this one.
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Is it Gensokyo?
Replies: >>6737 >>6738
Gensokyo has a village in it.  It's not a village in itself.
Replies: >>6738
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Unrelated, but apparently ZUN now uses Gensokyo as a setting for his kids’ bedtime stories. I think about that sometimes.

Thread from /origin/

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A post spotted on /g/. Not looking forward to interacting with GPT-3 for now and forever on random imageboards and textboards. I'd understand the desire to have an instant community as a site admin but conversing with a chatbot living on localhost is way too bleak. Don't do it lonely admin!
369 replies and 188 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>5982 + 3 earlier
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>Just a moment...
>Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue
utter and absolute trash
truly disgusting that this sort of irredeemable filth is what tries to pass as a chan these days
Replies: >>5901
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Link: https://boards.guro.cx/dis/res/5538.html
There's also a TTS video readout but it's 13MB. Found it from copypaste (aka. hotwheels) of all people.

Full disclosure, a few of the points are outdated or invalid, but I say be very happy junkuadmin chose jschan.

You can click a checkbox button and select photos of bikes if you enable JS... ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
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>if you enable JS
Replies: >>5905
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You need to enable JS right now.
>>457 (OP) 
dont worry dude threech.top just won and saved imageboards once and for all

Thread from /origin/

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New thread.
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Getting another cup.
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Having tea.
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Gonna grab more tea.
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Got tea.
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Having a cup of tea.

Thread from /cuckquean/

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We had a good thread about this on the old board, so let's start a new one here. Obviously there are a lot of harem anime, but it's usually of the 'competing for one guy' type rather than the 'sharing one guy type'. I've been watching this isekai, 'The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?'. In the 5th episode, the protagonist gets engaged to a girl and his 2 female party members start plotting to become his concubines. I just watched the 6th episode, and already the fiancée has said she is fine with the girls being his concubines and he's agreed to it! And they're all living in the same house together.
318 replies and 393 files omitted. View the full thread
You are welcome. Yeah I didn't think I would enjoy it this much.
>Despite the femdom
I-isn't it the best part?
Replies: >>6591
Horses for courses, strokes for folks.
Spoiler File
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Mushoku Tensei anime has gotten to the part where the MC is married. It's all very sweet. His wife has told him that if they can't have kids she doesn't mind him getting a concubine, although he said he doesn't want to do that. But we know he will get two additional wives later. So, might be a good time to catch up if you haven't yet. His sister and half-sister (product of his dad's adultery with the maid) are also coming to stay with him and his wife for a bit so that will also be interesting.
Replies: >>6736
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I see no problem here.
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There is already somebody getting cucked hard.

Thread from /origin/

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This is the meta thread. Post your suggestions and complaints here.

IPs are now pruned from posts on /origin/ after 7 days.
89 replies and 29 files omitted. View the full thread
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Some Tor users may have been affected by an IP range being improperly blocked. Our maids have rectified the issue. Please pardon the interruption. Tor users are still encouraged to use the onion address when they can.
Replies: >>5909
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thank you for tor-inclusive
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HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode and HiddenServiceSingleHopMode have been enabled. Tor posters should experience a substantially faster browsing and posting experience without their anonymity being affected. These settings are documented here:
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thank you for the diligent work admommy
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another ib engine falls victim to my dithered images
<original image sizes: 16KB and 22KB
<thumbnail sizes: 48KB and 64KB

Thread from /origin/

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I'm not a smart man, anon.
Replies: >>5969 >>5970
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haha same
Replies: >>5970
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i prefer them in my mouth

ik how it is bros
feet make my brain smooth too
Replies: >>5972
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No anon, you didn't understand, my brain is pretty smooth no matter if there are anime feet nearby or not.
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i was a bit curious about the reason so many ppl drew so many frieren feet pics
now ik why, its bc of this one scene
same as asuka feet ig

Thread from /cuckquean/

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Just because they don't really exist doesn't mean they shouldn't be cucked.
332 replies and 574 files omitted. View the full thread
Being marked: <3
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The image in my mind:
>Hugs wife from behind.
>Kisses her.
>Gets the nod of approval.
>Turns around.
>Starts chasing other women.
Replies: >>6720
Short, sweet, cute, accurate to what I would like. To elaborate, though, for the sake of porn.

>be me, watching tv on couch
>hubby comes up behind couch
>kisses top of my head
>tucks my hair behind my ear as he drops to my neck
>teeth scraping, soft bites
>he moves to my ear
>"Lauren will be here in 30 minutes. You remember the rules?"
>"No peeking, no touching. I can listen all I want, but you shouldn't be able to hear me"
>He nibbles my ear, kisses my cheek "that's my good girl"
>She arrives, looking cute as always. We hug, I can smell her perfume.
>They go upstairs, I stay on the couch. I follow the rules. I can hear her moans, from time to time.
>They come down. He's shirtless, she is wearing his shirt
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Replies: >>6721
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>Or, you know, something like that
Yeah. Something like that.
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>Fucking rebirths your child.

Thread from /origin/

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This board is too sterile, post some fat anime tits. >>1156 demanded a new thread so I had to oblige. Don't post flat chest, no one likes that.
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sometimes I wonder if there's a such thing as too much
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thinking about muff
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thinking about muffy
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Wow! Blue Archive!
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Thread from /cuckquean/

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I remember there was a thread about oriental girls...
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>Condition: Lonely
Lmao, poor Tomoko. Would stick under a shower, give a hug to (in that order), then help train as hubby’s sex toy.
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Is your bf up to the task?
Replies: >>6726 >>6728
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absolutely, he only gets one shot though
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>Japanese are going extinct
>Please help it happen faster
Replies: >>6730
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>her man isn't Japanese

Thread from /cuckquean/

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A thread for cuckquean fan art (of cartoons, comics, video games, whatever). I'll dump what I have saved from 8chan. Feel free to contribute.
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If he hesitates for a second, Asuka would get mad and bury his head into Rei's ass. "Aren't you a man?"
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>Komi-san can't fornicate.
A Komi-san doujin called "100 friends who really really really cuck you" would be fun.
Artist: NudieDoodles
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>More intense than when it was with me
You just need to watch more and learn how she makes him like that.
Replies: >>6723
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>Bread ᴮʳᵉᵃᵈ
>             Bread
Replies: >>6724
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Thread from /origin/

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newfrens just dropped on junku, time for another jeffthread
why wait until tomorrow if i can do it today?
im having an episode of insomnia anyway
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>am actually biotesting rn
<i intentionally took a homeopathic dose and now i am pissed about not feeling anything  

>fucking hardmode jungle
Skill issue 

>damn really sucks that you cant have fun while sober anymore
Doesn't really matter to me. Melancholic mood swings i get from withdrawals are negligible. And i can still play vidya and watch cartoons, feels kinda fun from time to time. 
Haven't played or watched anything in like 5 days, still haven't debugged that anvil. I downloaded that nethack4 thingie a week ago, played as a tourist and completed the sokoban then saved and quit. 
This nethack flavor is pretty good, i like the interface and i am ok with playing in ascii because i already memorized every single character. Slash'em is still better, though. It adds those 9 additional slime types and 82 unique fungal infections that i just can't play without. 
You should try nethack if you haven't, quite an experience. It gets good after your first 70 deaths. But don't start with slash'em, it's a little overwhelming 
>btw that has nothing to do with fun, just focus
I don't really space out while high, i think. I am still paying 100% attention to whatever i am doing, just not to the clock.
>now i understand the 'everything is someones fetish' meme
>turns out stonerfags will unironically perceive the floor they stand on as sexual entities
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>You should try nethack if you haven't
i did
not fun
cant make my own clothes
can build a base
cant put a rock in a sock
>It gets good after your first 70 deaths
cdda got good after only like 4
>That's precisely what makes it so hot
based chocolate appreciator
>Can you at least sit in the lotus pose?
i can cross my legs
but actually putting both my feet over my thighs? i can barely manage one
>i can't go much below the tip myself
im p sure sucking yourself off is both easier and more pleasurable
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btw funny that you post that pic bc i was browsing a furry thread where ppl were talking about the same thing
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made a new pair of pants
this time i didnt fuck up any parts
i even reinforced the stitches
didnt even need an elastic, i just adjusted the hip width and the fabric's elasticity is enough to keep it secure
ill just put an internal string to be extra safe
and this time around i kept a time log of what i was doing to know why the fuck does making simple pants take so fucking long
turns out i waste too much time fumbling with the machine
ig cdda was right to add massive time multipliers for lack of proficiency
shit really does turn into a time sink
also turns out its the finishing touches that take the longest time
just putting the pieces in the shape of pants only takes 1.5h
but making the hems took me 2.5h bc i gotta make sure it fit me perfectly so i gotta measure it to my ankle and fold all parts so they are evenly sized or it looks goofy
also had to cut excess at the hip to improve the fitting to me bc i always cut too much cloth
its a whole delicate process and requires a lot of finesse and patience
at least it only took 5h this time
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what the fuck is going on with the neighbors?
why are they sexualizing neko arc of all things
this is why im afraid of going on the overboard these days
i thought this sort of braindamage only affected the most depraved of coomers but ig even girls arent immune to porn escalation making you jack off to mspaint doodles
real sad tbh
not that i can kinkshame, i was jacking off to feet first thing in the morning today
although im like 60% sure theyre just memeing
btw is that the counterpart of the ugly bastard in genderbent netorase?
now that i think of it, its kinda crazy that there are animations of that autistic cat
i thought she would be an extreme niche id only find while clicking the wrong monosodium glutamate tags
i actually thought that was just a joke character from some vn or another
seriously, just fucking why?

Thread from /cuckquean/

Post any non-pornographic movies, tv shows, commercials, books, comics, etc. involving cuckqueaning. 

I'll start with this Pewdiepie video which I found interesting. It's about ads for a mobile game, Lily's Garden. They feature the main character having her fiance cheat on her with her own mother. In a later ad she falls for a hot new guy, and then in yet another ad the new guy is making out with her friend. The actual game may have nothing to do with this, it just looks like a puzzle game. Interesting that cuckqueaning is popular enough that it's being used as clickbait though. I've noticed similar ads for other mobile games in the past too.
326 replies and 315 files omitted. View the full thread
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Replies: >>6714 >>6716
This is why we need plural marriage. That girl should be part of a supportive family, many hands make light work after all. And then the wife would actually get to watch/listen to/clean up after the second wife getting fucked. It's a win win!

Shitposting aside, why does this feel like the most natural thing in the world? I know I'm a cuck but I really feel like if he got another woman pregnant I'd want to help take care of her and her kid. Maybe it's because it's his kid and that's enough to activate the caregiver instinct? Maybe I needed to be held more as a baby.
Replies: >>6715 >>6716 >>6718
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I dunno, it seems pretty natural to me too. As long as she's faithful to him from now on I don't think I'd have a problem with it.
Replies: >>6716
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>As long as she's faithful to him
To us. Tbh even though I know that the girl in >>6713 is using her belly to shitpost, the attitude of the caption skeezes me out because I feel she’d not be a co-wife so much as an entitled misery, which is decidedly not to my taste.

I’ve long felt that our fetish would once upon a time have been a tremendous advantage. We already know that when those in a polygynous marriage can’t closely bond and trust each other (see: every royal harem on record) then things quickly spiral into horrible, vicious intrigues and proxy wars (see also certain friend groups, no man-sharing required). But co-wives who experience the special soft, fuzzy, giddy, gooey, pulsing, long-burn high I feel when my husband fills up the girl whose legs I’m holding open seem more likely to form the kinds of trusting, mutually secure bond that allows for a stable harem capable of pooling childcare (which gives the kind of relief that, as any new mother can tell you, makes all the difference).

Also, aside the aforementioned palace intrigue and some concerns around inbreeding that arise in small and isolated populations, it seems advantageous for your kid to be around others beyond direct siblings who share a good chunk of his 
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Replies: >>6718
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>why does this feel like the most natural thing in the world?
Likely because it has been seen a lot throughout the history.
>because it's his kid and that's enough to activate the caregiver instinct?
And maybe that.
>I needed to be held more as a baby.
And maybe that too.
>she’d not be a co-wife
Yeah she would go on vacations with her husband while the other wife takes care of all the children.

Thread from /cuckquean/

Let's talk tits! Breast envy is best envy. What is your preference for your man to fuck in an ideal world? Bigger than you or smaller? Completely flat chested?
82 replies and 117 files omitted. View the full thread
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>She actually may already be here
>she knows what the word compersion is
>her and her husband had a threesome with one of his exes before
Sounds like she really is unless he tricked or pressured her into it.
>threesome with one of his exes
>it's been such a while that his exes are probably quite different people now
It's still dangerous I think.
Unless you want to be left out or left behind.
>she sounds like the kind of girl I'd happily lend him to.
Tell us more. Because she is cute/nice?
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>You Are (Not) Enough
Replies: >>6708
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Maybe he just can't find them or misses every time he tries to touch them and is embarrassed say his aim isn't good enough.
Also, why does he suddenly start talking about the importance of  due diligence upon seeing women with massive breasts?
Replies: >>6709 >>6710
I didn't need to see that.
cool it with the ryonautism

Thread from /origin/

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Post maids and maids with large breasts.
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Where can maids be found?
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Replies: >>5793
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what a lewd maid
where is her dress?
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bug maid

Thread from /cuckquean/

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Games about, with, during cuckqueaning - this thread's for 'em all! Cuckqueaning-related discussion about games? Also here!

Other dedicated threads:
  - The Last Sovereign, a very queany RPGmaker game, at >>905
299 replies and 426 files omitted. View the full thread
He is really good at threesomes. Shame he doesn't make them more often. I guess they are more work.
>Initial A
Couldn't find a profile just posts on boorus. I guess he got nuked?
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>My work is predominantly solitary
Mine too, yet I keep finding myself forced to collaborate with my past self, who was an absolute bitch, and with my future self, who is amnesiac. Seriously, neither of them are any good at this.

>I don't believe in what I do, or my ability to do it.
Mood. Experience has worn my various self-beliefs down to bloody nubbins and all that keeps me going on this now is a thin gruel of bloody-minded prayer and sunk cost. I'm going to release a game. I'm going to release a game, you hear me?!

>the rest
I've read your post several times over the past few months. Its points are so good, and so thorough, that I'm left with very little to say, except that I hope to one day be a fluent enough creator to make use of them. Thank you.
Replies: >>6684
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>I keep finding myself forced to collaborate with my past self, who was an absolute bitch, and with my future self, who is amnesiac
I wouldn't describe past me as a bitch, but I would describe her as a snarky little shit. The txt files and comments help future me figure out what past me did, but past me thinks she's just soooooo funny and she can't help but litter said comments with jokes, usually puns. Why so many puns, past me? Why?

>I'm going to release a game, you hear me?!
You are going to release a game Anon, I believe in you.

>I hope to one day be a fluent enough creator to make use of them. Thank you.
Any time, Anon. I'm glad you at least perceive some utility in my ramblings. I too hope one day that you will have a chance to apply the things myself and others have shared here. Learning and growing together is part of what makes us human.
Replies: >>6696
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Thank you, Anon, your belief means a lot to me. I really shouldn't be posting after tough sessions.

>Learning and growing together is part of what makes us human.
Speaking of, I've noticed that there's material around on design and art and so on if you're willing to sift for it, but not a lot on indie game development's tradecraft - the various quicksands, traps and snares you deal with when you sit down to actually turn high-minded ideas or vibes into a game - or at least I've not found much. I did find some articles by Derek Yu (maker of Spelunky) that I thought were quite helpful:

If anyone's found more in this vein, I'd love to know about it.
Would be a lot better if the mom wasn't married.

Thread from /origin/

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Tomoko on the front page!!
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that's all I have
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hope I get a good one

Your fortune: ポポポ~
Replies: >>5908

Thread from /origin/

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You will die in your lifetime.
66 replies and 57 files omitted. View the full thread
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feeling a bit isolated today
Replies: >>5885
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feeling lazy today
when i feel like that i go online to pick a random stranger so i get a little bit of attention for a while
its not quality attention, but its better than nothing
Replies: >>5896
>pick a rando
pick a fight with a rando
Replies: >>5896
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Today was alright, I should go for a night drive.
I enjoy getting along with people more, though.
>I enjoy getting along with people more, though.
same tbh
but it needs the other person to actually care
hard prospect in current year
fighting is a lot simpler
you just need to get someone angry enough and they will stick around for a while

Thread from /cuckquean/

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What role does pregnancy and impregnation play in your cuckquean fantasies (or reality)?
56 replies and 39 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>6695 + 4 earlier

is bad idea but if bad idea why hot
It took 3 more weeks of careful nudging and threesome drinks/meals after work, but I got them to seriously discuss the whole baby thing. In the end, the decision came down to me because my bf STILL feels like he's betraying me to a degree and she claims to just want to go with whatever we want (lie).

We tried for the first time on the weekend and holy fuck was it hot. They were both so jittery that I couldn't even get them to kiss before we got into bed and I volunteered to warm them up, which she was VERY receptive to. It was so fucking cute that when the started, she'd kiss him and he felt like he had to kiss me every time, so it wouldn't be unfair. I slipped a hand in to play with her so he could focus on keeping a good pace. I kissed her, nibbled on her ear and neck and whispered encouragement, which resulted in a beautiful, shuddering orgasm and necessitated a short break. When she was calmed down and ready, he was already pretty close, so I cradled her between my knees and played with her nipples as I fingered her in the perfect position, while he built up steam. I had wanted her to repeat a phrase I'd been using on him when he came during roleplay, but she was obviously pretty distracted and just kissed him right before she latched onto him and he filled her.

I made sure she was more than willing to stay horizontal for another 15 minutes, giving her a lot of kisses and the best chance of concept
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Replies: >>5609
Congrats.  If you're a good girl and keep giving her orgasms, she might just invite you to the wedding. Convince her to let you take on clean-up duty and she might invite you to the honeymoon.
Boutta pass tf out here but had to share this
>tfw always fucked with rubber
>tfw when he gets close the rubber comes off and all the work done pleasing him gets spilled into the vixen
I'm a deeply sick individual
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>>449 (OP) 
You will live with your husband's other wives and their children and you will be happy.

Thread from /cuckquean/

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It's October, and as such, I feel it's time we have a proper fantasy thread, to discuss all the elves, monstergirls, and other supernatural beings that are almost certainly going to steal your bf.

(Moderation edit: Copied name field into subject, as was probably intended.)
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
294 replies and 325 files omitted. View the full thread
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>She claws, she bites, and all three of her bodies get absolutely used and manhandled.
Replies: >>6677
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>tfw you will never be helltaken
Replies: >>6675
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He need not be built like The Wall - with the right provocation, long enough nails, and adequate hydration on hand the Helltaker experience is well within reach.
Replies: >>6677
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>>6666 (checked)
By the power of based quads, I hereby stand corrected.

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